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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A FOR MEMBER USE: Health Question Template

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    • DanaNM
      9056 posts Send Private Message

        The template below is intended to help give members background info that will help them to give advice and suggestions, particularly for health questions. Because rabbits hide symptoms so well, it is important to get a complete picture of the rabbit’s health! Please copy and paste the template below into your own thread and fill in the info. 

        If your bunny has not eaten or pooped in 12 hours, this is an emergency. Call a vet immediately!

        The answers provided in this forum are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

        Maintenance and Housing
        Is your bunny housed indoors or outdoors?
        Does your bunny live with other bunnies?
        If yes, are they bonded?
        If you rabbit spends time outside, are wild rabbits around?
        How much exercise does your bunny get per day?
        How often do you clean the litter box?
        How often do you groom your bunny?

        Is your bunny spayed/neutered?
        If so, for how long?
        If not, why not?
        Are you aware of reproductive cancer risk in females? If not, please read about it here.

        Pooping and Diet – Very Important
        What does your bunny eat normally:
        How much hay and what type?
        How much pellets and what type?
        How much veggies and what types?
        How many treats and what types?
        Anything else not listed?
        When was the last time your bunny ate? (If > 12 hours ago this is an emergency, contact a vet ASAP)
        What was the last thing your bunny ate?
        When was the last time your bunny pooped? (If > 12 hours ago this is an emergency, contact a vet ASAP)
        How did your bunny’s most recent poops look (round and firm, misshapen, small and hard, soft/mushy, runny, etc.) ?

        Illness & Symptoms
        How long have you had this bunny?
        In a few words, can you explain the symptoms?
        How long ago did you first notice these symptoms?
        Have you consulted a vet?
        Have you started any treatment for the symptoms?
        Was your bunny physically ill or injured when you got them?
        How has its behavior and appearance changed, if at all?

        Explain your situation in detail. (Please explain what is going on, include details from the beginning of the illness leading up to now)

        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

      • Addie105
        3 posts Send Private Message

          Hi everyone,

          This is my first time on a forum so forgive me if I’ve done it wrong. I need urgent advice please. I have a beautiful, prescious 7 year old house rabbit who is very ill. Christmas day we first noticed he wasn’t acting like himself, he was sitting hunched over almost rocking as he was breathing. He really went down hill and I realise he wasn’t eating and he hadn’t pooped. He refused even his favourite treats. We took him to the vet on call the next day and she said it was his stomach (basically GI stasis is how I took it) so she gave him fluids under the skin, an antibiotic injection and a shot of vitamin B12 to boost his appetite she said. We are to blend his pellets with carrots and leaves etc and syringe it into his mouth and give his some antibiotic for 3 more days. He completely did not improve but Dr Google suggested dioralyte to keep him from getting dehydrated so after a week of blankets, fires and TLC, by new year’s Day he really improved (half the rabbit he was, having lost weight and looking very dishevelled) he started pooping and eating less than normal but definitely eating and interested in treats again. Now the last 2 days he’s back to very unwell. He’s allowing us to put a blanket over him (not a hope usually) he’s begging for treats but completely uninteresting in it then when you give it to him. Yesterday I started giving him dioralyte again, but I really feel it’s his teeth that’s the problem. I think he wants to eat but it’s painful to do so. The vet I took him to was completely shocked that he was a 7 year old rabbit and said he was old and it could just be old age, she checked his ears and his teeth (only the front ones though I think) but I know there’s lots of life left in him. He’s completely Pampered, he’s my baby, there’s no kids in the house and he has the run of the place.

          I took a video of him after eating a peanut (his favourite) but I can’t seem to upload it, but it takes him ages to eat one (usually he’s like a shredder) and he’s drooling down the side of his face and chest, his mouth is opening wide and his jaw is almost going in circular motions! He’s actually making slurping, slobbery noises and drinking is the same, it all drips down his face and chest and he gets all flustered and starts flapping his paws to clean his face! He seems to be struggling with excess drool, and he’s almost chewing the cud even when he’s not eating. Please please please help me. Rabbits aren’t kept as house pets here in Ireland, they are left outside in hutches and forgotten about, I really don’t think I’ll get a vet that really has experience with 7 year old rabbits.

          Have you seen your rabbit do this? Any advice much appreciated.

          Thank you

        • Bam
          16986 posts Send Private Message

            Im sorry this is happening to you and your bun.

