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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Need advice

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    • Ana
      182 posts Send Private Message

        I’m coming to you bunny lovers for some guidance.  I’ll take whatever you have to say, but please hear me out first.

        I adopted my bunny, Evie, in August.  While she is the best bunny I could have ever hoped for, I’m considering rehoming her.  She is well behaved, and aside from only being 90% litterbox trained, the best furry friend.  When I adopted her i thought she would cuddle more, and to my dismay she’s tolerant, but doesn’t really seem to enjoy cuddling.  I realize this is just rabbit behavior, and I’ll admit I didn’t do my research before adopting her.

        I’m a college student, looking to move in a year and half.  I don’t think it’s fair to relocate her across the country, especially when I doubt the move will be permanent.  This only dawned on me about a month ago.  I’m debating rehoming her now, in June, or in 1.5 years.  There’s a slight chance I won’t move for grad school, but not likely.  While I love her, I think it might be best if I wasn’t her mommy.  This breaks my heart.  I’ve had pets since I was born, and have NEVER rehomed.  I adopt only rescues, I volunteer, I foster… this goes against everything I stand for.  At the same time, it’s not fair to keep her based solely on principle.  Would she be better rehomed at a young age?  What if I rehome her to someone who doesn’t care for her like I do (even though I don’t think I’m doing the best that can be done for her.)

        Now?  In June?  In 1.5 years?  I’ve been telling myself that I took her on, and it’s my responsibility.  I’ve been telling myself I’m stuck with her, but she deserves better, right?

        I know this is long.  Thank you for reading, and please don’t hold back when commenting… I do feel awful, but I’m also trying to think of what is best for Evie.

      • Kokaneeandkahlua
        12067 posts Send Private Message

          There’s no need to rehome just because your moving-they can go for car rides and even airplane rides and moves are tolerated much more then you think they would be. So I think that’s a non-issue

          I’d think although you may think your finding her a better home, rehoming animals is very traumatic to them; If you are going to do that, I’d put some long thought into it.

          You spoke about her cuddling and litter training so I suspect moving isn’t the only reason you are thinking or rehoming her?

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            Did you adopt her from a rabbit rescue? If so they may have it in their contract to contact them before you rehome the rabbit.

            That being said, I understand your dilemna and I agree with K&K comments.

          • bunnytowne
            7537 posts Send Private Message

              Awe how sad. Poor bun.  As they age they do get some more  cuddly. Like 3-5 years and such.  Yes rehoming is very traumatic for them. They go off their food for a few days.  Especially since she had a home b4 you she may get real depressed and insecure.

              Awe please keep her. You can get on the floor with her and go to her to pet her. She will probably feel more comfortable that way. Don’t give up on her.  She is so cute I see her pic in your avatar.

              Is she a lionhead? They are more inquisitive a breed.  Though there are some cuddlers with lionheads but mostly they are curious and playful. 

              Have you tried clicker training?  My lionhead Cotton is afraid of the clicker hehee. At least I thougth he was.

              You know I brought him a treat and circled it around him he never moved just looked from side to side. Then I clicked and gave him his treat. The next day he started spinning on the couch and on the rug was so cute n funny.  HE may pretend he doenst’ get it but he does.

              That may be a good thing for you to do with your girl find what she is naturally doing and make a trick out of it. Like standing or jumping. 

              It is worth a try. Then you can be interacting more. You can do your college work on the floor with her too,.  I thought you said you were in or going to college. Thats why I say that.

            • bunnytowne
              7537 posts Send Private Message

                a bun would rather move with a person they are attached to than go to a whole new person and place.

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  I agree w/ BT’s last comment completely. What if the new home treats her bad? You say are not doing the best you can for her, but are any of us really??? The fact that you bun has a roof over her head, the right food, play and runtime, and a human that loves her is so much better than what other buns have!!

                  Boston is not a snuggly bunny either. But when she’s laying on the floor she lets me cuddle up next to her and i lay my head in front of hers and wrap one arm around her whole body and we take turns grooming eachother. Maybe you could try an approach like this is get some cuddly satisfaction.

                  I think moving the bun w/ you would be just fine. Don’t you think you’d be so sad without her? I think she would be sad!

                  Good luck in your decision making. I wouldn’t rehome her now, I’d definately wait, you don’t want to rehome her and regret not keeping her!

                • Ang
                  257 posts Send Private Message

                    I will say I am in auburn and if you ever re-home her i would be glad to take her in! im local and in your area. I do think you should really weigh out your options before considering re-homing. she is young she will calm down i know it. Moreland was spazzy when i first got him but now that he is fixed and calmed down he loves me. he doesn’t cuddle but just the nose jabs i get from him shows me how much he loves me. again like i said if you must re-home her message me and i will give you my number. my boyfriend will kill me but I can give her a good home!


                    even if it is 1.5 years down the road!

                  • BunnyLiz
                    1212 posts Send Private Message

                      I dont really think that her moving with you would be bad. She would adjust, just may take time. And many rescues want them back, you arent allowed to rehome them yourself. Thats the way it is here at least, when im 18 i even have to switch Rose under my name with the rescue paperwork somehow. In my opinion, you just have to make it work. Im in college next year, and was planning on going away and living in a dorm. After i got Hammer (i admit i didnt think about the future before getting him) I realized he cant come to a dorm with me, and i cant afford the apartments. The dorms i can do with grants and everyting, but no way can i afford an apartment. So… out went my college choice! Im going to a little local college now instead of the big one id always thought id go too. Because this way i can keep Hammer and Rose, while i live at home. But really i think you could just take her with you. I think it would be in her best interest to move with you, rather then go back to a rescue.

