
OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS.  SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED.  We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. 

You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. 

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • BB Administrator
      392 posts Send Private Message

        We love our brand new members, but we may not always be able to get to every post to reply.  So it was suggested that we create a thread each month so that everyone can be welcomed-can welcome several new people at a time!  That way no one is left out, by their little lonesome, in a single post if the forum mods and members could not get to all the welcome posts.  You are important to us.  

        Plus, this also may make it easier for us to refer back to a new members post if we want to.  (Instead of it getting lost down to the next few pages as more posts push everything down)  

        It’s worth a try — let’s see how it goes.

        Welcome to The BinkyBunny “House Rabbit” Forums!  We are happy you decided to join us! 

        Please don’t feel offended if your introduction post does not receive responses. Our community can go in waves to welcome people as other sections get busy.  This welcome section is more about reference and we appreciate being able to come back to this section to learn about someone when they posted in another section. It’s a great way for us to get to know you.  

        NOTE: You don’t have to be a brand new newbie to post here. If you haven’t introduced yourself or you introduced yourself elsewhere before with questions, then just repost here so we can get to know you again. 

        Be sure to stop by the Forum Rules & Guidelines to understand the tone and culture of our community.

        Please post a little something about yourself and/OR, at the the very least , about  your rabbit(s).  This makes it easier for us to recognize you and be of help when you post comments and questions in the rest of the forum.  

        Rabbit Info: 

        1. Rabbit names:
        2. Rabbit Age:
        3. How long has your bunny been with you? 
        4. Spayed/Neutered? 
        5. Rabbit Personality Traits (Calm, Diva, Naughty, Feisty, Sweet etc) 
        6. Include a photo of your bunny if you can. 

        We’d also love to know more about you, (but it’s okay if you’d rather just stick to info about your bunnies).

        Do not give out personal identifying info, like full name,address,email, ph# etc

        1. Are you new to rabbits or have you been a bunny slave for a long while now? 
        2. What made you choose to have a rabbit companion in your life? 
        3. Anything else that you’d like to share – hobbies, interests, talents.
        4. When you get a chance – fill out your profile info.    (We are still working on those- but you can still fill out the bios and upload photos to your photo album.)


        IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL  MEMBERS :  To prevent posts from getting sidetracked with questions that should be posted in other forums, please use this section ONLY  for Introductions and Welcome greetings.  If you have any further questions or comments regarding rabbit care or more “loungy” stuff, please post in the appropriate forum. 

        We will also be moving some posts TO and FROM this section as we feel appropriate.


      • Daisy
        199 posts Send Private Message

          You know, for a thread made especially for welcomes it is awfully empty and surrounded by individual welcome threads. :’) Let me give the right example! Hi! I’m Daisy. Well, I’m not actually Daisy, but this profile is named Daisy. That was the name of my very first and long passed bunny, so I thought it’d fit. I’m from The Netherlands and while I’m a biologist I’m now working with artificial ecosystems instead (read: Computers) in the form of big data.

          Rabbit names: Muffin (unfixed doe) and Monster (fixed buck)
          Rabbit Ages: 4 and 1.5 years respectively
          How long have your bunnies been with you: Since February 2018, I got them as a birthday gift to myself
          Spayed/Neutered: Monster is fixed, Muffin is not
          Bonded: Yes, they were already bonded when I got them

          What do they look like: Okay first off, trying to describe breeds and colours in English is a pain in the ass. XD Litterally translated Muffin is a japanese mix and Monster is a marter mix, but that doesn’t get you anywhere now does it. Now, let me do an attempt in English: Muffin is a medium sized (3 kg) beige/grey harlequin mix lop and Monster is a small sized (2kg) grey/black sable mix lop. Monster does have the typical “fire glow” (vuur gloed, he has red pupils you normally see on pictures with flash, but he even has it in real life) in his eyes that is seen in sable (marter) rabbits.

