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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Need quick response!

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    • Gina
      79 posts Send Private Message

        It’s Tues 12/9 at 4:12 pm

        Elvira hasnt been eating since yesterday.  We gave her a little bit of pineapple juice last night and she was still pooping a tiny bit.   She ate 4 Corn Puffs (cereal) this morning.

        i went to the vet to get Critical Care and i ordered some laxatives from the local pet store that is bunny- knowledgeable.

        my question is, do i give her the Critical Care first or the laxative?  Or maybe the CC, see what happens, then the laxative in a few hours?

        Thank you guys!!!



        update:  6;25 pm

        I am armed with Bunny Lax and Critical Care.  I gave her 1 syringe so far and she has made about 5 or 6 tiny “edible” poops.  it’s a start!!!!  if i don’t see a lot of poopy results by bedtime, i will give her the Lax.

      • PeppersMama
        391 posts Send Private Message

          i have no idea, but if you hit the alert button on the right side of your post it will alert the forum leaders and they can help you. otherwise someone will come along soon im sure. good luck (((vibes for elvira)))

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            i would get her into the vet asap. this isn’t the kind of thing you want to try and remedy yourself. the vet might have to check for an impaction…

          • KatnipCrzy
            2981 posts Send Private Message

              I agree- the bunny needs to see a vet!!!  Force feeding a bunny that will not eat will not “cure” the initial reason that the bunny refused to eat.  It may only add to the problem since rabbits can not vomit.  If things are not moving thru the bunnies system- you do not want to add to it unless it is advised by your vet.

              I would not recommend using an over the counter laxative on a bunny if you have no idea what is wrong.  Have you called your vet?

              You need to treat the primary problem- is that not eating or not pooing- each one will cause the other-  but until that is diagnosed you do not know what to treat!!!

            • Gina
              79 posts Send Private Message

                When i got home, i have noticed that she did eat a tiny bit of broccoli and she is slowly starting to poop.  hopefully, this cycle will continue to get better.  if it was a complete blockage, she wouldnt be pooping at all, and of course, i would take her to the vet asap.


                Gina (and Elvira)

              • Gina
                79 posts Send Private Message

                  The lady at the pet store said that the tiny-poops could mean dehydration, which the Critical Care would remedy.  She has started pooping a little bit after I gave her the 1st syringe-full, so i am seeing improvement.

                  i called my vet and i really couldnt bring her in today.  i am pretty knowledgeable about the warning signs of GI stasis, so i am trying to get her system going before it gets worse.  hopefully i will see her start to eat on her own in a day or two. fingers crossed!


                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    What did your vet say when you called her/him?

                    It is good news that she is starting to poo, (be sure to take her temp if you know how) but I too recommend taking her in. Gi Stasis, even if it’s not a total blockage can still be just as serious. A vet may be able to help resolve this quicker with hydration and gut motility drugs. The slow-down of the gut can also cause a build-up of bacteria causing painful gas – which can double whammy it all very quickly and can put a bunny in an emergency situation in no time. so many times vets will give pain meds too. So that is why we are all like recommending a more urgent type of care.

                    I know this must be stressful. I am sending out healing vibes.

                  • skunklionshow
                    1257 posts Send Private Message


                      Please don’t think we are trying to be negative or question your expertise.  I think we’ve all seen the various sides of bunny health:  I know once I brought my new bunn in for diarhea thinking that she was sooo ill…but turned out she was just getting used to her new home & food.  What did your vet say?  Is she doing better today?  Please give us some updates.  Thanks,

                    • Gina
                      79 posts Send Private Message

                        Well, I know that these problems sometimes go away once the bunny is rehydrated or given a laxative, etc. so it only made sense to try that first.

                        I think it is her teeth so I am going to the vet Saturday morning.  she ate a little bit of carrot greens last night, but no hard stuff.  Also, she “stands up” a little bit when she chews, like she is trying to guide the food through her mouth.  She is not making a grinding noise but this seems to be directly related to chewing.

                        I am thankful for everone’s responses, i didn’t know what direction to start in.


                      • sweetbluebun
                        102 posts Send Private Message

                          I don’t want to alarm you, and I’m sure for the vast majority of bunnies trips to the vet, while not something they look forward to it’s handled well. My bunny on the other hand gets so stressed that he will go into stasis after a vet visit. It’s happened each time he’s been, when he was neutered his poops were very small for 3-4 days and he had a short visit when he had some hair loss around the ears. That visit also resulted in teeny poops for 4-5 days. Each time, he had normal big poops before, but after being taken the poops got really small.  That time I called the vet and they told me to bring him in because he could go into stasis but I just had a gut feeling that if I took him again, he would get worse, so I tried to have him recover at home.  After day 2 the poops kept getting bigger so I knew he was on the road to recovery, but of course it was VERY never racking as you can imagine.  I was able to get in touch with the vet and he told me some bunnies just cannot handle the stress, especially mine who lives a relatively peaceful life in my basement!  So I would definately give the vet a call beforehand to see if it might be something that you can handle, or if a visit is absolutely necessary.  With rabbits being so fragile, that’s what I’ve been having to do with my bunny, I will call beforehand and let them know that I don’t want to stress my bun further, my vet has been very good about it.  Of course if you do hit stasis, early action can save your bun’s life if he completely stops eating.

                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                            Just saw this-please keep us posted on how it goes at the vets!! {{VIBES}}

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                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Need quick response!