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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! New Slave Master

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    • Lunar~Atticus
      209 posts Send Private Message

        I am please to announce I will become the slave to my 3rd and final little bun!!

        A bit about her that I know> she is 10wks old, female and a flemish giant/ lionhead cross. she is a broken brown and white and she comes home march 28th!!  

        here is a pic of her from the breeder:

        as of right now, she doesnt have a name…anyone have any suggestions????

        here 2 sisters are going to be Heifer, broken black and white and Moose, broken grey and white who are now 10 weeks old now as well.

      • Monkeybun
        10479 posts Send Private Message

          Woo you’re gonna have fun come puberty lol. Grats on the new addition, she’s adorable

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            Squeeeee… bunnies!!! How adorable! Congrats, you’re so lucky!

          • Lunar~Atticus
            209 posts Send Private Message

              thank you thank you, im very excitied!!! im hoping to bond all 3 together…which really going to have to research, heifer and moose are already bonded!! i going to have all 3 spayed im thinking at the same time and taken in together, seperate carries, but this way they will all heal together….im thinking this is a good idea…any thoughts?

              i have ALWAYS wanted a flemish giant croos but couldnt find one so i got heifer and moose instead and now that i have found almost exactly what i was looking for…i just couldnt say no!

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                She’s so cute! What a funny mix tho… I see nothing of either breed in her. (And I wonder why a breeder would cross-breed anyways, very weird.) How big is she?

                If I were you, I would go ahead and spay the two older ones as soon as they are old enough and get them done and healing. And then get the younger one spayed once she is old enough. The truth is, Heifer and Moose are tentatively bonded right now, but that bond can (and most likely will) break once puberty hits, unless you can intercept it and get them spayed in time. A female pair is notoriously difficult to bond. Three females… yikes. Your only course of action will be to spay ASAP and really work with them.

              • LoveChaCha
                6634 posts Send Private Message

                  She is adorable!

                • Lunar~Atticus
                  209 posts Send Private Message

                    thank you thank you. as of right now all 3 of them are the same age and i am going to definetly have this on in a seperate cage but where they can see each other and smell each other but not touch each other.

                  • Lunar~Atticus
                    209 posts Send Private Message

                      Heifer has passed away last nite. I left for work in the morning and she was happy binkying around, eating and nothing abnormal….came home fromwork and she was gone. I am very upset with this. She went to her vet today to see if they can tell me why she passed. Moose is very depressed about this.

                      MY question is, I am to be geting a new bunny on the 28th, next sunday, and i am not sure if i still should. the one in the pic is not the one i am getting for she is gone. I am getting a male and they will be apart until he is fixed and then her. any advice on this would be great!!! im worried about moose for they were full sisters and i dont want to loose her as well. as of right now, i am waiting to hear from the vet on what happened.

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m very sorry that Heifer passed. Let us know when you hear back from the vet. You should let the breeder know as well what has happened. There may be something they can do on their end to prevent this from occurring again… most importantly, not separating mom and babies before 8 weeks old.

                        (((Binky free Heifer!)))

                        As far as getting another baby right now, if I were in your position, I would wait. At least wait until your first rabbit is fixed before bringing a second into the house, especially one of the opposite sex. You’re just asking for trouble doing that. And now that there may be something wrong with Moose (if her and Heifer both had a problem) you wouldn’t want to expose the new rabbit to this. If something comes back and it was traced back to the breeder, I would strongly recommend you not deal with this breeder again, but rather adopt an altered, vet-checked bunny thru a reputable rescue.

                      • Monkeybun
                        10479 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh I am so sorry to hear about Heifer. Sometimes there’s just no warning, and they’re just gone… Binky free little Heifer.

                        • Lunar~Atticus
                          209 posts Send Private Message

                            thank you for your binky free’s. there was absolutly no warning at all for her passing. she was doing fine in the morning and when i came home she was gone. i have contacted the breeder and they have told me that no one has had a bunny from them pass away and she was the first.

                            news from the vet…they told me she had a heart murmur and that was all they could find wrong. no illness or anything along those lines…and this is what took her life. how do bunnies get heart murmurs?!?!

                          • jerseygirl
                            22347 posts Send Private Message

                              I suspect they are just born with heart murmers. Heart problems would take them sudden like that, without warning. I’m really sorry. This must be hard on you having lost Whiteout and now Heifer. (((Hugs)))

                              I suggest you hold off on getting another just yet. Concentrate on spending lots of time with Moose if she’s grieving. It will strengthen your bond with her. Bringing an new rabbit into her space can be stressful – as is bonding sometimes. I think you would both benefit just being each others companion for now. Once she’s older and fixed, you’ll have more of an idea of her personality which should help in getting her a friend.

