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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Not introducing myself again…but Freddie*, newest addition

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    • Karla
      1624 posts Send Private Message

        Although Karl and Molly seem to be enjoying themselves again and are superbonded like back in the days when it was just the two of them, I decided to bring in a third once more. I’ll introduce him in this section.

        His name is Johan* (I think…98% sure that will be his name), and he is a white/black lop. He was neutered 6 days ago, and I got him at the shelter Saturday. It was hard to pick the right one, but we decided on him, because the other candidate seemed overwhelmingly sexually driven and well, yes, we had to make a choice somehow.

        But he is so weird  He is hyperactive and completely out of it. He does not calm down at all. He even chews his own paws, which seems to be due to excess energy. He doesn’t like raisins, bananas (whoops, what will I do now with my ever magical banana trick?! ), black bread…or even yoghurt drops (oh, guys, I got desperate to see if I could get him to eat anything). He only wants hay and cabbage. Which I guess is good, but still…very weird.

        Karl and Molly are interested and go to the cage all the time to watch and sniff, but it’s like he doesn’t have the ability to just sit still and sniff back. He is moving around all the time! I did try a 1 second introduction, but he clearly went for the humping straight away, so Karl was not impressed. Later as I was trying to feed him pellets, Molly spotted a chance to get some pellets as well and managed to get into his cage. They ate next to each other for a few seconds until he realised there was someone to hump! So, Molly ran off.

        I guess no bonding sessions the next 2-3 weeks until his hormonal level is way lower.

        Here he is…the best I could do, since Johan cannot sit still. His name should be Mr. Cocaine, as you can tell from the pictures!

        * we just changed his name

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          He’s sure pretty. Congrats. I like your bunny room very much. Did you ever show it off in the habitat section?

        • Karla
          1624 posts Send Private Message

            Posted By Petzy on 05/17/2010 10:25 AM
            He’s sure pretty. Congrats. I like your bunny room very much. Did you ever show it off in the habitat section?

            Hmm, not sure I have. It is kind of boring, all I have is a lot of cardboard boxes as Molly loves to chew and Karl loves to hide (and throw things).

            But I just took some pictures. Except for the cage/litterbox with the big open front (now that Freddie – right, we just changed his name! – lives in their old cage/litterbox), this is what it usually looks like.


            On this picture you can see Molly through the windows in the door – they are not particularly happy that they cannot get into the bunny room, but have to stay in the living room when Freddie has his run time. So they sit by the door and wait for a chance to get in. 


          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              Mr. Cocaine? I hope he does calm down LOL. He’s cute and I’m glad you were able to find a shelter rabbit too.

            • Karla
              1624 posts Send Private Message

                Posted By Sarita on 05/17/2010 10:55 AM
                Mr. Cocaine? I hope he does calm down LOL. He’s cute and I’m glad you were able to find a shelter rabbit too.

                Yes, we decided that that was the only way to go. And they have actually just begun neutering their males, which only cost $40 extra, so that is excellent! The trip home did however take 3 hours with 1 bus and two different trains, and he was not particularly brave during the trip, but we managed.

                And thank you. I hope he calms down as well. I really do. I am telling myself that he is probably just a teenager, about 9 months old, so no worries…

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  oh, that room is so nice for them! Your place is pretty.
                  –call him Freddie Mercury.

                • Elrohwen
                  7318 posts Send Private Message

                    He is so gorgeous!!! I love him and can’t wait to see many pictures.

                    Hopefully he’ll calm down soon. Hannah was a tornado the first 3-4 days we had her because she wasn’t getting enough exercise at her old home. After having plenty of room for a few days she settled down a ton. Hopefully your guy is just hyper because he can’t get enough of all the room he has now.

                  • Karla
                    1624 posts Send Private Message

                      I hope you are right, and thanks for the info on Hannah. It would make sense. He did actually have the biggest cage of all the bunnies at the shelter, about 11 ft2, but still it is very small, so I can imagine that he is happy to be able to move around.

