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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My bunny died. How to deal with the grief ?

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    • Nickk_
      3 posts Send Private Message

        My bunny died 4 days ago. Since then i am really sad and crying. I cant stop thinking about that. I was very rarely playing with my bunny but now I miss it a lot. It was almost 4 years old (got it 2014 February or March didn’t remember exact date). I had no pictures of it so I made some when it was already dead. Please help me what I need to do ? I will feel sad forever ?

      • BanditCamp
        451 posts Send Private Message

          Grief is a good thing it means that something was important to you. I think this thread belong in the rainbow bridge and I’m super sorry for your loss..

        • Bam
          16951 posts Send Private Message

            I’m sorry you lost your bunny. It’s very sad when a pet dies. Grieving is not a bad thing though, although it is very painful. It means your little bunny’s life meant something, and that she is missed.

            The pain of grief gets less sharp with time. If you are burying her you could make her grave pretty with flowers and stones. You could try and draw her from memory. Light a candle for her.

            Binky free, little bunny.

          • Nickk_
            3 posts Send Private Message

              I found an in image of rabbit which looks exactly like mine:
              Can you tell me what is this breed ? Is this rare breed to find ? Every rabbit from this breed looks like this ?

            • Bam
              16951 posts Send Private Message

                I moved your post to the Rainbow Bridge section. This is where we mourn the rabbits we have lost.

                The bunny in your picture is a broken color rabbit, it has a spotted pattern. It’s not a breed but a color type that exists in many breeds and comes from a certain gene called the En gene.

              • Ellie from The Netherlands
                2512 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m sorry for your loss of your companion Take the time to grieve, it’s completely natural to grieve for the loss of an animal companion. Talking to other people helps, and also try to find activities which you enjoy. A proper “goodbye” also helps, as Bam already suggested. Do something special to honor her memory.

                • Nickk_
                  3 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 4/15/2017 2:37 PM

                    I’m sorry for your loss of your companion Take the time to grieve, it’s completely natural to grieve for the loss of an animal companion. Talking to other people helps, and also try to find activities which you enjoy. A proper “goodbye” also helps, as Bam already suggested. Do something special to honor her memory.

                    Is it easy to find rabbit which looks like it ? I searched about the rabbit breeds in Google and I saw the Polish looks like this.

                  • Ellie from The Netherlands
                    2512 posts Send Private Message

                      I’d put off the thought of getting a new rabbit for a while, it’s best to take your time to handle your loss. Sorry to say this, but you’ll never get exactly the same rabbit that you lost. No rabbit can fill in the emptyness you feel right now, and trying to replace your loved one may lead to frustration with both you and the rabbit. Rabbits are each unique individuals and it’s important that you are ready to accept your new rabbit as an individual, without having the previous one fresh in your mind. I think it’s best to wait a while and overcome your grief. After you have recovered you can open up to a new rabbit again and give it all the love it needs.

                      Take the time to decide for yourself what you’re looking for in a rabbit, and which rabbit fits your lifestyle. Do you want an indoor rabbit or an outdoor one? Are you away from home a lot, and how much time can you spend with it each day? These are the questions you should answer for yourself first. Many people who work or go to school are better off getting two rabbits, because rabbits can get bored and lonely easily. They need a lot of attention and companionship, if they don’t get it they can easily become depressed.

                      Once you’re ready to have another rabbit in your life, consider rescuing one or two. One of the main benefits of a rescue rabbit is that they’re mostly adults whose personality has already developed. It’s easier to find the right personality which matches you and your lifestyle. All have very unique personalities which may vary greatly, even within a certain breed. Still, some breeds are more inclined to certain personalities. I love Netherland dwarfs for that reason: most of them have a lot of personality and spunk. Read up on different breeds and try to find a rabbit which you have a good match with.

                    • Yav
                      2 posts Send Private Message

                        Pinky my half lop which was a daughter of my first rabbit died in my arms today. She was 16.2 years old. I havent stopped crying. I understand your grief – they are family

                      • Tomo
                        1 posts Send Private Message

                          My bunny just recently died, thanksgiving morning to be specific. It’s been really rough, I’ve been in and out of crying. I miss him a lot, I miss the feeling of having someone in the room waiting for me and relying on me. He was only a year old, he died of a heart attack and I really cant forget the face he gave me the moments before he died.

