
OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS.  SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED.  We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. 

You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. 

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • BB Administrator
      392 posts Send Private Message


        We love our brand new members, but we may not always be able to get to every post to reply.  So it was suggested that we create a thread each month so that everyone can be welcomed-can welcome several new people at a time!  That way no one is left out, by their little lonesome, in a single post if the forum mods and members could not get to all the welcome posts.  You are important to us.  

        Plus, this also may make it easier for us to refer back to a new members post if we want to.  (Instead of it getting lost down to the next few pages as more posts push everything down)  

        It’s worth a try — let’s see how it goes.

        Welcome to The BinkyBunny “House Rabbit” Forums!  We are happy you decided to join us! 

        Please don’t feel offended if your introduction post does not receive responses. Our community can go in waves to welcome people as other sections get busy.  This welcome section is more about reference and we appreciate being able to come back to this section to learn about someone when they posted in another section. It’s a great way for us to get to know you.  

        NOTE: You don’t have to be a brand new newbie to post here. If you haven’t introduced yourself or you introduced yourself elsewhere before with questions, then just repost here so we can get to know you again. 

        Be sure to stop by the Forum Rules & Guidelines to understand the tone and culture of our community.

        Please post a little something about yourself and/OR, at the the very least , about  your rabbit(s).  This makes it easier for us to recognize you and be of help when you post comments and questions in the rest of the forum.  

        Rabbit Info: 

        1. Rabbit names:
        2. Rabbit Age:
        3. How long has your bunny been with you? 
        4. Spayed/Neutered? 
        5. Rabbit Personality Traits (Calm, Diva, Naughty, Feisty, Sweet etc) 
        6. Include a photo of your bunny if you can. 

        We’d also love to know more about you, (but it’s okay if you’d rather just stick to info about your bunnies).

        Do not give out personal identifying info, like full name,address,email, ph# etc

        1. Are you new to rabbits or have you been a bunny slave for a long while now? 
        2. What made you choose to have a rabbit companion in your life? 
        3. Anything else that you’d like to share – hobbies, interests, talents.
        4. When you get a chance – fill out your profile info.    (We are still working on those- but you can still fill out the bios and upload photos to your photo album.)


        IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL  MEMBERS :  To prevent posts from getting sidetracked with questions that should be posted in other forums, please use this section ONLY  for Introductions and Welcome greetings.  If you have any further questions or comments regarding rabbit care or more “loungy” stuff, please post in the appropriate forum. 

        We will also be moving some posts TO and FROM this section as we feel appropriate.


      • 10sace
        10 posts Send Private Message

          Just joined the forum today, but have been reading all AWESOME information this site lends to us Our gorgeous little rabbit is called GEMMA
          She is a Netherland Dwarf. 
          She just turned 6 months old on Feb 26th. She’s been with us for 5 months.
          She just got spayed yesterday and she’s hurting (so sad to see, but she’s a trooper xoxo)
          She is definitely a binky bunny!! She likes to chill BUT she can certainly turn the heat and do moves that a snow boarder would be jealous of
          This place a wealth of information THANK YOU

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            Let me be the first to officially welcome you to BB!!! Gemma looks like a real little doll. ((((Speedy Recovery Vibes))))))

          • Harley&Thumper
            444 posts Send Private Message

              Such an adorable little floof

            • LBJ10
              16999 posts Send Private Message

                OMG, so cute!!! Welcome to BB!

              • Bam
                16951 posts Send Private Message

                  Welcome to Binky Bunny! Gemma is so cute. Speedy spay recovery vibes (((((Gemma)))))

                • Vienna Blue in France
                  5317 posts Send Private Message

                    Welcome !!! Haha snowboarding moves !!!

                  • Luna
                    2219 posts Send Private Message

                      Hi 10sace! Gemma is absolutely beautiful!

                    • LittlePuffyTail
                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                        Posting for new member, Kimblerly:

                        Thanks for the add, I will need all the help I can get, due to my 3 year old grand daughter talked me into getting her a bunny we keep at my house..!st mistake I see is my bunny is to young evidently (7-weeks).But I am determined to have a healthy baby so I have alot of reading to do.(Baby Thumper ) came home with us about four days ago and first thing I noticed was not drinking out of water bottle.So I have been slowly hand squeezing the water out of the bottle while it drinks at least five times a day if not more trying to get it use to the water bottle.Bowls get dumped .The next thing I noticed is it does not eat any pellets yet and mostly the grassy parts of the alfalfa leaving alot of stems.So I will be doing alot of reading in here, and will appreaciate any and all help. Thanks Kim

                      • Luna
                        2219 posts Send Private Message

                          Hi Kim! A heavy ceramic bowl can help bowls from getting dumped. Luna has both a water bottle and a bowl; a bowl in case the bottle sipper gets stuck and a bottle in case the bowl gets knocked over . She’s only ever knocked the bowl over once.

