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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Let’s try this again. ;) De-lurking!

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    • CarlieL
      81 posts Send Private Message


         Hi everyone,

        I figured I should get around to introducing myself lol, I’ve been lurking for a few months now but just haven’t gotten around to posting.  

        We have a precious 6 (+/-) month old bunny named Rufus, I came across a big bin filled with him and about 5 other bunnies at a local feed store a few months ago, and fell in love at first sight. Which was weird, because I’ve seen many adorable bunnies over the past 10 years that I’ve been bunny-less, and have never been tempted to take them home before. This guy, though…there was just something about him. I tried talking hubby into it, but with little luck. I went back in the day after labor day, just to see him (lol), and when I arrived I noticed blood in their bin. I realized it was coming from the little guy I’d fallen for! I pointed it out to the workers, and all they said was that they’d move him to another bin that had more male bunnies in it. Grrrrrr. Then I did a big no-no and said I’d take him! They tried to talk me out of it, and into getting another one…um, no. I wanted him. And so he came home with us that day! 

        I had to scramble to figure out where to house him, and ended up putting him in an extra parrot cage I had. It was 3’x2′  and had a plastic floor so I figured it would work for the time being. Hubby was in for quite the surprise when he got home, and wasn’t too happy about it…he has definitely softened over time lol.  Hubby’s the one who picked Rufus as his name, I hated it at first but have started grudgingly liking it lately. Anyway. Rufus had a hole torn through his ear, a bite on his face, two on his sides and one on his foot, poor dude. All but the ear were minor and already healing up, so those we just cleaned up. The ear one we had checked out, and they told us to just keep cleaning and putting neosporin on. It has healed up fine, but left his ear a bit flopped over at the top with extra cartilage sticking out. I think his floppy ear is adorable. 

        He was neutered at about 4+ months of age, and has been an absolute delight to have in the house. We made him a bunny condo out of the NIC panels (found an amazing deal on Craigslist, yay!), and he’s been potty trained from day one amazingly enough! He gets free run of the house for at least half a day most days, and gets along just fine with the birds (we have two parrots, an African Grey and an Eclectus). We’re still closely supervising interactions with our cat, Jasmine, and two dogs, Jesse and Kita.  He also is fine with our 4 & 5 year old boys. Rufus isn’t really into being held or snuggled, but he’s coming up to us more and more and will occasionally even let us pick him up when he’s running around the house or pet him. I feel confident that we’ll get there. He’s around 2.5 lbs, and the cutest thing ever IMHO.  

        Anyway, hi everyone, and thanks for all of the great advice and info I’ve already received just lurking…I look forward to many more years on the forum! 


        Andi User is Offline
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        12/29/2010 12:35 PM  
        Sounds like he was meant to be your bunny  

        One of my male bunnies was also beat up pretty good in a group, I think those ear punctures usually heal up pretty good. Glad Rufus is healing up and settling in. …. Now for some pictures  

        * Don’t Breed or Buy while Homeless Pets Die. Opt’ to Adopt! 
        * Adoption is the Living Option. 
        * Adopting One Rescued Animal Saves Two Lives. The Animal you Adopted, and the Homelss Animal that will take it’s Place in the shelter.
        CarlieL User is Offline
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        12/29/2010 12:54 PM  

         Haha. Well unfortunately my beloved DSLR decided to die on me recently, so I’m stuck with cruddy cell phone pics…but I’ll see what I can do! For now, here are a few that I have. 

        And my other fur/feathered babies for good measure!
        OH MY GOODNESS I forgot my little princess LOL. She wouldn’t be happy with me…here’s Jasmine, too. 

