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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Meet Squee!

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    • Kafrn
      747 posts Send Private Message

        Hi all!

        Just wanted to introduce to you all our new foster bun: Squee

        He didnt have a name, Squee was the first thing I thouht when I saw him, and it has stuck

        Just wanted to show you all some pictures.


        This is Squee experiencing the lawn for the first time in his little life. He did so many binkies!



        And below is Squee meeting the girl bunnies through the fence for the first time. He didnt realise they were there at first because hes been living in a seperate room to them the last 2 days


      • LoveChaCha
        6634 posts Send Private Message

          Uh oh, are your girls in love with Squee boy?

        • MirBear
          1412 posts Send Private Message


            (I approve of your name for him i think it suits him perfectly.. )

          • Kafrn
            747 posts Send Private Message

              lol, yes I believe the girl possible may be in love with squee. Especially Rabz, who has shown great interest in pulling out his whiskers. Rabz loves grooming whiskers.

            • MimzMum
              8029 posts Send Private Message


                You can send SQUEE to MEEE! lolz….

                Gosh what a handsome chappy he is! I just love lops, but lops with black fur…that is the top of my list! ^_^ Well…that and lops with grey fur. And brown fur. And…and…and…. ^_^
                Don’t you just adore how they splay their hind legs out and streeetch to whatever they’re investigating? What a funny pose!
                And isn’t it hilarious how much those ears flap when they really get going in a binky run? I hope to get Mimz out in the yard again this year just to see him prepare for take off.

              • Monkeybun
                10479 posts Send Private Message

                  zomg. He is adorable!!! My adopted internet bunny Rabz has good taste

                • Michelle&Lolli
                  2347 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh look at those ears!!! EEEEEE!!!!

                    Squee is a handsome boy! Looks like others feel the same way around your house!

                  • LoveChaCha
                    6634 posts Send Private Message

                      Makin all the girls wanna ‘SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!’

                    • Kafrn
                      747 posts Send Private Message

                        Lol the others do think he is a handsome boy, they all want to shack up with him, but squee has other ideas! He marked me his territory all up my leg this morning. Isn’t it lovely to be loved!

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          Cute name for even cuter bunny! His ears appear like they don’t know whether to lop or not in these pictures.

                          I also love the booty shot. Rabz is a total flirt! (Sorry MB but she is!).

                          I’m already calling him Squee Bub.
                          “Squee Bub meet Stu Bob. Stu Bob, Squee Bub.”

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            Love the name! He’s so beautiful! He looks so happy on the grass.

                          • Isabelle
                            468 posts Send Private Message

                              He’s ADORABLE!!! *bunnaps*

                            • SmokeyBunnyRobinson
                              356 posts Send Private Message

                                SO CUTE! SQUEE REMINDS ME OF SMOKEY WITH LOPPY EARS OMGG. I need to steal him so him and Smokey can be the perfect matcH!

                              • Kafrn
                                747 posts Send Private Message

                                  It’s weird, when he sleeps, his ears stick straight up. When he is running they stick out sideways, other times he is a full lop.
                                  He isn’t shy anymore, he chases our dog all over the lawn, so funny to watch! Rocket doesntlike him very much, jealous bunny!
                                  Squee won’t eat anything but pet shop pellets. He won’t touch hay, carrot, banana, horse pellets, or raisins. I don’t think he has ever had them before! I’m keeping a supply there for him but he hasn’t touched it. And he won’t poo in his cage. Not one poo. When I take him out he poos everywhere, butnotin his cage or littretray how do I approach this?!

                                • jerseygirl
                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                    How funny. Is this the cage he lived in before? Did he have a litterbox before? Does he recognise the litter? Do you put some of his poops from when he’s out into his litterbox?

                                    Edit to add: He could be eating any he does in his cage, especially if he doesn’t eat hay.  You could set up a camera to observe…heh heh.

                                  • Monkeybun
                                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                                      He needs to learn to eat hay Poor man. Maybe lessen the pellet amount and give him a ton of hay, see what happens

                                    • Kafrn
                                      747 posts Send Private Message

                                        hmmm…. today I gave him hardly any pellets, lots of OUR pellets jersey, and lots of hay and I dont think he touched anything but his pellets. Tonight he has had Bok Choi, Celery Leaves, banana, Carrot and mint, and he hasnt yet touched it…
                                        Its our cage, we didnt take his hutch because it was too small for a rabbit.
                                        Its the one Stu was in for awhile while she was sick. Its pretty big so he has lots of area to play with his toys during the day, and also he gets out for about 4 hours a day, which is when he does all his pooping.
                                        He hasnt had a litter tray before. Im not fussed that he hasnt learnt toilet training yet coz its kinda soon, but he did 3 poops in his cage today (success!) and then about 550 poops when I let him out tonight. I have now put these 550 poops in his litter tray. He sniffed them and then went and pooped 7 times by the pool.

