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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hi! I am new to bunnies.

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    • Livie
      12 posts Send Private Message

        Hi there! 

        Please meet Rose my little mystery.

        I found Rose on the way to work by the side of the road being attacked by magpies.

        I am not sure of her age or breed but she is one of the sweetest creatures to have graced me with her care in a long time. 

        We have been to the vet and have had x-ray to confirm a break in her right front arm and a chest infection. Currently Rose is on antibiotics (Baytril) for a wheezy chest and on pain medication (Medicam). We are due to try to have a splint put on now that she is more settled and less stressed.

        So far Rose is very sweet.  She rests a lot but has asked to be lifted out of her cage twice now so she could be on a blanket on the floor with Peaches (Chihuahua). She knows when breakfast and supper-time are to get treats and loves being patted on her head and cheeks. So far she has dispensed kisses three times!

        Once Rose is fully mended I will be enlisting my husband’s help to make a new enclosure out of a piece of furniture.

        Currently I work full-time coordinating services for families with children with disabilties and adults with developmental disabilities. I live on 6 acres with my husband, Peaches (Chihuahua), Ruger (Bernese Mountain Dog), Wiggy (Tuxedo Cat), Potato (Ginger Tabby), my ducks Sweet Pea and Midnight (Welsh Harlequins), Ebony (Rouen/Cayuga), Ruby (Rouen) and Pips (Black Swedish) and my alpacas Buddy, Al and Winnie.

        My fur and feather family sure keep me busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

        For those who are interested, I will try to keep everyone updated on Rose’s progress. 

        So great to meet you all and thank you again to everyone who provided me some advice in the other thread! 


      • Domino&Ash
        41 posts Send Private Message

          She’s beautiful ! I’m sure she is madly in love with you, animals know a worthy savior and remain loyal in a special way when they are rescued.
          Blessings on your journey, together !

          Bunny kisses and floppy snuggles from Domino & Ash

          P.S> I thought this might interest you :

        • Livie
          12 posts Send Private Message

            Hi Domino and Ash!
            Thank you so much for the link.
            I loved the website!
            I have been wanting to do some sort of education/therapy thing at my place but so far have not known where to start or what to do.

            Rose had her leg splinted yesterday and is doing well this morning. We are so happy to see her leg supported now. She seems to be more curious and mobile. I am excited for the day when she can binky!!!!

          • Bladesmith
            849 posts Send Private Message

              Hi from Clover and Dawn!

              Rose is a cutie!  And a pox on whoever dumped her!  That she’s taken to you so quickly shows she’s a sweet bunny and knows a good person when she sees one.  I hope you have a long and happy life together.

            • KwlAznKid
              8 posts Send Private Message

                so cute!!! welcome

              • KwlAznKid
                8 posts Send Private Message

                  so cute!!! welcome

                • Livie
                  12 posts Send Private Message

                    Very very sad news. On Sunday Rose took a horrible turn. We connected with her vet via emergency services and there was nothing more that we could do aside from drive 5 hours to have her placed on 24/7 critical care with oxygen.  About 4 hours later she passed away in my home.

                    I am absolutely devastated. Of course I didn’t sleep all night Sunday and had another horrible sleep Monday night. Thinking what more could i have done for her, done differently, etc.

                    I am trying to take it easier but she was an absolute doll. I am happier knowing she was surrounded with love for her last week here and maybe that is why she found her way to me.

                  • Luna
                    2219 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m so sorry Livie. Rose was beautiful. I’m not sure there was anything you could have done differently for her; her age and medical health/history being unknown. At least with you rescuing her, she was able to go to the Rainbow Bridge peacefully and knowing she was loved.

                      Binky free Rose

                    • Ellie from The Netherlands
                      2512 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh no! She was such a cute and beautiful bunny :'( I’m very sorry for your loss.

                        Sadly, rabbits are extremely fragile animals, and experts on hiding illness and discomfort. It’s likely that the poor condition you found her in ultimately was too much for her body to handle. Thank you for rescuing a bunny in such a horrible state, I know that you’ve done everything you could for her and more. A rabbit kissing you is the ultimate sign of trust and acceptance, and many people don’t manage to build that kind of bond with their rabbit within the first week. She must have been very comfortable with you, and glad to be around you. From her point of view, her last week with you must have been a dream come true.

                        Binky free sweet Rose!

                      • Domino&Ash
                        41 posts Send Private Message

                          As A.A.Milne wrote, sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our heart.

                          Lots of snuggles and kisses from Domino, Ash and all those bunnies grateful to be rescued (;

                        • Domino&Ash
                          41 posts Send Private Message


                            [Oh no! She was such a cute and beautiful bunny :'( I’m very sorry for your loss.

                            Sadly, rabbits are extremely fragile animals, and experts on hiding illness and discomfort. It’s likely that the poor condition you found her in ultimately was too much for her body to handle. Thank you for rescuing a bunny in such a horrible state, I know that you’ve done everything you could for her and more. A rabbit kissing you is the ultimate sign of trust and acceptance, and many people don’t manage to build that kind of bond with their rabbit within the first week. She must have been very comfortable with you, and glad to be around you. From her point of view, her last week with you must have been a dream come true.

                            Binky free sweet Rose! ]

                            She was blessed to spend her last days in loving arms.

                          • Livie
                            12 posts Send Private Message

                              Thank-you everyone for all your kind words!

                            • Livie
                              12 posts Send Private Message

                                Thank-you everyone for all your kind words!

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                            Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hi! I am new to bunnies.