        Andi User is Offline
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        12/29/2010 03:23 PM  
        if those are cell phone pic’s your are WAY better then mine LOL… 
        What a great looking family! 
        I can see why you fell in love with Rufus, he’s so beautiful! Your Dog Kita has that similar shepard mix face as my old dog Whizz did, what a cutie! I love her eyes!
        * Don’t Breed or Buy while Homeless Pets Die. Opt’ to Adopt! 
        * Adoption is the Living Option. 
        * Adopting One Rescued Animal Saves Two Lives. The Animal you Adopted, and the Homelss Animal that will take it’s Place in the shelter.
        CarlieL User is Offline
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        12/29/2010 04:31 PM  

         Hey, just noticed that we’re practically neighbors (well, relatively close lol). And thank you!!  The last two pics are from my old camera, and the others are the only decent ones I could find.  One of these days I’ll get around to finding a new camera if I can ever stop spending every dollar on the pets…sigh.

        Kita’s such a doll, can you believe he doesn’t have any shepherd?? He’s an Alaskan Husky, his dad was white with a black saddleback and his mom was mostly tan. He’s a good boy, sweet as can be but super crazy (as many huskies are). I’m hoping to try harness training soon to help with some of his excess energy.  
        Rufus, Jasmine and I just had another intro time…poor Jas is not sure what to think, she’s still a bit jumpy (and at times, acts a little aggressive) around him so I’m taking it really slow with getting them acquainted. She’s back in the room with the dogs, and Rufus is enjoying terrorizing us in the house now lol. 

        MirBear User is Offline
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        12/29/2010 08:37 PM  

        ADORABLE!! looks just like my babies did when they were, well, babies 



        Your boy is siamese sable and will probably change colour and get darker as he gets older 


        My Siamese Sweethearts, Hershey & Twix……….. <3 And In My Attempted Un-selfish Thoughts I Find Myself Thinking... If This Is The Best I Can Do With Just My Thoughts, Than What Is The Best That Can Be Done By Someone Who Has Not Only my Thoughts But The Chance To Make Them A Reality?
        Brittany User is Offline
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        12/29/2010 10:36 PM  

        is Rufus a Nethie? 

        And Welcome 


      • CarlieL
        81 posts Send Private Message

          Thank you to the lovely member who sent me the google cached copy! I had originally posted right before the site glitch that erased a day or so of posts. There was a bit more to the thread, but this is most of it. Anyway, hi again!

        • Momto3boys
          123 posts Send Private Message

            Wow, I don’t think I would have been able to leave him there, either! He is GORGEOUS.

          • Beka27
            16016 posts Send Private Message

              Beautiful fur and feathered family!

              Rufus is gorgeous. I am so thankful you were able to get him out of that awful place.

            • Sonn
              1810 posts Send Private Message

                Rufus is adorable! I wouldn’t have been able to just leave him there either.

                You have a great feathered furry family!

                Kita has gorgeous eyes! I have a dog with a brown eye and half of a blue/brown eye everyone asks me if he is blind lol.

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Welcome again! I was beginning to think you had reverted to lurking again. :p

                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    Welcome! What a beautiful family you have :~)

                  • CarlieL
                    81 posts Send Private Message

                      lol Jerseygirl! I guess you’ll find out soon enough that I have lurking (or not online much) periods…but I’ll try to stay active.

                      Thanks everyone!!!

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        Welcome once more… thanks again for all the bird info.

                      • Lintini
                        3329 posts Send Private Message

                          Welcome!! I have a mealy amazon parrot, I would love to have an african grey someday! Your eclectuss is a female right?? the males are red?

                          Margaret is her name…she doesn’t talk at all, she says “coo coo coo” and screams….and on occasion she whines like me when I was a teenger calling to my mom. Great Margaret…thanks for that.  lol!! 

                        • CarlieL
                          81 posts Send Private Message

                            Vise-versa on the Eclectus…females are the hot red-heads. I’ve heard a lot about Mealies, they seem like cool parrots! Margaret sounds like a funny gal…how old is she? I’m a bit tempted by an orange winged Amazon on the local CL…oh he’s a cutie!!

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Let’s try this again. ;) De-lurking!