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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE June Picture Thread

Viewing 123 reply threads
  • Author

    • MissD
      302 posts Send Private Message

        Thought I could start it this month Here’s my babies:

         photo 20140222_122118-1.jpg  photo 20140530_163232.jpg

         photo 66.jpg

         photo hannah.jpg

      • MissGabbster
        718 posts Send Private Message

          Hannah’s ears and Buddy’s nose ♥

          I love that picture of them snuggling. They are such a cute bun pair.

        • mossling
          229 posts Send Private Message

            Pond nommed down on some fresh greens from the bunny garden for breakfast.

          • Ellekke
            194 posts Send Private Message

              Buddy and Hannah, we should give them a Hollywood type couples nickname like….Buddannah or something. Bunny couple of the year!

              And Pond, what a pretty name and cute bunny!!! Silverfox style <3

            • Diamond
              459 posts Send Private Message

                Aw Pond looks like he’s enjoying that. Lily’s been getting so many fresh garden veggies her mouth is stained green.

              • MoxieMeadows
                5375 posts Send Private Message

                  I NEED to post picks this month! But I’m so busy!

                • Hazel
                  2587 posts Send Private Message

                    Hannah and Buddy! They are so cute together. I love Hannah’s ears, she’s so pretty! Outstanding pictures as always, MissD!

                    Wow, how cute is Pond?! Such pretty coloring!

                    Ellekke: Buddannah, that’s hilarious!! Love it!


                    me: “Why Oscar, WHYYY…???”

                    Oscar: “Well, why NOT? You’re gonna clean it up, anyway!”


                    Poor Bubbles, a gator got him. I told him not to get too close to the water…


                    Also, he has decided that he’s too grown up now to be contained by a baby gate:

                  • mossling
                    229 posts Send Private Message

                      Awwww! I miss my ferret! Until my kid gets a bit older, though, I think gets are a little more maintenance than I up for.

                      I seriously can’t get over how gorgeous Hannah is. And Buddy had the most boop-able nose!

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        Hilarious Hazel! LOVE IT!!!

                      • tanlover14
                        3617 posts Send Private Message

                          EVERYBUN IS SOOOO CUTE! And yes, you toooo Bubbles!

                          MOSSLING, WHO IS THAT ADORABLE BUN?!? What a gorgeous color! And LOPPY eared at that! LOVE HIM! <3

                          MissD, love the grump faces! Hahahahaa. They are such an adorable couple!

                          Oscar’s like “waaaaaat, ma???”

                        • LongEaredLions
                          4482 posts Send Private Message

                            -dies from cuteness overload-

                          • calipa_st
                            290 posts Send Private Message

                              oh my gosh, I love Oscar (especially because he’s Rodan’s twin!) and Bubbles is freaking adorable

                              missD you have such regal looking bunnies!

                            • calipa_st
                              290 posts Send Private Message

                                bad picture but it cracks me up… Lucky is free range in our bedroom. I come in after my boyfriend so once I’m in bed…Lucky jumps up and just sits on my boyfriends back or on his pillow licking his hair. my boyfriend is such a heavy sleeper he never wakes up to it!

                                Rodan being naughty like usual

                                Calvin is the only one that really likes the bunny cottage. he loves hiding

                              • NuggetBuns
                                348 posts Send Private Message

                                  Miss D- Buddy and Hannah are such a good looking couple! The more photos of Hannah I see, the more she looks like her name… very sweet, gentle, and beautiful.

                                  Looks like Pond is going to town on his veggies and I’m loving Oscar’s bachelor pad. Lucky, Rodan, and Calvin seem like such fun individually, hope you try bonding at least two of them (in the near future) to make life easier 

                                  Here’s a few of Nugget and Emilee… they try to be as cute as Buddy and Hannah 

                                  When she gives me this look ^^, I melt into a big puddle  I have no idea how I can manage to leave this little one every morning for work!

