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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Thinking of getting a cat and another bunny?

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    • PeppersMama
      391 posts Send Private Message

        Okay so i volunteer for a shelter. and theres a cat there that i am IN love with and i have always wanted a cat and i feel like this cat is destined for me. Shes an amazing torty colored cat and she took to me so quickly and usually doesnt take to many people. And plus volunteers dont have to pay adoption fees.

        I am also thinking of getting another rabbit, but im not sure when. I want pepper to have a friend, i feel like he would do well with one.

        My question is, do any of you have cats and rabbits together? what about kittens and rabbits? this cat is only 5 months old. would they get along or would they fight? would it stress pepper out? how did you all do it? thanks!

      • ScooterandAnnette
        1090 posts Send Private Message

          We’ve got 3 cats, and we’ve found that they come to an understanding with the rabbits. The one we got as an adult is afraid of the bunnies. The two we got as kittens don’t really realize that the bunnies aren’t cats (or that they’re not rabbits, not sure which). They’ve tried to play with the bunnies, for the most part the bunnies either ignore them or bat back at them. We did keep a very close eye on them together with the kittens, and didn’t let the kittens in the same room with the bunnies overnight (they were in an Xpen with an open top) until they learned that no they can’t play rough with the bunnies. But they’ve worked everything out now and get along as well as can be expected. They’ll never be cuddle-buddies but they tolerate each other and even kind of play together.
          – Annette

        • KatnipCrzy
          2981 posts Send Private Message

            When I first got Cotton she would cuddle with my youngest cat Pixel that was 7 months old at that time.  As Cotton got older and more hormonal before her spay she began to demand to be groomed, which the cats don’t understand, so it would annoy Cotton that the cats “refused” to groom her so she started bullying them- nipping their bellies and chasing them.

            Penny on the other hand was used to cats when I got her and the cats can be by her without her showing any sign on bullying them, but she does not cuddle with them either. 

          • Beka27
            16016 posts Send Private Message

              i think it’ll depend on the cat and bun. cats are predators, rabbits are prey. while a cat might never hurt a bun, it is always possible that they can scratch or bite. if a bun feels thretened, they could do some damage also. another thing to keep in mind is that the cat litterbox would either have to be filled with rabbit safe litter, or be kept somewhere out of reach of the bunny. i don’t remember if you have your own place or not? you’ll want areas where the cat can go that the bunny cannot so they can each have private time. that’s nice that there are no adoption fees for volunteers, but there will be the added cost of cat food, litter, and vet bills. if you were to get another bun too, that’s going to increase your pet budget as well.

            • PeppersMama
              391 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks all for the input

                Maybe i can bring her home for a trial period and see how it goes.

                Beka: thanks for reminding me about the rabbit safe litter, that thought hadnt even crossed my mind. Yes i have my own place so i could always put it in a room where the buns wouldnt go. Im not really worried about money, but i will go check out the prices of cat food and litter before i make any decisions because im not sure what the cost would be. Thanks!

              • Aspens mommy
                33 posts Send Private Message

                  I have 2 cats one of them doesnt even pay attention to the bunnies and the other loves them. Actually luke(the cat) and aspen have layed next to each other . I have even caught luke grooming aspen, which was the cutest thing ever. Luke sometimes wants to play a little too rough, swating at aspen, but i break it up easily. Dont worry luke is declawed. It was a very easy introduction.

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    It really does depend on the cat and the rabbit. I know kittens would be more likely to be playful and could scratch. So you would have to be careful. Plus, rabbits, they can give a nasty bite and kick too!

                    This is a good article about cats and rabbits from the House Rabbit Society.

                    We are actually in the process of getting the Jack and Rucy used to our cat, p-kitty (aka: Poor Kitty). We took a cat in after a neighbor abandoned him. I never though of myself as a cat person, but I am an animal person so I took this cat in. I kept thinking we would find a home for him but he has grown on us with his easy-going mellow loving cuddly attitude,(vets estimate he’s over 10 yrs old) and so we have decided to make him a permanent part of our family. Right now we are in the process of getting the rabbits used to him.

                    I started with just having p-kitty come in separately to the general living area before the bunnies, and then later the bunnies could tell he had been there, (sense of smell is amazing) and they would get a little freaked out just by his scent. So I started feeding them out there. Then once they got comfortable with just his scent being there, I then allowed p-kitty to come into the general area when the rabbits were there. At first, they just stared at him and thumped, but thank goodness p-kitty seems to be relaxed and he just did the whole “I’m not looking at you and if I do, I blink alot” non-threatening cat behavior. Then p-kitty would just lay down a few feet away. (I’m right there with p-kitty though, just in case something freaks him out and he swings) That calmed down Rucy enough for Rucy to begin coming over to sniff p-kitty. At first she’d sniff, then freak out and run. Now she sniffs and eats the veggies I put near p-kitty.