                        • Wick & Fable
                          5810 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m so sorry to hear about this Tomo. Some people have found composing their own topic in the Rainbow Bridge section has helped with the grieving process. You are free to do so, and provide as much or as little information as you’d like. Binky free little rabbit.

                            The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                          • Bunzlove
                            1 posts Send Private Message

                              My bunny died just a couple days ago. November 29, 2018. She was an older bunny, 6 or 7. Brought her to the vet a couple days ago for GI Stasis. They have her an injection of reglan and metacam before we left but no fluids. She became very lethargic and laying on her side and started twitching and have spasms for hours after getting her home. Looked up reglan and it said it’s linked to uncontrolled movements, spasms, etc. so I figured to let the med wear off and she would’ve ok. Not the case, although the twitching stopped she was still lethargic and almost paralyzed. Brought her to a different vet and her vitals were weak. He said the reglan just made her sicker and because she’s a geriatric bunny and very skinny, her gut was empty it would be unfair to put her on life support and give her fluids for 24 hours. It would be just torturing her. So he suggested putting her down. I was devastated. Very sad to watch her go especially since she’s always been there and now she’s not Plus after having my son I neglected her a bit and didn’t give her the love she deserved over the past year. I feel so bad and have been crying for the past 2 days. The feeling of regret is killing me. She was such a good girl and I took advantage that she would always be there. And now after seeing her not breathing anymore and burying her today, I’m extremely regretful for not spending more time with her before she passed. Although I never left her side while at vets, it’s eating me alive that I acted like she was just a chore to take care of. Now I stand in front of her empty hutch where she always is and she’s not there anymore. I will never see her again except for in pictures. I’ll never be able to pet or talk to her anymore. She was my best friend in times when I was lonely and I miss her dearly. I just want her to still be alive. ?

                              • SweetPotato
                                100 posts Send Private Message

                                  My sweet bunny Masha passed 3 days ago. What amazes me is that she was also 7, a girl, and died from GI Stasis! She was a beautiful grey, and had white on her stomach, paws, and neck. I feel bad because ever since we got out dog, Duke, we haven’t been spending as much time with her. I would do so much just to have 1 more day with her. I miss you Masha. You’ll always be in my heart and I’ll love you forever. Binky free ❤️




                                  That’s a picture of her 🙂

                                • Wick & Fable
                                  5810 posts Send Private Message

                                    I’m sorry to hear about your sweet Masha, SweetPotato. It sounds like you very much cared for her and loved her very much.

                                    This particular rainbow bridge post is older, so you’re likely not to get a response from the users. I welcome you to create your own topic so active users can learn and see more about Masha.

                                    The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                                • Susancpr
                                  5 posts Send Private Message

                                    Wow…thats tough. Im so sorry & can feel your pain..Our rabbits are our pets. Theyre bright little creatures w feelings. They become a part of the family & can brighten up dark days…I know this is so cliche…but time heals wounds..Im afraid only time will heal your wounds…Take care & hang in there…