                                • MissD
                                  302 posts Send Private Message

                                    Oh Emilee is so sweet, what a beautiful face. And I just love the kiss photo
                                    Oscar and Bubbles – I love them!! Pond looks so tiny with that massive piece of green. Calipa_st – what a great trio you’ve got

                                    Buddannah Thanks guys!

                                  • Ellekke
                                    194 posts Send Private Message

                                      Yay bunny yawn!!! They look so cute Nuggetbuns!

                                      Hazel, your pics cracked me up too

                                      I’m gonna take a pic tonight to show you all how I spend the evening with Frodo and Arya

                                    • MMK
                                      46 posts Send Private Message

                                        Here are some of Rocky! If the cats are allowed somewhere, he also feels he should go there!

                                        <a href="…3.jpg.html” target=”_blank”><img src="…e6e7e3.jpg” border=”0″ alt=” photo 7648f697-28d5-451f-a057-070df13ee3be_zps45e6e7e3.jpg”/>

                                        <a href="…2.jpg.html” target=”_blank”><img src="…1591a2.jpg” border=”0″ alt=” photo 7e8f34c0-1655-49d7-8917-6b7781e78337_zps0c1591a2.jpg”/>

                                        <a href="…8.jpg.html” target=”_blank”><img src="…3ae468.jpg” border=”0″ alt=” photo 79b5a840-42c7-4fd6-b5ba-0bd0e0d1e7ef_zpse83ae468.jpg”/>

                                        <a href="…1.jpg.html” target=”_blank”><img src="…fe69c1.jpg” border=”0″ alt=” photo 47a7bea7-a6ec-49f2-845f-892ecfb2129d_zps1ffe69c1.jpg”/>

                                      • mossling
                                        229 posts Send Private Message

                                          Posted By tanlover14 on 6/02/2014 1:26 AM

                                          MOSSLING, WHO IS THAT ADORABLE BUN?!? What a gorgeous color! And LOPPY eared at that! LOVE HIM! <3

                                          Don’t let the adorable face fool you, Pond has a serious attitude! Banana is the only way he’ll acknowledge me!

                                        • Ellekke
                                          194 posts Send Private Message

                                            As promised, this is our evening routine.

                                            Dinner time! They get their evening pellets on the sofa


                                            And after dinner we chill out and watch TV!



                                            PS: Please ignore my toes, thank you!

                                          • NuggetBuns
                                            348 posts Send Private Message

                                              Omg Rocky and Pond’s cute little faces! Ellekke, are your buns sibilings? They are too adorbs for words, and those big bunny feet!

                                            • Ellekke
                                              194 posts Send Private Message

                                                Yea Rocky is awesome! Which do you think suits him best…the bunny sized sofabed or the human sized sofa. Hehe

                                                Hehe thx NuggetBuns! They are not siblings, proper bunny husband and wife! Arya (the brown one) was born on the 6th of Januari and Frodo (the orange fawn one) was born on the 11th.

                                              • JackRabbit
                                                5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                  MissD, I’ve always thought Buddy was adorable, but that picture of Hannah, I want her!!
                                                  Calipa — all I thought when I saw that pic of Lucky was lolbunnies . . . I guardz da human!

                                                  I just love the picture threads. All the bunnies are sooo cute! I wish my bunnies would watch tv with us (they would have a blast with my husbands basket full of remote controls!)

                                                • Mimzy
                                                  599 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Ellekke – Your pair is beautiful!!

                                                    MMK – I love Rocky’s little bed, I want one Where did you get it?

                                                    & Nugget & Emilee! eeep! So cute ^-^ Also, I follow a few bunny blogs on tumblr…you know you spend too much time on bunny forums when you start to recognize somebody else’s bunny showing up on your dashboard Nugget shows up on my dash many times haha


                                                    She came…

                                                    She conquered…


                                                    Kenobi: “Do I smell….craisins!??”


                                                  • MMK
                                                    46 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Thanks, everyone! I think Rocky is pretty cute too! I also think he prefers my sofa! He even climbs up on top and watches over the living room.

                                                      I got the bed in the pet section at Winners…which is the Canadian version of T.J. Maxx!

