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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! New Canadian Bunnies to the site

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    • Andi
      1048 posts Send Private Message

        Hi Everyone,

        I came across and ad for bunny products that had ‘binkie’ in the title so i had to click , i searched the site and read so much great ‘real’ bunny information, and well here I am making an account on this forum. I’m a mom to many fur babies, 8 of them bunnies, adn an active small animal rescue volunteer and advocate.
        Less about me and more about them, if your like me you’ll want photos right?

        My Bunny Babies;

        Baby & Bubba Jack (Bubba)

        Baby & Bubba were my first bunnies. I adopted them after a previous adopter decided she could no longer care for them (ok, truth - Didn’t want to anymore). I was going to foster and decided to jump on in and adopt them. good thing to b/c fosters you can give back… Baby drove me bonkers with his spraying and refusing to learn to use a litter box (which went on for years LOL).  But I lived through the bad times and elarned a lot from these two. Baby is outgoing and a mommas boy, while Bubba is a quite shy guy, sorta a typical lop, laid back unless there is food involved. Though I don’t know Baby’s age or history, just he was from the SPCA originally, Bubba was born in a drug house, his family lived in an empty aquarium where they slid along the glass in their own urine and feces unable to hop. After his rescue his family members were quickly adopted.

        Bo & Aniseed (Ani)

        These two love bugs are my second pair of bunnies ever. Ani I found abandoned outside by my home, covered in motor oil. I live out near the farm lands and she was lucky to have survived the weeks she was outside, i did find the family to ‘let her free’ and sicne they didn’t want her I kept her.  Bo was my little cousisn outdoor hutch bunny for 3.5 years, she ened up going to college and ehr family was moving, I was told either I take him or he goes ‘free’ in the news paper (which means someones dinner).

        Kyoto & PitStop

        These boys didn’t start out as a pair, but because of the love of two older lady bunnies they are now together (and being bonded with Bo & Ani). Kyoto’s Mom was rescued with 5 other abandond rabbits whow ere int he way of a construction zone, as soon as the mom’s got into rescue 5 bunnies turned into 30+ bunnies… I was to ahve Kyoto in my home for a couple months while anotehr foster home moved.  I had taken in a handicap older bunny named Ebony and her sister Mittens just before this. Mittens the cradle robber fell in love with Kyoto, and abandon her poor sister (who was partially paralyzed) , since Ebony was now more or less alone, i wanted a friend for her who could be gental to her and her disability (oh BTW she didn’t think she was handicap what so ever). I asked my rescue, PitStop was hand picked and we had a bunny date, everything went well adn “Mr.Pitters” came home to stay. Sadly Ebony’s body slowley started getting worse and we had to say our goodbyes, Pitters bonded to me, and then I bionded hom to kyoto & Mittens, when Mittens passed away last year of old age, teh boys were left together and are happy ‘Brothers”.
        Pitstop’s name come with his rescue story, a volunteer got a call about a rabbit cage on the side of a highway, on her way to another drop off she swung out to get it, in the pooring rain… inside was Pitters.  He’s had respritoy issues, molar spurs and bactirial infections, when i finally picked him up (months after) he was bald on one side of his head from an abcess removal… Pitters was deemed unadoptable b/c of his need for so much medical attention.  He’s very much ‘my boy’ at 2lbs he does 3 foot tall binkies and is a sweety to everyone. I couldn’t imagine my life without this little guy…. So I thank my Ebony (rip) for bringing him to me


        Spencer & Suzy-Q (no real good shots of them both together… the ‘rex’ is their sister Sara {rip})

        I was asked to ‘bunnysit’ 7 baby bunnies while there foster mom was away for over a month, it was an interesting ordeal and i still can’t get the spray off some areas. When teh foster Mom was taking them back, she asked (ok begged) if I coudl take two or three and foster… the sucker i am i said “oh baby bunnies will  get adopted quickly, whats three more (that was like 11 or 14 bunnies i had at that time). This family of bunny were not healthy, a lady had been breeding her sick bunnies in the bathroom of her apartment before we steped in and took them, and in teh next year of those 7 babies lives, 3 of them would die unexpectedly before their fist birthdays. Autopsies were done, and the results not great, the bunnies livers had soem sort of damage, they believed happened when they were in the womb of their mother. A great ‘mix’ these were too, Mom was a Rex and Dad  an Angora.
        Sara was one of mine that passed, Suzy adn specner are 3 or so eyars old now and sitting at over 7lbs each, shy and spooky, theya re a bit territorial and bossy but sweet bunnies who just need soem tiem to warm up to you.


