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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE How did you become a rabbit slave?

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    • Kokaneeandkahlua
      12067 posts Send Private Message

        Hi all

          Just wondering if you could share your story of how you became a "Rabbit Slave"? How did you get your first rabbit? Pictures!!

      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          there was so much i didn’t know when i got my first rabbit Stephen.  my friend had gotten him for her daughter who was 3 at the time and she was terrorizing him, so i took him.  i kept him in a 55 gallon glass aquarium.  with pellets.  no hay.  no veggies.  the wrong kind of bedding.  i really had no clue.  we never let him out except to change his bedding.  my whole childhood we had small animals as pets (hamsters and mice and guinea pigs)… they rarely came out… so why would our rabbit be treated any differently?

          but when we would let him out… he was so… GOOD.  no peeing or pooping on the floor.  hardly any chewing or digging.  we kept him out for longer and longer periods of time.  i finally figured out that… uh yeah… glass aquariums are a HUGE NO-NO!!!  we got him a proper cage and a litterbox and he’d jump in and out as he pleased.  he never had an accident even tho we never had him neutered, he passed before we even had a chance to think about doing it.  (remember… i had a newborn baby at this point, so we were pre-occupied.) 

          he was such a good bunny.  an absolute pleasure to be around… once i learned that he didn’t have to stay in his cage and he could be around the family like a "normal" pet (cat/dog).  his personality amazed me… but it also shamed me.  i realized that all this time i had this beautiful rabbit that could have been so much more to our family from the very first day, but i did not recognize this.  he was only a true "house rabbit" for a short time before he passed.  i like to think that even tho i messed up with him early on… his final days were ones of happiness.

          now we have Meadow.  she is sort of a spoiled princess… and a handful in comparison to Stephen…  i am enjoying learning about her and her personality.  what she likes and doesn’t like…  my most peaceful time of the day is at night when Michael is in bed and it’s just me and Meadow.  she has my undivided attention and we just hang out. 

          five years ago, if someone had told me that my pet of choice would be… a rabbit… i would have thought they were nuts.  i’m so excited for everything we’re going to do together… and everything we’re going to be for each other.  this is also my way of righting the wrong i did with Stephen… i know he’s looking at us from where he is thinking… in bunny-speak… "good job, Beka… you finally got this bunny thing down."

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            My first rabbit was Bunbun (who has crossed the bridge). He was rescued from a friend of my husbands – some dogs where chasing him and another white rabbit (who sadly didn’t make it) and his friend was able to rescue Bunbun. I had a cat for 18 years who I had to have put to sleep and after about 6 or 7 months I was ready for a new friend. It just happened to be Bunbun. He was a gorgeous sable colored rabbit (large rabbit too) and just had the nicest disposition and taught me all about the joys of rabbits. I miss him terribly too. Unfortunately I don’t have any digital pictures of him or else I would post them.

          • angoralvr
            500 posts Send Private Message

              Well, my very first bunny I had when I was just a kid. I was too young to really know much about their care and my dad insisted that we had to leave her outside. He built her a very nice hutch (we thought) but now I know that hutch wasn’t right for her. She only lived a few years and I only know that she was a dwarf floppy eared bunny. We fed her pellets because that’s what we were told to do. . . The more I think about it, the worse I feel. I guess I shouldn’t blame myself for something that happened when I was only about seven, but I can’t help but think about how great a bunny she really was. I would get her out in the back yard with me or bring her in to play for a while and she was very affectionate (poor thing, she was starved for attention I’m sure). I don’t recall ever seeing her binky but she probably wasn’t a very happy bunny either. Ok, so before I get more depressed, time to move on to how I became a slave to a HOUSE bunny.

