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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Hey Guys

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    • staceyyleexo
      5 posts Send Private Message

        Hey Guys, I finally caved and made an account. So i am going to be getting a bunny soon. I just am waiting for me to get my own place so my bunny can be in a safe quiet environment, I currently live with my mom but she babysits my nephews and they are really really loud. I do not want to bring my babies into a loud household. 

        But while i am waiting on that I was wondering if you guys can help me pick. So i know i want a holland lop!! Well i am torn between a holland lop and a mini lop?? 

        Should i get a buck or a doe??

        SOOOOO many questions y’all. Do you guys have any thing or any piece of advice!

        Bless yall in advance

      • Asriel and Bombur
        1104 posts Send Private Message

          I mean, it’s going to have a unique personality whether you get a female holland lop of a male flemish giant. Breeds and genders don’t really tie into it much. It’s just personal preference.

          Holland lops can be either true or false dwarfs. A true dwarf will be under 4 pounds and a false dwarf will be around 4.5-5.5 pounds. A mini lop is usually around 6-7 pounds. No, you can’t tell if a holland lop is true or false until it is full grown, around the 6 month mark, but in general a false dwarf will always seem rather big for their age. My boys are false dwarfs and were around 2.5-3 pounds at 3 months old. 3 pounds is often the size of a full grown true dwarf. So, asking specifically for a true or false dwarf from a breeder won’t do you any good because they won’t even know.

          In general females can be more territorial and aggressive when they’re hormonal, and they absolutely need to be spayed for their health. Females have a 60% or greater chance of developing reproductive cancers if they aren’t spayed by the age of 3.

          If you get two bunnies (unless you adopt a bonded pair from a shelter) will need to be housed separately until they have been spayed/neutered. Hormones can kick in for a bunny at any time starting around 8-12 weeks, so it’s essential that they remain separate. Hormonal bunnies only want to fight and mate, and bunny fights are extremely dangerous. They are not like dogs and cats where you can just keep them together. They have a complex bonding process. Bunny fights can be deadly, and they are extremely vicious. They will not stop until they are separated by you or when one has been severely injured. So I really can’t stress this enough. Bunnies are also incorrectly sexed because it’s tough to see down there until testicles have actually descended. You could be told you have two males and have one of each, and find yourself with a litter on your hands. This can be dangerous to females under 6 months, and can likely kill them as they have not fully developed.

          Hope this helps

        • Doodler
          337 posts Send Private Message

            Hi there and welcome!  I agree it is really about personal preference.  Some people will give you general personality traits that certain breeds are known for but this really is general and is not the best way to pick in my opinion.  They are all individuals with their own individual personalities.

            Having two Holland Lops myself I can’t say that I am impartial in my recommendation .  If those are the two that you are choosing between honestly I would just pick based on the look and size that you like.   I personally picked Holland’s because I love their faces and smaller size.  When I did research I also loved what people happened to say about their general personalities.   With that said I ended up picking a false dwarf that is bigger and has a longer face anyway.   I got him when he was old enough to know he was a false dwarf and he had his personality more established.  His personality won me over.

            As far as gender, that also is a personal preference.   I mainly saw how territorial, aggressive and sassy does are and how bucks make better pets.  I decided a buck was what I was looking for.  I got a buck at first and after I while I decided I wanted to get a second bun.  After so much research I was going back and forth on whether it was going to be a buck or a doe.  So many people say that a buck/doe combination is better than same sex combos(not really true as personality is key) so I was torn.  I still didn’t feel comfortable with a doe and felt that I would always be a buck person just based on my experiences with my boy.  I now have a doe and her personality won me over.  She is not nearly as sensitive as my buck and is just as sweet.  It took a while to win my buck’s trust but my doe was trusting from day 1.  She has never really been territorial (other than she does do more pooping around the litter boxes) and when I bonded them my buck was by far more aggressive than her.  Clearly this is just how my two happen to be but you will see others whose bunnies are opposite to mine.

            Your question sounds like you are looking for one bun but then you did say plural at one point.  If you are looking for two then you could always get one of each .  I know a lot of people want to raise their bunnies from a baby but I don’t regret getting older ones.  It really does give you a better opportunity to pick the best fit for what you are looking for.  This is especially beneficial if you are getting two because you hopefully won’t have two separate bunnies for as long.

            Good luck with your choice and new family member when it does happen!

          • Kiki
            205 posts Send Private Message

              I love my holland lop, but I think she is a false dwarf. I am not sure. I have always been partial to female pets, mostly to avoid the spraying/marking that guys do. But bunnies are way different, Indie would pee on my couch everyday until I got her fixed. Now she’s a little angel though

            • staceyyleexo
              5 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you guys. You guys have been very welcoming.

                Honestly, I feel like I will know when i find the RIGHT one. I know it sounds corny, but i just feel it.

                I just know i def want a holland lop. I love them, i love how cute they are.
                I use to have a mini lop his name was thumper and he was the sweetest little guy. He would nudge me to give him treats. He would always flop next to me or he would like trying to take my socks off.

                Unfortunately, my ex- boyfriend when we broke up snuck into my home ransacked the place and my little baby was gone..

                But alas, thank you guys so much

              • Doodler
                337 posts Send Private Message

                  That doesn’t sound corny at all! I am so sorry about Thumper. That is heartbreaking.

                  Clearly I love Holland’s as well so I fully support your choice and I am sure you’ll find the right one for you.

                • Muj Mom N Bun
                  352 posts Send Private Message

                    That absolutely does not sound Corney at all. That actually sounds like the way a true match is made, Love at first sight. Of course, bunnies are complex and every personality will be different, but with love and patience I truly believe that all rabbits (or at least truly the vast majority of them) can become great sociable, lovable companions! They all just rally want love, safety, head rubs and nom noms…. lots and lots of nom noms (just try and keep em healthy?)!

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                Forum THE LOUNGE Hey Guys