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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hi! New Here…

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    • cadburybunz
      66 posts Send Private Message


        My Name is Sarah, I currently live in Kentucky. We do not have a rabbit, yet. I’m 26 years old, mother to 2 girls ages 10 & 4, and wife to a soldier. The reason I joined this forum is to hopefully get some information on whether or not a rabbit is right for our family. I would like to ultimately adopt a rabbit from a shelter, or rescue. My daughters want one “just like there cousins” They have a lop ear rabbit that has full run of their house, and is litter trained, and VERY VERY tame, he runs right up to you and asks for attention. Is this common? 

        The reason I’m not sure if a rabbit is right for our home is because we have 2 dogs, and 1 cat, we are also a military family, so moving is something we do probably every 3 years, sometimes more, sometimes less. Thoughts?


        Thank you all in advance!


      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Welcome! Well, the lop eared rabbit that you described is and is not common…every rabbit is different. Some are more outgoing than others – I don’t think the word tame is the right word for describing a rabbit though. My rabbit Pepe who just passed away was extremely outgoing but I wouldn’t call him tame :~) My other rabbits are generally pretty skittish but not in an unfriendly way. The good thing with working with a rescue is that the fosters already know their rabbit’s personalities so that helps when making a decision and they are normally already altered (this just depends on if it’s a shelter or a foster system).

          The cat should not be a problem. It really depends on the dogs too and the rabbit. The general rule with dogs and rabbits is that they are never ever left out together without supervision.

        • cadburybunz
          66 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you! I’m definitely very new to the world of rabbits. I’ve been speaking with my Sister-in-law a lot about Bently (the lop ear) They have, cats, and a dog, (a small dog) we have a 65 lbs boxer, and a 25 lbs pug. I’m not at all concerned about the pug, she’s so lazy and older, I doubt she’d even realize there’s another animal in the house! LOL.

            So I think I’m going to hang out here for awhile, learn all I can learn, and then together as a family we will make this decision. I’m not about to make this an overnight decision, especially when it’s a living breathing being! They are so cute, and I see why my girls would think it’s wonderful, but I don’t think they quite understand the responsibility of it.

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              Welcome Sarah

              That’s is great you’re looking into it so thoroughly and it teaches your girls that it’s a lifetime decision. You’re in a great position by looking at rescue rabbits as they assess them and try fit them to the right homes. Some may even have lived with dogs/cats previously and do well with them.

              If you’re in military housing, do look into whether rabbits are allowed or not. There was a member who was more regular here a few years ago that was in military housing. She mentioned it was a long time after they had theirs that they discovered maybe they shouldn’t. I’m preeeetty sure they kept their rabbits though.

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                Welcome! I think it’s a great idea that you hang out here and learn what you can. Rabbits are fantastic pets, for the RIGHT people, and although they can behave like a cat or dog sometimes, their care requirements are much different.

                In your situation, it does not sound like a 24/7 free range rabbit would work because of the other pets in the house and since rabbits can be destructive (if you are in military housing, that would be an issue). But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t still have one with the proper habitat.

              • cadburybunz
                66 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you everyone! Well the first thing I checked into was the military housing, and there are no rules or regulations that state we can’t have a rabbit in the house. There are rules on them being kept outdoors, which I don’t think is the right choice for a rabbit especially considering come climates. (hope I’m not stepping on toes!)

                  My husband and I talked some last night about it (he’s currently in Korea) and we definitely would like to build a good sized cage, instead of buying a cage, seems you can get more for your money that way. We also talked about the possibility of adopting a bonded pair, since we have 2 girls, but I’m not sure about that yet either. Still so much to think about, and learn! I really appreciate the help, and warm welcome! I hope I don’t get annoying asking so many questions!

                  Thank you again!

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    We love questions. Also check out the house rabbit society website,

                  • Momto3boys
                    123 posts Send Private Message

                      Welcome to the forums, you have definately come to the right place.

                      I have a Boxer and she is AWESOME with the buns. Lucy is my second Boxer, my first one Sasha was also awesome with buns and anything else.

                    • cadburybunz
                      66 posts Send Private Message
                        Hi Everyone! 
                        Thanks so much for the warm welcome, advice, tips, and information. I know I haven’t posted a lot, but I will tell you I’ve been “stalking” the site almost daily reading a lot of posts, the information, and soaking it all in. I think we have finally decided that we are going to get a bunny!! We’ve been in contact with a family who is in a situation where they need to find their bunny a home, and I think she is going to fit in nicely with what we are looking for. She’s a 2 year old Holland Lop, spayed and litter box trained (not that I would have cared about being litter box trained) she’s use to dogs, and cats being in the home, and enjoy’s being petted! Her name is Aspen!!! She will be coming home on Friday!! My girls don’t know yet, as I wanted to make absolute certain that she was the one we are looking for. I haven’t been over to visit with her yet, but I’m going tomorrow. Aspen’s current mommy already has her a 3 story bunny condo made from the storage cubes, which is what I wanted! 

                      • cadburybunz
                        66 posts Send Private Message

                           I wanted to share a picture, and totally forgot to upload it! This is a picture that She emailed me when we first started talking last week. She’s sooooooooo cute!!!!


                        • jerseygirl
                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                            What a sweetie! So exciting. : )

                          • lashkay
                            1548 posts Send Private Message

                              Aspen looks so comfy on that luxurious couch – I could just reach out and run my hand over her back. Congratulations and welcome!

                            • LittlePuffyTail
                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                I just wanted to say “Welcome” and I hope all works out with the new bunny. She is adorable. I had the joy of sharing my home with a Holland Lop and he was a real doll; really sweet and snuggly. I think the most important thing about bringing a bunny into a multi-pet home is to introduce the other pets slowly; one at a time. You don’t want to overwhelm her.

                                Wow, your girls are going to be so excited! You are opening up a wonderful world for them by bringing a bunny into the house. Just wanted to pass a long a link:   It’s like Facebook for bunnies. You can set up a little profile page for your bunny, post pics, add friends, send virtual gifts, enter contests, etc. Thought it might be fun for your girls.  A lot of our members have a Bunspace Profile; lots of fun.

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                            Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hi! New Here…