                    Jack, on the other hand, will come over to sniff, but he’s got that look of fear AND anger. At first he was more fearful, but then when he realized p-kitty wasn’t there to hurt him, it was more like he was worried about losing his territory, and so he would spray and start trying to mount Rucy in front of him. He’d go over to p-kitty and sniff him but thump. He’d be so defensive that even when I would approach him, he’d let out a growl and lunge. And p-kitty usually gets up and is like “okay dokey…I’m outta here!!” Big ‘ol Jack scares p-kitty. So that will be more of a challenge.

                    The other day though I got Jack to lay just a few feet from p-kitty. Jack likes to make sure that when I pet Rucy, he’s not being left out, and so I catch him wanting to come over when I pet p-kitty.

                    So that’s what we’ve done so far. At this time, p-kitty won’t go near the bunny room, we supervise closely when the bunnies come out – they are like clockwork when they come out. And if we leave the house we make sure that p-kitty and the bunnies are completely separated.

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      my friend brought her 3 pound, 8-week old, pug puppy over yesterday. the bunnies did not approve. i put them in their pen and the pup stood outside the pen and for all they cared, she could have been a 150 pound rottweiler. they’re still refusing to come out even tho i told them the puppy left.

                    • Sage Cat
                      1883 posts Send Private Message

                        Beka – i love that you “told them” the puppy left. I do that kind of thing all the time!

                        I hope to have other pets someday. These topics are always interesting to me. More info to keep in the back of my little head.
                        Thanks all!

                      • Beka27
                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                          if was kinda funny yesterday b/c the puppy (being a puppy!) was jumping all over me, licking me, wanting to play. i told me friend, “uh… i’m not used to this, i’m used to admiring my pets from afar…” lol.

                        • skunklionshow
                          1257 posts Send Private Message

                            I have 4 cats & 2 rabbits.  3 of the cats are considered seniors.  In general, they don’t seem to bother with each other.  The biggest issue we had was pre-spay/neuter, the rabbits would poop & pee on the cat beds and areas of the house.  They still do on occassion, but it’s mostly poops now.  It seriously pissed the cats off.  Like Beka, I had conversations w/ both species, but they didn’t care…

                            So as long as everyone keeps w/ their space/areas there is peace.  Also, the rabbits do not appreciate when cats get into their condo…which is very very rare, and usually only during cleanings.  Sometimes 2 of the cats get pretty excited when Jessica starts running & binkying like a jackass rabbit.  B/c Jess is way to fast, they usually go after Leo.  My cat Max usually goes right for the neck, like the scruff.  It scared me so I don’t usually leave the rabbits out unattended.   I feel Jessi can take care of herself, but Leo is a little Lenny like (Mice & Men).

                            L&S of it:  it can work.  If you plan on leaving everyone out & about regularly, I suggest having bunny safe hiding spots.  Since they are prey, they usually go for those spots when they don’t feel safe.  PS:  I have insurance for 1 cat & 2 rabbits & I never regret that decision.

                            I can’t believe Binky has turned to the dark side of “catitude”!

                          • PeppersMama
                            391 posts Send Private Message

                              thanks everyone for your opinions!!! i will definately take all this into consideration. and that article was great! ill let you all know what i decide!

                            • Balefulregards
                              715 posts Send Private Message

                                We had La Chatte before we adopted Coco – she was an abandoned cat left by the former tenant of our flat – and well – she believed this was home, and so we just opened the door. We think she was a bit over a year when we adopted ( but had all of her shots again, just to be sure).
                                La Chatte is an indoor/outdoor cat….with more emphasis on the indoor when the snow gets deep, as we do live in Montreal.

                                When we brought Coco in the house, the first place we had her was the front room – my rationale being I wanted her to get a “feel” for the house and she would be in the most central area. When La Chatte jumped up and SAW the rabbit, she looked horrified. Interested, but horrified. She immediately asked to go out.

                                Coco, on the other hand, did some hard core thumping and posturing. Of Course, she was also out of her cage for the first time in almost two years, so it didn’t take a lot to freak Coco out.

                                We did a second intro outdoors – Coco in an enclosed cage – La Chatte coming up to sniff, and get reassured that she remained the “top cat” – Coco would lean forward and sniff – Then thump.