                      He still has to spend most of the time in the cage though, until I can bond them, but at least he gets a couple of hours of free run in the bunny room a day, and hopefully that will make him settle down. If he wasn’t so hyper, I would take him out in the garden, but I’m sure I will never catch him. Especially, since he is not into treats.

                    • Elrohwen
                      7318 posts Send Private Message

                        Can you set up a pen for him around the cage? In her old home Hannah had a 6sqft cage – she did get time out, but only a few hours, which just isn’t enough for her. We used her old cage plus a pen (probably half an xpen, Otto had the other half of it) and she was so much better just with that. He’ll settle down with time! It’ll probably help for his hormones to die down too – he’s probably in claiming-new-territory mode, even if he’s not actually marking. He just needs to explore it all!

                        Do you know how old he is?

                      • Karla
                        1624 posts Send Private Message

                          No pen, unfortunately. I wouldn’t know how to make one or even get the x-pens you guys have. Also, Molly is quite a jumper, so I don’t trust that she wouldn’t jump into his area. She can even get onto the desk on the picture. Sometimes I leave food on the desk and I come back to find her on top of it eating it all.

                          But Wednesdays I work from home, so he can be out all day, while the others get the rest of the apartment and same for the weekends.

                          The rest of the days, I can only give him 4-5 hours of run time. I know it is not much, but at least it is only until his hormones have settled and then he will have a lifetime of free run.

                          I have no clue. I’m just guessing 9 months, but only because of his energy level. He seems young. Not more than 1½ years top, I would say.

                        • mrmac
                          2156 posts Send Private Message

                            He is such a cutie! This guy is going to keep you on your toes!

                          • Sarita
                            18851 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh wow – that was quite a trip I bet! I can see why he would be scared but I’m glad you got him home safe and sound.

                            • Elrohwen
                              7318 posts Send Private Message

                                I love his name, by the way. So cute! I hope you don’t change it.

                                Hannah is over 3 years old now and she was still insane for the first few days (she spent a solid 3 hours attacking a phone book). But 4-5 hours is probably more than he got before so hopefully he’ll settle soon. And I bet he’ll settle a lot once he has bunny friends to take up his time.

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By Karla on 05/17/2010 11:41 AM
                                  No pen, unfortunately. I wouldn’t know how to make one or even get the x-pens you guys have.

                                  There are no things like NiC grids to buy in Denmark at all, are there?

                                • Lintini
                                  3329 posts Send Private Message

                                    Oooo he’s very cute! *snuggles*

                                  • Lunar~Atticus
                                    209 posts Send Private Message

                                      lol mr. cocain…should have named him speed! lol hope he calms down for you and you are able to bond the 3 of them together….very very cute boy!!

                                    • Karla
                                      1624 posts Send Private Message

                                        Posted By Petzy on 05/17/2010 02:02 PM
                                        There are no things like NiC grids to buy in Denmark at all, are there?

                                        I have never seen them, but since I don’t hang out that much in DIY centres, I really shouldn’t say that they don’t exist. I will show them to my boyfriend tonight and hear him about it.

                                        At least, Freddie isn’t humping the stuffed toy anymore, so his hormones are settling. He still runs around grunting constantly, so it’s not time yet to meet the others, but hopefully soon.

                                        I have a feeling he might be a dominant guy, so I am preparing myself for a challenging bond. If it turns out, I’m right about his personality, I was thinking I just might throw in Karl and Molly at the same time, so he might be less dominant during the first few meetings and I can establish a good vibe. Not sure about it, but just thinking. Let’s see what happens once I begin the first one on one meetings once the hormones have settled.  

