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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hey Guys :)

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    • Momto3boys
      123 posts Send Private Message

        Hey everyone….my name is Brandy and I live in New Brunswick, Canada.

        I am currently owned by 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, a hamster, 2 lizards, a snake and my 2 bunnies.  Pickles is a REW flemish boy who was in rough shape when he came home, full of fleas, worms, mites, he also had  conjunctivitis, was anemic and skinny so we had to hold off on neutering until he was better, he is now better and neutered (thank god, I was so tired of being sprayed when it was time for meds, lol).

        This is Pickles

        Snickers was a rescue, I consider him a rescue anyways, he was going to be snake/alligator food. My friend’s brother raises alligators and lots of the giant snakes, retics, burmese, etc so they have a barn full of THOUSANDS of rats and a couple hundred bunnies. STINK is not even the word to desribe when you walk into this barn, all the buns had to eat was hay and bread….they were all so wild and Snickers was the only fawn one there, most were black and REW’s, Snickers was also the only one that was curious and slowly hopped over to us, of course he ran when I tried to grab him but then the dude went over and picked him up by his ears  I grabbed him right away, his little heart was beating 100miles a minute, once I started petting him he snuggled right in and I was in love so home he came with me….he was so skinny, his spine and ribs were all showing….you’d never know he was the same bunny.  He is sooooooo affectionate it’s not even funny, but he’s also full of spunk, lol

        Here’s my Snickers boy


        Anyways this seems like a great place, I’m glad I found you guys!

      • nugget
        161 posts Send Private Message

          Welcome….How lucky those bunnies are to have found you! They are so cute!

        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message


            I’m gasping alot at these pictures! Pickles ears look like they’re reaching out to give you a big hug. And Snickers…Snickers makes your heart melt! OK, i sound ridiculous but I can’t help it. They’re beautiful.

            This barn you mentioned…I understand reptiles are carnivores but it is hard knowing all those rabbits and rats will become food. Please tell me they are not given as live food. : ( Ugh, my stomach turns.  Are there certain regulations about how feeder animals are to be kept at least? It’s ok if you are unable to (or would rather not) answer my questions. Probably not wise to go into that topic too much anyway.

            That aside, I hope you enjoy looking around the site and look forward to hearing more about these gorgeous two.

          • Momto3boys
            123 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks Nugget, I’m also very glad I found them, I don’t know what I would do without them.

              Jerseygirl, they do NOT feed live, and the reason I know this is because I have a snake, just a baby corn snake and before I had ever gone to their barn I had asked if they bred mice as well since my snake eats pinky mice and they don’t but they told me when she is bigger if I want some pinky rats just to let them know, tell them how many I want, they would euthanize them and freeze them for me, but corn snakes don’t eat rats, they stay on mice so I have to order mine in. I feed frozen/thawed as I could never feed live. I have nothing against feeding snakes because snakes/reptiles have to eat just like we do BUT I do strongly believe that feeders SHOULD be kept as pets, not all just thrown in a barn. I breed dubia roaches for my lizards and they eat better then I do, haha.

              It was REALLY hard walking out of that barn with only 1 rabbit. I didn’t see any veggies or anything but my hubby is the grocery manager at the local grocery store and he said they save all their scraps from produce for him so he knows they’re getting some.
              I am amazed at how friendly Snickers is since he had like no human socialization at all, he can’t get enough attention and he climbs right up onto me and practically begs to be petted, he will lay beside me and he just can’t get close enough. He is also VERY cage aggressive though and I can’t mess with his cage AT ALL…

              That’s what he did to me last time I tried to straighten his house, LOL
              I like to think he came from nothing and now he has so much that he doesn’t want anybody messing with it…it’s his and he plans on keeping it.
              Unfortunately he feels the same way about Pickles being in his space, he paces and grunts the whole time Pickles is running free in the living room, they can interact through the cage bars bvut that’s it….yesterday Snickers was so ticked that Pickles was having play time that when I put his veggies in his cage he attacked his romaine lettuce, haha but the minute he is out of his cage is a total love bug.