                                By that time we had decided that Coco would “live” in our bedroom. La Chatte was not impressed, but did no overtly “dangerous” moves towards Coco.
                                La Chatte would come in, sniff around then head back out of the bedroom. Coco can ( but never has yet) left the bedroom although the door is wide open.

                                Only once did La Chatte look “stalky” towards Coco….but she had just been in the catnip. I sprayed her with the water bottle and told her clearly that this rabbit was not for her.

                                Not long after that we saw the first of many nose touches. Sometimes Coco gets a bit “sniffy” and La Chatte beats it out of the room. But she will often curl up in the hay basket I bought for Coco and sleep. La Chatte is also deeply envious of the Maze Haven – and will sleep on top of it, occasionally stretching out a paw for Coco to run up and sniff. I’ve not seen grooming – but La Chatte barely allows us to give her rubs let alone a rabbit grooming her.

                                Since that one time she clearly had the “Oooo – You look like I should chase you” look – there has been peace and harmony. Honestly, I don’t even worry about them being in the house at the same time anymore. But I agree – it clearly depends on the rabbit and cat combo. Our previous cat – Keillor – would have eaten Coco without blinking, as he was a tough old barn cat we adopted and had to hunt to eat before we adopted him. He once brought me a Grey Squirrel as a “gift” so I do not think Coco would have lasted long with Keillor.

                                In fact, during the time I have typed this, La Chatte has walked to the door frame – Coco ran over the circle in front of her – they regarded each other and La Chatte wandered into the study to sleep in there.

                              • JK
                                2223 posts Send Private Message

                                  I have a cat and a rabbit and now a puppy!  The cat has always been a bit skittish around Edson, however, she will now groom Edson’s head for a few seconds and then walk off. Edson adores the cat but the cat only takes Edson in small doses. Kittens are a different story as they are so wild and probably would scare the rabbit.  Edson is not so sure about the puppy as she wants to just play so we are keeping them apart for now. The puppy is learning to “leave it” and is doing much better at not charging into Edson’s room. Introducing everyone slowly is the key to a good relationship. Get the kitty! They may bond.  That is my hope for my cat and rabbit.  They really are getting closer every day. Good luck.

                                • PeppersMama
                                  391 posts Send Private Message


                                  • skunklionshow
                                    1257 posts Send Private Message

                                      knowlton:  some would call that tasting (i.e. licking his head)

                                      Baleful:  I’m getting maze haven for xmas for the bunnies…..that is my biggest concern that the cats are going to want to sleep or play w/ it. 

                                    • kralspace
                                      2663 posts Send Private Message

                                        I have 3 cats and they’ve all been put in their places by the rabbits, especially Pringles. From the first time she saw the cats, they were HER playtoys and she chased them without mercy….lol. It was funny to see this little bitty bunny routing the 3 of them all around the house.

                                        They’ve all learned to get along pretty well. The cats love to lay in front of the wood stove but sleep with one ear up, because you never know when a bunny nose is going to poke them in the tummy. The cats all love to occasionally do in the condos and lay around in the beds and litterboxes (they like the hay). The bunnies don’t appreciate it but don’t do more than thump and sit and glare at them.

                                      • Balefulregards
                                        715 posts Send Private Message

                                          skunklion -I’ve never seen La Chatte actually FIT in the maze haven – She likes to poke her head in the hole and look hopeful…but she is too big/puffy to get in.

                                          She compromises by laying/sleeping on Top of the haven ( I have it in a “L” shape right now) and watching the rabbit. I like to think of it as watching “Coco TV”….

                                          But La Chatte has given me meaningful looks like “How come the rabbit gets a cool house and I don’t?”

                                        • Gran
                                          1 posts Send Private Message

                                            I have cats of various ages. My daughter’s rabbits come for visits on occasion and ever body gets along fine. The older cats ignore the buns but the younger cats are curious. But the older bun puts them in their place and everybody knows he is boss. I also have two small dogs that leave them alone too. The older bun is a bit of a bully. Your idea of a trail run sounds good, just make sure you are in the room. As for the bun friend that is also a trail and error process.

                                          • KytKattin
                                            1195 posts Send Private Message

                                              My cats (we have 6 total) all seem to ignore my bun except for one. He stalks her. Sometimes he tries to play with her. Sometimes he just stares at her. This cat isn’t normal though, as he was bottlefed, and thinks he’s a dog with super powers. The only cats I’ve known to be dangerous to rabbits are ones that tend to be particularily adept hunters, and even then, some cats just ‘know’ when they’re not supposed to eat something. As long as you don’t leave them completely unattened (as in not at home and both of them having full freedom or access to eachother), I don’t think it would be a problem.