                                                    • Lulu Cuteness
                                                      255 posts Send Private Message

                                                        How do you post pics O_O I cant get them on here I have been trying FOREVER!

                                                      • Deleted User
                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Look what Henry got…….

                                                          And did someone (JR??? Lol!) mention ‘remote controls’???  Henry said YUM! He’ll be over for dinner at 6!

                                                        • Ellekke
                                                          194 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Ooooh Henry you lucky bunbun!!!!

                                                            I don’t know why my pics suddenly don’t show anymore… :/

                                                          • Lulu Cuteness
                                                            255 posts Send Private Message

                                                              I know Your bunnys are so CUTE! And the pics are not coming up :/

                                                            • CooperLop
                                                              117 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Edit: I’ll have to try to post later from my laptop, phone picture won’t post!

                                                              • Mimzy
                                                                599 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  We have people at my house right now putting on a new roof & they’re making a ton of racket, lots of knocking so the bunnies are scared. Obi, who is usually more easily scared, is surprisingly not too bothered. He has been sort of hiding but for the most part he’s fine with it.

                                                                  Mimzy, my tough girl, was trying to hide in a corner all morning by my bird’s age so I decided to make a fort for them to hide. I left the room & when I came back, I could not find Mimzy anywhere! I checked my bed, the whole cage, the tunnel, the playhouse, the fort I made, she was nowhere!! I thought maybe somehow she slipped by when I opened the door? But my dogs didn’t seem to act like they saw her. So I went back in the room & found that she managed to climb over the hidey house cardboard box in the fort & into a very tiny corner….

                                                                • CooperLop
                                                                  117 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything… only 2 months after I got him, my Flemish giant, Sheldon, suddenly died from complications of a severe eye infection.  I couldn’t even look at the BB forums for a month or so and then slowly I came back to browse.  I’m back in full obsession mode now, so I thought I’d get back into things with some pictures of my snuggle-bun, Cooper (who, though fully bonded to Sheldon for about 6 weeks, coped just fine with the loss).

                                                                    Cooling off on the air conditioner vent:



                                                                    Helping himself to the crisper drawer in the fridge:



                                                                  • calipa_st
                                                                    290 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Ahh, Nugget and Emilee are such pretty buns! I love how Emilee is snuggling Nugget!

                                                                      mmk- Rocky is adorable! he looks like he’s telling you it’s his bed now haha

                                                                      Mimzy, I love her coloring!

                                                                      and there’s Henry’s bunny butt love it haha

                                                                      Cooper- I’m so so sorry for your loss. ((hugs)) I’m glad Cooper coped well with the loss- mine are always trying to sneak into the fridge as well

                                                                    • calipa_st
                                                                      290 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Here’s my Lucky bun, don’t mind the torn up tunnel mess in the background.

                                                                        his nose is a mess, I know… if I let him downstairs he immediately goes to the other rabbits and gets his face bit

                                                                      • calipa_st
                                                                        290 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          And here’s my Calvin, I jokingly call him my agoraphobic bunny… he has free range of a bedroom, with this bunny cage as his hideout…he seriously sits in it all the time. Recently he’s been laying outside of it, so progress has been made! (have had him three months now!)

                                                                          “You can’t make me come out!”

                                                                          He loves destroying tissue boxes

                                                                          but, he knows how to beg for treats, even if he won’t let me touch him haha

                                                                        • Ellekke
                                                                          194 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Ahw poor Mimzy! Look at her looking up like that. You can just see her thinking ‘Make them stop mommy, so I can climb all over you again!’.

                                                                            And Calvin destroying the tissue box, lol

                                                                            And Calipa I just think you lucky bun is gorgious, even with a nipped nose!µ

                                                                            I got my picture links to work again, fieuw!! Took me some time to fix :/

                                                                          • MoxieMeadows
                                                                            5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              For some reason I can only post like 1 pic a post now so I might have a few different posts going on.