                                      • Lintini
                                        3329 posts Send Private Message

                                          LOL! 550 poops!!!!! I have a great vision of you going into your garage and seeing his mess. Your face looks like O___O!!!

                                          Ohhhhh Sqwweee the ladies won’t want to hang out with you if you mess all over!!! Silly boys ><

                                          I’ve had experiences with my buns that came from the feedstore where they were given no veggies….they took some time to learn that it was alright to eat. Same thing with my guinea pigs! He will come around I am sure of it!

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                            Pish. Sweeping up 550 poops is a daily event for me. *roll eyes*

                                            You’re pretty exact on the numbers there Kafrn. lol

                                            The reason I was asking about the cage was if he was in a cage with a wire floor he’s probably not used to the poops in the cage and not got the hang of the box. If he was in that sort of cage, maybe you could make his box feel like that sort of floor and slowly transistion him?

                                            With the foods, what about feeding him sight of the other rabbits when they have theirs? Sometimes they can learn that way.

                                          • Kafrn
                                            747 posts Send Private Message

                                              Poos in the cage this morning!! 12 big fat healthy ones! I think he couldn’t hold it anymore overnight. His bottom must have exploded. Carl though I’d lost the plot this morning. He’s never seen someone get so excited about a pile of poo. I cant find if he did a number one though :/
                                              Jersey, good idea about the flooring. Actually I changed the flooring last night to a big piece of carpet with padding under it, so maybe this inspired Squee to re decorate with a massive pile of bum balls in the cage this morning?
                                              He also managed half a leaf of bok choi overnight. Awesome!
                                              He eats in full sight of the other bunnies. He’s about 2m away from them, I can’t move him any closer because he’s having turf wars with rocket and he marks his territory more like a lion. Every time he winks at rabz, rocket responds in the same way. I’ve never had a bonding issue until now. Good lord!

                                            • mrmac
                                              2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                Squee is adorable!

                                              • MimzMum
                                                8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                  OMG Kafrn I have tears rolling down my face I’m laughing so hard! *gigglesnort* Your descriptions of Squee’s potty adventures are hilarious!
                                                  He is adorable though. I would have a hard time being stern with him even if he didn’t mess where he wasn’t supposed to…see how wonderfully made the bunny is? They can get in all sorts of trouble and we just give them a pass.
                                                  I was thinking perhaps the pen he’s in retained some of Stu’s scent, and he was leery of soiling there…but I like Jersey’s idea better.

                                                  When we first got Pip, she didn’t know what pellets were, turned her nose up at them continually. Neither had she had veggies. We started her with bok choy too. As soon as she learned that both were good to eat, we’d start seeing our hands in danger of losing digits if we didn’t move then fast enough in offering these items to her.
                                                  Sadly, she can’t manage greens or pellets anymore, due to digestive issues. But she still goes over the moon for her daily COOKIE (which we have to spell out the word in front of her, or the shameless begging and wall climbing begins).

                                                  Mimzy was very particular about where he toileted when he first arrived. Even in his outdoor enclosure, where he had a good six feet of running space outside a shed, he chose one prime spot near the door, but not too close. He used to be marvelously box trained in house, but lately he just dumps it wherever he feels like it. I’ll see him in a lounge chair with a tiny t.v. and a remote next, I’m sure. Gets annoying, but I just clean ’em up and we start over again. *sigh*
                                                  I also lol’ed at 550 exact poos. Counting all those must’ve taken some time.

                                                • Kafrn
                                                  747 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Lol all I seem to do with 7 rabbits is count the poos!!!!!! Squee has taken to leaving a line of deposits behind him whenever I let him outside for a run. At least we will never lose him in the neighborhood! Just follow the trail….
                                                    He’s pooping in his cage now too. Be careful what you wish for! Coz he fills his whole cage with poop. Seriously, he poos more than my pair of ditches combined! Now that he’s started eating the veggies etc (still not raisins!) it’s like he constantly has to make withdrawals! Seriously he reminds me of one of those contraptions that shoots tennis balls!

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                                                Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Meet Squee!