                    • Ana
                      182 posts Send Private Message

                        Thank you guys.  She’s staying with me, then.  I appreciate the input.

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          thats good to hear =)

                        • BunnyLiz
                          1212 posts Send Private Message

                            Good! Happy for the both of you!

                          • Beka27
                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                              oh furbaby! if there’s anything specific you need more help on, please ask. i agree with the others that moving would require more thought on your part, but it’s not in anyway impossible. folks do it with cats and dogs daily. bunnies might be a little more rare, but that also has been done!

                              i’m always so weary of rehoming. we had a member here who was taking in rabbits, socializing them, altering them, and then trying to find them GOOD homes. she had rabbits returned to her, another time she checked up and found out they were not being cared for. one time she went on Craigslist and found the person SELLING the buns they had just adopted… you never know once that person has the bun what is becoming of it. also, like the others said, if you are under a rescue contract, that might not even be possible to rehome.

                              the rehoming cycle is never easy, and since you truly don’t know the situation she’s going into… it might not be her last rehome. i think most people get a pet thinking and believing it’s forever… but what if the year after the new owner has a baby… whoops rehome. after that, the 3rd owner becomes allergic… rehome. the 4th owner decides, ya know… buns are just not for me, or the kids stopped feeding it so… take it to a shelter. you do rescue work, so you know the different scenarios all too well, i’m sure.

                              my suggestion to you is to set her area up around her needs. if she is having potty issues, lay down linoleum in her area, or have her area in the kitchen with rugs or towels… if you do an xpen in the living room, lay down a big square of lino underneath it. make it virtually impossible for her to fail.

                              as you said, bunnies are naturally not cuddly. mine are not. so you know what i do? not often, but sometimes, i will scoop them up and hold them for a minute. i pet their foreheads and whisper sweet things in their ears. they don’t enjoy it, but they tolerate it. i enjoy it, tho, and it’s worth the foot flicks afterwards for my couple minutes of bunny cuddling. the rest of the time i am content to watch them go about their lives.

                              i had an idea, i’m not sure if it would work for you, but i’m just going to throw it out there… have you given any thought to bonding her to a mate? a mate would provide her with company 24 hours a day. you could go about your college thing and she would have someone with her. that would be a commitment financially (litter, veggies, vet care, etc…) but i think it might be something you could do for her to make her life really, really good and rescue a second bun in the process. i’m not sure if you’d be able to do it before the move, or after… but give it some thought.

                            • kralspace
                              2663 posts Send Private Message

                                Good for you!

                                I have 6 buns and their personalities range from “I’m Going To Die If You Touch Me” to “You’re Going To Die If You Touch Me” to my little Toby who doesn’t mind in the least when I scoop him up to cuddle.

                                Their litterbox habits also range from OCD perfect to non-existant and their condos are set up differently to help me with cleaning. My older couple have 3 different types of litter boxes that they will pee in 90% of the time, but the poops are everywhere. Their floor is choloplast and I’ve taken to putting down a thick towel and every night I just roll it up and replace it. (I shake the towels out in the flower bed and boy have they grown!)

                                I would just work the set up to what works best for the both of you. I can trust one pair anywhere, but the other guys have to stay on linoleum or they’d ruin my wood floors.

                                good luck! Kathy

                              • RachelF
                                287 posts Send Private Message

                                  Sometimes I had second thoughts when I got my first rabbit. I am young and busy, working full time and going to school part time. I just had to find time for Honey, and I admit, I did it out of guilt at first. But after making the time each day, we built a much deeper relationship, and she started acting warmer towards me, and cuddles from time to time(when its on her terms of course).

                                  Glad to hear your keeping her

                                • bunnytowne
                                  7537 posts Send Private Message

                                    I am so happy you are keeping her.  I bet she is too.  Ahh here is some size and color.

                                    My bun Cotton loves to go places with me.  I put him in his gym bag looking carrier and hubby drives. I open the door and stick my hand in there and pet him.  HE just purrs away. Very content. He even chewed on a cardboard box in the pet store. 

                                    Not all buns have issues traveling. Yes go ahead and join her on the floor.  IT can turn into some fun. Cotton jumped on my back and rode around while I crawled around.

                                    He got jealous cause I was petting Ruby thats why he jumped up there on my back hehee.

                                    Ruby loves pettings. Not being held though.  Cotton I can’t put him down when I take him outside he leaps into my arms.  AT home though forget it.

                                    The strange thing is I held him last nite he finallly settled down and did some tooth purring. He doesnt’ like me holding him but will purr when I do once he settles down.  Hmmm how strange. But made me happy.  Him too apparantly.

                                    Maybe your darling would love petttings with you on the floor together.

                                    Hubby fusses about my babies he said sell Ruby get some $ out of her and keep Cotton. He really wants me to get rid of Cotton too.

                                    I said no way. Cotton will get depressed without his Ruby I can’t do that. And I will get depressed too.  They are a lifetime commitment. And thats that.

                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      *pictures BT giving Cotton piggy-back rides* teeeheheeeee

                                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                                        Glad we convinced you furbaby!! *hugs*

                                        When you make the move let us know and we can help you with travelling tips and settling into a new home tips too! My Kokanee actually seemed to enjoy the change with a new place to explore-after giving me the bunny butt for leaving her at grandma’s during the move

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                                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Need advice