                        • GarfyTheLop
                          171 posts Send Private Message

                            Kim, we use a heavy ceramic bowl with a non slip matt underneath and it works a treat! Garf is only a tiny mini lop yet had managed to lift and move around so many bowls! We always laugh because we say he’s turning into the hulk haha.

                          • Flakie
                            148 posts Send Private Message

                              Hi I joined the forum in January as my handsome bunny Flakie died at almost 10 and was looking for help and guidance as to why he died and if I could have done anything to save him. It’s been a wealth of information.

                              That was seven weeks ago now and although I still grieve I have now decided to adopt 2 gorgeous bunnies from a bunny rescue centre. One has been there 22 weeks he is called Basil and his future partner is called Holly and she is 5 months old.

                              We are waiting on Holly being spayed at the moment so all going well will have them home with us in two weeks time ❤️.

                              I am excited waiting on them but will never forget my two wonderful buns Flakie and Poppy and I’m sure over the rainbow bridge they will be happy that I will be loving and caring for two rescue bunnies.

                              Will post pictures when I have them home. New to bonding too as my boys were brothers so will probably need help!!

                            • BunsAndDolls
                              214 posts Send Private Message

                                Hi all! I’m pretty sure I might have been a member here YEARS ago, but it’s been a while! So, here I am again! I’ve been a bunnymom since 2011 – I had rabbits as a child, but those were not MY rabbits. My first bun was a Holland lop named Hershey – he has since crossed over the bridge, but he’s still my baby and the one that started it all back up again.
                                My current bunny family consists of Toblerone (Toby, for short) and Marshmallow…as well as a foster named KitKat who we have finally been able to find a home for and she’ll be moving on next week <3

                                Toby is a black Flemish Giant that we purchased from a meat breeder – Couldn’t rescue all of them, but I could take one! We’ve had him for almost 3 years now and he’s spoiled absolutely rotten. He’s very laid back, doesn’t mind being handled or brushed or having his nails trimmed. He loves to hop up on the couch and get under the blanket with me and he’s the best snuggler in the house.

                                We are pretty sure Marshmallow is an abandoned Easter gift – this year will be his 2nd “gotcha day” with us. My husband found him under his car, in our driveway. He spent a couple of hours lying in the mud in the rain, trying to coax the little dude out from under the car. When we finally got him inside, it took him a while to warm up to us, of course. But now he’s a big baby like Toby. He’s not as keen on snuggling, but he’ll come chill out in the same general space as me, and he’s a trooper at nail-trim time.
                                You can see how tiny he was when we first found him <3

                                As for me:
                                I’m 30-something years old, married with one toddler. I’m a fan of books, horror movies, vintage toys, dolls, Pyrex, and Harley Quinn. I’m a collector at heart, and our apartment looks like a thrift store/toy store exploded in it. Just how I like it. Anyway, that’s enough rambling and I can’t wait to get involved with the forum and learn and share all of our bunny info!

                              • LBJ10
                                16999 posts Send Private Message

                                  Hi Mandy! I tried fixing your pictures and I’m not doing a very good job. I could be a photobucket issue, not sure.

                                • cheenichai
                                  15 posts Send Private Message

                                    Hey Everyone!

                                    So sorry, I did not realize there was a March Newbie thread before posting my own (Meet Cheeni and Chai).

                                    Here are answers to the following:

                                    1. Cheeni and Chai

                                    2. Cheeni (6.5yrs), Chai (7 or 8 not too sure, he is a rescue)

                                    3. Both have been with me for 6 years

                                    4. Cheeni is spayed and Chai is neutered. 

                                    5. Cheeni is sassy, fiesty, independent , Chai is cuddly, mellow, eats like no tomorrow

                                    6. Cheeni is white (double mane, dwarf) Chai is brown (purebred lionhead).

                                    Glad to meet you all!

                                  • BunsAndDolls
                                    214 posts Send Private Message

                                      Thanks!  I think I have them fixed now – Photobucket is so temperamental sometimes, lol

                                    • Luna
                                      2219 posts Send Private Message

                                        Hi Mandy! I still can’t see your pics – I think one of the forum leader’s mentioned photobucket no longer works on this site due to something about third party stuff? Imgur and Insta still work though. I love the candy-themed names .

                                        Hi Cheenichai! Cheeni is so sparkling white! I see Chai is a little picture shy .

                                      • Bam
                                        16951 posts Send Private Message

                                          Hi Flakie, thank you for deciding to give Basil and Holly a real home. l think Fakie and Poppy are nodding in approval from the Bridge.

                                          Hi Mandy! Not so long ago, Photobucket decided to charge rather a hefty fee for third party hosting, but you can still use imgur or Flickr for free. We’d love to see Toby and Marshmallow and KitKat the foster bun!

                                          Hi cheenichai! Your fluffballs are just adorable!