              I met my first house bunny a few years ago. My friend Julie had a bunny that she let hop around her apartment. I was pretty much hooked when I met Bunny (she’s not very creative on the naming thing). I hadn’t put a whole lot of thought into it though until I met the HRS people at petsmart. I talked to a few of the women for a few hours about rabbit care and I knew then that I REALLY wanted a rabbit. I was on craigslist one day and saw the ad for Henri and I fell in love with him. . . He is now settling in to be part of the family quite well. He is the most adorable bunny I have ever met, but I may be biased on that one.

            • MarkBun
              2842 posts Send Private Message

                My first rabbit was a surprise Valentine’s present from my girlfriend in college.  Her name was "Laser" (the rabbit, not the girlfriend)- an all black dwarf except for a small spot of white between her eyes.  Like many people who suddenly have a rabbit on their hands for the first time, I had no idea how to treat her.  I thought I could treat her like a cat or dog and, well, let’s just say that things were never really good between us.  She was unspayed and whenever she’d leave the cage (which, was just a wire bottom although I made a wooden hutch inside for her to hide in), she’d pee wherever she wanted – but she seemed intent on getting to my pillow and peeing there.  She loved my roommate but hated me.  The only time she’d let me come near her was when she was at the vets or children were nearby.

                That was over 20 years ago.  Because of the whole thing, it took me over 15 years before I got another pet.  But this time I did my research and although I’m sure there is more I can be doing for her, Maryann is a very happy, binky, mouth purring bunny. (as long as she gets her rasins of course).


              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  Great question K & K. My first rabbit Fu, was mistaken for a tacky lawn ornament on my neighbors front lawn. As we drove by, I laughed at it until I saw it move. I screamed stop the car and jumped out before it came to a full stop. She hopped away from me but did not run and I grabbed her. Sent the boyfriend for the cat carrier. She was so calm, and I really thought it was my neighbors pet that escaped. Of course they were not home. Turns out the neighbors had found it in their yard and were feeding it carrots but it was not theirs.

                  So now late on a Sunday night we have this creature we know nothing about. I got on line to look up rabbits and the boyfriend was sent to the yard in the dark to unhook some chicken wire from my garden. I am very creative with impromptu cages for strays and injured birds. We found out that bunnies like cat toys, can use a litter box and eat hay and pellets. We intended to put up a sign looking for the owners, but in the mean time we ran to the all night market and got some basics. I had a wire cat ball which I rolled to her and to my shock she tossed it back. I kept it up until she had enough and tossed the ball behind her instead of to me. She was not afraid of my cats and dogs and by Monday night were were in love!

                  The signs went in recycle and we half heartedly looked for lost rabbit adds. Of course I thought she was a she cause I did not see any testicles, but came the day she was humping my cat, I announced Fu was a boy, and she remained a boy until we took her to the vet to have a tumor looked at. I was talking neuter and my vet gave me a very queer look and said…you do know its a female and got hysterical when I exclaimed but he was humping the cat!!!    That is how dumb I was about bunnies.That was 7 years ago. That rabbit had her own room and more toys and stuff then all my other guys put together. She became ill with head tilt the morning of my Mother’s wake, responded to the antibiotics and force feeding and just when it looked like she was back to normal she passed away. We were so heart broken that it took months to clean and empty the condo. But I knew it would be a matter of time before we had a bun in our life, it was going to be an adopted rescue until my boyfriend fell for a lonely bunny in a tank. Enter Shadow. I am so in love with rabbits, that I am going to get Shadow a friend (or 2) from the local rescue  group as soon as he is neutered.

                  And yes…its a he. I told the vet…you tell me I am not even going to begin to guess. (she still loves to tell the Fu story)

                  I do have a picture of Fu and his romance with Pumpkin the cat and will post it as soon as I can scan it.

