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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Very bad, no good day

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    • Kiki
      205 posts Send Private Message

        So for the first time in my 40 years of life I find myself the victim of a pretty severe crime.  No one was hurt , but my house was robbed today.  Worse yet I think it was one of my boyfriends “friends” because the knowledge the had of how to get in, what to take , where to find and how fast they got out unseen in broad daylight is too coincidental.  

        I had a lot of my jewelry stolen, and worse yet, only parts of whole matching sets I’d collected over the years, and about 500 in cash.  My cat could have escaped because of the window being left open and we live on a busy road.  I am filled with fear, and what ifs.  I am exhausted but scared to go to sleep because I am alone at home right now.  What if they come back again when the have more time to take more stuff? Or if they think I am not here.  omg the anxiety is killing me. 

      • Q8bunny
        6345 posts Send Private Message

          That’s awful, Kiki. I’m glad you’re unhurt, but can imagine the anxiety this type of violation can leave you with.

          Have you filed a police report? If you suspect someone, you should definitely give their name to the cops so they can investigate – otherwise, like you said: repeat performance with less fortunate outcome is possible.

          Will insurance cover any of the losses?

          Please tell me you changed the locks or got some wood stakes to prop the weak windows or doors used to break in…

          Any family or friends you could call for an overnight or two to help you feel safer?

        • Dface
          1084 posts Send Private Message

            We got broken into a few years ago, they stole the cars and a few other bits. We were broken into 3 times in 2 weeks, so we knew they were looking for something, and also that they were warching our house, which was a horrifying realisation.
            They broke in twice at night and once in the day and it was horrible.
            Thankfully noone was hurt.
            We installed deadbolts on the doors and ended up reinforcong the door and side gates with a wooden block(large plank of wood that falls across the door that needs to be lifted up. )

            If you suspect someone, let the police know, ask a friend/family to come stay with you and make sure obvious lights are on when you are home.

          • Kiki
            205 posts Send Private Message

              We did file a police report, which is still in progress. I have renters insurance but I am waiting on the adjuster to tell me what my policy covers etc. I called my landlord immediately and he came over and fixed all the windows that were problematic that I knew of. Unfortunately, right before I tried to go to bed I found out that my bathroom window also doesn’t latch properly. I had ADT install a security system today. If/when they show up again they will have a very RUDE and LOUD awakening. I already feel a lot better. I was able to nap for about a half hour today , first time i had slept in 24 hours.
              I don’t have any family here, and only a couple friends because I have only lived here a little over a year . My neighbor was really nice last night and kind of looked out for me. The landlord is coming to further fix the windows this weekend thankfully.
              Thanks for the concern and kind words. i may have been victimized ,but I refuse to be anyone’s victim.

            • Q8bunny
              6345 posts Send Private Message

                You took some fantastic steps, Kiki. Please keep us in the loop – we’ll gladly be your sounding boards.

              • Doodler
                337 posts Send Private Message

                  I am so sorry that happened to you Kiki. We should be able to feel comfortable and safe in our homes and it’s sad when that is taken away from you. I am glad you weren’t hurt at least. I can’t imagine what you are going through.

                • Kiki
                  205 posts Send Private Message

                    Thanks guys. Well , more $*&!ty news today. My renters insurance is only going to cover $1000 of the approximately $ 3500 in jewelry and cash that was stolen. I just kind of feel numb. I am not surprised by this, but I am not happy about it either.

                  • Doodler
                    337 posts Send Private Message

                      I am so sorry! I am not surprised either. There can be so many gaps in insurance because a lot of times there are category limits and it can also be difficult to prove existence and value of things stolen. The emotional toll is bad enough but then when you add the monetary toll it’s just awful. If only criminals had any consideration about the impact to the people they are hurting.

                    • Kiki
                      205 posts Send Private Message

                        Thank you
                        My only hope is that maybe some of it can be recovered. I know that is a long shot, but I can be very persistent

                      • Q8bunny
                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                          Hunt. Them. Down. Liam Neeson, style!

                        • Bladesmith
                          849 posts Send Private Message

                            “I have a specific set of skills.  And a Rabbit.”

                          • Kiki
                            205 posts Send Private Message

                              @Q8bunny what I really wanna know is how does everyone keep taking Liam Neeson’s family?!!
                              Indie might cute them to death, and then bite em

                            • Q8bunny
                              6345 posts Send Private Message


                                Bunnies rock. Period.

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                            Forum THE LOUNGE Very bad, no good day