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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A My bunnies BONDED

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    • Thumpers_Mom
      171 posts Send Private Message


        I have bonded bunnies! Thumper and Peaches have been living together for the last 4 days 3nights! I have built them a new cage and they are loving it. :party0002:(I’m not finished yet)

        I’m hoping that with time Thumper will stop mounting Peaches. :headsmack..thankfully, she is sooo very patient with him.:bunnyheart

        Here are some pics of my two cuties!

        I’ll post more pics of the finished cage soon!


      • Scarlet_Rose
        4293 posts Send Private Message

          Woohoo yay!!!! Congrats! That is such a wonderful accomplishment in happy bunny bliss!

        • xnovalentine
          309 posts Send Private Message

            awe that is great you’ve finally got them bonded! Congrads! They are so cute! And great job on the new cage. I’ve been thinking of making one for lullabelle — but shes got an entire room to herself, what does she need a fancy cage for? LOL. I also have no where to put it…hmm.

          • JK
            2223 posts Send Private Message

              Congratulations – that’s awesome they are bonded!  I love your cage! OK now I think I need a 2nd floor to mine!  I have one of those 2+’ by 4′ ones and also an xpen attached.  But Edson likes to hop on top of the cage and this might be really great to add on to.  Plus he could look out the window!  Could I successfully build a cube contraption on the top of my current cage?  The top actually completely comes off. I bet I could.  Are these the NIC cubes?

            • Thumpers_Mom
              171 posts Send Private Message

                Thx guys…I am so happy that they have bonded. I didn’t like them having to take turns being out…now they are out all day (while we are home). I return to work and the boys to school tomorrow so I am a bit worried that they might be sad that they will be in their cage all morning (till about 3pm). But I think it is plenty roomy enough.

                Scarlet Rose…I had my doubts at times but I am sooo happy that I kept going.

                xnovalentine…I wish I had a room I could dedicate to my buns! What a lucky Lullabelle.

                knowltons4…Yup, these are the NIC cubes. The top of their cage opens up for easy cleaning but I cannot leave it open because Peaches will jump out. My guys do love the 2n level though..they run Bunny 500’s on the 2nd level…Too Cute!

              • Scarlet_Rose
                4293 posts Send Private Message

                  I am so thrilled to pieces you kept at it! Now look at them, sooo cute!

                • JK
                  2223 posts Send Private Message

                    One more question!  What are the approximate dimensions of this cage????

                  • Thumpers_Mom
                    171 posts Send Private Message

                      Scarlet Rose, they are precious…just wish Thumper would stop the mounting already!

                      Knowltons4…The dimensions are 75″ (6 ft 3″) by 30″ (2 ft 6″)…

                    • JK
                      2223 posts Send Private Message

                        Great.  It’ll take a little imagination here if the panels are 15" square and my width is 24".  Thanks for the info!

                      • Sarita
                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                          Congratulations! The mounting may not stop for awhile so just be patient. He’s just being a rabbit and it is annoying to us but apparently Peaches is fine with it.

                        • sarah bowden
                          85 posts Send Private Message

                            That is so exciting!! What a great way to start the new year.
                            My buns have been bonded for a little over a month and Helen will still occasionally mount Gus. Particularly while they are waiting for there breakfast.
                            I think as long as Peaches doesn’t mind you shouldn’t worry…………

                          • Thumpers_Mom
                            171 posts Send Private Message

                              thx guys!

                              Knowltons4…all you have to do is overlap the panels to whatever width you desire. Good Luck!

                              Sarita & Sbunny…The only thing I am worried about is if she decides that she is not ok with it at a time when I am not there. Like when I am at work and the boys are at school. Throughout the day, he is not too much of a pain, but at night and in the morning he is just too much!

                            • BunnyLugs
                              117 posts Send Private Message

                                Well done you! Did it take long? It’s fantastic when the fruits of your labour pay off. Congrats and happy ’08 to you all x

                              • Lisa_43
                                1499 posts Send Private Message

                                  Excellent and well done that is a big accomplishment, give yourself a pat on the back.

                                • JK
                                  2223 posts Send Private Message

                                    Oh great.  That’ll work then.  Thanks.

                                  • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                    2517 posts Send Private Message

                                      Congrats! Good to know that your bunnies (and you!) seem to be doing well!

                                    • Thumpers_Mom
                                      171 posts Send Private Message

                                        Thx everyone…hehehe

                                        Bunnylugs…it took I think about 7 weeks and a lot of patience! I truly do recommend bunny dating. The girl that I had originally in mind for Thumper was WAY too dominant. I truly doubt that they would have bonded. It was hate at first sight for her.

                                        Rachel: Haven’t seen you around in a bit! Nice you have you and Frankie back!


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                                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A My bunnies BONDED