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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! New bunny friends!

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    • Walter's Mom
      64 posts Send Private Message

        We got new buns after, sadly, all three of our little friends passed due to stress from moving and new weather patterns. We miss them very much but have welcomed new little bunnies into our hearts! Currently just my brother and I have found perfect matches. My sister is going to look at some today (hopefully!). The first picture is my brother’s Mini Lop, Corey. In the picture the hands and legs are him trying to get her to move! They are trying rabbit agility in 4-H this year! The second picture is my new Holland Lop, Tink!

        Aren’t they adorable!

      • Cookie'sOwner
        12 posts Send Private Message

          Awww, they are both just so cute!

        • Walter's Mom
          64 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks! We think so too! Tink is a normal Holland in the fact that she is kind of got ADHD! She LOVES to cuddle for about 5 minutes then takes off running! Corey on the other hand is a typical Mini! She would rather cuddle all day than run around! They adore each other and we are trying to bond them so they can be together this winter!

          • MoxieMeadows
            5375 posts Send Private Message

              They’re very cute.

            • LBJ10
              16999 posts Send Private Message

                Hi Walter’s Mom! You new bunnies are just too sweet for words!

                Do you mind sharing with us the setup you have for them? I only ask because your other thread was a bit concerning and I want to make sure we can provide the best possible advice for keeping your bunnies safe and happy.

              • Little Lion Head
                1706 posts Send Private Message

                  What a cutie Walter’s mom! I hope that you will be keeping these guys inside so that you don’t suffer the same devastation as last time. There is a lot of great info on here about why bunnies should be indoors.

                • Bam
                  16951 posts Send Private Message

                    They really are so adorable!

                  • RabbitPam
                    11002 posts Send Private Message

                      They are real cuties, Walter’sMom.
                      There’s so much to learn about pet bunnies. We’re glad you found our site, and I thought you might like reading up on ways to make your bunnies more comfortable in their new home. Here is a link to the section called Bunny Info that you can find in the banner above. It is full of suggestions on how to set up habitats, rooms and living spaces for House bunnies, so they don’t have to endure severe climate changes outdoors, and live a fun, healthy life among your family. It’s so much fun having them there in the home. They pay close attention to what’s happening, even if you are not giving them direct attention. Very smart animals, and love to have family around. Your house becomes their warren, and your family their herd.


                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        Your the BEST Pam, LLH and LBJ!!!
                        Ever since I read about the loss of Walter’s mom 3 bunnies within 2 weeks and her (him?) replacing them, I couldn’t get it our of my head. Stupid me being the dumbest bunny mum ever, I actually got lost for words and struggled to say what you all said – can we help?
                        I personally can’t help, short of saying use ‘common sense’. But you have been offered guidance from the best bunny people ever, please take advantage of them and their offer. My bunny is the best he can be thanks to these people and a few other dedicated BBer’s.

                        Everyone who knows me on BB knows that I don’t read the rainbow bridge anymore – it upsets me to much. Yes, I’m a sook! BUT your post caught my attention because NO one should lose 3 bunnies within 2 weeks. To lose one is a tragedy, but to ignore the reason why and lose another 2 under the same circumstance is shattering! And then to replace them under the same weather conditions without indicating to us BBer’s that they will be protected against the weather is concerning. Not to everyone – but a few of us.

                        Please… ask for guidance from those who offered. Who cares that someone thinks your new bunny is cute – it’s not cute if its dead! And extreme temps… what an awful way to die….

                        If I get into trouble for writing this post, so be it! I just hope you get to read it.
                        I still put my hand up for being the worst bunny mum – I am NO expert! But I can promise you my boy lives a life of comfort and joy. No different to any of my other pets. TBH my boy is more spoiled because that’s how bunny’s are meant to be treated. If you can’t put a bunny before yourself, maybe a pet bunny isn’t for you? Even my hubby doesn’t argue with our bunny – and that’s pretty much how it should be…..

                      • BB & Tiny
                        637 posts Send Private Message

                          AndHenry you are not the only one at a loss for words. Though you are correct words of help and future prevention are most likely more beneficial than the ones I had in mind.

                        • MoxieMeadows
                          5375 posts Send Private Message

                            AH— I agree with you, I was at a loss for words too but was struggling with what to say so I didn’t sound out of place.

                            Walters mom— Your new additions ARE precious, and I hope you will accept some of the advice that the above members posted to help insure happy, healthy and long lives for your new additions. I know losing several pets in a short time is absolutely devastating, so all you can do now is look back and see what you can do differently for your new buns =]

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              Do you know what everyone needs to do for anyone Moxie and BunLuv??? STOP!

                              For one minute!
                              And put yourself in that same situation. If you can’t bare it or can’t imagine anyone that you love being in that position – DON’T do it!