                                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                              12067 posts Send Private Message


                                                Ok I Had a new volunteer, our first volunteer over today; He, his gf and I were hanging out with the bunnies, then Nanci brought down the kitten I was going to be taking to his new home later. So I popped kitty on the floor with bunny, sinces buns are strong and they were just kittens, and their were three of us;

                                                GUS humped the kitten…

                                                That’s it, had to put the kitties away!!

                                              • Alicia Conklin
                                                721 posts Send Private Message

                                                  It definitely does depend!  I have two cats.  One of them adores the bunnies..and their condos.  He likes to get up in their condo and take naps there.  Tucker sometimes loves this and will sit there next to him.  Other times she’s territorial or spunky and will hop on him to try to get him to move.  He just looks at her like she’s crazy but he never swats at her.  His front paws are declawed anyway (he came like that from the shelter..I didn’t do it) so I don’t see him as much of a threat to them.  He’s never left alone with them though, we’re always home.  When Tucker had the pen though sometimes he’d go in there when we weren’t home and there was never a problem.   He doesn’t go into Drue’s condo much..he just seems to like Tucker best, but Drue and him interact when Drue is out and they never have any issues.

                                                  Then there is Peanut.  Peanut was from a feral cat community..although I am pretty sure she was only there for a few days because this cat is the primmest more proper cat that I have ever met in my I don’t see how she could survive outside..she won’t even go outside.  Anyway, she’s a bit of a snot so sometimes she will bat at the bunnies, she’s never used her claws (you can always see that her paws are curled in with claws tucked away) but I would NOT trust her by herself with the bunnies.  It’s not that she is trying to go after them in a hunter type’s just when they get all crazy she gets spooked and it’s pretty much her way of telling them to back off. 

                                                  So, Peanut tolerates them and they interest does their cage.  TK..he thinks he IS a bunny I think.  I don’t think it’s that he thinks they are cats..because he really doesn’t LIKE other cats..but he LOVES the we’ve made him an honorary bunny. 

                                                  As for the cat’s litter box, I don’t use rabbit safe litter for them but I keep the litter pan over the gate that separates the upstairs to the downstairs.  If Drue is upstairs I put a gate on the stairs, so that still prevents them from getting to the cat box.  However, the cat box is covered and during the times that the bunnies HAVE had access to it they have never shown any interest in it, I think because it doesn’t look or smell like their boxes.

                                                  But, cats can jump really high so we just use the baby gates, that way the cats can get to the areas of the house that the bunnies can’t get to and their stuff is safe. 

                                                • Alicia Conklin
                                                  721 posts Send Private Message

                                                    LOL lostbutnotforgot…that’s how TK is.  He’s a great hunter..of birds and small little mice and stuff but he seems to know that these aren’t meant to be hunted.  I’m not sure he’s ever hunted a rabbit outside either though.  They’re probably too big and too fast for him to really consider prey. 

                                                  • PeppersMama
                                                    391 posts Send Private Message

                                                      thanks for all the advice guys! the kitten im in love with was adopted last wednesday, but then they brought her back saturday because they said she was mean! shes not mean at all, and she loves me and licks me and gets along with me great, so i dont really understand. but the shelter owner said she doesnt take to many people. so i dunno. she gets along with other cats great though.

                                                      I still havent decided what im going to do. im also afraid i wont have enough time for her. i take pepper with me to my studio where i do my school work and he loves it there and loves the people there (hes a pretty social bunny). but i dont think i could take both of them. i still up in arms over this whole situation!

                                                    • Beka27
                                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                        the nice thing about cats is that they mostly will do their own thing… the cat would probably not like going places with you and would much prefer to chill out at home. the truth of the matter is that she might be completely different towards you at home. especially with the bunny smells… if you’re going to do this, i think that’s great but i’d really suggest you think it out fully (like you’ve been doing!) before committing to something, it would be a shame for the cat to have to go back yet again!

                                                      • PeppersMama
                                                        391 posts Send Private Message

                                                          well it has been decided, they family brought cassie(the kitten) back, so i am picking her up this saturday to bring her home for trial run to see how she does with pepper. I will keep her for as long as she and pepper can tolerate eachother at least ( i understand this may not happen right away). If something happens and i start to fear for pepper or the kitten then the owner of the shelter said she would completely understand and she would take her back no questions asked. She really understands pepper comes first so there wont be any problems if i need to take her back. She is a very sweet kitten, and gets along with the two bunnies that this shelter has, so im hoping she will do well with pepper. it may take pepper a while to get used to it, because he hasnt been around other animals since he was 8 weeks old, but i can tell he wants a friend, so maybe i will get lucky and they will like eachother! lol!