            I agree it sounds like a dental issue. He wants to eat, but he just can’t. It can probably be difficult to find a good rabbit vet in Ireland just now, due to the covid situation.

            The most important thing to do now is to keep him warm and to feed him. Pellet mush is good, but Oxbow Critical Care is a lot easier to use for syringe feeding. Carrot and greens are wholly optional, the important thing is fiber and protein like in good quality pellets or a rescue formula like CC. Depending on his weight you need to get quite a lot in him, and feed him every 4 hours or so, except during the night. Hydration is important too, so fluid replacement is also a good thing.

            He needs pain meds and he does need dental x-rays. He could have a general teeth problem, or it could be about injury of one or a few teeth.


          • Bam
            16986 posts Send Private Message

              I have sent you a PM.

            • Addie105
              3 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks so much for helping me. To be honest as I was writing my post and looking at my poor wee bunny I just thought this is crazy, you know it’s his teeth, ring the vet and so I am just back from the vet (his 4th visit since summer 2020, 4 different vets have seen him from the same practice). Today I got a lovely vet who has had lots of experience with rabbits (so thankful) she looked at him, looked at his history and had already decided before she seen him that it was his teeth (he had had watery eye issues in the summer and November time and I had him to the vet twice and whilst I thought it was teeth, I was told first conjunctivitis and then I was told blocked tear ducts that it was too late and he was too old to do anything about and was given eye solution to clean them daily) anyway he is on antibiotics and pain meds now and the vet is looking into x-rays and fixing his back teeth in the animal hospital of the same practice in a different location. So thankfully I think he’s on the right track now. So relieved they agree it’s his teeth and that he has pain meds! Thanks everyone! Just shows you should go with your gut, I should have pushed for his teeth to be checked back in the summer. We know our fur babies better than anyone 🙂 x

              • Bam
                16986 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh, lovely that you got to see a good vet! Fingers so crossed for his continued treatment!


                • Addie105
                  3 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank you so very much! I’m so thankful for my vet who loves rabbits as much as I do 🙂

                  • Emeli
                    13 posts Send Private Message

                      Hi guys, my name is emeli and I’m new to this. I’m not sure how to ask a question or create a forum or whatver I’m not sure but I need help. I just now was with my rabbit and I noticed he wasn’t going to his place to poop and eat his hay.. the thing is he eats his veggies, his treats and his grass but out of his potty place. He always goes but all of a sudden today he didn’t even try to go. He did in the morning but around 8 when I let him out he didn’t go at all. Later on around 10 I noticed he had actually bitten a cable from my wifi. It’s a broadband cable and it’s a LIVE cable. I’m not sure if he chewed it today or a few days ago. I need help as to if he’ll be okay or not. He is a young rabbit so he is really hyper active. When I didn’t notice the bite on the wire he was running around and binking. He’s drinking water, eating and pooping. Should I be worried or no? What should I look for? I’m scared to wake up and see that’s he’s dead..

                    • Bam
                      16986 posts Send Private Message


                        If a rabbit is hurt by gnawing on a cable you tend to see burns around the mouth.

                        WiFi cables typically only has very little electrical power in them. There are types that do provide electricity to the router they’re connected to. Those wires have 4 separately isolated wires inside them,  which you should be able to see if he has snipped the cord. (Its still of course a good idea to use a protective cord cover with your wifi cable because its annoying when the WiFi gives out and it also gets expensive to buy new cables.)

                        I’m not totally sure what you mean seems wrong with your bun, but the first thing I’d try would be simethicone baby gas drops. Rabbits can get a bit of tummy upset, and simethicone baby gasdrops can be a great help. They’re not taken up by the body, they just act in the GI canal and then they get pooped out. It’s a go-to first aid med for bun owners everywhere. You give 1 ml every hour for 3 hours, then less frequently.


                        • Emeli
                          13 posts Send Private Message

                            Where did you buy these drops? Do you have any idea as to how much they are? I think when I looked at the inside of the cable there’s was three strands. If he did bite it that day or even the day before there aren’t any serious signs. Only thing I’ve noticed today is that he’s been laying down a lot. On his tummy. I’m not sure if that means anything.. in the afternoon he wasn’t paying much attention to his hay. I had to hand feed him some before I put him in his cage. He’s a free roam rabbit so he has EVERYTHING AND ANY SPACE. He’s a really happy rabbit for the most part. He’s been running and everything. I’m just concerned.