                • MooBunnay
                  3087 posts Send Private Message

                    Awww all these stories are so great! I became a rabbit slave when I moved to LA and my boyfriend adopted a sweet little furry girl named Juli to live with me I knew nothing about rabbits either, and in fact, had never cared for any living creature in my life on my own (I raised chickens when I was little, but as with all little kids my MOM was the real caretaker!) Anyways, Bri almost immediately regretted his decision when I refused to leave the apartment for a week because I was too worried that something would happen to Juli. I was even afraid to leave her alone on the 4th of July because she was actually rescued by the ASPCA the previous 4th of July, running down the street because the fireworks were scaring her. Anyways, I researched bunnies extensively, read ever book known to man about bunnies, and finally found Binky Bunny! Now Juli has a hus-bun, and 2 adopted sisters and 3 adopted brothers!!

                  • wendyzski
                    1312 posts Send Private Message

                      My story is a combination of happenstance and careful planning.

                      I was performing at the Oklahoma Renaissance Faire a couple of years ago, and I had a horrible case of bronchitis.  Since I felt awful but was still supposed to be interactive with patrons, I went over to the "petting farm" to play with the rabbits (Californians I think).  I would sit under a tree with one in my lap for pettings, and look decorative until they got antsy and then I put them back in their hutch.  Now I have an online friend who has houserabbits, so I knew a little about them, so I could explain to kids about their care, get my picture taken, etc.  I was also overjoyed to learn that I was NOT allergic to them – I am terribly allergic to cats and only slightly less so to dogs.  I began to realize that maybe I wasn’t doomed to hamsters all my life.

                      But I lived in a tiny studio in a no-pets building.  SO I waited.  I lurked online on the rabbit groups. I had planned to move up to a 1BR, but decided that it was going to have to allow a bun or two.  My hamster (also a shelter rescue) finally passed away and I donated his cage and toys back to the shelter.  I got approved to adopt as soon as I moved.  I picked an apartment and moved, bunnyproofing as I unpacked.  Then I went to the Red Door shelter and sat in a pen while older buns who had been at the shelter for a while were brought to meet me.  (I knew I didn’t have time or temperment to train a baby, so I asked specifically for older "rejected" buns).  Pepper (Then Annabelle Lee) was the most comfortable around me – actually stretching out on her belly at the far side of the pen.  So she came home with me.

                      All told, it was probably 2-2.5 years from "woudn’t it be nice to have a houserabbit?" to bringing Pepper home with me.  I had planned to have 6 mos alone with her while she taught me how to be a good bunny-mom, and then bring her back to pick out a husbun.  Well, she has had other ideas, and we’ve not found one that is up to her standards, so it’s just the two of us for the time being.  She’s a grumpy princess, with VERY clear ideas about what she likes and doesn’t like.  And I wouldn’t have her any other way.

                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                        Ok, my turn!!
                        I have always been an “animal person” but never had a rabbit. I’d had guinea pigs and dogs…I’d always REALLY REALLY wanted a bunny. I remember once I was young (maybe 12) and in a pet store and they had the most gorgeous dwarf rabbit, white with all black ears and eye spots and I wanted him soooo bad-he even licked me and cuddled my neck…I was heart broken when I wasn’t allowed to have him!!
                        Finally about a year ago I was in a pet store buying a toy for my sick dog (but that’s another story) and I went over to scope out the pets…There were two dwarf rabbits periscoping in an open cage. I pet them. They were sooo cool because they weren’t skittish and they just wanted OUT! I thought to myself, I am a responsible adult, I live on my own-why can’t I have a rabbit now?!?!? So I asked my boyfriend, who said he wouldn’t be mad…I asked my parents what they thougt; They thought it wasn’t a good idea but didn’t seem that upset… so I picked out my very first baby bunny!!! I bought a rabbit starter kit and some toys and we took her home. While we were setting everything up we decided to let her out of the cardboard box to settle down…and no worries at all she took off exploring my entire apartment. We spent hours just following her around and giggling at her…I decided on her name (Kokanee) after she was nibbling a case of Kokanee (so original hehe)…
                        I knew NOTHING about rabbits. I assumed they would be alot like guinea pigs: I thought a spay would be cheap; I was so WRONG! I spent hours and hours on the internet reseraching and reading and I am still learning to this day!!
                        I love the bond I have with Kokanee. I love how smart and stroppy she is. I love her quirks. I love her trust in me.

