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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A trying to figure out the cause of recurring gas episodes

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    • bumpybunny
      155 posts Send Private Message

        For over a year now, my rabbit has been repeatedly having what I think are gas episodes. I really want to figure out what is causing these, I wanted to post here and see what you all think? Sorry this is probably going to be long.

        In March of 2022 pumpkin got gi stasis. She recovered, but a few months after that she started getting gas episodes everytime she shed even though I was brushing her every single day. Most times she got better at home with simethicone and cc, but 2 or 3 times now she’s had to go to the vet because she wasnt getting better. This started happening over and over again. In October 2022 she wasnt getting better by the end of the day so I took her to the vet, she got better and after that I started giving her oxbows digestive tablets everyday. Half in the morning and half in the evening. These stopped for a while afterwards but a couple weeks ago it happened yet again. Thankfully she got better by the end of the day and was back to normal within a couple days. Today it’s happening again. I gave her her veggies and pellets this evening and when I came in with it she was eating hay, she acted super excited to get her supper like always, then I came back in maybe 15-20 minute’s later and half her pellets were eaten but none of her salad had been touched and she was just laying in her cage looking uncomfortable. I gave her some simethicone right away and she ran over and took it, then I let her out of her cage and she came out and ate some rose petals. Now about 20 minutes later she wont eat anything at all.

        Ever since this started happening so often I have had extremely bad anxiety about her, it’s so hard for me to even leave her alone for small amounts of time anymore because this almost always happens so suddenly out of nowhere. This is the 3rd time in a row that this has happened the day of/before something important I have to go to or something im very excited to be doing and then I end up canceling because I’m too worried to leave her. This might be a stupid question but could she be picking up on me being very excited or nervous for something and getting sick over it?

        I’ve been trying to figure out what could be causing this to happen. Could it possibly be her veggies? For the last 2 months or so, she hasnt been very interested in her veggies (but they also havent seemed as fresh as they usually do). Every night she eats her pellets immediately but she leaves her salad for probably 30 mins to an hour before she goes back and finishes it all. In the mornings she always finishes it all right away though. I give her oxbows simple harvest pellets, 1/2 tablespoon twice a day and a mix of different veggies everyday. I never give her anything that can cause gas.

        This is probably the 7th or 8th time this has happened within a year. Is this just what the rest of her life is going to be like? Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening so often?

      • LBJ10
        16977 posts Send Private Message

          It’s very possible that she is sensitive to something in her diet. It could be the veggies she is getting or it could even be the pellets. This will take some time to figure out because you’re going to have to eliminate things and then give one thing at a time to see if the gas comes back. That would be the only way to pinpoint exactly what is causing the problem.

          Some bunnies just can’t have veggies. Some bunnies just can’t have pellets. It happens.

          Have you thought about doing hay only for awhile to clear her system? Then you can try the pellets. If that goes good, then you can try reintroducing veggies one by one. If it is the pellets, then you could try a different kind. What is she getting right now? Otherwise, if it’s the veggies, then it should be pretty easy to avoid what is causing the gas issues.

          • bumpybunny
            155 posts Send Private Message

              For the last 3 or 4 weeks I’ve only been giving her green leaf lettuce, romaine, cilantro, basil, and dill. This morning she is yet again not eating when she was completely fine last night. This is the 3rd time of this happening so close together I’m starting to get really worried.

              I think I’ll start with her veggies and just give her green leaf lettuce for maybe a week or two and see how that goes. Then add romaine then cilantro. I’ll try to add other things very very slowly instead of over 3 days like I usually do.

              Right now I give her oxbows simple harvest pellets. 1/2 tablespoon in the morning and 1/2 at night. I used to give her oxbow essentials but I cant remember exactly when I switched her over to the simple harvest pellets so I am wondering now if those could be it. I may try switching her back over to essentials.

              I havent done an all hay diet for her yet. If I did should I completely take the veggies and pellets away all at once or do it gradually?

            • bumpybunny
              155 posts Send Private Message

                I do have a question, if I find out that pellets are what is causing this gas do I need to give her supplements or anything like that to make up for them? I know a lot of their nutrients come from pellets.

              • LBJ10
                16977 posts Send Private Message

                  You can switch to hay only all at once.

                  If it is her pellets, then you can try a different kind before resorting to a pellet-free diet plan. The ingredients between the Oxbow Simple Harvest and Essentials are pretty different even though they are the same brand.

              • DanaNM
                9038 posts Send Private Message

                  Agree with @LBJ10, an elimination diet should help you determine if it’s diet-related. Some buns are really sensitive to things that normally don’t cause issues.

                  Has she had her teeth checked? Sometimes bun have a molar spur that hurts them enough to cause pain and some GI slowing, which then causes gas. If nothing in the diet seems to be a trigger that would be my next step (you could get head and abdomen xrays to get a full picture of what’s going on).

                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                  • bumpybunny
                    155 posts Send Private Message

                      I have thought about that but when she’s acting normally she eats everything completely fine. I think I’ll try slowly reintroducing the veggies and maybe switch her over to some different pellets and if that doesnt work I’m going to get her an appointment to have her teeth checked.

                  • skysblue
                    208 posts Send Private Message

                      i stopped giving my rabbit oxbows tablets of any kind, i found out that was what’s giving her gas tummy

                      • bumpybunny
                        155 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh wow I didnt even think it could be those, which ones were you giving your bun? I’ll also try taking the digestive tablets away from her and see if it makes a difference.

                        • skysblue
                          208 posts Send Private Message

                            I used to give her the digestive one and the skin & hair one.

                            When i used to feed her those, she would get gas randomly. She has a very simple diet, just hay and pellets  – rarely any fruits and veggie. So i know it had to be the oxbow hay tabs, because the next day she would get gassy.

                            She hasn’t had any gas problem since i stopped giving her the hay tabs.

                          • bumpybunny
                            155 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh thank you for replying I will definitely try stopping those and see if it makes a difference!

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                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A trying to figure out the cause of recurring gas episodes