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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A spay incision line… okay?

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    • babybunsmum
      3896 posts Send Private Message

        pinky came home earlier today from the vet after her spay yesterday.  everything in the spay went really well and since she has been home she’s been eating up a storm… pellets, kale, romaine, hay.  she has also peed & has lots of poops.  one really huge globby poop that stunk which i think was a massive cecal glob because literally seconds after she left that behind she was pooping regular looking & sized poops.

        anyways… i’m a little worried about her incision line.  it looks very red, possibly more red than 6pm when we came home (it’s 10:30 now), but it doesn’t seem to be bleeding.  she was laying right on it and when she got up there was no mark on the faux sheepskin.  also, i touched it very gently & it wasn’t wet with blood.  she has 3 layers of stitches… 2 internal and the outer most layer is tucked in & her skin surgically glued together. 

        i’m going to call the office first thing in the morning to run it by them… it’s fine to wait until then right?  as long as there’s no bleeding?  what do you think?


      • babybunsmum
        3896 posts Send Private Message

          also… i’ve watched her for a while & when grooming.  she was tucked under at one point but i can’t tell if she’s at it or not.

        • rabbitsmba
          475 posts Send Private Message

            I’d just keep an eye on it, and watchh er to make sure she is not chewing the stiches. My Fluffy did this after his neuter and I woke up to a bloody cage and almost had a heart attack! He had to wear a cone after for a few days.

            But I think so long as it’s not bleeding you are good until at least tomorrow. if it appears to be inflamed or swollen, call the vet.

          • MarkBun
            2842 posts Send Private Message

              Don’t worry about the line itself but the skin around the line. As far as it looks to me, it looks fine.

              I remember my first spay, since Maryann had black fur, I couldn’t tell the color too well.  I was CERTAIN that she was slowly opening up the incision but the doctors told me everything was fine.

            • Kokaneeandkahlua
              12067 posts Send Private Message

                Too be honest I think that looks good, as long as there is no seepage and no bleeding, no pus or infection, it’s good; But for sure phone to ease your fears (and keep up your ‘rep’ at the vets office )

              • MooBunnay
                3087 posts Send Private Message

                  It looks fairly normal to me as compared to other bunny spay incisions that I’ve seen – I think the best thing to do is just check the area 2-3 times during the day so you can detect if its getting swollen or bleeding, or looking infected, but I’d say at the moment it looks about the same as other incisions I’ve seen. It sounds like she was a real trooper with the spay! I’m so glad to hear she’s eating well! I think the fact that she IS eating so well is another indication that the incision probably isn’t hurting her too badly.

                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    It looks fine to me too! Glad she is eating and doing well.

                  • babybunsmum
                    3896 posts Send Private Message

                      thanks for the feedback everyone

                      i was afraid the glue was letting loose (or the skin against the glue) and thats why it was so red… but this morning it looks the same or possibly slightly less red.  she did a big side flop so i got a good look at it.  phew.  i feel much better now.  she, of course, feels awesome because she’s all hopped up on metacam

                      the metacam smells like beeswax candles & she loves it.  i just hold up the syringe and she licks away until it’s all gone, then starts biting the syringe for more!  hopefully her detox will go well   she was so out of it this morning that she grabbed a piece of kale, dropped it, and when she picked it up again she had a strip of newspaper with it & didn’t seem to notice.

                    • osprey
                      2065 posts Send Private Message

                        As I mentioned in your other thread, that looks like a very clean incision, very good job by your surgeon.  If you want, you can put a little neosporin (no pain killers) on the wound, I had to do that for Marilyn for a few days.  Bad things would be swelling, the area feeling hot to the touch, pus or foul smell.  A little redness is expected, and on a couple of the spays I’ve post oped, the incision even gets a bit lumpy as the fluids inside settle down.  This goes away pretty quickly.  I am so glad to hear that she is eating so well, that means she is recovering quickly.

                        Personally, I hate the smell of Metacam.  It reminds me of having a sick bunny in the house .  The stuff does work well though, it sounds like she’ll only need it for a couple of days.  marilyn recovered so fast that I gave her a grand total of 3 doses, one the night of the surgery, two the next day and that was it.  Keep the leftover metacam, you never know when you’ll need it and the vet is closed.

                      • LittlePuffyTail
                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                          When I had Velvet spayed the vet said to watch for chewing of the scabs and anything seeping out of the wounds. She healed up pretty nicely but around the end started pulling of the little scabs and it took a bit longer to heal. Make sure she has lots of hay and things to keep her busy so she will less likely to chew it.

                        • babybunsmum
                          3896 posts Send Private Message

                            osprey, since i’ve never seen a spay incision before it was interesting to hear that it’s a nice looking one!  i feel even more relieved hearing that.  i like my vet more & more. 

                            she thumped.  so i guess her thumper wasn’t in her girlie bits after all.  she was impatient with me this morning because i wasn’t bringing her salad fast enough.    lol.  today i bought some plastic baby ring things to hang in her cage, plus she has a paper towel roll & shredded newspaper dangling from her nic wall.  hopefully it’s enough to keep Her Royal Highness occupado

                          • Lisa_43
                            1499 posts Send Private Message

                              Looks good to me also. I was told if the incision starts to open up I could put liquid band aide on. It will be a bit inflamed, just watch for what the others have said, puss weeping and bleeding. I am glad all went well and she is doing fine.

                            • Gravehearted
                              2428 posts Send Private Message

                                yes, thankfully it looks like it’s healing ok. glad to hear she actually likes the metacam, hopefully that means she’s eating well and comfortable too.

                              • babybunsmum
                                3896 posts Send Private Message

                                  she’s eating & behaving just as before and as though nothing has happened.  she seemed a little woozy right after the first metacam dose i gave her but not really since then.  this morning when i discovered her jailbreak i sat on the couch with her & she jumped on my lap when i got out her morning metacam dose.  then she took off with the syringe when the metacam was done.  lol.  like k&k’s bun (forget which one) i think she’ll always come running when she sees a syringe thinking its a treat.  she really couldn’t be easier to look after the sweetie pie.

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                              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A spay incision line… okay?