                                                                            • MoxieMeadows
                                                                              5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              • MoxieMeadows
                                                                                5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                • MoxieMeadows
                                                                                  5375 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                  • MoxieMeadows
                                                                                    5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      The first pic is a noon-time snack for Moxie,
                                                                                      The second pic is of Moxie investigating the camera, so the flash made her eyes squint.
                                                                                      The third pic is of me holding Moxie, (Isn’t she big? But a lot is her fur because she’s an angora)
                                                                                      And the fourth, and last, (for now) is of Moxie eating a piece of grass.

                                                                                      And there were all last month’s pics! I was so busy I never uploaded them! Oh well, better late then never, right?

                                                                                    • Ellekke
                                                                                      194 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        Hihi she’s so fluffy!!

                                                                                      • MoxieMeadows
                                                                                        5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          She is!

                                                                                        • HECA
                                                                                          211 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            Moxie is beautiful!

                                                                                            Hazel… Those pics of Bubbles are adorable. He seems like he’s feeling right at home. Love the alligator snuggle bag.

                                                                                            Poor Mimzy… She looks so sweet looking up.

                                                                                            Ellekke… Your buns are just beyond cute. Two perfect little buns!

                                                                                            YAY for Henry!! Tunnels are the best. Looks like he loves it!

                                                                                            And I just can NOT get enough of Hannah. I go back and look at her pics all the time. She is SO beautiful. I feel like I stalk her. Lol

                                                                                          • Deleted User
                                                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              I thought the alligator was EATING Bubble’s??? LOL!
                                                                                              And I’ve said it every month, so this month should be no different…. MissD – are you sure your not a professional photographer? Ha ha ha… your pic’s are always amazing! (or is it that your bun’s are just so dam cute!) Lol….

                                                                                              And Henry and his ‘tunnel’! It only took us a year (poor, neglected bunny, lol!) to find him one – and BOY does he love it! Best bunny toy EVER! (till I work out how to buy him a bunny ‘castle’???) ha ha ha ha ha!

                                                                                              Your Pond is just precious mossling! And how can you leave your Nugget and Emilee everyday NuggetBuns – what a struggle that must be! SIGH!
                                                                                              I have to ask CooperLop, is Cooper trying to do a ‘Marilyn Monroe’? LOL!
                                                                                              Please tell me you had a craisin on hand after getting that cute pic Mimzy? Ha ha ha….. And Ellekke, do your two get to choose what shows to watch on TV? (Henry likes the cooking channel!).
                                                                                              I don’t feel so bad now about Henry crawling all over me while I am sleeping Calipa_st – I never wake up either!!! Does your BF ever thank you for the massage in the morning???? (or does he know to thank Lucky?) LOL!

                                                                                            • HECA
                                                                                              211 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                Another great rabbit toy… Those little kids tents! I had one for Peanut and he LOVED it… Until the cat broke it.

                                                                                              • JackRabbit
                                                                                                5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  Moxie is sooo big! Makes mine look pocket-sized!

                                                                                                • Ellekke
                                                                                                  194 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    Hehe, Frodo likes crimi series and whodunnits!

                                                                                                  • HECA
                                                                                                    211 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      Such a dapper young man. He needs a top hat and monocle.

                                                                                                      Ok forget it… I have never been on a site that is SO difficult to post pictures.

                                                                                                    • MoxieMeadows
                                                                                                      5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        Moxie is a big bun, around 7 pounds. Everybody who sees her are scared and run to the other side of the room saying: “Does she bite?”

                                                                                                      • calipa_st
                                                                                                        290 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          won this tunnel from our local HRS open house… the bunnies destroyed it!

