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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • LovelyLuna
      20 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone,

        I wanted to introduce my bunny Luna. She is a Lionhead who was found loose in someone’s backyard in June. So her age is unknown, but she is an adult. My boyfriend and I adopted her from the SPCA about two weeks ago. She was spayed right before adoption and (much to my relief) had no issues healing and adjusting to her new home. We were happy to learn she was already litter trained. She has a particularly curious personality and seems very happy in her new home. I’ve noticed she has become a lot more active about a week and a half post-spay. So far she has been playing with her toys, playing under and digging in blankets, stretching, binkying, looking around on hind legs, flopping onto her side, grooming, coming to lay on us, jumping onto our couch (when supervised) and lets us pet and brush her when she is feeling relaxed. I’ll include some pictures of her & her home below. We live in an apartment we had to get a little creative with the space in our living room. I’ll likely be posting a few questions in the next days/weeks as things have been a great learning experience for us as first time rabbit owners! 

      • kurottabun
        908 posts Send Private Message

          Welcome! Luna is so adorable and that’s such a lovely space! The picture of her periscoping is probably her evaluating if she can jump high enough to escape LOL. Most bunnies are escapees so we can’t wait to hear Luna’s attempts soooon :p

        • Bladesmith
          849 posts Send Private Message

            Hiya! Welcome to Bunny Slavery!  Luna is adorable!

          • tobyluv
            3310 posts Send Private Message

              Hello and welcome to Binky Bunny! Luna is so cute! Thank you for adopting.

            • Luna's Parents
              27 posts Send Private Message

                Hi Luna! We have a Luna, too! It is apparently a popular bun name! She is very cute

              • Wick & Fable
                5815 posts Send Private Message

                  There’s always good mojo around a rabbit named Luna here, haha. Welcome to BB!

                  I also commend you for adopting! Rabbits are the third most let go pets (dogs and cats being first and second), so adopting is the best thing to do.

                  I see lots of positives in your set up. You have a water bowl instead of a bottle (healthiest choice) and you have a nice large litter pan with plenty of hay!! You also have some engagement toys too. Rabbits may not always play with things without motivation, so you can hide pellets or stuff things with hay to trigger their foraging instincts.

                  The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                • LovelyLuna
                  20 posts Send Private Message

                    Haha yes she loves to look for ways to escape! Before we had the nic grids in place she loved to jump on the couch seen in the previous picture (about 16 inches high). Thankfully she is always supervised so we sit with her until she jumps back into the pen. With the nic grids about a foot pulled back from the couch (our easy way to try to prevent her from jumping on the couch) she has still made the leap over the nic grid to the couch. However, she has never jumped over a 14 inch nic grid back to the floor. I suspect (for now anyway) she is only wanting to jump onto and off of platforms. Our current solution is to pull the grid 2 feet from the couch, but in the future I’m deciding between using the extra grids we have and making it two grids high in that section or adding a smaller peice of plexiglass to those grids over the couch. Any suggestions are welcome!

                  • LovelyLuna
                    20 posts Send Private Message

                      Posted By Wick on 7/25/2018 10:07 AM
                      There’s always good mojo around a rabbit named Luna here, haha. Welcome to BB!

                      I also commend you for adopting! Rabbits are the third most let go pets (dogs and cats being first and second), so adopting is the best thing to do.

                      I see lots of positives in your set up. You have a water bowl instead of a bottle (healthiest choice) and you have a nice large litter pan with plenty of hay!! You also have some engagement toys too. Rabbits may not always play with things without motivation, so you can hide pellets or stuff things with hay to trigger their foraging instincts.

                      Thanks! I have been collecting all the things I need to make some homemade toys so I think those will be coming her way soon. So far she goes crazy for her pellets more than any other treat, so we’ve been giving them to her as a game in and under her stackable baby cups.

                    • Bam
                      16981 posts Send Private Message

                        Hi and welcome to the BB forums! Luna is adorable and her setup looks great!

                      • Gordo and Janice
                        703 posts Send Private Message

                          Hi and welcome. Love the pics. Sooo cute. That bunny is spoiled already! Good for you.

                        • LovelyLuna
                          20 posts Send Private Message

                            Thanks everyone for your kind welcomes

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Meet Luna!