                      • MsBinky
                        62 posts Send Private Message

                          I have always had animals. In fact, I don’t remember a single time when we didn’t have some pet or other in the house. We’ve had everyhing from hamsters, guinea pigs, salamanders, a bat, crabs, fish, too many birds to mention, water snakes, kittens etc etc. However, my father was severely allergic to everything with fur or hair so I was never able to have a guinea pig for very long. No cats, no dogs. It was really hard for everyone because we all love animals.

                          When I was 16, my father started mentionning rabbits, saying he had no idea if he was allergic. I paid lots of attention to the number of times he mentionned it and got a feel for him being serious about it or not. I started working at a coffee shop and right next door was a pet shop so before and after my shifts you could find me in there. I spotted a lil gray bunny and started petting it… I got some info and I wastold it was a rex and the store owner was convinced that my father would be okay with it. Being a minor, I had to rush back to get permission which I easily got after a few minutes. I was soooo excited. However, that night, my father had a serious asthma attack, so sadly I took the lil one back to the shop.

                          The store owner was surprised and was sure that the rex was a mix and he told me he would get another litter the following week and I would get first choice. Well, when the breeder came, I was already in the store waiting. I picked out the smallest and shyest one and took her home. My father was doing well and so she stayed in my bedroom. She was an evil lil thing. Lol. She was like a rottweiler according to my father, whom she despised. Anyone walking into my bedroom would get a nasty grunt and chase from her. Despite it all, I loved her to bits.

                          Soon after, I was offered a job at the pet store. Before I knew it, I was adopting a bunny for my "mother". Lol. She was a beautiful broken castory rex with the most special personality. She had no idea she was a bunny, she was always acting like a small dog instead.

                          But one day, i went to work and spotted a small box and heard scratching noises. I asked what was in it and I was told it was a man who abandoned a poor lil bunny. I opened the box and peeked inside. What I saw was heartbreaking. Two terror-filled eyes were staring right back at me. She was the most beautiful, tiny mini-rex baby girl and she was so so ill. She had such nasty urine scalding on her hind legs that she would chew them. Her eyes and nose were terrible, she was skin and bones, and she smelled. I asked the boss if I could take her and care for her since she required plenty and he was happy about it. I took her home and spent endless sleepless nights, holding her, caressing her, soothing her, loving her… Many times, I was sure to lose her. She melted hearts at first glance, she was so pitiful. Finally, after weeks of intensive care, she was well enough to wobble around and that’s when my mother named her Wiggles.

                          Before I knew it, I was asking my boss if I could keep her and my boss was laughing at me, saying he never expected me to give her back to him. She was mine. I was in love. I have been a bunny slave ever since. My father never ever thought he’d start up such a passion in me and though he never quite understood why I love bunnies so much, he recently has had to admit that they are quite something. They are truly my favorite pets 

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            i am really enjoying reading everyone’s stories!  it’s making me feel less bad, because most of us started out not knowing what the hell we were doing… lol…

                          • osprey
                            2065 posts Send Private Message

                              My older daughter has always loved rabbits.  Her birthday is around Easter, maybe that has something to do with it, but even as a baby she loved story books about rabbits and rabbit toys.  She always wanted one, but my wife is terribly allergic to most furry things, so we did not persue it much.

                              Some friends from my girls’ school had a bunny and they were going away for 3 weeks a couple of summers ago.  They asked us if we would care for him while they were gone.  He lives outside in a hutch, so we brought him to our house and took care of him.  He’s kind of shy and hard to handle because he isn’t used to being handled.  He was somewhat difficult to care for because we had several days of over 100 degreee heat, and I was really afraid he’d die.  Once he left, we started talking about getting a mostly outside dog or maybe a rabbit.