                              Again, I’m sorry for your loss. *Binky Free Heifer!*

                            • Beka27
                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                Poor baby. Hopefully she went quickly. I’m guessing like with people, you can have a heart murmur and have problems your entire life… or have a murmur and live to be 95 years old with hardly a complication. Hopefully this will ease your mind that it wasn’t preventable and there was nothing you could do except love her to bits, which you did :o)

                              • Lunar~Atticus
                                209 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thank you everyone. moose and i are having a hard time with this. it breaks my heart to see moose soo down with the loss of her sister and she hasnt binkyed since her passing. just sitts in her cage and eats. wont come out to play for her explore time. is this normal?? she is only just 10 weeks old. i am very worried moose is severly depressed.

                                • bunnyluvr
                                  409 posts Send Private Message

                                    Poor little one. Binky free sweet Heifer!

                                    Try to spend extra cuddle time with Moose and give her lots of attention. Also keep an eye on her eating as she may slow down or stop if she is very sad. I used to have 2 bonded bunnies that were the best of friends and did everything together. One passed away and the other one was so sad without him. The saddest part was when he would look for him – oh it would break my heart. It took about a week or so and he wasn’t so sad and started eating like normal. After a month or so I bonded him with my other rabbit and he was perfectly happy again. So just give her time and extra love and she will come around. She just misses her sister just like you.

                                    Hugs to you – so sorry you lost this sweet little one.

                                  • MirBear
                                    1412 posts Send Private Message

                                      hey, sorry im a bit late to the forum… flemmi / lionhead… msg me asap.. im curious where this breeder is located ive been looking at baby buns over the last year and am very concerened about a cartain breeder who sells flemmi / lionhead mix’s…. its kinda obviouse that she over breeds because she always has flemmi/ flemmi mixes for sale and yet she claims to only have flemmi bucks (and im thinking she only uses 1 because every batch of babies look the same) please msg me!!

                                      alll bunnies are cute.. but if it is the same breeder them maybe yiou can check with him/ her when you go pick up the baby bunny.. you know, to make sure their not over bred


                                      EDit: just finished reading the forum! im sooo soo sorry about heifer!!! just spend lots of time with moose, thats all i can suggest. she can help you with your loss and in return you can help her with hers…. it must be  soo hard *hugs*

                                    • jerseygirl
                                      22347 posts Send Private Message

                                        Good call Miranda! Over breeding just to produce a certain look can certainly lead to some health defects too. Some less responsible breeders may not be upfront about this. It’s rather damaging to reputations of Breeders, especially those who are trying to keep strong, healthy lines of their breeds.

                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                          Sorry to hear about your bunny. How sad for you and Moose. You’ll have to really help each other get through it. ***Bunny Hugs***

                                        • MirBear
                                          1412 posts Send Private Message

                                            IT IS THE SAME BREEDER!


                                            this is what her adds on kijiji say.

                                            They are bred with a Flemish giant buck so they are larger than the most lionhead bunnies. They are really Beautiful. They would be a perfect house pet for your kids,brother,sister or even yourself. I am Asking $10 Each they are ready to Go. Would Also sell them to Pet Stores or Rabbit Breeders.
                                            Serious Responses Required Please

                                            We Have 6 Brown Meat Rabbits For Sale, We bought the mother from a meat rabbit breeder. The father of the meat rabbits is a Flemish Giant. The Babies are still called meat rabbit because the flemish giant rabbit is also a meat breed. They are now approximantly 11 weeks old, They are ready to go. I would sell them to Rabbit breeders, For meat and also for pets.
                                            Serious Responses Required Please.
                                            These Dwarf rabbits are now 4 weeks old and are ready to go in 2 weeks. The Mother is a Dwarf Rabbit and the Father is a Flemish Giant. They are going to be a little bit bigger than the normal Dwarf rabbit but they will look really beautiful when they get older. I would Sell them to pet Stores, rabbit breeders and for sure as Pets
                                            We Have 5 Flemish Giant Rabbits For Sale. They are 13 weeks old and are ready to go. This is a large breed and is also used for meat, pets and breeding. They are mostly around 10 to 15 pounds. We are asking $15. We Would sell them to breeders, For Meat and for pets. We only have males left. The Females are all sold out. Want more pictures? send me a email and I will send you some more pictures.
                                            this is 4 adds this month alone, and im sure there will be more up in the next month or so.

                                          • MirBear
                                            1412 posts Send Private Message

                                              this is off the home page from their website: (im editing out her e-mail adress)


                                              We Have A Rabbitry For Almost 1 Year. I have Lots of experience with rabbits. I did It when I was young and I always wanted to have another rabbitry. We Sell Different types of breeds like Flemish Giant, Holland Lop and some other breeds. We only have 2 Bucks So most of the largest breeds are bred with the Flemish Giant Bucks. And the smaller Breeds are mostly bred with a Holland lop buck. Almost all of my rabbits live in wooden cages, and we feed them corn and pellets also some vegeables. If you see something you would like to buy from the Snoeijers Rabbitry Please email me at *.*.*.* or If you have any question please also email me. Only Serious Response Required.!