                                  • BedroomBunny
                                    1 posts Send Private Message

                                      I made an account just to reply to this thread and especially this comment. My bunny who was a little over 6 years old just died yesterday. The accuracy of this post really is shocking to me and i wanted to tell you that you are not alone. Just the fact that our bunnies were the same sex, same age, and we have the same feelings of their death is crazy to me. In regards to my bun, she was sick from we think snuffles or e cuniculi for over a year. With many changes of medications and different remedies to help her it was never enough. We tried 3 different vets opinions and different medications and spent at least a thousand dollars. She was 2 and a half pounds starting and slowly declined to a little over one pound in the end….
                                      She was the most resilient and strong bunny i have ever owned. Really didn’t let her illness control her until her last month. Not only that she was the most sweetest, cuddly and funniest bun i have ever had as well. Such a goofy and kind soul she really didn’t deserve to get sick like she did. She was so well mannered and social too! Just all around a good little soul. When she finally stopped eating and drinking we knew it was the end. I knew it was going to come eventually but she was such hard work towards the end that while i knew i loved her and everything was worth it, it did feel like a chore. In her last month she did not care to go to the bathroom in a certain spot, wet poops from insufficient eating (mostly started to not eat her hay) and would only want sweet fruit and a little bit of pellets or nothing at all, cleaning up her paws and face from the booger’s, and she had trouble standing. So many unanswered questions why she got as bad as she did. Anyways, I’m 22 and i bought her myself at 16. She was my rock and when i was younger i could pet her all day and had so much time for her. She would get non stop attention. However as i got older, i met my current boyfriend at 18 and started to travel, work and go to college. While i was still at home i definitely was more busy. I know she knew i loved her and i didn’t ignore or abandon her, but i wish times where i was growing up i realized she was growing older. She was the most perfect bunny anyone could ask for and now she’s gone. What i would do for just one more night of cuddles in bed and her kisses or I know this sounds weird but smell her little head. I feel like i lost a piece of me when she died. I have no animals in the house and to be honest i feel depressed. She made me happy when nothing else could. She was so sick her last week and i told her please don’t die during Christmas or if I’m gone, at least not until the new year.
                                      And the crazy little bun did exactly what i said, in the new year and in my arms. I was gone New Years night celebrating so selfishly when she was sick and only got to spend 2 hours with her until she died. I feel like such a selfish jerk. I loved her more than anything and she’s gone and I’ll never get to kiss or pet her ever again. So i feel your pain. It sucks that as you live your “important” human life you take your bun for granted for a moment and do not realize it until they are gone. My heart aches.
                                      We buried her and i haven’t been able to throw away her little bed set up and food/water in my room. Sometimes when i wake up in the night i forgot she’s gone.
                                      whenever i was home she would sleep in my bed until she wanted to get up and i just hope i dream of her when i cry myself to sleep. I watched all my pictures and videos i have Of her but i wish there was more.
                                      She was there everyday until now she’s not. So so sad. Would love to hear how you’re holding up because i am a mess right now.

                                    • monarchwings
                                      1 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so sorry for all of your losses.. I too, like others made an account just to reply to this thread. My Jade passed away in my arms this morning on the way to the emergency vet. She was only 3 years old, and we don’t know what the cause of her death was. She had been declining in health this past week, hiding behind the couch when we would take her out of her cage during the day. My parents took her to the vet while I was at work, and while the doctor couldn’t find anything specifically wrong with her, she had lost a whole pound from when she was there 1 month ago, and some mouth pain, prescribed her antibiotics and a pain med. She stopped eating the second day, and we retrieved some critical care food for her, which she ate 8ml from me last night. I returned home from work this morning, and went to sleep (as I worked an overnight), to be waken up by my parents 2 hours later telling me they were going to take her to the emergency vet 30 min away as she was losing control of her body. I went over to her cage and tried feeding some water to her from my fingers, and when she started trying to lick the side of her ceramic water dish I knew something was really wrong. I picked her up and noticed her lack of control of her body, so we got ready, I wrapped her up in a towel, and we hit the road. Not even 2 min out of our neighborhood I was giving her kisses and she looked up at me twice, in such a way that I felt like she was telling me it was her time but I couldn’t accept it. Five minutes later, she began jerking uncontrollably, and then her entire body seized up and then went limp. I feel so incredibly bad. I feel bad that I’m those last moments of her life I was in a panic, crying hysterically and those are the last memories she has… and then I felt that she still had a heartbeat and attempted cpr but it was too late. I feel bad that the first year of her life was sooooo incredibly close, she went with me everywhere, but then a year after my parents took her in because I started traveling overseas. My dad was such an amazing caretaker for her and made sure she got all the attention he could give her, and after moving back in this past June I was ecstatic to be reunited with her, but I still feel so incredibly guilty that she’s gone. I feel like it’s my fault. I miss her so much and I hope she knew how much I loved her. Everything hurts right now but I know she is pain free, I just can’t really believe that she’s gone. I hope you all are hanging in there, I’m truly sorry for your losses.

                                      • Jhenx
                                        1 posts Send Private Message

                                          My bunny died today,December the 26 ,2020 @ 2:41 I woke up to his screams It was so painful watching him die and it pained my heart each time he screamed I stroked him until he took his last breath I knew he was going to die but I just didn’t wanna accept it he was such a caring and loving bunny he will always be in my heart rip gold😭❤

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                                      Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My bunny died. How to deal with the grief ?