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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Pics of Poppy!

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    • luna
      147 posts Send Private Message

        Finally….Some pics of Poppy. She is a dutch as far as i know. I was told she was a mini rex but i really dont see the resemblence. What ye think?




        The last picture is of Poppy grooming her bunny teddy. It was so cute. Then she stuck her head under as if she wanted to be groomed back!



      • jerseygirl
        22345 posts Send Private Message

          Ahh..the long awaited pictures! Glad you were able to get them on. SHE IS GORGEOUS! Love her colouring and head shape. From now on I just won’t believe any bad behaviours you report on her. She must be an angel

        • luna
          147 posts Send Private Message

            Hee Hee…dont be fooled by her angelic look! She has got so bold in the last few days…. litter box contents out all over the floor every day so i had to change litter box to storage bin for now. hopefully when she is spayed on Friday she will calm down a little. We were joking the other night saying if she was a boy we would call her “Damien” …Lol. Sometimes she acts a little possessed in her cage and tears the place to shreds!!! I dont know how Henry will feel about sharing his home with a messy girl.


            Thanks for the compliments Jerseygirl…She is a lovely colour and her eyes are a dark grey(not red). Very pretty girl

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              hmmm….she’s kinda got rex ears….maybe a rex/dutch cross??

              love the grooming pics!!! sooo cute!

            • RabbitPam
              11002 posts Send Private Message

                She’s got the rex head and nose shape too. More angular and less round than a dutch. Like “you have your father’s nose, but your hair is all my Dutch family.”

              • luna
                147 posts Send Private Message

                  I see what ye mean. Myself and my boyfriend have been looking through all my rabbit books at numerous pictures and she does have the head of a rex alright so maybe she is a cross between rex and dutch. The breeder told us she would develop that velvety hair texture as she matures…. i think he was telling a white lie?

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    wow. i’m thinking also a possible cross. of course, i first saw the pics and i thought DUTCH, it’s obvious b/c of the markings (and what a beautiful gray!) but she does have something “mini rexey” about her. does this breeder regularly cross-breed rabbits? that doesn’t sound like a very responsible thing to do, esp. when so many buns are already cross-bred by backyard breeders. well, i’m just speculating. you could call the breeder and say, “hey, some friends of mine were admiring my new mini rex (hehe) and they say her markings look like dutch. is she a cross of a dutch and mini rex?”

                    so we’re thinking she’s about 4 months give or take a week, huh? i adopted my mini rex Meadow when she was approx. 4 months and she was smaller than Poppy looks in those pics. also, she had the velvety soft fur the enitre time. the youngest mini rex i’ve ever held was my own, does anyone who had younger mini rexes know if they have to “come into” their soft fur, or are they soft from the get-go?

                  • luna
                    147 posts Send Private Message

                      Well he told me on the phone when he was describing his mini rexes…that they are pure bred going back through many blood lines and he had papers etc. The reason he is getting away with all this “spoofing” is because its Ireland and people dont know much about rabbit breeds etc. There is still a huge culture of getting a child a white fluffy bunny and keeping it in a hutch down the back of the yard. I will send him a text message and phrase it like you said Beka… ha ha and see what i hear back!!! Poppy is huge….well compared to Henry anyway. Easily twice his size and twice as smelly and destructive

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        that’s the other thing… mini rexes can range from about 3-4.5 pounds full-grown. my Meadow girl is 3.7 pounds on a good day… dutches i believe are medium sized… so maybe 5-6 pounds… i’ve never had one myself so i might be incorrect, but i do believe they’re larger than mini rexes.

                        not that this all really matters. you love her regardless… i just get annoyed when i’m not told the absolute truth… lol.

                      • Sarita
                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                          She’s so pretty. She looks like a dainty Dutch to me – she certainly has the Dutch markings. Dutches seem to vary in size in my experience and she looks like the perfect size and weight to me too.

                          I love the name Poppy too.

                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                            She’s beautiful!! Very cute with her matching teddy-bunny

                          • luna
                            147 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh i hear ya! Hate being lied to aswell…. and normally i would be very assertive but the breeder was telling us his life story and about how his wife had walked out on him recently so i just didnt have the heart to query Poppys background at that point I am getting no reply from him right now…. id say i wont hear from him again! Ah well…. we will always wonder i guess … !

                            • skunklionshow
                              1257 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m soooo stupid!!!!  I thought it said “pics of poopy” and I’m thinking….”gotta check that out”  Oh I’ve completely lost it.

                                BTW she’s gorgeous!

                              • bunnytowne
                                7537 posts Send Private Message

                                  Yes she looks likes  a mix.  when I saw those ears and head that is not a dutch head or ears. Just the color.  Perhaps when she sheds out soon her hair may be soft.  That is what I am sending vibes for anyways.

                                  You were wanting a rex cause of the hair right?

                                  I was at the pet store awhile back and saw a small tiny dutch baby.  They were telling me it is a rex. Umhmmmm. Right.  Perhaps  a mix I thought. I dont’ know Rex’s come in many colors solids and brokens but I never saw a full rex or any rex for that matter with dutch coloring.

                                • Thearina
                                  29 posts Send Private Message

                                    In my opinion she looks like a cross between a rex and dutch. Her hair texture may change to more like a rexes as she gets older. If she is pure breed rex her hair should already feel soft like a rex, because I know a feedstore that got a pedigreed rex rabbit. They didn’t know she was already pregnant when they got her and she had babies not long after. When I seen the babies they were 8 weeks old and their hair was soft like a rexes is suppose to be. The breeder I got my last 2 rabbits from (I have 4) also breeds mini rexes and she had some that was only 12 weeks and their hair soft like a rexes is suppose to be. So like I said in my opinion she’s more than likely is a cross between a rex and dutch and not pure rex. But she is very pretty though.

                                    Side note: My last 2 rabbits that I got from a breeder are retired breeders that she had been trying to sell for over 2 months. Both rabbits really won me over. And at least now they get to be inside in big nic condo’s, tons of timothy hay, oxbow pellets, and veggies everyday instead outside in the cold without hay or bedding in wire flooring hutches.

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                                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Pics of Poppy!