                                              i underlined where she specifies that they only have 2 bucks. im assuming 1 holland lop, 1  flemmie. and its sad because none of the babies that have been posted, are fathered by a lop, ALL are from a flemmi even the little dwarfs, its sad!

                                            • Beka27
                                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                I don’t really think this is the place for this type of discussion… but I will say that I don’t *think* using the same MALE for breeding constitutes “overbreeding”. B/c the male is not DOING THE WORK of going thru gestation, birth, and nursing over and over and over. Overbreeding is a concern with females.

                                                I do however think it’s awful that they are irresponsibly cross-breeding bunnies, and so many of them. I agree that this person doesn’t sound like a good breeder, or person. I would definitely not have any dealings with them.

                                              • Elrohwen
                                                7318 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I agree with Beka on all counts. It is also very dangerous to breed a large breed father to a small breed mother as it is very easy for the kits to be too large for her body to handle.

                                                  I wouldn’t have any further dealings with this breeder.

                                                • MirBear
                                                  1412 posts Send Private Message

                                                    i do not deal with this breeder, i was mainly conserened with the number of kits he puts out with ONLY one male… 4 litters a month… and i dont know how many does he has but im sure not many

                                                    was actually going to come back and appologise for stealing the thread .

                                                  • Lunar~Atticus
                                                    209 posts Send Private Message

                                                      that is the place the pic of the bunny i was suppossed to get on the 28th was going to come from…DEFINETLY NOT now for I am not ready after heifer and well, i dont want an over bred offspring…i get the feeling that is along the same lines getting an incest bred offspring?! when the time comes, i will be looking for a flemmie cross for that is what i have ALWAYS wanted and when i couldnt find one, i took the biggest buns i could find…heifer and moose.

                                                    • Beka27
                                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                        It’s hard when you have your heart set on a specific bun, b/c you feel like you have to snatch up the first one you see! I also really, really, really want a Flemish Giant! Keep on the lookout. It would be better of course to get a flemmie thru a rescue, there are not many in rescues, but they do show up from time to time. And if you absolutely HAVE TO HAVE A FLEMMIE, and there are none in local rescues, I’d personally prefer seeing you go thru a reputable breeder who is not carelessly cross-breeding and who has documentation to prove that these rabbits are healthy and purebred.

                                                        Another concern besides birth with a small mom and large dad… you don’t know what kind of health problems may crop up later on. Let’s say that the bunny is smaller with a “Lionhead head”, but the teeth are disproportionately large due to the flemish crossbreeding. You are looking at continuous health problems and malocclusion… just b/c the teeth “don’t fit”.

                                                        This happens frequently in humans:
                                                        dad’s big jaw, mom’s itty bitty teeth = gaps between your teeth —> you need braces
                                                        mom’s small jaw, dad’s humongous teeth = crowded, misaligned teeth —> you need braces (this scenario was me, 4 teeth pulled and 4 years of braces.)

                                                        So I’m off an a tangent… but you get my point.

                                                      • MirBear
                                                        1412 posts Send Private Message

                                                          i understand you are not into getting another bunny right now but if you choose to in the future,  i showed becka a pic of a flemmie who i adore  a few threads back….. i’ll post the link in a moment.


                                                          he’s the fourth one down, his name is Gizmo!

                                                          (btw the shelter wont adopt out unless all the buns in your home are fixed or are too young to get fixed but you are planning on sputering them)

                                                        • angelicvampyre
                                                          754 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Register will all your resuces and say you want a flemie that way if one comes in they should call you. Also check with your vet they may know of a breeder for when you are ready.

                                                            KNow this that least your little girl was happy right up untill the end. There was nothing you could have done any differenet and I am sure she enjoyed herself with you.

                                                          • Lunar~Atticus
                                                            209 posts Send Private Message

                                                              an update of moose:
                                                              today i opened her cage door, actually crate door, to let her play and explore for her time out as i do everyday around the same time and guess what:…SHE CAME OUT TO EXPLORE AND EVEN DID ONE BINKY! im soo proud of her. her spirits are finially lifting. this is the first time since heifer passed that she has binkyed and came out of her cage. last nite she wandered her cage as though looking for something and thumped over and over again…it seems to me she was looking for heifer? it broke my heart either way. but today she came out to explore. ran around a bit and binkyed once so i am proud og her.

                                                              as far as getting another rabbit goes, not right now and i dont know if im going to be ready for some time. it hurts to think of heifer and well, i hope to not go thru that again for at LEAST 10 years!

                                                            • Beka27
                                                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                                When the time is right, it will happen. I’m glad Moose is seeming a little bit better.

                                                              • TARM
                                                                1253 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I’m so sorry about Heifer. She was beautiful.

                                                                  I’m a huge fan of flemmies. It’s too bad you’re so far away because my rescue has a gorgeous fawn buck.

                                                                  That breeder person sounds horrible. I’m sending all kinds of bad karma vibes his way. :0( I hope his breeding stock is at least well taken care of.

                                                                • MirBear
                                                                  1412 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    they live in thoses wooden breeder cages … it disgusts me!

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