                              I just assumed that rabbits lived in the yard, and then I started reading some stuff on the web about House Rabbits.  What’s this?  They use a litter box?  They hop up on the couch and snuggle in bed with you?  You spay/neuter them, and they bond for life?  It was also so different than what I knew about bunnies.  I looked for a local breeder on Google, and came across the website for The Rabbit Haven.  I exchanged email with Auntie Heather, and she invited us to come to an adoption show.  We were supposed to meet a bonded pair of males named Thump and Nate, but they were not at the show that day, so we started looking at the other bunnies.  There was this one black bunny named DJ who kept fighting with his litterbox.  He disapproved of where the box was placed, and he kept pulling it, trying to move it to the proper place.  One of the volunteers asked us if we wanted to play with him, so we said sure, and they set us up in a large pen where we could sit on the floor with him.  The rest is history.  He totally charmed us, jumping up on my lap, trying to pull out my cell phone, trying to bite my wedding ring, he was just so funny.  We took him home that day, and have been volunteering with The Haven ever since.


                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                Awww…Such heart warming stories everyone!!

                              • Scarlet_Rose
                                4293 posts Send Private Message

                                  Well it started off a little sad.  A domesticated rabbit was in our neighborhood and I tried and tried to safely capture it, and one very sad day, he was dead in our vegetable garden, no idea how or why. I cried my eyes out because I had been so very close to getting him the day before.  Then I thought that I would really like to have a rabbit of my own so I contacted the local rabbit shelter and the manager suggested that I come volunteer to see if that is really what I wanted and well, after about a year, I decided yes, I wanted to adopt and that is how I ended up with ^Trixie^. She passed away at the age of seven (I had her for 5) and I waited a coupleof  years, missed the heck out of bunnies and decided to adopt a pair and so I have Bonsai and Daffodil now for four years.

                                • Lion-O's Mamma
                                  47 posts Send Private Message

                                    I appologize in advance for the length of this!

                                    My boyfriend introduced me to the joys of rabbits. When we met, he had a small all-black rabbit (I’ve got no idea what breed) named Streak. My boyfriend had gotten him 5 years earlier as a baby. He had always wanted a black rabbit, and when he got out of Basic Training (he’s in the Army) his friends suprised him with Streak.

                                    I grew up on a small farm in rural Minnesota and was surrounded by animals from the time I was born. Over the years we had numerous goats, 3 pigs, a horse, several dogs, lots of cats, an African frog, a bunch of fish, some turtles, too many chickens, and various reptiles and amphibians that my sister and I would capture outside and usually later release. At the time I met my boyfriend I was attending college and living in the dorms, where pets (other than fish) were not allowed. I seriously missed having pets and Streak was a welcome friend.

                                    I spent almost 2 years learning about rabbit care. I helped clean, feed, exercise, and love Streak. He was like our baby. We even called each other Mommy and Daddy around him. Streak was, well, a very independent thinker. He refused to conform to the traditional stereotypes of what a rabbit should be. He would just about take your hand off to get any sort of treat, or anything he thought might be a treat, or anything decided he wanted to have as a treat. He wasn’t aggressive or mean even in the slightest. He just knew what he wanted and wouldn’t let anything get in the way of his having it. He loved french fries and apples, but his favorite treat was hard salami. He was known on several occassions to have gotten on my boyfriend’s lap and stolen the salami out of the sandwich my boyfriend was eating! His best friend, other than my boyfriend, was Grandma and Grandpa’s cat, Tony, who Streak once kicked across the room into a wall. He quite enjoyed taking baths in the bathtub, as long as you got in with him. If you tried to bathe him without getting in he would look at you with the most mornful expression imaginable. He was certainly one in a million.

