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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A would like some insight about Maybe Rocky staying a single bun

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    • 5cats1bun
      240 posts Send Private Message

        It’s just now that he has his space back to himself, the cats or even the guinea pig he seems kind of aggressive with but ok with them when they are on my bed in another room. does this sound like he really wants it to be his and his only space? It’s starting to seem it to me (I will have to come to the realization of that as well!), I suppose also it;s the fact that it’s new again to have his space back. I just remember on another sight I had mentioned how he would pull his fur out (he was check and fine) and everyone thought it was cuz he needed a friend. he is not into toys much, occational key tossing or chase games. I got to tell you though not that I wasn’t appreciative of rabbits with all the babies as I adored them all but with Rocky being happy by himself and even doing binky’s in the morning when he sees me, i have a whole new appreciation of Rocky again!he get to show his colors again if u know what I mean

      • MarkBun
        2842 posts Send Private Message

          It’s hard to tell. It is possible that he wants to be an only bun or maybe he wants a fellow bun that he can boss around a bit and become bonded to. I’d suggest the dating thing at a local shelter and see how he acts with other buns in neutral territory. He might want to have a friend.

        • 5cats1bun
          240 posts Send Private Message

            I’m thinking I might wait a couple months and let him have his space back again then maybe bring him to the shelter for dates. Really bummed though cuz the shelter I wanted to adopt from won’t let me do the dating thing and the rabbit rescue is a bit out of the way (and i don’t drive). So maybe in the spring it will all work out and god knows there is all those easter bunnies so he will have plenty of options. I think you might beright about the wanting to be the bossy bunny though. I never would have throught him the type until I had the rescues around, he is so gentle and loving with me!!

          • Scarlet_Rose
            4293 posts Send Private Message

              well Amy it sounds like you have your answer, let him be and have his space again and see in a few months time. By all means you need to appreciate your bun and enjoy him too. With the fosters in the house, things were a bit crazy with him.

            • 5cats1bun
              240 posts Send Private Message

                exactly! I think it would probably to soon for both Rocky and I to all ready try and bring another bun into the home. I feel so happy with it just being him and seeing his change in attitude as well! warm fuzzies inide kind of happy!!

              • Scarlet_Rose
                4293 posts Send Private Message

                  That’s awesome Amy, you’ve got a special little guy!

                • 5cats1bun
                  240 posts Send Private Message

                    I do I do! he does have his teeth thing and all, but I forget sometimes how lucky i am just with his sweet little personlity and how he is with me, seems a lot of other have troublesome buns! He is just the perfect little guy

                  • MarkBun
                    2842 posts Send Private Message

                      I know the feeling Amy. After all of the angst of the bonding, I let Maryann have free roam of the living room first for 2 hours (then Dono the next two). I sometimes feel that she’ll just hate me for the rest of her life. Then, while I am lying on the couch watching TV (can’t do much else due to my back injury), she hops on up after a few minutes to see what I am up to and if I don’t give her her pets, I get the nip. And once she gets the pets, she grooms me back.

                      Even after all the ‘torture’ she still loves me.

                    • MooBunnay
                      3087 posts Send Private Message

                        I think its always a good idea to let a bun have a chance at companionship – I have a single little boy now that I am really debating getting a girlfriend for, just because I hate to see him lonely (though, that would bring my count to 8 and I don’t know if I could handle that!) Rocky may be more territorial at the moment because of all the other bunny scents still lingering around, and he feels that he has to “re-claim” his territory.

                      • Beka27
                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                          you’ll know what is best for him.  isn’t is awesome how after all this commotion (while worth it because you saved the lives of some lucky buns), you’re just so appreciative to have him?  i love having Mead to myself, i think i’d miss the closeness if i bonded her.  i like your idea of giving him a rest for a few months for things to calm down.

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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A would like some insight about Maybe Rocky staying a single bun