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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Separated. Sigh. Will the bond remain, though?

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    • Lion_Lop_Lover
      971 posts Send Private Message


        The lops are separated…they can still see each other and put their noses through the bars to sniff…but…grrr…

        Boy lop would not leave Smile (the female) alone! His horniness has escalated in the last day. Like, 2 days ago I noticed he had begun to exhibit sexual arousal/mating behaviour (they are 2.5 months old) but then tonight…my gosh, he wouldn’t leave her be!

        So I had to do A LOT of rearranging, since their cage would not separate easily. So I ended up moving them into Yuuki’s Cubes cage and Yuuki got moved into their cage (which he is not happy about since it’s smaller by a foot or so).

        Anyway…the boy seems very dissatisfied with me (of course, I took away his hump object ) and Smile couldn’t really care less.

        So the vet will be called soon to see if / when he’s ready for the snipperoo.

        However…I’m just seeking reassurance that their bond will remain…they can’t cuddle on top of each other/lie with each other anymore, but they have 100% visibility and they can get their noses through the grids to sniff…so I would assume they will remain bonded?

        Attaching 2 pics of the ‘new’ separated cage. It’s split pretty near down the middle.


      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Honestly there is no guarantee. I know that’s not what you want to hear but I don’t think anyone can tell you what will happen for certain. She’s probably happier now that he’s not in with her and humping her.

        • Scarlet_Rose
          4293 posts Send Private Message

            Unfortunately Sarita is right, there are no assurances they will remain bonded but you are doing everything you can to make sure they don’t forget each other either.  However your girl is going to be much happier not putting up with his amour and most importantly, you are preventing a pregnancy and  pet overpopulation. What you might want to do is place a stuffed animal with sewn-on eyes in his cage so he has something to act out his amour on while you wait to have him snipped.

          • BinkyBunny
            8776 posts Send Private Message

              uh oh, is she spayed? How old is she? I’m just thinking….oh oh, pregnancy.

            • Lion_Lop_Lover
              971 posts Send Private Message

                Binkybunky – if you’ve read the other thread, the lops are 2.5 months old. Technically not even sexually mature yet, and no vet is going to spay a girl when she’s 2.5 months old. Even the male’s testicles haven’t descended yet, he’s just getting all giddy.

                I highly doubt she’s pregnant. There’s no way…Everything’s I’ve been reading states conception is possible as early as 14 weeks, and mine are 10…

              • Sarita
                18851 posts Send Private Message

                  I doubt she’s pregnant either LionLop – she really is too young. Hopefully his testicles will descend very soon and you can get him neutered. I think you should switch their things around too in their condos so they are use to each other’s smells too in the meantime.

                • Lion_Lop_Lover
                  971 posts Send Private Message

                    True true…
                    They’ve spent some time sniffing/nuzzling noses through the grids, and I plan to let them out together supervised…if he starts any humpy behaviour I’ll take him away,…but that way they will get to play together and hopefully keep the bond.

                  • MooBunnay
                    3087 posts Send Private Message

                      I had to separate my male and female rabbit for a bit when he was over grooming her and causes bald spots on her, I did the same thing that you are doing right now, and their bond survived the separation quite well, and I didn’t have any problems reintroducing them, so is a chance that their bond will survive. I think the toughest part is when you take one to the vet, and he comes back smelling unfamiliar. I’d recommend taking them in the car to the vet together so they can snuggle a bit on the way there

                    • BinkyBunny
                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                        Op! gotcha!

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                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Separated. Sigh. Will the bond remain, though?