                                        • RosieBun
                                          2 posts Send Private Message

                                            Hi, Im the proud soon-to-be owner of a lionhead mix called Rosie, I will be picking her up this Thursday. I have rabbit experience and I’m excited to take home my little floof! She’s spayed and 2.5 years old (a super cute sweetie). No photos as of now, but later this week I’ll be flooding the forums with those. I posted a thread introducing Rosie already to but I might as well also post on this one while that one gets checked out by a mod.

                                            Here’s one that I found from the previous owner:

                                          • Vienna Blue in France
                                            5317 posts Send Private Message

                                              Welcome ! Welcome to you all !!!!!!
                                              I wanna see Tobyyyyyyy (I’m a giant fan!!!)

                                            • BunsAndDolls
                                              214 posts Send Private Message

                                                Now that I’m on my laptop, this should be easier!  Pics!

                                                Snickers (l) and Hershey (r)

                                                Baby Marshmallow, the day my hubby coaxed him out from under the car

                                                Grown up Marshmallow and Toby (Toby is SO DIFFICULT to photograph because he’s so dark, lol)

                                                Toby, Marshmallow, and KitKat

                                                Toby is easiest to get in black and white, so I can adjust the contrast and make him show up better, lol

                                                And, one more for good measure…baby Marshmallow and big Toby <3 – I don't have many pics of KitKat on my computer, apparently.  I should take a few pics of her this week, before she moves on to her new forever home.

                                              • Bam
                                                16951 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Mandy, your buns are beautiful! The black and white of Toby is a great picture, I have a black rabbit too, it’s so difficult to get a good pic of a black bun!

                                                • BunsAndDolls
                                                  214 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Posted By bam on 3/13/2018 5:49 AM

                                                    Mandy, your buns are beautiful! The black and white of Toby is a great picture, I have a black rabbit too, it’s so difficult to get a good pic of a black bun!

                                                    Thanks, bam!  The b&w pic of Toby is one of my favorites.  Good photos are especially a pain in our little apartment with it’s horrible lighting, lol!  

                                                  • MoxieMeadows
                                                    5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I love this idea of a big thread

                                                      Welcome everyone! You all have such precious rabbits

                                                    • Bam
                                                      16951 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Mandy, I just realized I’m following you on Instagram It must’ve been from when you were a member here before. My handle is @bamyoh.

                                                      • BunsAndDolls
                                                        214 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Posted By bam on 3/13/2018 4:12 PM

                                                          Mandy, I just realized I’m following you on Instagram It must’ve been from when you were a member here before. My handle is @bamyoh.

                                                          hahaha, I thought I recognized bam!  That’s funny – it probably is from when I was here before.  It’s probably been a couple of years now.

                                                        • Royal
                                                          57 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Hi! I’m brand new to binky bunny so I’m glad to be here! I’m not a bun owner yet, so I’m here to ask questions and research a little more before committing to being a bun owner! so yea i really enjoy writing, dancing, singing, drawing, animal caretaking, spending time with pets, and that kinda stuff! Any who Hope u all have a great day!

                                                          • Luna
                                                            2219 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Hi WolfyCC! There’s so much great information on this site. Feel free to ask tons of questions. Even those of us who have had buns for years are always learning new things .

                                                            • kurottabun
                                                              908 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Hello everyone! I got my own bunny (a black otter Netherland Dwarf) about a month ago and have gained so much knowledge reading through the threads here. It’s my first bunny that I am actually caring for (I had one when I was 12, but back then I didn’t know much about rabbits and my dad was the one caring for it).

                                                                So excited to be here!

                                                              • Wick & Fable
                                                                5810 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Welcome kurottabun! I followed your instagram black otter nethies are such cuties.

                                                                  The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                                                                • Bam
                                                                  16951 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Hi and welcome Kurottabun! I too followed your insta =) Kurotta is super cute!

                                                                    Hi and welcome to you too, Wolfy CC! I hope you’ll find useful info here!

                                                                  • 10sace
                                                                    10 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Thank you 

                                                                    • Toki
                                                                      7 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Hi everyone! You can call me Toki, and I own three bunnies as of right now. I haven’t been a bunny slave for very long, unfortunately—
                                                                        only 6 months or so. My favorite bunny fur pattern/color is without a doubt the black otter!

                                                                        Rabbit Info:

                                                                        • My bunnies are Makkachin, a Jersy Wooly; Mochi, a Mini Rex; and Kimchi, a chocolate Dutch.
                                                                        • Makka and Kimchi are both 4 months. Mochi is 6 months.
                                                                        • I’ve had each bunny since they were 8 weeks old.
                                                                        • Kimchi and Mochi are both neutered, and Makkachin is set to be spayed on April 3rd.
                                                                        • As for their personalities, Kimchi is really sweet, gentle and doesn’t mind being held. Mochi is energetic and acts like he owns the place. He likes bossing the other two around. Makkachin, on the other hand, is more on the shy side but loves to be groomed.

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                                                                    Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! WELCOME THREAD-MARCH 2018 (MARCH Newbies post here!)