                                                                                                           photo IMG_2346_zps063b1a1a.jpg

                                                                                                           photo IMG_2349_zpsa99d5dfb.jpg

                                                                                                        • calipa_st
                                                                                                          290 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            and my little Dozer



                                                                                                             photo IMG_2354_zpsb0b23e4a.jpg

                                                                                                            he is my only rabbit to go wild for the outside…the rest just sit there, wanting to hide…he began running around and leaping, he was so happy out there

                                                                                                             photo IMG_2360_zps1187acef.jpg

                                                                                                          • Hazel
                                                                                                            2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                              calipa: I love that we have twins! Although I think Oscar might be the evil one… Looks like Rodan is about to get himself into trouble with that bag of hay, maybe he wants to recreate Oscar’s “artwork”.  He seems to love the willow tunnel, too! Your other buns are very cute as well. Is the bonding on hold or still ongoing?

                                                                                                              MoxieMeadows: Moxie is so fluffy and cute, I bet her fur is really soft!

                                                                                                              CooperLop: I’m so sorry to hear about Sheldon. I’m glad that Cooper took it well though. He’s a cutie pie!

                                                                                                              Mimzy: Awww, poor thing, I hope they will be done with all the noise soon. Love the fort!

                                                                                                              Ellekke: Your lops are just too adorable! They look so innocent!

                                                                                                              MMK: Rocky is beautiful! Does he have blue eyes?

                                                                                                              HECA: Thanks, I think he settled in with us just fine.  He’s such a biter though. So far we haven’t been able to get him to stop. But he’s just too cute to be mad at!

                                                                                                              AndHenry: What a cool tunnel! Looks like Henry is having fun with it!  The gator was eating Bubbles but he keeps spitting him back out… It’s a cute little snuggle bag we found on amazon. Most of the time he sleeps on top of it though:


                                                                                                              Oscar got a new drink holder to play with:


                                                                                                              He has been a bit testy with Lily lately, probably because she smells like Bubbles. This morning they were good friends though:


                                                                                                              Followed by slightly awkward pets:

                                                                                                            • manic_muncher
                                                                                                              1061 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                Hazel, those pics are amazing. Love the awkward pets!

                                                                                                              • MissD
                                                                                                                302 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                  Great photos as usual Hazel! I always look forward to your pictures. Cat-bunny kiss… awwww Brilliant photos everyone!

                                                                                                                • HECA
                                                                                                                  211 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                    Nappy time!

                                                                                                                     photo imagejpg1_zps24b1ffac.jpg

                                                                                                                  • Diamond
                                                                                                                    459 posts Send Private Message
                                                                                                                      Hazel, now that Bubbles knows that smelling bad will make gators spit him out, he’ll never let you bathe him again!

                                                                                                                      I don’t know where I got the impression that his was my water, when obviously, it is Lily’s water.

                                                                                                                       photo 20140609_002049_zps304f61cd.jpg

                                                                                                                      Also nomming on a strand of hay that she grabbed from outside of the cage
                                                                                                                       photo 20140603_135525_zps960e857b.jpg

                                                                                                                    • Aeyja
                                                                                                                      132 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                        Everyone is so CUUUTE!!!

                                                                                                                        Ever since we gave Harvey a hidey box, he is completely incapable of eating his hay like a normal bun…. This is what he does every time he wants hay.


                                                                                                                      • Ellekke
                                                                                                                        194 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                          Oh Harvey you silly pretty bunbun!

                                                                                                                        • Deleted User
                                                                                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                            And don’t make that mistake again Diamond! LOL!

                                                                                                                            Oh Hazel! Oscar is sooo lucky! What Henry would do to have one of the dog’s lick/groom him. He gets right up close and positions himself and what does the dog do? Gets up and walks away as if to say ‘back up weirdo’! Poor Henry…..
                                                                                                                            I LOVE the picture of Lily patting Oscar – what a classic! Who doesn’t love ‘awkward’? LOL!

                                                                                                                            Thanks for the heads up HECA – I never thought of a kid’s play tent? It’s on the shopping list!
                                                                                                                            Hang on…. Didn’t I just get rid of all that ‘kiddy crap’ when my kid’s grew up? And now I’m going to do all over again for a bunny????
                                                                                                                            Yes! sigh……

                                                                                                                          • LongEaredLions
                                                                                                                            4482 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                              We all like pictures of adorable fluffy Lions!