                                                          All in all, i understand that if it doesnt work out i may have to give the kitten back if things dont work out, but all the animals at the shelter are very well taken care of so its not like she would be going back to a horrible place.

                                                          I am very excited though and i am currently rearranging my room for pepper, and will now take the cat into consideration too! and of course i will never leave them unsupervised if they are both out together!

                                                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                            How exciting!!! And she already knows what bunnies are!

                                                          • Beka27
                                                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                              cool! let us know how it all goes, of course!

                                                            • PeppersMama
                                                              391 posts Send Private Message

                                                                me and my roomates decided on a name for our cat currently her name is cassie, but we are changing it. I like the name Cali, My roomate amber and i love the Mr. Mistoffelees song from the musical CATS, and my other roomate beth wanted something with the name Ms. in it. So her name is Ms. Cali Mistoffelees!! lol but i am going to call her cali for short. But i cant decide how to spell it! should it be Cali, Callie, Calli, or Kallie?

                                                              • BunnyMuffin
                                                                350 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I like Callie. It’s more…symmetrical. Cali looks too much like an abbreviation for California.

                                                                • Beka27
                                                                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    i agree… i like Callie…


                                                                    and you KNOW we are going to REQUIRE pictures… 

                                                                  • PeppersMama
                                                                    391 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      haha absolutely there will be pictures maybe i will get lucky and it will be kitten and bun snuggling pictures lol

                                                                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        *looks around* no pictures yet??

                                                                      • PeppersMama
                                                                        391 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          i dont pick her up until tomorrow around 6-7 lol! patience! haha just kidding! but i will post pictures immediately after i get her!

                                                                        • skunklionshow
                                                                          1257 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Very exciting!!!  The cats & I are excited to bring yet another person to the dark side…he hee he

                                                                          • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                            12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              *tries to look patient*

                                                                            • jerseygirl
                                                                              22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Crikey! I’m a bit behind the 8 ball. Didn’t reaslise you’d progressed from “thinking” to “getting”! Best of luck!

                                                                              • jerseygirl
                                                                                22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  Crikey! I’m a bit behind the 8 ball. Didn’t reaslise you’d progressed from “thinking” to “getting”! Best of luck!

                                                                                  Edit: *SIGH* I’ve fallen off the wagon into my double-posting ways again. And I was doing so well!

                                                                                • PeppersMama
                                                                                  391 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    okay well unfortunately cassie is sick right now, and the shelter owner wants to make sure shes healthy before she gives her to me so i have to wait until next weekend. shes on meds right now, its just a cold, but we both agreed we would rather he be healthy when she makes another environment change, because the stress might make her sicker. so i get her next weekend! i cant wait!

                                                                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Oh that’s hard to wait, but really really-good on the shelter for not adopting out a sick animal. That’s a pet peeve of mine (and…I’m willing to bet Scooter&Annette’s as well but I’ll let them share that story if they like ) as how do they know the person will really take the pet to the vet? Of course *you* would, but lots of people just won’t pay for vet care… and then there are the ads I see sometimes, people rehoming their pet because it needs to see a vet *Steps off soapbox*

                                                                                      {{VIBES}} for your kitty!!! Can’t wait for you to bring her home and take some piccies!

                                                                                    • PeppersMama
                                                                                      391 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        lol yes, this shelter is great, and she always makes sure the animals are well taken care of and go to great homes. She knows i would take care of her too, but with the environment change it could make it worse. plus she already has the meds on hand and knows how much to give her and when. so its better for the kitten if she stays with the shelter til shes better!

                                                                                        Thanks K&K! and i agree rehoming your pet because it needs to see a vet is just awful. and that person shouldnt have a pet in the first place!

                                                                                      • PeppersMama
                                                                                        391 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          The shelter owner emailed me today and told me that my kitten is much much better now, and no longer has a cold. but they are going to keep her on meds until saturday just to be sure then i will pick her up saturday at one! i cant wait! there will be pictures!

                                                                                          If anyone has any further advice about introducing the cat and bunny other than what i have already been told feel free to share!

                                                                                          Edit: or info on kitten care in general. nutrition, playtime, what not… i mean i know how to take care of a cat, but any advice is appreciated!

                                                                                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          • PeppersMama
                                                                                            391 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              yeah BB posted that for me! its a great article! thanks!

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                                                                                          Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Thinking of getting a cat and another bunny?