                          • Emeli
                            13 posts Send Private Message

                              Someone just now said that he might’ve been shocked if he’s acting this way. If he did what will vets do? I’ve also forgot to mention that if I left pellets in his bowl will he eat them? If his mouth is hurt. I heard that if they’re hurt you have to look at his gums aswell. Make sure they’re not a different color.. how would burn marks look on him?

                          • Bam
                            16986 posts Send Private Message

                              I dont think a vet would do anything tbh, if there aren’t any treatable symptoms. My bun Bam once ate through a wifi cable and nothing happened except we lost our internet cx of course and had to buy a new cord. He lived for 6 more years.

                              Simethicone baby gas drops are sold in pharmacies and in places like Walmart, the baby aisle. There are many brands. They’re not pricey. It’s a good thing to keep in the bun first aid kit. I did a Google search and found these:

                              When a bun gets gas it can be painful and cause the bun to not want to move around. It is however important that they do move around so gas can get out. You can do a light bunny massage like in this video:


                              Is your bun producing poops?


                              • Emeli
                                13 posts Send Private Message

                                  Hi, so thankfully my bun bun is doing great today. I think yesterday he might’ve just wanted to relax. My parents let him out in the morning and they said he went to his litter box ASAP(Thats where his grass is). He was drinking, pooping, and peeing. As soon as I got up he was binking so he is well. Thank you.

                                • Emeli
                                  13 posts Send Private Message

                                    Also what brand of baby drops do you recommend? I see any and I’m not sure what would be the best for him. If I do the massage will I still have to buy the gas drops? I actually tried to do the massage but he kept moving  around and it seemed like he wanted to move away from me idk if he’s uncomfortable me doing that but.. yeah. Let me know! Oh and I haven’t cleaned his litter box. I plan to tomorrow since I’ll be restocking in his grass tmr. He did NOT go to his litter box later in the day is that why he may not be eating his grass?

                                • Bam
                                  16986 posts Send Private Message

                                    I use a brand of simethicone called Infacol. Brand names vary from country to country.

                                    It’s a good idea to clean out the litterbox so you can keep track of how much he poops and pees.

                                    If he doesnt want you to give him a massage, dont. Sometimes when buns have gas, they like getting a tummy massage.

                                    • Emeli
                                      13 posts Send Private Message

                                        Hey, guys. I replaced my rabbits Timothy hay with alfalfa hay. He’s started Timothy Hay since I got him so at 2 months. He enjoyed it but I read that alfalfa hay is the most important aswell as alfalfa pellets for when they’re growing.. Problem is he DOES not like the alfalfa hay. He eats the alfalfa pellets but not the hay. I’m not sure what to do because I’ve run out on Timothy hay. I’m wondering to see whether it’s okay for me to mix both hays or just stick to Timothy hay. Will something happen to him if I just feed him Timothy hay, his alfalfa pellets, and daily veggies? Please let me know.

                                    • DanaNM
                                      9056 posts Send Private Message

                                        If he is getting alfalfa pellets he doesn’t need alfalfa hay as well. It is actually sometimes hard to get bunnies to transition to timothy hay when they have only eaten alfalfa hay, so it’s really good that he likes his timothy. So as long as he’s getting plenty of alfalfa pellets I would just stick with timothy hay.

                                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                        • Emeli
                                          13 posts Send Private Message

                                            Would it be okay to feed him both? Unfortunately, I have a bale of alfalfa hay now so… I’m gonna need to waste it now. I’m going to the store to buy Timothy hay tomorrow. What is the perfect amount of pellets and veggies to feed a 4 month old rabbit by the way? I usually just grab a hand full of veggies(no spinach or any kale) usually just greens and 2 cups of pellets. He eats his pellets when I have to put him into his cage. He’s free roam but sometimes I have things to do and I can’t take care of him. I also feed him two little Timothy hay based treats. Apple and banana.