              Oh don’t worry I’ll probably drive you guys crazy with pictures and stories, LOL
              I also have 3 human boys. Dakin is 9, Corbin is 8 and Tysin is 7 and they all love the bunnies, never a dull moment in this house!

            • Monkeybun
              10479 posts Send Private Message

                I love the name Corbin I may be biased though, as it is my middle name

              • Momto3boys
                123 posts Send Private Message

                  Corbin is definately a great name It is also my late Aunt and Uncle’s last name…but the funny thing I honestly didn’t know that until after we named him, haha.

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    Welcome! They are both so beautiful! Pickles looks perfect, I would never guess he ever had any skin conditions or was malnourished. Great job! Snickers is a cutie-pie. How long have you had him?

                  • Momto3boys
                    123 posts Send Private Message

                      I’ve had Snickers since September

                      The only thing with Pickles is he does this gross thing with his urine and his chin, LOL you can see how his chin is stained yellow?? Well he pees, rubs his chin in it then rubs his urine soked chin on everything!! Icky boy, haha

                    • Momto3boys
                      123 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh and ever since Snickers got fixed he growls at me if I touch his bum, haha I’ve checked and everything is healed fine but he doesn’t want me anywhere near his bits!

                        Crazy buns, I am so obsessed with them I drive hubby crazy, haha

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks for responding to my questions.

                          Lots of the members here have all types of pets. We enjoy hearing about them all!

                        • jerseygirl
                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                            Lol, funny but kinda gross. Did Pickles spraying stop after his neuter? Maybe he still likes to mark with his urine, just in a different way.  
                            I have heard that rabbits with a rough past can display some odd behaviours.
                            Some rabbits sip their urine too… It’s odd and nobody really knows why.

                          • Momto3boys
                            123 posts Send Private Message

                              Yup he thankfully did stop spraying.
                              We would put the meds in and put him back in his cage, he would kick back, start digging and that was our cue to RUN!!!! It took me twice before I realized what was happening….lets just say it’s not very fun being soaked with rabbit urine, he would jump/spray and kick all at the same time to maximize the coverage, haha and he could get it ATLEAST 6 feet..those back feet have some power behind them, haha.

                              Alright here’s the rest of my crew






                              Here’s one of my female roaches

                              Another one of Skittles

                              Blossom and Daisy

                              Another of Moose

                              Kasey, one of my cats

                              I have LOADS of pics but I will stop for now, LOL

                            • Momto3boys
                              123 posts Send Private Message

                                I absolutely LOVE taking portrait type pictures as you can tell.

                              • Momto3boys
                                123 posts Send Private Message

                                  My Munchkins on Christmas Day.

                                • Momto3boys
                                  123 posts Send Private Message

                                    Oh I forgot this one…Snickers and the piggies, LOL

                                  • Monkeybun
                                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                                      I have to say… its amusing you having a couple critters named Monkey and Moose, as 2 of my bunnies are named that lol. And did you know that Corbin means raven?

                                    • Momto3boys
                                      123 posts Send Private Message

                                        Hahaha that’s awesome and no, I didn’t know that

                                        I think the only 2 pets I missed was Dribble the hamster and Kaymen the cat, I will get to those later, I’ll have to dig or take new pics since I don’t have many of them.

                                      • Beka27
                                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                                          Gorgeous animals, ALL of them! Your children are very fortunate to have exposure to different types of animals and it sounds like they all get their individual requirements met very well! It’ll be interesting because one of your boys might end up being a “reptile guy”, another a “dog guy”, maybe the third will be a “bunny guy”?!

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                            FABULOUS pictures!!! Are you a photographer?
                                            They are ALL such beautiful looking animals. And your boys are super cute too. You must be a busy, busy woman looking after everyone.

