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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A how hard is it to bond male bunnies?

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    • 5cats1bun
      240 posts Send Private Message

        Just curious, as I have a friends neighbor who took off from his girlfriend who is not taking care of they’re rabbit and i make take him. I’ve heard it’s more difficult and I’ve never bobded rabbits before so i don’t really know.

      • luvmybuns
        65 posts Send Private Message

          It is more difficult, but not impossible.  I am in the process of bonding a trio (first time I have ever done this), but I got my males together first for about 3 – 3 1/2 weeks before I brought the female into the picture.  My suggestions would be to first, make sure they are both fixed and have had time to heal, then put their cage near each other so they can start getting each others scent. (I did this for at least two weeks before introduction)  I took a hand towel and put one in each cage, then each morning I would switch cages.  My first introduction was in the bathtub.  It is slippery and they have no traction, so if they go to fight it won’t be as bad.  Mainly, start very slowly and trust your instincts on some of it.  Wear gloves!!!!!  First meeting should only be about 5 minutes.   Research bonding and ask tons and tons of questions.   Good luck.

        • MooBunnay
          3087 posts Send Private Message


            As luvmybuns said – the best way to start off bonded two males is making sure they are both neutered so that their hormones can die down a bit. Also, be careful to introduce them verrrry slowly because if the get into a bad fight, one may get injured, or they may be very traumatized from the fight and it will be even more difficult to bond them after that. Getting them used to each others scents is a very good idea. I’d also make sure that when you introduce them, it must be completely neutral territory, and it might not even be a bad idea to give them a car ride separately to make them a little nervous before introducing them, then taking them on a car ride together.

            I know of a few different male-male bondings, the toughest part is getting one male to submit to the other!

          • 5cats1bun
            240 posts Send Private Message

              well wouldn’t you know my upstairs neighbor bun’s brother is trying to find a home as well that is male. He is still young though. I really think the other bun’s dad will come back for him cuz he loved that bun so much. He would always say you can take the cats and the dogs but you can’t have the rabbit! Will it be easier with the younger one? or does it even matter?

            • Gravehearted
              2428 posts Send Private Message

                so there are two rabbits potentially in need of a home?

                It might be a bit easier with a younger bunny, but it really is a matter of personality. However, if one of the bunnies isn’t getting proper care or is being neglected it seems like he’s the one in more dire need of rescue.

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  Two males can definitely be more challenging. If the younger bunny is not neutered, there may come time when, though they may get along now, that they will end up fighting when the young bunny becomes sexually mature. Can you try and do some bunny dates with them in a neutral territory just to see what you may be in for?

                • 5cats1bun
                  240 posts Send Private Message

                    Here are a couple of my concerns,

                    the younger bunny- I think they breed their bunnies cuz they like to have baby bunnies, I don’t know if they are accidental litters or what. what knowledge I have is from my upstairs neighbor. She has one of them. the last bunny of that litter , they want to "get rid of", mama bunny is about to have another litter. If they are breeding, I don’t want to encourage them. However the baby bunny is in a 20 galon fish tank with his parents.

                    the older bunny- I would be surprised if his dad didn’t come back for him. the thing is the neuter and having them apart for the 4-6 weeks while the hormones come out and there is a large size difference which i wouldn’t be bothered about other then the neuter thing (if they were to fight).

                       thought would be apreciated.

                  • Gravehearted
                    2428 posts Send Private Message

                      There is no way to guess how your rabbit is going to react to either of those bunnies. Like people, rabbits all have different personalities.

                      I’d really recommend what binky suggested and try a few dates in a neutral zone to get some gauge on if it might possibly work with either of them.
                      People that breed rabbits like that make me really upset 🙁

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                  Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A how hard is it to bond male bunnies?