                                      • MimzMum
                                        8029 posts Send Private Message

                                          Aww…I love the name Johan! ^_^ But Freddie is good too. (one of my nephews is named Johannes after his father, but he used to go by the nickname ‘Hannes’)

                                          He is BEAUTIFUL! OMG, where do you find all these lovely black or black-ish loppies? What a charmer! Look at those feetsies!
                                          If you can ever get him to hold still, more pictures are a must! ^_^

                                        • Karla
                                          1624 posts Send Private Message

                                            I think I prefer the name Johan as well…and my boyfriend does like the name as well, but New Bun is so hyper and out of it, that he needed a name that fit that personality. And Freddie just sounds more energetic and like a naughty bun, which I have a feeling he will turn out to be.

                                            You know, we did talk about picking another one with a different colouring since we seem to have an tendency for the colour black…but at least they match each other, right

                                            I have truly tried to take his picture, because he looks really adorable with tousled and thick fur (probably due to having spent the winter outdoors at the shelter), but I can’t! I think this will be the only picture you ever see of him LOL

                                          • MimzMum
                                            8029 posts Send Private Message

                                              Teehee…methinks the name Ferris Bueller would work well too! He sounds like he thinks it’s his day off!
                                              *pouts and gets out the poking stick for pictures*
                                              Just kidding…

                                              Seriously though, he’s got some gorgeous markings! I have a big soft spot for either black, grey or black and white lop bunnies.

                                            • jerseygirl
                                              22351 posts Send Private Message

                                                Very cool! I like his spotted underside. Almost like polka dot otter markings. Freddie does suit him too. Fun times ahead for you I think!

                                              • Sarita
                                                18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I noticed that about all your bunnies too Karla – they are black and white.

                                                • Karla
                                                  1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I knooow. But to be fair, we were very interested in two orange ones as well.

                                                    But one of them had ringworm, so we weren’t supposed to touch it, and they wouldn’t check the sex and they didn’t know if it was up for adoption. It was a shame ‘cause it was really cuddly. The other one, well, he was way too sexual for me, but he had been neutered the same day as Freddie, so it wasn’t really fair to rule him out because of that, and I really, really liked him. So, it’s not like we only looked at the black ones

                                                    But ehm, we flipped a coin twice and it said to pick Freddie…so, we decided it was destiny.

                                                  • Sarita
                                                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I adopted a rabbit to a couple who had 2 Boston Terriers (black and white) and a black and white lop and they wanted to keep with theme and adopted a little fuzzy black and white rabbit from me – luckily I was able to bond them very quickly. It was just a theme they liked LOL. Turned out to become good friends with them and I bunnysit their pair quite a bit.

                                                      Well orange and black would be a little bit like Halloween too but in a good way if you had ended up going that route.

                                                    • Beka27
                                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Themes can be good sometimes… lol!

                                                      • Karla
                                                        1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Posted By Sarita on 05/18/2010 07:07 AM
                                                          I adopted a rabbit to a couple who had 2 Boston Terriers (black and white) and a black and white lop and they wanted to keep with theme and adopted a little fuzzy black and white rabbit from me – luckily I was able to bond them very quickly. It was just a theme they liked LOL. Turned out to become good friends with them and I bunnysit their pair quite a bit.

                                                          Well orange and black would be a little bit like Halloween too but in a good way if you had ended up going that route.

                                                          LOL. Now you’re making me want an orange one!


                                                        • LoveChaCha
                                                          6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Freddie so cute
                                                            How many buns do you have now Karla?

                                                          • Karla
                                                            1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Only 3. Jack died a short while ago. So Freddie is taking over. So far, they are not welcoming him the way they did Jack, but I hope it is because of his “intact” smell.

                                                            • LoveChaCha
                                                              6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Ah, I see. He seems pretty hyper

                                                                My bun kinda chilled out once she got spayed.

                                                                I wish you the best with Freddie Hes a cutie!

                                                              • Karla
                                                                1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Thank you. I think he is a bit calmer today. I’ve actually petted him three times, so that means he has in fact calming down just a tiny bit for him to actually sit still now and then.

                                                                  I thought it might be due to his hormones and the fact that he can smell the others, so I have moved him temporarily into our bedroom, and I think it helped.

                                                                • LucyTwoBunz
                                                                  153 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Karla…adorable!  Where did you get that ball in the first pic?  Is it made out of wood?