                                        • Emeli
                                          13 posts Send Private Message

                                            Haven’t been able to find anything lately on the internet. I see a difference in louies behavior. I’m concerned he may be sick or is in pain. Usually he’s very hyper active but for the past few days he’s been laying down, sleeping, biting the walls(I take him off), sneaking some cat food(1 pellets maximum). He’s always excited to get his daily veggies and snacks. He loves it so that’s good. The only concern I have is that he’s not very binky for the past few days and he hasn’t been running around like he used to. I’m not sure what’s going on. He bit a cable a few days ago and I’m not sure when he bit it but I’m not sure if that’s what’s causing this odd behavior. Am I just overreacting? These are my main concerns: He doesn’t head over to his litter box anymore(grass has been changed but even before that he didn’t go. He only goes to pee but no munchies on grass), he’s not as active, and he’s been laying down a lot.

                                          • DanaNM
                                            9056 posts Send Private Message

                                              Young bunnies shouldn’t really have treats, and it’s recommended to wait to introduce veggies until they are 12 weeks old. Then you want to introduce each type slowly, no more than 1 new veggie a week, because their digestive systems are still getting established. It’s most important to establish good hay eating habits at a young age, and too many treats and snacks can make them not want to eat as much hay.

                                              It’s fine to feed both timothy and alfalfa hay, but he should have plenty of timothy along with it. The timothy hay is very important for establishing their gut microbes and overall health.

                                              He could be changing behavior because he’s hitting puberty (more destructive, worse litter box habits, etc.). He could also be having some tummy upset from not having his timothy hay available.

                                              How do his poops look? If you are concerned with his health it would be best to have him checked out at the vet, especially since he’s so young.

                                              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                            • Emeli
                                              13 posts Send Private Message

                                                Louie is 4 months. I started to change his diet from only feeding him pellets to feeding him a few leaves of greens and Timothy hay. Nothing happened so that’s good. I didn’t give him treats until he was 3 months aswell. I actually am the one who’s more strict about giving him things because I don’t wanna hurt his tummy. It’s my sister and my mom who’s like to give him loads of sugar.. They get upset that I don’t give him a lot. I ended up buying this treats that have hay and are like cookies so that I could give him one in the morning and one at night. He loves them. Should I introduce let’s veggies, pellets and treats so that he can gravitate towards his hay? If so I will buy it will be hard to convince my mom. They’ll think I’m tryna start him… I’ll see what I can do. I made a thing where if he doesn’t eat his Timothy hay I’ll be forced to take him to the vet for a check up.

                                              • DanaNM
                                                9056 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Treats from well-meaning family members can definitely cause problems! I have counseled very sad owners whose children gave their bunny too much fruit and it got poopy butt and ended up with fly strike, which is truly horrifying. Unfortunately that bunny did not survive, so too many treats can really become a life or death situation.

                                                  Especially since he was having some possible tummy trouble, I would try very hard to convince your mom and sister not to give extra treats. One thing you could do, is put aside his ration of daily veggies, some of his pellets, and a single treat each day. Then who ever wants to can hand-feed anything from the daily ration when they would like to, but once that stuff is gone, that’s it for the day. That way everyone can bond with him and feed him a little, but it won’t get over done. Remind them that he is a baby, and that bunnies are meant to eat grass. Pellets and even veggies are rich compared to what bunnies are evolved to eat. It may help to think of treats as snickers bars. You wouldn’t want to give a candy bar to a baby, and even an adult shouldn’t eat many in a day or week.

                                                  It can be hard, but remind them that food does not equal love! Bunnies do love food, but they also love nose rubs. 🙂

                                                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                                  • Emeli
                                                    13 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Thank you Dana! I have some great news! I’ve put him on a different feeding schedule. Tell me if this sounds good to you! I’ve got these ideas from some fellow rabbit owners that are experienced from rabbits online. Not sure if you know the website but people from there told me I should feed him less veggies, less pellets, and less treats so I did! Now he’s feeding schedule is(so that he’ll gravitate towards his hay which he already has which is GREAT) Unlimited hay as it was before(I had to move his litter box as he wasn’t enjoying the spot it was in before. I didn’t move it too far I just moved it to the right of where it was and he likes it there and actually spent a whole hour and kept going in and out of it which is good. That’s what i wanted to see) 1/4 cup of pellets(once), less than a cup of veggies(usually fed around 12PM), and his oxbow treat(I break into pieces to give him more throughout the day instead of the whole thing). For the pellets is it okay to feed it at anytime or should I feed it to him towards the end of the day? Please let me know. I’d also like to add that his poop has changed too. It went from a dark poo to a light brown green poo from the inside. If that makes sense. I can snap a pic if wanted!