                                    Then one day, in early July of ’07, I got a phone call from my boyfriend. "Pitbulls got Streak." During the summer Streak lived in a covered outdoor hutch at Grandma & Grandpa’s house where he could eat grass and apples and leaves. Apparently during the night 2 pitbulls from down the street got loose and ripped open Streak’s cage. All that was left were some bits of fur and a few traces of blood on the grass. Our baby was gone.

                                    I cried for 2 days. I felt like my heart had been dug out of my chest with a spoon. I had to remind myself to breathe. For several weeks the mere thought of anything even remotely related to blackness, fluffyness, ears, tails, or pets of any kind caused a lump the size of a grapefruit to clog my throat. I had always known that he’d be gone eventually. Rabbits don’t live forever on this side of the Rainbow Bridge. But I was totally unprepared for losing him so violently and suddenly. I, who have always loved all animals, wanted to kick every dog I saw. I didn’t actually do it, but I wanted to.

                                    A month or so later I was visiting my parents and happened to drive past a farm with a hand-written cardboard sign outside that said "Pet Bunnies For Sale." Surprisingly, the thought of a bunny made my heart leap instead of making me completely sick with grief. I called my boyfriend and asked him how he would feel if I got a rabbit. He said as long as it wasn’t a black rabbit he’d be okay with it. So the next day I drove back to that farm and knocked on their door to inquire about the bunnies they had for sale. I think they were an "oops" litter. They were living in an outdoor rabbit hutch, but as the family had several small children, the bunnies were used to being handled regularly. I fell in love with a small tan (I’m not sure what his technical color name is) bunny and brought him home. At the time we didn’t know if he was a boy or a girl, so I held off with naming until the bunny went to the vet 2 days later. The vet (who was Streak’s vet) was pretty sure that he was a boy, but as he was so young (only about 2 1/2 or 3 months old) she couldn’t be 100% positive. So back we went a month later for the official decision. In the meantime I mostly called him "Bunny" since I didn’t want to start thinking of him as a he only to discover that he was a she.

                                    After he was finally officially determined to be a male he recieved his name, Lion-O, since he is a tan lionhead rabbit and looks very much like what I imagine you’d get if you somehow managed to breed a lion with a rabbit… Now there’s a mental picture! LOL

                                    Lion-O started out being very timid and shy. He would only come to me if I laid flat on the ground and offered him a goodie. However, now he greets visitors with curiousity and only a bit of wariness. As long as you are reasonably quiet and calm he will sit in the room with you and he has recently started performing binkies for strangers who he decides to honor! The only person he’s still completely petrified of is my boyfriend’s teddy bear….

                                    I will try to post a picture of Streak on here as soon as I can. RIP across the Rainbow Bridge. Mommy and Daddy love you and miss you!


                                  • BettyBunniOwner
                                    14 posts Send Private Message

                                      Well I have 1 rabbit called Betty and she is a netherland dwarf. This is how i got her…. I got betty from a pet store called Pets At Home and she was separated from all the other rabbits and i curiously asked why. The shop assistant said she was 8 weeks old and the only netherland dwarf. She was smaller than all the other rabbits and they were bullying her and she wasnt getting food so they separated her. I went into the shop hoping to get 2 female rabbits any breeds. But I wanted that lonely rabbit because no-one wanted her because she was hyper.

                                      Im so glad i got her though

                                    • MooBunnay
                                      3087 posts Send Private Message

                                        OMG – Streak sounds like such a funny bunny! I have never heard of a bunny that enjoyed baths, especially one that only enjoyed baths if people bathed with him! He must have thought he was a little baby I’m so sorry to hear what happened to him, that would have devastated me too

                                        And Betty – that is so sweet of you to take the little bullied bunny! I love this post – it reminds me of how many nice people there are in the world!

                                      • Beka27
                                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                                          Lion-o is an absolutely stunning rabbit!  he looks like a movie star with that mane!

                                        • Deleted User
                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                            Beka, I was thinking the same thing, how clueless most of us were about bunnies. But we have all more than made up for it.

