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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Pesticides…

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    • mrmac
      2156 posts Send Private Message

        The managment of our apartment complex is having people come spray for roaches even though no one in our building really has them?!  I would really prefer them to use something non toxic for me and the bunnies sake. My neighbor started a petition type thing cause she doesnt want her apartment sprayed either and I need to write something up to give her that she is going to take to managment tomorrow. How do pesticides affect bunnies? Are there any specific reactions to them? Any good resources?

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          My friend’s apartment building was treated for roaches last fall when she was pregnant. The exterminator guy sprayed twice, three weeks apart. He told her to go out for the day (for 8 hours)at which time it would be safe for her and her other young children to return home. They kept the windows open, too. it was feezing… That’s all I know. –Can you keep you bunnies out on your patio during that time?

        • mrmac
          2156 posts Send Private Message

            Yes, not that I want them to be outside for 4+ hours in the heat but I think its going to be my only option, since I really dont want to have to deal with management or the pest people, so I’m freezing up some bottles for them.

          • RabbitPam
            11002 posts Send Private Message

              I’ve lived in two apartment complexes where the exterminators routinely used pesticides that are considered safe for animals. They, and the apartment management, do have that option, so I’d start by asking the management to use that type of chemical.

              I have also asked the man when he comes to skip the room my bunny is in. The ones where you have to vacate for 8 hours or more are usually called bombs. Those are much more harmful and I have never had to be around that. I also have been allowed to ask that the exterminator spray outside only, and not inside the apartment and they’ve agreed to that too.

              A Raid roach trap, set under your kitchen and bathroom sinks, usually will stop any problem before it starts. If you have your bunny legally in your apt. (if it’s pets allowed, or the management agreed to let you keep a bunny) than you should be able to request the non-toxic for animals spray. If it’s like ours, it’s kind of a stream that only goes around door frames, windows, and under sinks. If you don’t let bunny out for a few hours, it should be fine.

            • mrmac
              2156 posts Send Private Message

                We hvae the traps already and spray on our own occasionally. The entire building has been so full of drama concerning the spraying, resulting in a lady above me getting screamed at my management cause she brough in some ‘alternative options’. The guy came, I put them out on the patio for a few hours, he only did a quick spray and only in the kitchen and bathroom so it wasnt major since we really havnt had any roaches. After that I went to talk to the lady above me about her yelling incident and the pest guy found the source of all the roaches in this one creepy guys apartment. She likes to call him ‘charles manson man’ cause she thinks he looks like him haha! He’s really odd and he even said “oh I like poison!” He showed us his apartment even though he probably wasnt allowed to and the minute he open the door it reeked of cigarette smoke and nastiness! It was the MOST disgusting place I have ever seen, and I mean EVER!!!!! I turned to the front door and a huge roach crawled up it! They were pouring out of the walls and vents! ewww! it gave me the willies! The pest man said it was the worst he had ever seen and coming from him that says alot! He said the apartment is gonna have to be gutted! The man was nice enough to only do a light spray in my apartment and was fine in a couple of hours!

              • RabbitPam
                11002 posts Send Private Message

                  That’s good. I’m surprised your landlord doesn’t have grounds to evict this guy. I would never go near him again just to be on the safe side. Yes, it was necessary to have the exterminator, but it sounds like you are all set.

                • mrmac
                  2156 posts Send Private Message

                    I dont know what they are going to do about him and his apartment yet? They absolutely need to do something though. Pest man said it looked like it had taken years to get to that point especially with SOOO many roaches large and babies. I never go near anyone, especially him, only see him walking. It was a good thing they called for the inspection but quite inconvenient.

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      m, if that guy lives in your building… there must be roaches everywhere by now!
                      When my friend’s building was being treated they evicted some tenants because they were found to be the origin. My friend never saw them in her place but after the spraying, one came crawling out of her kitchen sink…. and weeks after when she went to the laundry room and came back to her apartment there was one sitting on her shoulder…. eeeek! I wonder if large bugs bother rabbits?

                    • mrmac
                      2156 posts Send Private Message

                        Ewww! There havnt been many in any other apartments, maybe a few, I have only seen a few in ours, but they have all been really little. The exterminator went to the apartment next to the weird guys apartment and he said they had like 8 traps lined up against the wall the seperates their kitchens. Whatever ones that there are had to have just trickled through the building. They HAVE to do something about it…it was like un-livable in there! I wonder what bugs bother them in general or if they even notice?!

                      • LittlePuffyTail
                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                          EWWW at that guys apartment!!! I freak out when the occasional ant is spotted in my house! I’ve never seen a roach in my 27 years and hoping to keep it that way, thank yas!!!!!

                        • MooBunnay
                          3087 posts Send Private Message

                            Ewwwwwwww that is so freaky! I’m glad they found the source of the issue though so that you don’t have to worry about it. We have a pest man but we only let him spray around just the exterior of my house so that bugs don’t cross from outside to in. We don’t let him spray the gardens or anything because most of the bugs I have are good ones

                          • Kafrn
                            747 posts Send Private Message

                              Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product that is excellent for cockroaches. (I am a pest controller, in Australia. We only deal with natural pesticides that are safe for bunnies etc)… you could request they use this as a cockroach control in the building?

                            • mrmac
                              2156 posts Send Private Message

                                I will have to ask about that! We get an occasional roach but only a REALLY little one, black widows and brown recluse spiders alot (both being poisonous, and having an arachnophobic husband) we will occasionally spray outside on our own around our front doors and windows and such.

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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Pesticides…