                                                  • DanaNM
                                                    9056 posts Send Private Message

                                                      That all sounds good to me, and sounds like healthy poops! 🙂 The timings are really your preference. Some people like to feed 1 big meal a day (pellets and salad), others like to do 1 smaller meal and 1 bigger.

                                                      The only thing I’ll add is that at 4 months he’s still growing, so he might need a smidge more pellets. I would just keep an eye on his weight and how he feels to you. If he feels a bit boney or too lean, increase his pellets by a tablespoon or so. Usually around 5 or 6 months buns can start having less pellets, but they do need the extra nutrients when they are growing.

                                                      . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                                      • Emeli
                                                        13 posts Send Private Message

                                                          He’s pretty chunky. He’s not boney at all to be honest. He’s not overweight though but he’s like a good weight and I can’t feel his bones extremely. I can feel them but not excessively. Since it’s really hot here right now I’ve been making him drink lots of water and I’ve been making sure I redirect him to his litter box. Umm, yeah. That’s all but if I do see that he needs more pellets I will take your advice.

                                                        • Emeli
                                                          13 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I’m having trouble with louie. For some reason he does not go to his litter box???? I have to manually put him in there and if I don’t he’ll just pee and poop somewhere else. Usually beside it or in the corner away from the litter box. He used to automatically go to his litter box in the morning and now he doesn’t??? Sometimes throughout the day he will go by himself but other than that I have to put him inside manually. I’m not sure why he does this. He isn’t neutered yet.. we’re waiting till he’s older. Mom recently moved the furniture around I’m not sure if he doesn’t like that things moved around or what but I can’t figure it out. I already changed his litter box and still nothing. Instead of putting him inside should I let him go inside on his own? I also wanna add that he has two litter boxes. One out in a corner where he usually goes and the other in his cage(he doesn’t spend all his time in the cage just in the night and sometime of the morning usually up until 8:30 or 9. Should I let him go at his own pace or what should I do??? It’s hard to look things up cause often nothing shows up. Anyways, let me know if you guys can help me.

                                                        • DanaNM
                                                          9056 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Hi Emeli,

                                                            I think since this is a new topic now, I think it would be best to start a new thread so it’s easier for people to follow. If you click “create topic”, it will allow you to start a new thread. You can just paste this info into that. 🙂

                                                            The idea with this template thread was that people would copy and paste the template into a new thread, but it has gotten a little confusing!


                                                            PS. all of that said, the short answer to your question is that your bun is likely hitting puberty, so litter box habits may be pretty bad until he’s neutered! But I still recommend creating a new thread if you’d like more tips on dealing with a hormonal boy bunny 😉

                                                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                                            • Emeli
                                                              13 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I’m sorry! Thank you!

                                                            • Kay&Nala<3
                                                              5 posts Send Private Message


                                                                I recently adopted a one year old bunny from the shelter about 2 months ago. And everything was great. I did everything you are supposed to do to have a happy healthy bunny. A week ago, I noticed she wasn’t pooping. She went 38 hours without pooping but she was eating like excited to get her salad. And finished it all every time I fed her.
                                                                she also acted the same and moving around the same.
                                                                I took her to the vet, they did an x-ray and saw no blockage. Even when they examen her they said she is a very healthy bunny. They injected her with fluid And sent her home with critical care and meds.
                                                                About 9 hours go by and she poops but it was a little smaller than usual. She pooped one more time then stop pooping for 10 hours.
                                                                now she is pooping but not like before. She is pooping less and I also noticed she is eating less hay.
                                                                I just don’t know what went wrong or have any answer to why she stop pooping.
                                                                And now I don’t know if her new eating and pooping habits is normal.

                                                                also wondering if I wasted a vet trip because she wasn’t showing any other sign of illness other than not pooping.

                                                                • Bam
                                                                  16986 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    I wasnt a wasted vet trip, because if a bun hasn’t pooped in 38 hours, its an emergency.

                                                                    What meds did you get for her?

                                                                    Did the vet look at her teeth at all? Sometimes when a bun suddenly wont eat as much as it normally does, it’s because of a teeth problem. You cant see the inner teeth of a rabbit without an otoscope, so it’s nothing you can check yourself.

                                                                    Does she eat hay?