                                            Lion-o, what a cutie. If I had to pick a breed, I would choose a lion head. But as I am discovering, bunnies pick you.

                                          • 5cats1bun
                                            240 posts Send Private Message

                                              I loved rabbits as a child, I had mostly only rabbit stuffed animals, loved rabbit stories. then life…foster care…not so good things and I kinda forgot about them. some of the foster homes had dogs, when i moved with my grandma she had a cat. I’ve always loved animals but Vincent my grandma’s cat gave me even more of a love for cats. I now have 5 cats(but feel guilty cuz I would never pay a lot of attention to the rabbits at the shelter other then thinking they were cute), around easter there were lots of bunnies at the pet store, I held one and fell on love (he was bigger then the rest and I felt bad but was sure he would get a home as I know they had buns at the shelters) for a couple of months I did lots of research and got very excited. I had planned on going through a local rescue but as you all know i have a habit of searching craigslist. Rocky had been in 4 other homes(was only 1.5 yrs old ) and 2 people hadn’t showed to pick him up, they brought him to me a couple days later and with in 2 weeks you could see how he had come from a very sad scared little bunny to a free roam happy bunny! He loves his rubs too!

                                            • Deleted User
                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                My husband brought home this baby wild bunny one day.  He works at a farm and saw this bunny all by himself.  He brought him home and the kids and I just fell in love with him. His name was cafe.  He wouldn’t hardly eat or drink so after only a few days we took him back to the farm and let him go.  He was an odd rabbit because the little cage we originally had for him, had a wheel in it.  He would run in the wheel for hours and hours.  He was so cute because he was soooo tiny. 

                                                Well my kids were so upset by letting him go, that I went to petco the next day to check out the bunnies. (I didn’t know any better) I actually wanted this black and white bunny but the lady at petco said this brown one is much more friendly and likes to be petted.  So I bought him.  That was Coney.  We have had him for 1 year and a half now.  His first cage was a dog kennel that we lined with chicken wire.  He was only about the size of my hand when we got him.  He started off his life as an outside bun who lived on our back porch.  Now he is an inside bun who has a whole bunny apartment to himself. 

                                                We got connor this past august, to bond with coney.  Connor has had so many medical issues that the bonding has been put on the back burner for now.  He is much better now, so I think that we will start up again.  I just wish he would litter box train first.  He is blind so I think that plays a factor in it.  I first found Binky Bunny when Connor was sick.  I was on craigslist looking for anyone to help me because my bun wouldn’t eat.  Turns out he had g.i. stasis.  One person told me to come here because someone else on here had a blind bunny and the could probally help, so here I am.

                                                Here is a pic of baby cafe, from the 4 days that we had him.


                                              • Thumpers_Mom
                                                171 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I’ve always wanted to have a bunny when I was growing up but my mom was allergic and never allowed us to have one. Not to long ago, my son was mentioning how much he wanted a pet…a gerbil, hamster, guinea pig, ANYTHING. Well, we can’t have dogs/cats because of the board in my co-op development so I started to do some research for guinea pigs when I came across a site for rescued buns!

                                                  I didn’t know that there were that many rabbits in NYC and ran out the next day to the shelter (without saying a word to the boys). Well, I fell in LOVE with Thumper. So much spunk and character (which has grown ten fold since that first meeting) and I just knew he had to come home with me.

                                                  I didn’t sleep well for two days since I couldn’t bring him home right then and there because he was not neutered. I kept thinking about how scared he was and all the noise the poor doggies were making (I wanted to take them ALL home with me). After two days, they still hadn’t neutered him but I kept on pestering to get him out and finally picked him up and brought him home. I returned two weeks later so that he could finally have his surgery.

                                                  He couldn’t have come at a better time. I was going through quite a depression and just going home to see his little face helped me out sooo much. He is a hand full and sometimes can be a down right pain, but I would have it no other way.

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                                              Forum THE LOUNGE How did you become a rabbit slave?