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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! New Bunny – And Scared New Bun Mum

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    • Jess
      8 posts Send Private Message

        Hi forums!

        I’ve just gotten my bun and named him Nacho. He’s half Jersey Wooly and half Thrianta. My younger sister has had him for the last two weeks before I could come up and get him (I’m in my Master’s program in another state). She has two bunnies so she knows more than I do. I’ve read post after post about having a new bunny and what to expect and do… but I am still scared to death that I’m going to mess up something, that he won’t bond with me, that he won’t be happy, etc.. Today is my first full day with him, and already he’s approached me, let me hold him (albeit not very happily… he jumped out of my arms a few inches off the ground and I freaked out that I did it and hurt him) and binkied a few times in our living room… but I’m worried that’s because he’s been here so he’s used to this house. I’ll be taking him to my apartment so there might be a chance he’ll crawl back into his shell and not be as playful and happy, which worries me. He’s very sociable and loves to run around, and he’s absolutely the softest thing I’ve ever held. I need some help- what can I do to get him settled when he moves to his new home with me, and how can I get over being so scared that something will go wrong?

        Attached is a photo of him in the carrying case my sister used to bring him to their house. I don’t have many photos of my own yet, but don’t worry- when I do I’ll be posting them!

      • Bam
        16951 posts Send Private Message

          Don’t be scared! If you want to make him happy, he will be happy.
          You can bring something with you from your sister’s house that smells of that place, the way you do with puppy dogs, if you’re not bringing his whole cage because then he has his home in your home.

          When a bunny comes to a new place, it wants a hidey-place. That can be a cardboard box turned upside down, with door-holes cut in it. If a bunny has a safe place to withdraw to if he feels the need, he will feel more confident and dare do more. If you don’t have a cardboard box, a fot stool might do, or anything else that has like a “roof”, bunnies like to sit under roofs because they fear predators that come from above.

          And the general rule is let the bunny come to you. He seems like a loving little one, and you seem like you have the right instincts to become a good bunny mommy. Please keep us posted on your progress! And (hint, hint!) we like bunny pics here…=)

        • Jess
          8 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you so much for your reply! I definitely want to make him happy. I’m bringing his cage from my sister’s to my apartment, so he should already feel somewhat at home, hopefully!

            I have a box at my apartment that I’m planning on using for this, and I’m also stopping by the pet store tomorrow to grab some things. The person that we got him from didn’t have him eating any hay, so I’m trying to introduce that into his diet. Should I start that slowly and then build up or should he be alright to start having good amounts of it?

            He’s getting calmer with me, although he’s started thinking my fingers are treats. Silly bun, but I already absolutely adore him. They really capture your heart, don’t they?

            And here’s a photo from this morning that I took… he looks grumpy because he was ready for me to take him out to play!

          • Bam
            16951 posts Send Private Message

              You don’t have to introduce hay slowly, it’s a safe food that’s gentle on the tummy and rabbits should always have hay. That said, he may eat more of it if you top it up like twice a day. You want him to really like hay, hay is the best food for a bunny.

              They do capture your heart =) If he nips you, try to squeal and remove your fingers. Rabbits often communicate by nipping, they can f ex nip if you stop petting them too soon or if they want a treat, but it may hurt, so he needs to learn that he can’t nip you hard. Be firm but gentle.

            • Niamian
              377 posts Send Private Message

                Congratulations on becoming a fresh bunny mom!
                It brings me back few months when Redford and I frst meet. I was so scared. He was so small and I didn’t know absolutely anything about bunnies but thx. to this people here (whom I’ve been only reading till now) we are now best friends. Though, to be honest, I think he still hates my singing.

              • BrunosMama
                1485 posts Send Private Message

                  Congratulations!!! Being a bunny parent is great!! Not always easy, but always worth it. Sounds like you are well on your way. BTW, I love his name.

                • Jess
                  8 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank you Bun-rentals! (I tried to do a gender less parental term) We’re definitely on our way on becoming a family. I just moved him down with me and after an hour in his cage, he was ready to come out and explore- and started chinning everything. I think it’s safe to say this is now his apartment. :eyeroll:
                    Bam, he’s getting used to his hay. Thank you for telling me it’s okay for him to have!
                    Thank you Brunosmama and Niamian for welcoming me and Nacho. I love him so much! It’s already definitely worth it. He’s not a fan of my singing either, Niamian. But he loves being read stories (by stories I mean random articles on the internet that I read out loud) And he fits his name to a T, haha!

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                Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! New Bunny – And Scared New Bun Mum