                              And if your not sure… ASK! When you make a statement that isn’t for the best, of coarse your going to get negative feedback.
                              BUT!!! If you admit your NOT sure and your concerned – everyone will fall over themselves to help you. Cause everyone wants the best for your bunny/s and you!
                              I have never seen BB and it’s members let anyone down.
                              When you state you have lost 3 bunnies and you don’t come across as it being a big deal cause you got new ones, well…..
                              You got he attention of those that care about you bun’s livelihood and well being. A bunny isn’t meant to be a pet to just exist and easily replaced. A bunny should be part of your family no different to any other pet and catered for no differently than YOU!

                            • Walter's Mom
                              64 posts Send Private Message

                                I am so sorry for the confusion! We are extremely upset about the bunnies we lost! We didn’t “replace” them! Just because we got new buns does NOT mean I replaced Walter! The reason I joined this site was because I want to eventually get to a place where we can have a “bunny room”. We rent our house currently and would be kicked out if we made a bunny room! We make our bunnies as comfortable as possible! We had just moved over 1,000 miles and the bunnies were super stressed from the car trip and being uprooted from the only home they had known for over 2 years! Like I just said on my other post, the bunnies were outside in Nebraska summers but the difference is in Idaho the temperature DRASTICALLY drops at night! We tried several different things to keep them comfortable including bringing them into the garage at night. I love to hear everyone’s opinions and questions but we did not replace them! Our bunnies are pets that are used in 4-H. We give them as much time and love as we do our dog! We want to see them thrive and be happy, they were stressed and uncomfortable and there wasn’t a lot we could do. I appreciate all the concern but I actually got quite upset that all of you would think that we “replaced” them! We want to buy a house out of town in the future where we can have a set up that is like bunny heaven! But right now we are doing the best we can to ensure the well being of our buns!

                              • BB & Tiny
                                637 posts Send Private Message

                                  Stop what ?

                                  I literally can’t read rainbow bridge anymore. I empathize and feel for everyone who has lost their rabbits and make an effort to actually save them. Or in some cases it sneaks up on you and it’s too late.

                                  I’ve been having nightmares about my babies leaving me and wake up very distressed, to the point the cat who sleep right by my head, looks concerned !

                                  Anytime I read the utter heart break in rainbow bridge I cry, so for that reason I can no longer read. i like to show i care for the poor souls who have lost their babies because it is needed, it really is. Nothing worse than grieving alone, particularly because beyond a fellow bunny lover, society will throw ” it was just a rabbit/pet ” in your face.Perhaps I will just take a break from reading for awhile.

                                  @ Walters Mom

                                  In regards to your post in the other thread. Two weeks is a long time and I’d of been on high alert after the first one passed and most likely have taken the other two for check ups, regardless of symptoms, but that is just me maybe. i hope one day you can house them indoors as they are family members and family doesn’t sleep outside ! ( well the occasional outdoor tent sleep in summer for those not adverse to crawly bugs :/ )

                                • Mimsy
                                  271 posts Send Private Message

                                    The babies are very sweet and snuggly looking. The agility stuff is always advertised here locally, and I always think it looks like such fun.

                                    I’m very sorry for your loss, that must be very hard to lose so many at once.

                                    I hope you stay here, especially if you plan on someday making them housebunnies. Have you considered also joining one of the forums that have outdoor bunnies? There are some very good ones that can give great advice on how to keep bunnies safe from the weather, especially from the weather fluctuations. Plus it’s a lot of fun to look through some of their set ups, especially some of the more elaborate ones. There are some nice setups shown here as well:

                                    if you haven’t already, I would sanitize the cages if they were same ones your previous rabbits had. With all 3 passing at such a close proximity, I agree the stress of the weather probably hurt them, but I would imagine it was something else that actually got them and in their weakened state were unable to fight it. Direct hot sun exposure could certainly of hurt them, but being you are not new to rabbits, I’m going to assume you already had them sheltered from direct sunlight/rain ect.

                                  • Walter's Mom
                                    64 posts Send Private Message

                                      Mimsy- I will have to check that out! We did sanitize the cages before we moved the bunnies into them. Also with the agility its best if you have a very energetic bun!

                                    • LBJ10
                                      16999 posts Send Private Message

                                        Walter’s Mom – Please don’t take the comments in this thread personally. I don’t think anyone meant to upset or offend you. The thing to remember is that we are a forum dedicated to house bunnies. Stories such as the tragedy you experienced really pulls on those heart strings. We really just want what is best for you and your new bunnies. We like to see all bunnies live indoors and be as spoiled as they can possibly be. Unfortunately, circumstances don’t always allow for the ideal housing situation. You are definitely welcome here and you are encouraged to ask us about rabbit care and any other questions you might have. If it has to do with outdoor living, you will find that not a lot of people have experience with that here. I like Mimsy’s idea of finding a forum that specializes in that sort of thing. At the same time, I think BinkyBunny is a valuable resource for all sorts of things (diet, behavior, experiences with different medical issues, etc.) so do stick around. It can never hurt to ask questions on more than one forum.