                                                                  • Elrohwen
                                                                    7318 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      I think he’s the cutest thing. Glad to hear he calmed down enough for a pet or two.

                                                                    • Karla
                                                                      1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Posted By LucyTwoBunz on 05/18/2010 01:23 PM

                                                                        Karla…adorable!  Where did you get that ball in the first pic?  Is it made out of wood?

                                                                        It is made out of wood yes. It has a bell inside it. Karl loves tossing things around, and this one makes so much noise that it is his favourite toy. I do hate the noise though at night time LOL.

                                                                        I’m not really sure if I’m allowed to give links to other shopping sites in here, but it was bought at They don’t ship to the US, I think, so I guess it is okay in this case to mention the name.

                                                                        I’m starting to love the little fella more and more. He is so darn cute. I hope the bonding goes well!

                                                                      • Deleted User
                                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          I like themes as long as they don’t lead to a pet being dumped. I was thinking when I got Neigey to change Lint’s and Neigey’s names to Domi and Mino. But Mino (mee-no) sounded mean. LOL.

                                                                          Karla, I liked that toy too. You seem to have many pretty wooden things.

                                                                        • Lintini
                                                                          3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            I think we need more photos soon…it’s been like over a week!!

                                                                          • Monkeybun
                                                                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              For sure. *passes out sticks*


                                                                            • Lintini
                                                                              3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Good thing I got that huge stick for my bday….

                                                                              • Karla
                                                                                1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  I will, I will.

                                                                                  He is so adorable with those long ears dropping down on the floor and his huge feet. I am away this weekend, but Sunday I promise I will take some pictures of him.

                                                                                  I hope to be able to begin the bonding sessions in about 1 week’s time. He is not that hormonal anymore, so fingers crossed. It is really difficult having bunnies in seperate rooms, so I am hoping for a quick bond!

                                                                                • Lintini
                                                                                  3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    EeeEe!!! I hope the bonding will go great for you, I’ve already got my family room bun proofed for trio bonding over the summer! He’s so cute, I can’t wait to see vids and pictures. I love his markings!

                                                                                  • Karla
                                                                                    1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      New pictures of Freddie – or Eddie Spaghetti, as he is also called. I don’t know why it is so difficult to find him a name!

                                                                                      He is still a little guy very driven by his hormones  I’ve done a few unauthorised bonding sessions, and they went okay, although he is more interested in reproducing than saying hello to his new room mates.


                                                                                    • Lintini
                                                                                      3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        Aww he is so cute! His face is so lovable- I would have picked him too and brought him home hehe. I think Freddie really fits him!

                                                                                      • Karla
                                                                                        1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          Just want to update and share my frustrations…Freddie is still very hormonal. He sprays just by the sight of Molly She is perfectly fine with him, though she finds it a bit annoying when he tries to hump him.

                                                                                          I did a bonding session with him and Karl…let me just say, that I have bite marks on my hands. They were in the cage together (didn’t think that Freddie would get into the cage when Karl was there, and I was busy doing my bonding session with him and Molly). It went sort of okay. They fight whenever Freddie decides to shove his head into Karl’s genitals, otherwise they are fine. Anyhow, so to calm them down I did the banana trick: Karl groomed, and Freddie slept. And when the grooming was finished, Freddie did his humping noises and wanted to sniff genitals, and then Karl fought back – with my hand in between. Ouch.

                                                                                          Well, I am hopeful since Karl is very relaxed about him otherwise, and Freddie is friendly though hormonal. But those hormones better start falling to a descent level, so the real bonding sessions can begin.

                                                                                          But he is the pickiest eater ever! He only wants cabbage and hay. And a little bit of pellets sometimes. It took him 3 days to finish a carrot. Anyone who has had such a picky eater? His teeth look fine, but I might just have to get the vet to check on him, if nobody else knows about such picky eaters.

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                                                                                      Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Not introducing myself again…but Freddie*, newest addition