        I have a add a picture of Ebony (black) & Mittens (gray). I miss these girls so very much, their story was a sad one as well, but they lived happy as members of my family for a few years. This is them enjoying the sunshine before Ebony’s fracture got worse.


        I’ve had many other fosters, even 40 gerbils in my home at once. All my animals live indoors as part of my family, and get along SUPER well with our dog Whizzer who was called the ‘Rabbit Rescue Dog” when we did feral and abandon rabbit rescue (before she was blind & old lol), you can check out her site (which needs updating) at 
        I look forward to learning from others on this site and hope I can bring some helpful information as well



      • CharleyGirl
        130 posts Send Private Message

          Bless you for taking all these sweeties in. Welcome to the site

        • mrmac
          2156 posts Send Private Message

            Welcome to BB! What a crew you have! They are all adorable!

          • Monkeybun
            10479 posts Send Private Message

              Welcome! What a bunch of cuteness!

            • Pebble and Dante
              60 posts Send Private Message

                WELCOME!!!! You are an angle for helping so many.

              • Sarita
                18851 posts Send Private Message

                  Welcome! Love all your rabbits. You are definitely an angel. We love rescuers.

                • Phil-lop+Lydia
                  68 posts Send Private Message

                    wow thats so cool that you took in all those buns! so cute!

                  • jerseygirl
                    22348 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh my gosh….. I’m much impressed!  The 8 Bunnies and their stories, your efforts with all your critters, and your dog Whizzer – Wow!  I’m glad you stumbled upon this site. Rather than gush on I’ll stop now and just say WELCOME! 

                    • Andi
                      1048 posts Send Private Message

                        Thank you so much everyone for the welcome!


                        Today was a beautiful sunny day, so we had our first play time outside this year


                        That’d be Ani rolling around in the middle LOL


                        and just for fun… PitStop exploring the backyard with me

                      • Monkeybun
                        10479 posts Send Private Message

                          You must be on the west coast

                        • jerseygirl
                          22348 posts Send Private Message

                            Oh wow! They can all hang out in there together?  Have you considered bonding them together as a herd?

                          • Andi
                            1048 posts Send Private Message

                              Yup, west coast   I’m so happy to see some sunshine, i am SO ready for spring!


                              I wanted to bond them all, it may happen but i have some herdles.
                              1) Spencer & Suzy-Q are dominant and territorial. They are also the biggest, PitStop is frightened of them, I had to remove him from the pen today as i didn’t want him upset.
                              2) Baby is not litter trainer he pees everywhere and anywhere, so he and Bubba are on shavings, I keep litter boxes in hopes to encourage him, plus for bubbas sake (as he is litter trained). Bubba does not like Ani, he actually bit right through her lip the year i took her in.
                              3) Ani is a  __ _ ___ lol… i love her to death but boy oh boy does she have Bunnytude, she does’t get along with many other bunnies.

                              I can get them outside (new territory) together with just some chasing between usually Suzy and Spencer vs the smaller bunnies (they don’t bother Bubba).  They do well at Bunny Parties (where my friends bring their social bunies all together on nice afternoons), sometimes Baby likes to play ‘big bunny’ (all 3lbs of him) and has to be removed when he gets to feisty and upsets the group. I’ve been working on this for probably two years now, and so we’re coming along.

                              I have Ani, Bo, PitStop and Kyoto together often and when I reno the bunny room I am hoping to build one large cage for the four of them. Bo loves EVERYONE, he is so friendly, and Pitters is usually very friend to all as well. Ani sits in Pitters & Kyotos cage with them, eating hay with them and there never any issues.  They don’t groom one another and outside the cage she will lung a them (she does everyone and everything, she’s very protective of Bo), but she never bites, if they don’t run, she runs away LOL

                              I think the four will work, all 8 I’m not too sure, Specially with Suzy & Spencer. But we’ll see, I’ve been working on this for over a year not giving up just yet



                            • HatterBunny
                              269 posts Send Private Message

                                WOw, I really enjoyed reading the stories of all these bunnies!  Welcome to the site….

                              • wiseleyd
                                236 posts Send Private Message

                                  Wow, you are so brave! Welcome, and I, for one, would love more pics and stories!!

                                • MirBear
                                  1412 posts Send Private Message

                                    petzy you have some compatition jk!
                                    welcome to bb!!

                                  • Karla
                                    1624 posts Send Private Message

                                      Welcome! So great to see the pictures and read about your bunnies. I am sure you have a lot of great knowledge to share with the rest of us.

