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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE I wish I noticed the signs earlier

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    • Lumibrin
      4 posts Send Private Message

        This is my first post but my bunny passed in my arms yesterday and I am having a hard time with missing her and feeling incredibly guilty knowing she may have suffered. She lived in my room with me and I feel really guilty I didn’t notice the signs of her being sick earlier. She was a more timid bunny and tolerated petting when it was on her terms, so we interacted but not a lot. Saturday she was her normal bunny self, eating Hay, digging around in her litter box, drinking, running around and jumping on things and eating her plate of veggies I fed to her at night. On Sunday morning I filled her water dish and she had unlimited hay still and she ate her pellets. I was busy with church and family activities that I wasn’t around her much Sunday. but Sunday night I noticed she didn’t drink much during the day. I noticed she wasn’t eating much hay or pellets, she did eat some but not a lot and she wasn’t that interested in veggies and in that moment I should of noticed something was wrong but I assumed she wasn’t that hungry since some days she is more than not. She was also pooping normally and they looked normal and other than that she seemed normal, she didn’t seem uncomfortable and she was playing around and playing with a cardboard box and others toys I gave her. Then the next day I noticed she was sleeping more often and in different spots but she also came up to me in the morning and let me pet her for a bit so I thought she was just sleepy and I regret not thinking about it more. Later on in the day I noticed she wasn’t really responding to my voice when I called her like she usually does and I hurry and went to her and starting petting her and she really didn’t have a reaction which isn’t normal. She seemed lethargic and when I picked her up she seemed weak, I tried syringing with water which I think was wrong to do but she did swallow the water, but she was not interested in any lettuce which she loves. I was immediately worried and told my mom, we rushed her to the emergency vet which is 30 mins away and while driving she pooped some and it looked normal although it did have some mucus with it, I’m sure that is an indicator of something and I feel really bad knowing she may have suffered.  We got stuck in construction on our way and while waiting to be able to go on I noticed her breathing was getting slower and she started to move around a lot and I knew she was dying, shortly after that she passed. I feel so mad at myself for not noticing something was off earlier in the day or even Sunday,  if I would have I could have brought her to the vet sooner and she might have been okay. I feel so regretful for not paying more attention to her especially since she was right by me in my room basically the whole day. I miss waking up to her and hearing her rummaging and running around. I feel like such a bad owner for not noticing the signs sooner and I wish I did I loved her so much and I just feel so much grief and guilt right now. She is the third rabbit I have ever owned I knew very well about how it is an emergency if they are not eating or drinking well and have dealt with it before with one of my past rabbits and he recovered and was back to himself after some help. I do not know why I didn’t think about it more especially since I went through this before. I will forever miss her and try to learn from my mistakes.

      • SweetPotato
        100 posts Send Private Message

          Omg I am so sorry for what you’re going through! Please know that its really NOT your fault! Bunnies are literally experts at hiding their sickness; its almost a defense mechanism in the wild. Unfortunately, it makes it hard for us bunny owners to tell if something is wrong. My sweet bun Masha died a little over a week ago from GI Stasis. We didn’t notice any difference in her until she refused to eat, drink, or poop. By the time we took her to the vet, we had to put her down because she was in so much pain, and we caught it too late. But we try not to feel guilty because we know that she had a pretty happy life with us! And it sounds like your bun did with you too. I know how terrible you must feel right now, but remember that your baby girl has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, where she is happy, and can eat all the lettuce she wants. 😉 Here’s a little poem I found online about our buns and the rainbow bridge:

          You’ll Meet Me in the Light

          I know that you can’t see me

          But trust me, I’m right here

          Although I’m up in heaven

          My love for you stays near

          So often I see you crying

          Many times you call my name

          I want so much to lick your face

          And ease some of your pain

          I wish that I could make you see

          That Heaven is indeed real

          If you could see me run and play

          How much better you would feel

          But our loving God has promised me

          That when the time is right

          You’ll step out of the darkness

          And meet me in the light ❤️



          Hope you feel better soon!


        • DanaNM
          9050 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙁

            Please try not to beat yourself up. Rabbits hide their symptoms so well, and shy bunnies can be especially hard to read. Things tend to jump out in hindsight, but you seem like you were vigilant. Like, you noticed she was maybe a bit off, but she was pooping normally and behaving normally. Stasis is often a symptom of something more serious going on, and when a bunny crashes quickly it can mean that something very serious is happening. Mucus in the poop is a sign of irritation in the gut. Your description actually sounds quit similar to how I lost by first house rabbit, Bunston. I can’t remember the exact timeline, but he was a little off in the morning on a weekend day, but would still eat hay from me. He often would have little upset tummy episodes, but usually if he was eating hay he would improve on his own. That day I was out and about all day, and went to a concert later that night (he was nibbling hay when I left, but not with his regular gusto). When I came home he was cold and lethargic, and died in my arms later that night. My vet said he may have twisted a loop of intestine, or something similarly serious. At the time I didn’t have an ER vet I could take him too, or even a proper first aid kit for treating things at home. I felt horribly guilty too, but I have since worked hard to make up for it.

            Again, try not to feel guilty. I’m very sorry for your loss.

            (((Binky free sweet bun)))

            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

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        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE I wish I noticed the signs earlier