                                          • Momto3boys
                                            123 posts Send Private Message

                                              Yup, the boys definately love all the animals, sometimes the dogs tick them off just because they’re the ones that step on them, chew their toys and steal their food, hahaha

                                              Jersey, nope I’m not a photographer, it’s just something I enjoy. I don’t have much confidence in myself and have been asked to do 2 weddings but I said no both times, I would feel awful if I messed something up and they didn’t like them and I figure it would take the fun out of it. I take pics when the urge hits me, I never know when that will be and I like it like that

                                              Thanks for the compliments guys, like I said…there’s never a dull moment, LOL right now it’s after lunch time and me and the boys are still in our jammies, haha I love it!

                                            • nugget
                                              161 posts Send Private Message

                                                You do take some amazing pictures! Beautiful animals! What kind of camera do you have? (lunchtime here too, and still in the jammies)

                                              • Momto3boys
                                                123 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Thanks and it’s a Panasonic Lumix FZ-30 I think….I would have to run upstairs and check, lol
                                                  I love staying in my jammies….nothing more comfy.

                                                • Sonn
                                                  1810 posts Send Private Message

                                                    All of your animals are gorgeous! I really like the picture of your beardie about to chow on the hornworm mine just stare at them lol.

                                                  • angie-la
                                                    380 posts Send Private Message

                                                      oh my god I’m so jealous!! I’ve always wanted to have all sorts of pets, but I would probably need my own house first haha. I have a feeling that’s how my future home will look though. all your babies are adorable!

                                                    • Momto3boys
                                                      123 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Oh my and my oldest son actually got squirted with hornworm juice he was chomping into them so fast, LOL

                                                        That’s what happened with us, I had a few things when we lived in our apartment then when we bought our house, I filled it up, haha

                                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Your animals are all so beautiful! I’m especially partial to Flemish Bunnies and Shnauzers!! Your human boys are cute too!

                                                          Reading about that feeder barn made me so sad. It’s terrible that bunnies are used as feeders at all when you consider how wonderful and personable they are. It just breaks my heart. I had gone to a farm with a friend once to pick up a lama and went into one of their barns, not knowing what was in there, and saw tiny cages of beautiful REW’s that were being raised for meat. I will never get that site out of my head. It’s so horrible.

                                                        • Deleted User
                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                            A big welcome to you! It is nice to see more Canadians around here! Pickles is such a cutie pie, I have a weakness for white rabbits. I love them all! Hope to see you around the forums soon!

                                                          • GrumpyBun
                                                            643 posts Send Private Message

                                                               Those are amazing looking rabbits. That first pic of Pickles – wow! If I were on the same continent you could consider them bun-napped.

                                                            • Momto3boys
                                                              123 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Thanks guys, you guys are just amazing!

                                                                You wanna know something, I’ve never been a fan of white animals, especially REW’s. Then one day hubby brought home a REW Peruvian Guinea Pig….I mean he was cute but I was like “WHY oh why did you pick that one?”

                                                                Well I was soon thanking hubby for the most amazing guinea pig EVER, he was sooooooo friendly, he had a C&C cage that was open at the top and he would stand on his 2 hind feet waiting to be picked up, everynight he would wait for me to go and get him so we could snuggle on the couch, he would squeeze in so tight and lay right down and go to sleep. Seriously he was the best pig ever.

                                                                Then when I came across Pickles, I was like I’m gonna try with the REW again, and again I was totally amazed at how awesome he is. Seriously he’s just a giant ball of love….now I do believe the REW’s are one of my favorites, they have totally 100% won me over!

                                                              • LoveChaCha
                                                                6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Hehe, well, Rews have grown on me.. big time as of recent

                                                                • CarlieL
                                                                  81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Oh they’re adorable!!! I want a Snickers LOL! Beautiful photos.

                                                                  • CarlieL
                                                                    81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      *sorry, double post!

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                                                                  Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hey Guys :)