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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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  • There were some poops!  But they wanted to keep him overnight.  Want him home, but running on fumes and not sure if I would be up to hourly checks and medications & force feeding.  Hopefully he start eating on his own tonight. Still so happy no surgery or decompression needed.
  • She tends to be a bit of a moray eel in how she reacts when something scares her. She tends to aggressively lunge at what ever is close, even if it is Dorian or me. Also very smell driven, I sort of wonder at her vision. She actually stomped her foot and got agitated when…
  • So glad to hear there’s been improvement! I don’t know about rebonding, I think there was a case here recently when the bun that had been hospitalized was kept in the carrier until the other bun had had the opportunity to check it out a bit. Maybe rub a towel on Miu, then on Dorian,…
  • They called, he has improved as far as his stomach isn’t as big and tight, they are discussing feeding him. Looks like he will most likely avoid any aggressive treatments. I get another update late afternoon, unless there is any changes. Here’s hoping the phone doesn’t ring until 3 – 5pm. I am worried about…
  • I hope he”ll pass it on his own. I would’ve gone to the ER too. A partial blockage seems likely, they cant always see it on x-rays, it most often occurs where the stomach empties into the small intestine bc the passage there is very narrow. If they have to they can try to decompress…
  • Ended up taking him to emergency vet.  Currently waiting for them to call me. He had a huge gas bubble and lots of liquid in stomach based on xray.  No visible blockage, but can’t rule it out. They were hoping he would be able to pass on his own,  said the would call me immediately…
  • I’m very sorry Dorian isnt well. The stress of getting in the carrier sometimes make things start to move, if indeed it is gas. He cant be allowed to just lie down and not move, but you should of course not chase him. The gas needs to come out. He probably needs rehydration, sub q…
  • You would think it would get easier,  but it doesn’t.  Similar to his last one a heat wave set off a really bad molt and now Dorian has been not eating and is progressively getting worse. I just gave  him his 2nd dose of metoclopramide and metcam. I have tried to get him to move…
  • RE: the vet appt, make sure both rabbits go to the vet, as taking only one can break a bond since the departing rabbit comes back smelling very different. There are a number of possibilities for the behavior, but in general, just keep in mind we are humans and they are rabbits, so how we…
  • Reply To: Spaying? - Wick & Fable 07/24/2024 01:11 PM
    My recommendation is to have both spayed– this is not only crucial for longevity and for their individual behaviors, but also because regardless if they are related or not, a pair of rabbits where at least one is intact (i.e., not spayed/neutered) significantly increases the likelihood that they will not have a stable, long-term bond.…
  • Reply To: Spaying? - Bam 07/23/2024 09:53 PM
    I’m sorry you lost your Oliver. The bun mom might feel protective about her kit. She could still be feeding it, even though the baby is probably also quite a bit on its own. She’s still dealing with some mom-hormones and she’s in a new environment that probably doesn’t resemble her old home. If she…
  • Bunny starting to act strange towards other bunny - WillowAndPepper 07/23/2024 09:35 PM
    Hey everyone So I have 2 bunnies, Willow (female, 8 months old, spayed) and Pepper (male, 3 years old, neutered) and they have been fully bonded for around one month and a half. They live together fully and are fully free-roam. The bonding process was a bit rough, I had to use the stress bonding…
  • Spaying? - Oliver The Bunny! 07/23/2024 07:43 PM
    I recently lost my little bunny Oliver, he is my whole heart and I was having a hard time without him. I went to the county fair with my horse and saw a baby bunny for sale in the rabbit barn. The mom was also being retired and needed a home. I decided to take…
  • Reply To: Senior Rabbit Diet - Love my bun 07/23/2024 09:56 AM
    Oh good! That’s great news… I have continued to feed Oxbow Senior pellets for a few weeks now 🙂
  • Reply To: Senior Rabbit Diet - Love my bun 07/23/2024 09:56 AM
    Thanks for sharing! Glad I switched…
  • Reply To: Bunny loosing weight - Bam 07/23/2024 09:03 AM
    It’s great that he is eating. There could be some sort of malabsorption that stops him from gaining, in which case support formula would be a good idea. These formulas are made for easy uptake, so the body doesnt have to work so hard to get to the good stuff. Your bun is a big…
  • Reply To: Bunny loosing weight - Em 07/22/2024 07:52 PM
    You say he had x-rays previously which showed elongated tooth roots and a weepy eye – how long ago was this, and has he had any repeat scanning since? One of my previous rabbits had this and it eventually developed into a very nasty tooth tooth abscess. So if he hasn’t had any repeat scanning…
  • Reply To: Bunny loosing weight - Love my bun 07/22/2024 02:01 AM
    Update: I have tried feeding Bun the Sherwood recovery food, Oxbow CC, and Emeraid all at diff times today. The only thing he will readily eat is the Emeriad Sustain in treat from (so I syringe him extra water afterwards). So Emeraid it is! He did try to eat a little hay but wasn’t into…
  • Reply To: Bunny loosing weight - Sasha 07/21/2024 06:20 PM
    Thank you for your reply! I’m also thinking this is going to be teeth related, it’s just confusing that his teeth were alright this time. But from the past X-Ray he had, his upper molars roots seemed to be alightly overgrown (his right eye is more teary because of that), but since the only solution…
  • Reply To: Bunny loosing weight - Love my bun 07/21/2024 06:17 PM
    Very true! Bun was even refusing the Emeraid via syringe but ate a pretty good sized portion of it overnight in his dish. I did try that the night before with the Critical Care to no avail. Just picked up some Sherwood recovery food from the vet to see if he takes to that one.…