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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! White Snow (My second new bunny)

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    • Thekillergreece
      86 posts Send Private Message


        As some of you know, I had lost my first bunny pet during surgery to spay her. She was 2.5 years old and she could not handle the anesthesia procedure. There were already risks involved prior surgery so it was a risk I had to take. I gave a go-ahead because I wouldn’t stand seeing my pet having uterus cancer and be in incredibly pain. I am sure she is running free in bunny-heaven. That was in 24th January 2017, an unforgettable day.

        I was heart broken for months. Not days but months. I would fail my exams at school but my teachers understood my problem and raised my grades regardless the poor scores in exam.

        In April, 18th, I decided to adopt a new bunny. I had to throw the old cage my previous bunny used to own because that would only bring me sad memories. I bought a new cage.

        So, I visited a nearby PET SHOP and I asked for a bunny. There was only one bunny available for adoption and the employee pointed to my left where the bunnies reside in cages. The cages were in good condition and I was searching for the bunny. Where is it? Oh, I found her. She was lying in her litter box! Oh, that’s not the reason how I failed to spot her that instant. She is sooo tiny! She was 3 months old. I never raised a bunny from that age. Remember, I adopted my first bunny when she was one year old from my close friend. Now, this new bunny is only 3 months old!

        A fur ball, white fur with few black spots on her back, black fur on her left eye, BLUE eyes. She was staring at me, concerned who was I. I couldn’t say no to that face and I definitely wouldn’t say no to those eyes. I adopted her.

        I brought her home, opened the cage and gave her food. I let the cage open. Of course, I had my doubts if she would know how to jump out of the cage for a very good reason you will see below.

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        It was a tiny fur ball!!! Very cute, don’t you think?

        Next issue: Boy or girl? The employee did not know if it was a girl or boy and told us that we have to wait until it becomes 6 months old. Of course, I had my doubts. In three days, I brought her to the veterinary (The same vet where my first bunny passed away) and the employees were sooo stunned to see her beauty and checked her up, treated it’s nails and all that. From that then, we were told it’s a GIRL. Then I needed 2 days to find out her name. I decided to call her “White Snow” and it DID fit her. I asked the vet when I could spay her, they told me I should wait until she becomes 1 year old at most.

        All such stuff were in April. It’s September now. She’s 8 months old now. Months passed. She needed 1 FULL month to learn how to jump OFF the cage. I had to help her out by picking her up. Unlike my first bunny, she is far more relaxed and trusts me more, often laying right next to my legs, floppy, floppy. But, she really hates being picked up! But, she loves me a lot. Everyday kisses. Every. Day. Kiss. Kisses. My legs, hands, my belly (ouch), my nose. Kisses.

        Now, see the big differences. 3 months to 8 months old. – 3 MONTHS – 8 MONTHS

        Thanks for reading

      • Boston's Mama
        1452 posts Send Private Message

          Aww she is adorable welcome White snow and welcome back the killergreece

        • CottonBall
          29 posts Send Private Message

            Aw White Snow is adorable!

          • Bam
            16981 posts Send Private Message

              Hi thekillergreece!

              White Snow looks beautiful but I can only see the pics in your first link, the other two links don’t seem to work. I remember the sad story about Aphroditi’s spay and how you were always so concerned about her well-being when it was hot where you live. I’m glad you found little White Snow. Bunny kisses are the best!

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          Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! White Snow (My second new bunny)