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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hello! New here!

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    • Emori Bunny
      2 posts Send Private Message

        Hello, My name is Rhylan and I currently have 4 rabbits. I have a Netherland dwarf who I got from a local rescue, he is my first bunny and is a sweet heart, when we first got him he was aggressive, afraid and very untamed. His name is Finn, he lives with another rabbit named Luna, Luna is a very nervous rabbit due to her being a stray rabbit before we got her, she was part of a meat dog operation but when the people could no longer care for the rabbits they let them go, forcing them to find for themselves. Mind you these people are our neighbors so I WILL Not be giving out any personal information about them. Through working with Luna she has come around a lot but I belive she will always be a shy bunny. My third rabbit, named Missy is also from this operation, she thought was forced to live on her own, she had been over bred and abused. Because of this she is to this day very aggressive and unfriendly, I have been working with her but she requires a lot of time and still has a very long ways to go. My last bunny is named Emori, she is the most sweetest and lovable bunny you’ll ever meet, she will follow you around push your hand around asking for pets and climb on you making it implies to clean her area sometimes… She is currently 4 months old and I have had her since she was 3 weeks old. Her mom was part of the same operation as Luna and Missy, she had a letter of babies and our dog caught Emori, or only two options were let her go back with her mom and have about an 10% chance of living or coming home with us and having a 50% chance of thriving. We decided to take her in and that was the best decision I have ever made. Finn is neutered. All my girls are not fixed, Luna will be getting fixed if and when needed due to her anxiety, Missy will be fixed whenever she is tame enough for me to be in close proximity without being charged at or attacked. And little Emori, will be getting fixed when she is old enough, I ham planning on doing therapy with her for young kids/elderly people who may not enjoy being around dogs, she has the right ten permanent and personality to do so.
        How long has your bunny been with you? 
        Rabbit Personality Traits (Calm, Diva, Naughty, Feisty, Sweet etc)

      • LongEaredLions
        4482 posts Send Private Message

          It sounds like your bunnies are having a great life with you—thank you for rescuing them. Do you have any pictures?

        • Ellie from The Netherlands
          2512 posts Send Private Message

            Wow, what a story. So sorry to hear what they’ve been through. Thank you for saving them and giving them everything and more Wonderful idea to train a bunny as a therapy pet, many places don’t allow dogs. Also fewer people are afraid of rabbits than of dogs. (Also: pictures! )
            It’s shocking to hear how some people will treat animals, and it’s heartwarming to see others take care of them so well.

            We also have a Netherland dwarf named Breintje, he has a cinnamon colour. He’s been with me since I started dating my boyfriend, which is nearly 3 years now. There was a hutch in my house after our second date He wasn’t neutered then, but he started to develop hormonal behaviours around me so we had him neutered shortly after. His personality can best be described as: curious, outgoing, independent, mischievous, communicative, immensely opinionated and a bit dominant at times.

            Behaviour towards people: it’s funny to see how he acts towards people, and that he has clear opinions about how one should behave. He’s very human-orientated and loves to travel with us. It’s almost embarrassing how much he flirts with girls on the train. He acts like a total player and kisses every girl who pets him. Even at home female visitors are a favourite, he often runs up to them to welcome them when they arrive. He’ll mostly ignore males, and tolerates them as long as they’re not too rowdy. Children are not a favourite, he gets angry and nippy at people who are loud and hyperactive. He’s even bitten two male friends who were acting a bit macho, he definitely wants to show who’s boss around the house even after his neuter. He’s extremely affectionate towards me and my BF, especially when I’m feeling ill. On bad days he won’t leave my side and tries to lick painful areas on my body which is utterly adorable.

            Daily activities and housing: he’s free-roaming in our living room and and follows me around most of the day, looking at everything I do and trying to apply his “vision”. This includes flipping over the dustpan when I’m cleaning something, dragging a patch of hay through the living room and trying to chase the vacuum cleaner out of his territory.
            We especially love his way of communicating his wants and needs. He even has a daily schedule which you could nearly set your watch to. He’s very hyperactive in the mornings, when my BF gets up early. The rest of the day he either naps in his box, or follows me around when I’m doing something interesting. This all changes at approx. 22:30, when he jumps up on my place on the couch and starts staring at me intensely. He doesn’t do subtlety: 22:30 cuddle time, get your butt on the couch missy! *thump, thump, get a move on!* Quite a handful if you hadn’t guessed already But what’s not to love about so much personality behind such a cute face?

          • Wick & Fable
            5815 posts Send Private Message

              Is there a reason all your girls are not fixed? Wick is a male, but I’ve read many times that females should be fixed because of the cancer risks beyond age 5.

              Wick has been with me since 8-9wo, January 2016. He was a runt, so he was ignored by his mother and siblings. When he arrived home with me, he was so wanting for attention, welcoming any human interaction and contact. It’s sad, but I’m glad I could provide him the love he didn’t get from anyone.

              Whether it be from his natural personality or lack of exposure to real rabbit behavior, Wick doesn’t act like a normal rabbit. He doesn’t chew on anything, so aside from blocking off the TV stand because if he pees there I lose my stereo, nothing is rabbit proofed in his space.

              As a testament to his wanting for love, he’s very affectionate. During the same times of day, he’ll finish eating and dart over to me so he can fall asleep by me or with me petting him. He will jump up on me to wake me up during naps, licking my face to make sure I’m awake and ready to continue with the day.

              At 9wo, Wick started an arduous three months of antibiotics treatment for a very bad upper respiratory infection. It was a clear sign that he was not well taken care of and his immune system was weaker than most. But now, he’s healthy and happy! The two-times-daily syringe-fed antibiotics treatment and every 3 day penicillin shots I had to give him surprisingly brought us closer.

              Wick is loving but sassy. To no fail, a pee episode outside the litter box is linked to him not getting something he wanted. My my…

              The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

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          Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hello! New here!