                                    • Deleted User
                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                        A bg welcome to you! I am thrilled with the warm weather this April too and so are my rabbits! I am in love with your group, I love rabbits together enjoying some sunshine. I think you can get them all bonded eventually, I would like to hear more details about your bonding technques and results.

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          Posted By MirBear on 04/02/2010 10:02 AM
                                          petzy you have some compatition 


                                          Bonded groups are not as rare as it seems here on BBthey are out there! I guess I just like to talk about it too much LOL

                                        • Andi
                                          1048 posts Send Private Message

                                            I will post some pictures of our shelter, we have two free runs with 40-50 bunnies in each, all living together.
                                            My experience is 15+ bunnies in neutral territory makes things so much easier LOL. Not all bunnies can live in a free run situation, but many can and do.
                                            I started my own buns by having outside run time in pens next to each other, then mixing friendlier bunnies together, then having 11+ outside playing together. Where my bunnies all live in my basement, around the outside their pens is a free area, where each pen get’s time out to play, they can go to each rabbits cage and say hello (at the door) so they are contently seeing/smelling the other bunnies.

                                            The pairs i have an have bonded myself are, Bo & Ani and Kyoto and Pitstop and their ‘girls’ before them Ebony & Mittens. I have a lot of experience bonding gerbils as that was my main area of rescue for our organization at one point. I have recently bonded a group of 3 male Degus to a single who dominated his elderly father an had to be removed. The 4 young guys are doing great and the single elderly Degu is bonded to me and plays with my dog LOL.
                                            So i have learned bits here and there from each species. Plus I have some great support from some of the rabbit ladies in my rescue

                                          • Deleted User
                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                              This is interesting that dynanimcs change in a 15+ bunny situation. I have heard this from a sanctuary, too.

                                            • Lintini
                                              3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                Could you imagine placing Monkey in a pen with 15+ rabbits?!  I am sure she would beat them all up!

                                              • Monkeybun
                                                10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                  And she’d hump them all for good measure afterwards.

                                                • Deleted User
                                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                    But Monkey is quite a nice bun in my estimation.

                                                    –it is true that some rabbits cannot be placed into a group for being aggressive. You can’t do paired bondings and stress bonding with such a large group, so you rely on the neutral space and the temperaments of the rabbits.

                                                  • Monkeybun
                                                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Yeah, she’s a nice little girl.. sometimes. Should hear her yell at my hubby. He walks by… *growl* He looks at her.. *growl* He dares to pick her up… *growl growl claw claw nip*

                                                      Must be a Mama’s girl

                                                    • Deleted User
                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                        could be the beard

                                                      • Monkeybun
                                                        10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Could be! lol Or maybe its cuz Moose likes the hubby more than he likes Monkey, so she’s irritated at him

                                                        • Deleted User
                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                            my theory is that animals see bearded humans as large animals…
                                                            oh, in this context, Deirdra chased a squirrel off my patio the other day, I couldn’t believe it: Deirdra charged out of her tunnel and chased the squirrel away.

                                                          • Monkeybun
                                                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Hmm maybe I can use Monkey as an excuse for the hubby to shave more.. hehe.

                                                            • Deleted User
                                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                unless you like large animals LOL

                                                              • Monkeybun
                                                                10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  *snickers* Well, he DOES make weird noises sometimes…lol

                                                                • Deleted User
                                                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    so now we find out why Monkey has good reason to growl at him

                                                                  • Monkeybun
                                                                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Moose binkies when he hears some of the noises my hubby makes. Must be a guy thing.

                                                                    • Deleted User
                                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I do wonder what the animals think of the humans

                                                                      • Andi
                                                                        1048 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          LOL, sounds like my Ani :p
                                                                          She lunges at everyone, growls and is a real ____ lol… I learned a lot with my dominant dog, having to use dominant training techniques to teach her who’s boss. I sorta did the same with Ani, she still lunges at others, but is much better with me now. When she was nippy at me, i’d pinch her bum fur (like a rabbit would bite her bum), i would ‘squeek’ out loud if she bit me like a rabbit would when they are hurt, i would also stomp (hand or foot) and turn my back to her (like our bunnies do when they are mad at us). Yes I looked like a fool, but she doesn’t bite at me, she darts but doesn’t ‘lung’ at me. Now a stranger going to Pet ‘Her Bo” will get lunged at though no bites, and then she runs away LOL

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                                                                      Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! New Canadian Bunnies to the site