          Rabbit Personality Traits (Calm, Diva, Naughty, Feisty, Sweet etc): Muffin is the dominant one in the relationship and very social. She will always come right up to people, even strangers, to see what’s up and if there’s treats around. She’s however not very adventurous. The buns often get to free roam through my appartment, but she never went past the living room and only when I put down blankets, because queen Muffin will not step foot on my flooring (it’s a type of wood…Laminaat. I have no idea what the Eglish term is). She will jump from blanket to carpet to other not-floor-object. :’) And if she is on the carpet and there are no “islands” to help her get off it, she will be an annoying little $*&! until I help her get back to her pen.

          Monster will tolerate you and will come check you out every now and then, but prefers going his own way and doing his own thing. Which is adventuring and getting himself in trouble. He has bit a hole in my backpack and ate my grapes, smushed himself under the (very tiny!) area under my couch ate parts of the cushions, climbed into furniture, onto the window frames and ate parts of my beloved Monstera. Because Muffin was so dominant and social when I met them I thought he’d be the dumb little guy but oh boy was I wrong. He’s actually much smarter than Muffin, but Muffin can pretend being smart very well because she reacts to people so well and I think her eyes are much better than Monster. I sometimes have the idea that Monster does not see well, because I catch him weaving his head and he takes forever to find treats compared to Muffin. He has also ran into things multiple times already.

          How did you get your bunnies: Yes, another extra question. 8D I got Monster and Muffin at an adoption center. They came in seperately; Muffins owner was moving abroad and Monster lost his mate and got lonely. They both got so lonely and depressed while at the adoption center, they decided to put them together and they have been in love ever since. When I got at the adoption center Muffin came running right up to me being all like “Oh hi human! 8D” and I was sold instantly. Monster is lucky to have such a charming girlfriend, haha. I really grew to love him as well now that I know how smart and full of character he is in his own way. He’s much more fun to watch than Muffin, who prefers parking her ass somewhere cosy and just lounge around most of the time.

          Are you new to rabbits or have you been a bunny slave for a long while now: Nope, I’ve had rabbit since I was around 12 years old. My first bunny was Daisy who I got from my grand father – to much dismay of my mother haha! She was bonded with Misty – her sister and the rabbit of my sister. When Misty passed at 2 years old my sis got Nicky to replace her. We were idiots and had no idea about properly bonding, so they lived as single buns for the rest of their lives. They were living outside though, so Muffin and Monster are my first indoor bunnies.

          What made you choose to have a rabbit companion in your life: I like my pets to be furry, I prefer prey animals over predators, I’m not into cuddling with animals, I don’t have the time for dogs or horses, I’m not a cat person, I like larg(er) animals and I like them being fun to watch and interact with. Doesn’t that basically sum up rabbits?

          Anything else that you’d like to share – hobbies, interests, talents: Uhm, horseback riding and drawing are my main hobbies. My interests are skulls: I like drawing them, collecting them, displaying them, studying them…I used to research the biology of bones so I guess that’s just a thing left from the past. I also like anything deer or horse related and I collect horse heads. Not real ones (I saw you going D8), just sculptures. Although I’d love to have a horse skull. I also like going to fantasy events and concerts! My current concert wish list is Sabaton for the second time, Dope, Raubtier/Hulkoff, Five Finger Death Punch for the 3rd time, Battle Beast, Elvenking…Yeah I’ll stop there else this wall of text will turn into a mountain of text. My favorite concerts so far have been of Sabaton and Disturbed.

          Why I’m here? I don’t know. I just like talking about bunnies, haha!

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            Big Welcome to you, Monster and Muffin! They are gorgeous! Very unusual markings, they make a lovely pair. Would love to see more pics of them.

            I agree, it does sound like Monster has vision problems, sadly. I recently lost my 11 year old little man who was completely blind and those symptoms sound like when he was going blind.

            I also love buns and horses. I’ve had horses all my life until my Morgan passed away a year ago. I now just have a little firecracker of a pony.

          • chubbybuntimber
            9 posts Send Private Message

              Bunny Name: Timber
              Bunny Age: 1.5 years
              How long has your bunny been with you? his whole life
              Spayed/Neutered? Yes
              Personality Traits (Calm, Diva, Naughty, Feisty, Sweet etc) an affectionate but naughty boy. he likes finding small spaces or running around (including into walls.) he spends most of his time being fat like most rabbits do.
              Are you new to rabbits or have you been a bunny slave for a long while now? I’m pretty new, he’s my first bunny.
              What made you choose to have a rabbit companion in your life? I was actually going through a tough period of depression, and he gave me a sense of comfort and purpose.

              my profile is fully filled out as well!