                                      • RabbitPam
                                        11002 posts Send Private Message

                                          Hi, Walter’s Mom. How are the new kids doing?
                                          My Sammy died unexpectedly last April of a GI tract blockage, and she was 6 1/2 years old, but I still felt it was too young. I was pretty upset by it, though my vet did everything she could. It was sudden. Anyway, instead of waiting a while like I did when I got her, I had to decide to get a new bunny quite soon, since my Dad was in rehab and would have come home to an empty xpen when he expected to see Sammy. So I went to a rescue and brought home Spike.

                                          Well, he is so different from Sammy, but he’s wonderful! It’s so much fun to get to know all their different personalities. It sounds like you really loved your first 3, but I know you will be very happy with the new kids. You have them all by now, don’t you?

                                          Let us know how you’ve set them up, and we love pix so keep posting them. Oh, and btw, I lived in apartments most of the time with my bunnies. The landlords never had a problem because they are totally quiet (unlike dogs) and they don’t really know if you let your buns run around outside the habitat. Once you bunny proof for wires and things, you can let them explore and have fun with you. Don’t worry about it being an apartment. Bunnies adapt really well.

                                        • Walter's Mom
                                          64 posts Send Private Message

                                            I don’t have pictures yet but I can describe the set up we have. (Also part of the reason they aren’t inside is because we don’t have a space for them) The bunnies are all in the garage during the winter and are allowed to come inside and play everyday for long periods of time. My sister found a bunny last week and she is an adorable Netherland Dwarf named Cocoa. (I’ll post pics later!) They all three get along fine OUTSIDE of their homes! They cuddle and play together and it is ADORABLE! They live in separate cages but are able to see and smell each other. In the summer, all three little gals get LOTS of time on the grass to run around (We made an x-pen like thing) and we put them on harnesses to let them get more exercise. I am going to change things this summer. They will be outside to run and play but will come in the garage at night and during the hot parts of the day will come in the house for a few hours. I want to eventually have them spayed, but financially we are unable to do that. If we ever buy a house they WILL be inside!!! lol! I also want to eventually buy or make a large hutch with running space. Again, finances are tight around here so we try to make them as happy and comfortable as we can with what we have!

                                          • Walter's Mom
                                            64 posts Send Private Message

                                              I don’t have pictures yet but I can describe the set up we have. (Also part of the reason they aren’t inside is because we don’t have a space for them) The bunnies are all in the garage during the winter and are allowed to come inside and play everyday for long periods of time. My sister found a bunny last week and she is an adorable Netherland Dwarf named Cocoa. (I’ll post pics later!) They all three get along fine OUTSIDE of their homes! They cuddle and play together and it is ADORABLE! They live in separate cages but are able to see and smell each other. In the summer, all three little gals get LOTS of time on the grass to run around (We made an x-pen like thing) and we put them on harnesses to let them get more exercise. I am going to change things this summer. They will be outside to run and play but will come in the garage at night and during the hot parts of the day will come in the house for a few hours. I want to eventually have them spayed, but financially we are unable to do that. If we ever buy a house they WILL be inside!!! lol! I also want to eventually buy or make a large hutch with running space. Again, finances are tight around here so we try to make them as happy and comfortable as we can with what we have!

                                            • Walter's Mom
                                              64 posts Send Private Message

                                                I don’t have pictures yet but I can describe the set up we have. (Also part of the reason they aren’t inside is because we don’t have a space for them) The bunnies are all in the garage during the winter and are allowed to come inside and play everyday for long periods of time. My sister found a bunny last week and she is an adorable Netherland Dwarf named Cocoa. (I’ll post pics later!) They all three get along fine OUTSIDE of their homes! They cuddle and play together and it is ADORABLE! They live in separate cages but are able to see and smell each other. In the summer, all three little gals get LOTS of time on the grass to run around (We made an x-pen like thing) and we put them on harnesses to let them get more exercise. I am going to change things this summer. They will be outside to run and play but will come in the garage at night and during the hot parts of the day will come in the house for a few hours. I want to eventually have them spayed, but financially we are unable to do that. If we ever buy a house they WILL be inside!!! lol! I also want to eventually buy or make a large hutch with running space. Again, finances are tight around here so we try to make them as happy and comfortable as we can with what we have!

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                                            Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! New bunny friends!