So as I was planning to start a bonding thread anyway to document the process, and seeing as I know that there are a few of you guys contemplating/ planning trio bonds, I figured that I would compile some of the threads I found while looking for stories of successful bonds.…fault.aspx
The thread of the famous fluffle (Bianca) This actually turns into bonding a fluffle, but started as a trio.…fault.aspx
Mikeys Bonding thread (success)…fault.aspx
Zombie sue(success)…fault.aspx
Trio success story…fault.aspx
Sirius&Lunas thread (success after an initial bond break)…fault.aspx
Who even gets this lucky in real life?!…fault.aspx
Trio bonding story success
Here are some others that have some good comments from Mikey, as advice re bonding trios…fault.aspx…fault.aspx
Here are some incomplete threads(not always sure of the result) but that might have some useful comments from other users:…fault.aspx
Long incomplete thread…fault.aspx
Incomplete but a lot of discussion…fault.aspx
Incomplete thread Mocha 200’s attempts…fault.aspx
Incomplete thread…fault.aspx
Vanessa:incomplete thread. Hers were a hugely difficult undertaking that she did eventually bond as far as I remember :cont below but not finished I believe she attempted to bond a trio over a number of years.…fault.aspx
Personally I am using a mix of different things in order to attempt to suit my particular weirdos.
I have a vague plan laid out (you know, so that the rabbits can completely ignore it )
Moink is a pasturella risk, so Im limiting contact until I’m more confident that he won’t get a flare up (so far so good though!)
Yumi was very aggressive in her last bonding to Peep, and ended up getting ‘cage-rage’ where she was just blinded with aggression and would attack anything that came near her while watching Peep. I think it was mainly because her territory was being invaded, so instead of Moink being allowed into HER room, he is being kept in the adjoining room, blocked by a baby-gate, so they can still see him and hopefully get used to him, before they have to start sharing a space.
This is almost pre-prebonding… As I am desperately trying to avoid a bond break with my current pair.
There is currently a second barrier between them, so they actually are about a metre apart, but can still see each other (to try keep infection risks at an absolute minimum).
Peep was humping Yumi a lot before the arrival of the new rabbit, but it seems to be escalated with his presence. This isnt something I had forseen, as I figured that being a shelter bunny he was used to sharing living space with strangers!
Yumi is mostly chill about it all as she is well able to get away from Peep when she wants to , and despite not liking it is very calm about it. Im hoping it was just because Moink wasn’t neutered, and that he’ll calm down as the hormones drain from Moink, and as his Spring fever subsides…
Currently the plan is
Sat 9th:
Double Gates at 1 meter distance (might introduce eating greens there)
Sat 16th:
Introduce Dumb Bunny to gauge aggression levels
Sat 23rd:
Remove metre gap, litter trays either side of gate so can eat together(double barrier so they can’t nip each other)
Sat 30th:
Spare week for adjustments in previous steps where needed
**5th April : 6 weeks since Moink neuter, should be healed.
Sat 6th:
Move Moink into room with the others
Sat 13th:
Begin cage swapping (prepare for pee…so much pee…)
Sat 20th:
Begin actual bonding (depending on weather-outdoor bonding is something I have used with good success, and Moinks healing)
Sat 27th:
Continued bonding…
I realise rabbits move at their own pace so the plan is subject to change as they require!
I’d appreciate any feedback on glaring oversights that I might have made!
I’ll be trying to update this thread as much as possible, in the hope that this will be helpful for me, and possibly for other people in general