            • CrymsonRed
              16 posts Send Private Message

                Rabbit names: Queen Hasenpfeffer aka Bon-Bon (doe?) and Weißer Tod (buck?)
                Rabbit Ages: 9-12 months old. We think todd is slightly older.
                How long have your bunnies been with you: Just over a week.
                Spayed/Neutered: Not yet but they both will be.
                Bonded: They seem to get along great so something is definitely in the works- after the procedure.

                What do they look like: Queen Bon Bon is a mini lop. She’s a mix between all white and chinchilla colored fur. I’m not sure what that’s called. Todd is a REW.

                Rabbit Personality Traits (Calm, Diva, Naughty, Feisty, Sweet etc): Bon-Bon is a bit lazy and is such a diva. She’s very particular about how her furniture and hay are arranged and she spends hours arranging it. Todd is very adventurous and enjoys exploring. He’s always very friendly and I think he understands that we rescued him because he immediately started to binky.

                How did you get your bunnies: Bon-Bon we got at a pet store and she had not been there for very long. She had not become adjusted to the surroundings and was a bit skittish. Todd however had been at the pet store for over a month and I just felt for the guy, knowing REW are rarely given forever homes.

                Are you new to rabbits or have you been a bunny slave for a long while now: This will be my 6th & 7th rabbit. My first bun Professor Harriet “Bunnie” Kauffman I got as a graduation present when I was 18. Sir Thumps-a-Lot “Lil Bud” I got a year later and he passed away a couple years ago at about 7 years old. I adopted another bunny from a coworker about 4 years ago but I gave him to a family friend. He’s now a show bunny and he’s loving life.

                What made you choose to have a rabbit companion in your life: Honestly, AFI “Miss Murder” I saw the black buns hopping up to Davey and I fell in love. Also they are similar to cats but they actually like you. (lol, jk)

                Anything else that you’d like to share – hobbies, interests, talents: I work in mental health so when I get home I really just enjoy being with my furry family and fiance.

              • LBJ10
                17091 posts Send Private Message

                  Welcome to BB!

                • ThorBunny
                  824 posts Send Private Message

                    Welcome Monster, Muffin, Timber, Bon-Bon and Todd! All the beautiful bunnies.

                    Feel free to spam us with pictures, we are addicted to bunny pictures here

                  • GipsAndLenn
                    25 posts Send Private Message

                      All of your rabbits sound amazing!

                      Hi, I am GipsAndLenn and these are my buns!

                      Rabbit names: Gipsy And Lennon

                      Rabbit Age: Gipsy and Lennon are both 2 years old.

                      How long has your bunny been with you? Both my buns have been with me since they were 8 weeks old.

                      Spayed/Neutered? Gipsy is neutered but Lennon is not spayed.

                      Rabbit Personality Traits (Calm, Diva, Naughty, Feisty, Sweet etc) Gipsy is a sweet, calm, naughty-ish but lovable bun! He’s my little man! Lennon is also very sweet but a bit feisty! She loves to dig whenever shes allowed to. Gipsy is not so much of a digger but, he enjoys lying in the sun and running round my room!

                      They are bonded Flemish giant x Norwegian dwarf. I know, very odd breed mix, dwarf with giant!

                      Gipsy is brown/ light brown (camo patterned as I like to call it!haha)

                      Lennon is brown/ gray/ white/ black and  ginger,  tortoise patterned bun!

                      Haha, Daisy, same! I love to rattle on about my rabbits too!



                    • Bam
                      16995 posts Send Private Message

                        Welcome to BB, Gipsy and Lennon!

                        They really must look wonderful together!

                        This thread is really old now though, and many of the members from that time are nolonger active. We used to have a monthly welcome thread, but that was before the big forum update. I’ll see about starting s new thread for 2021 (theres not much left of Nov 2021 now)



                      • GipsAndLenn
                        25 posts Send Private Message

                          Good idea, I will watch out for the new thread!

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                      Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! WELCOME THREAD – MAY (MAY Newbies post here!)