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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Stories of when bunny rejects your efforts

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    • SeaTurtleSwims
      162 posts Send Private Message

        Tolliver has never been the best when it comes to eating hay. I always looked for locally harvested horse quality orchard/timothy for him and would barter a few flakes off a bale from a farmer friend (How pretentious do I sound right now? lolol). Well, I ran out of hay and won’t be seeing my farmer friend for a month or so, which means I went to the store *gasp* to buy *gasp* crappy Dumor hay *double gasp* that has been sitting stale on the shelf for who knows how long *oh the humanity!* and brought it home *say it isn’t so!* to offer my lil chubby potato dude and you know what? He eats the living day lights out of that crap. 

         What can you do? The heart wants what the heart wants lolol

        Tell me your stories of your bunny(ies) rejecting your hard work for the simple life 

      • sarahthegemini
        5584 posts Send Private Message

          -Bought them a lovely soft plushy cat bed to lay in. Peanut peed in it within seconds. My own fault tho, it was super soft! 
          -Discovered a while back that they loved sunflower petals, they went crazy for them. So i stocked up and then they turned their noses up. Both of them!

          -Made them lovely hay container thingies so they wouldn’t have to eat direct from litter box. They jumped in hay container and pooped and peed. I made the hay container small enough that Buttercup couldn’t comfortably fit her rump in, she jumped in it anyway. And pooped.

          -Tried various hays so that I could alternate them and stop them getting bored. They rejected every single one. 

          -Bought them a snuggle safe heat pad for their post surgery recovery. They laid around the heat pad. Not on it. Around it. 

        • SeaTurtleSwims
          162 posts Send Private Message

            Bahahahaha oh no. That sucks about the heat pad lolol

            And that’s happened to me before with turning their nose up all of a sudden. Spoiled mutts! hahaha

          • sarabelle
            145 posts Send Private Message

              Bought Zeke a huge pen, because he out grew his XL dog crate, what does the little bugger do? He hops over it. LIterally he climbs onto his Dog pen and puts his little bunny paws on the cage and hops over. I thought putting blankets on there so he’d have a place to sit would be nice. Nope, look over and I see all four bunny paws sailing over.
              Bought him loads of nice comfy fleece to put in his cage, he pushes it away and lays on the floor.
              I’ve bought him several hayracks, cute little ones that look like wheel barrows and eat out of them, he just tips them over.
              I bought Zeke Oxbow, KMS hay, the expensive stuff, he won’t eat it. Nope, he has to have the cheapest hay possible… Same with pellets:/ He only likes a certain kind.
              Gotta love bunnies.

            • Boston's Mama
              1452 posts Send Private Message

                Oakley always makes me ask myself why I bother …
                Every litter tray set up I have tried he finds a way to tell me it is not going to work for him
                Every toy I buy him – he pees on. New seagrass mats today – peed on.
                Cute baby links and bright bird toys – rejected – ignored – they are just like art in his walls now there for decoration only
                Set him up with wooden toys and huts I spend ages making – and oh no – anything wood he will only use as a litter – ready – aim – DESTROYED

                He likes only the toys he has had since day one – nothing new. Only plastic – not wood
                He does like cane , willow and seagrass ( which are extremely hard for me to get here )

                Grew him a herb garden – and nope he has ISS and not allowed them

                Now if I want to spoil him it’s plastic toys only – and only in his pen not his cage as he is very unaccepting of any change in his cage

              • Barrett
                269 posts Send Private Message

                  Patton is not a toy kinda bunny. He has a pretty large collection of mint condition paper towel and toilet paper rolls laying about, all neatly flayed with scissors. Uh-uh.

                • pinknfwuffy
                  660 posts Send Private Message

                    This is too great of a thread.

                    Olaf immediately peed on a new fuzzy dog bed I got for him.
                    Sat next to, rather than in, a strawberry-shaped tent I spent extra on shipping for.
                    Destroys every willow toy in about 10 seconds.
                    I brought snow inside. He ran around it. Thumped at it. Played with the box and towel it was kept in.
                    Ordered special dried strawberries. Spit them out. Bought cheapo grocery dried strawberries. Omnom!
                    Offered new hay cubes. Threw them out of his loft, peeking over the edge to make sure they were dead.

                  • sarahthegemini
                    5584 posts Send Private Message

                      Posted By pinknfwuffy on 1/26/2017 12:32 PM

                      This is too great of a thread.

                      Olaf immediately peed on a new fuzzy dog bed I got for him.
                      Sat next to, rather than in, a strawberry-shaped tent I spent extra on shipping for.
                      Destroys every willow toy in about 10 seconds.
                      I brought snow inside. He ran around it. Thumped at it. Played with the box and towel it was kept in.
                      Ordered special dried strawberries. Spit them out. Bought cheapo grocery dried strawberries. Omnom!
                      Offered new hay cubes. Threw them out of his loft, peeking over the edge to make sure they were dead.

                    • Luna
                      2219 posts Send Private Message

                        Pink – From the video, I don’t think Olaf rejected the snow toooo much . He looked appreciative.

                      • pinknfwuffy
                        660 posts Send Private Message

                          Sarah – Ha! So glad you enjoyed it.

                          Luna – Hee. Yes, he eventually dug at and nibbled on it but no climbing or romping about. That was also a carefully edited video. :] The first ten minutes were him nibbling on the box I originally had it in, waiting for him to do something. Zilch!

                        • Wascally Wabbits
                          104 posts Send Private Message

                            I spent $80 buying fancy toys for Christmas, Lilo still prefers toilet paper cores.

                            Bought both of them expensive Sherwood supplements, snubbed.

                            Bought cat toys. Snubbed. Prefer to play with my shoe laces.

                          • bunnytowne
                            7537 posts Send Private Message

                              are they funny or what.  

                              Vet gave me Oxbow some treats for pain for bunnies.  I forget the name.  Ate 2.  After that nope nada no way.  Refuses them. Tried the ones my friend makes special for bunnies.  He eats a few recommended doses for a few days then nada.  

                              We concluded it must be a particular ingredient so she makes his minus that ingredient n finally he eats them like he is supposed to.  Narry a problem since.  

                              I change his liter he eats it..  Change it back he quits eating it.  This bun loves paper.  

                              My friend sends Cotton a toy for xmas. He hates it.  So i stick herbs in it for him to pick out.  I call it his ball game.  Speaking of ball games the superbowl is on tonight lol  Cotton you wanna play ball?  I am about to put parsley in the little ball with holes for him.  It is plastic.  He hates it he attacks it.  But with parsley or basil in it oh yes.  

                              Crazy bunny.  

                              I order special treats for him.  Oh yum first night goes crazy.  From there on out forget it.  I ended up eating them lol.  Yes they were dried fruit from my friend.  No sugars etc.  They were good.  lol  A xmas treat for them.

                              I buy those carrot timothy hay chews.  He only chews the little straw parts sticking out the rest forget it.  There they sit.  All alone.  Sad and neglected.    

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                          Forum THE LOUNGE Stories of when bunny rejects your efforts