                                                                • Kay&Nala<3
                                                                  5 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    It was an anti inflammatory medication

                                                                    the vet also did an exam on teeth and X-ray the teeth as well and everything is normal

                                                                    She has unlimited amount of orchard grass


                                                                  • Bam
                                                                    16986 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      I’m glad they examined her teeth. Something isn’t right though, if she’s eating and pooping less. Sometimes rabbits poop very little or not at all during daytime when they mostly rest. Are you still giving her the anti inflammatory?

                                                                      What is her daily diet like? And does she eat her hypotetisk? Its a bit difficukt to keep track on hay consumption because we serve it in unlimited amounts.

                                                                    • kikithebun
                                                                      2 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Hi everyone! This is my first time on the forum, but I was hoping for some advice about my bun. Earlier today, she managed to get into the trash and she was eating out of it. I’m not completely sure what she ate, but as soon as I noticed I took the trash away. I noticed that she was having watery poop, and she was having quite a lot of bowel movements. Her poops are usually very normal, so I knew something was wrong pretty quickly. Her temperament and activity is normal, but when I pick her up, her stomach sounds very “liquidy”, almost as if water/liquid is sloshing around in there. I’ve made sure to give her lots of hay, fresh vegetables, and water, I just wanted to see if anyone had any advice. Thank you all in advance for your help!

                                                                      • DanaNM
                                                                        9056 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Hi kikithebun,  if her poop was truly watery that sounds like diarrhea, which is a medical emergency. It would be best to get to the vet ASAP if her poops haven’t returned to normal.

                                                                          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                                                          • kikithebun
                                                                            2 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Hi! Thank you for the advice, I haven’t noticed any diarrhea this morning, but I also haven’t noticed her having any bowel movements at all. I am planning on taking her to the vet today to make sure everything is okay. Thank you again!

                                                                          • BunnyBabe
                                                                            5 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Hey everyone

                                                                              I am hoping to get some advice/opinions on two of my rabbits.

                                                                              1. The first rabbit is Peanut. She is a 5-year-old Netherland dwarf. As a lot of you probably know, based on “Netherland dwarf,” she is very moody. Healthwise, she has been great up until recently. I had to take her to the vet because she had scabbing on her mouth. After the vet insisted on several different treatments, I finally convinced him that she needed penicillin because it was syphilis. Since then, she has healed. However, when he cultured the bacteria on her mouth (which was directly after her dental surgery), he said that she had aggressive bacteria and put her on an antibiotic. I took her off the antibiotic after a week because she wasn’t eating, and after missing the first dose, she was back to eating. Now, however, she has a new problem. I got her a new cage, way bigger than the old one, and with it, I got her a cute pink bed. She loved it and was lying in it all the time. However, she is also using it as a litterbox. She still uses the litterbox, too, but mainly she uses the bed. I let her out to play with a new clean bed to see if maybe it was the new cage, and the same thing happened. Her pee looks normal, and she doesn’t seem to be in any pain when she goes. Her diet hasn’t changed any. She eats oxbow essential pellets, plenty of hay, and all of her veggies. Aside from a new cage, though, I recently got another girl rabbit in February. They don’t share a change and seem okay when they sniff each other through the cage. I don’t want to have to take her to the vet again for more tests because she has been through so much recently already.
                                                                              2.  The next rabbit is a 3-year-old holland lop. He is probably the sweetest bunny ever born. He loves everyone and all my bunnies (even the one that always growls at him). When he was a baby, he breathed really heavily but eventually, he seemed to grow out of it and was fine up until recently. About a month and a half ago, I relocated his cage onto the floor beside my other two rabbits, and he started snoring. It is a high-pitched whistling sound. I know its snoring because he stops if I say anything and wake him up. I took him to the vet, and the vet said he was fine as far as he could tell. For reasons I won’t get into, I have started to lose trust in this vet, so I am still concerned. So I have kept an eye on his nose to watch for discharge and have noticed it was a little damp. However, he recently started using a water bowl vs. bottle (his choice his cage mate uses one, so he started) and is still figuring it out and getting water everywhere. His front feet have no crusting. The only thing that changed for him when the snoring started was moving his cage.

                                                                              Anyway, money is really tight right now, so I was hoping to get some help before running to the vet. 

                                                                              • DanaNM
                                                                                9056 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  @BunnyBabe I’m going to start a new thread for you and lock this thread!

                                                                                  This was intended to be just for people to copy the template, so it’s gotten a bit confusing.

                                                                                  You can find your thread here:

                                                                                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

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                                                                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A FOR MEMBER USE: Health Question Template