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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Looking for a New Rabbit

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    • lws84
      35 posts Send Private Message

        Hello out there in bunny land!  Recently, tragically, I lost my amazing rabbit, Solzhenitsyn (yes, after the Russian writer – somehow it just seemed to fit and stick).  He was “quite smart” and loved to bound around in his outdoor pen (supervise – it was originally a dog pen/run but I converted it, and added some fun things for him) and hang out with me inside the house.  He was predominantly an outdoor rabbit and it seemed to suit him.  He could watch the wild rabbits from his sturdy home, lounge, receive pets and treats, be taken inside often, and get a lot of fresh air and exercise.  I have read that rabbits should not be outside, but he never acted in a “cranky” or “ill-mannered” way when I would reach in to pet him or pick him up to play or head in the house.  Granted, he got handled all the time, and got out of his house A LOT.  He was litterbox trained too, which I had no idea rabbits could be.

        When I first purchased Solzhenitsyn, I knew nothing about rabbit care (and I mean NOTHING).  I was 29, and had always wanted a rabbit since I was cognizant of their existence.  My parents had always declined my pleading, however, because we had several dogs (hunting breeds), and my parents didn’t think it would be a good life for a bunny living at our house.  They were responsible and I hope they have passed that trait on to me.  I went to the local pet store (I live in a rural part of New Mexico now, so shelters are roughly 4-5 hours away) and saw they had both male and female rabbits – New Zealand/Dutch crosses.  I fell in love and bought a male.  He was wonderful – full of spunk and personality from the first day.  I began reading everything and anything I could about rabbits in rabbit magazines and tried to implement that advice in his life.

        I would like to get another rabbit now, however I am clueless of where to begin breed-wise.  I know I do not want a lop rabbit, because we live in a very hot climate in the summer and I have read because of their ears it is hard for them to radiate heat and cool off (I’ve also read they’re a more delicate breed – don’t know if this is true or not).

        Any advice on breeds would be appreciated.  Personally, I don’t like the look of “red eyed” rabbits, but everything else I’ve seen I like.  I read larger rabbits tend to be more mild-mannered or docile.  I’m looking for a playful, friendly, curious, easy to manage rabbit.  I would be happy to adopt, but I don’t know if adopting a rabbit is possible for me as I live 5 hours from the nearest adoption shelter and the rabbit would have its permanent home outside, not inside.  I probably would get another male, but that’s only because I’m biased with the one I had before.

        What should I look for when picking a bunny out?  Any tips?

        My other question is: should he have a friend?  If I get one male rabbit, should I get a female or male partner?  Obviously spaying and neutering is a must when you have two or more, I read not only will you never have the chance for an unwanted litter, but often hormones aren’t as big of a problem (fighting, territorial, etc).

        Thanks all and binky on!

      • Little Lion Head
        1706 posts Send Private Message

          Sorry to hear about Solzhenitzyn Sounds like a pretty cool rabbit dude!! Have you seen any lion heads around? That’s what Pumpkin is; she’s a smaller breed, full grown at about 4 pounds and very active (bunny 500’s and binkies all the time)! Her ears stick straight up, but I think there are lion heads with floppy ears too.

          I’ve always heard you should bond male/female and same sex together but maybe someone here knows a little more than me.

          Good luck!

        • lws84
          35 posts Send Private Message

            Little Lion Head – thanks, Solzhenitsyn was pretty awesome.  Thank you too for the suggestion.  I’m still looking around locally, and “Lion Head Rabbits” don’t come up, but I may expand my search a little and see what I can find.  I’m still not sure about the bonding either, if 2 males or a male/female combo wouldn’t be better?  Anyway, I’ll keep BB posted!

          • LBJ10
            16999 posts Send Private Message

              Solzhenitsyn sounds like he was a wonderful bunny. =)

              If you’re ready to open your heart to a new bunny, I wouldn’t based your selection on breed. Instead, focus on personality. Look for bunnies that are a little older, preferably already spayed/neutered. You will have a much better idea of what their personality is like, something you just can’t gauge well in babies.

              As for bonding 2 bunnies, gender doesn’t matter very much (if at all). My boys absolutely adore each other, but other members here have successful boy/girl pairs and girl/girl pairs. Bunnies need to have personalities that compliment one another in order to have a successful bond and gender simply doesn’t dictate personality.

            • lws84
              35 posts Send Private Message

                LBJ10 – Thanks for the help. I may check out Craig’s List and see if there are any rabbits who are older who need a good home. Unfortunately, in my area, it’s both rural AND agricultural so a lot of rabbits raised out here (who might be older) are not for pets. Automatically when people found out I had a rabbit it was assumed he was for eating. Do rabbits need to have a mate, or is one bunny getting a lot of love and attention okay by him/herself?

              • Little Lion Head
                1706 posts Send Private Message

                  There are many members here that have just one bun, me included, that are perfectly happy. I think as long as you have enough time to spend to spend with your bunny so he has something to do, he will be just fine!

                • lws84
                  35 posts Send Private Message

                    Little Lion Head – Thank you so much! I just want to give my new bun the best home/life possible and I appreciate all the advice/help I can get. I have a chance to look at some satins tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes…

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      I don’t know much about the satin breed. Can’t think of anyone on here currently who has one…

                      Honestly though, if you are not able to have your future rabbit housed primarily inside the house, i would hold off getting a rabbit until you can find a way to make that work. Rabbits make much better companion pets when they are inside with their people. This lets their true personality shine through and there is a better chance that you will develop a strong bond.

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                  Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Looking for a New Rabbit