Hello everyone! I’m new here, and I just wanted to introduce myself and my buns. I’m already thinking of 100’s of questions I need/want to ask!!
Well, I have been a member on cavycages for a long time now, so I have gotten the basic info on rabbits. But, guinea pig websites don’t have boat loads of rabbit information!
Okie dokie. My name is Leyna (Lane-uh). I live in Louisiana. I don’t see anywhere that says you can’t say your age. But, I’m used to it being a big rule, so if anyone could confirm that before I say it, that would be great! I LOVE photography (of my pets, esp.). I also adore any and all animals. I’m really passionate about anything related to animals, and it has gotten me into trouble, online and off . I’ve been vegetarian for about a month after I stopped eating meat cold-turkey. No pun intended! (after watching Earthlings)
I have two rabs (Yeah, the are “The Rabs”). I first got Jelly from a girl in my grade. They were basically neglecting him due to pure lack of knowledge. Him, along with two bigger bunnies, were outside 365 days a year. No veggies, not even hay. They already had two medium sized rabbits, when they got Jelly (netherland) they put him with them just assuming they would get along. Well, that didn’t go so great. He now has less than half a nose. But it makes him unique (now that it’s healed)! So he lived his life in a small hutch next to his two brothers. I felt bad, they were always cuddling and he would sit and just stare into space. So when they said they were giving him away, I was on it. I did tons of research and finally convinced my mom that it was necessary. Jelly’s original name was Jelly Bean, but they called him Jelly. I thought that was way too girly, so now he is known as Beans!
The two other rabbits were also adopted. The lady they were adopted to have them outside (I know, but it’s better than before. Keep reading!) in a large roofed pen. The have pre-dug burrows underground and a little house above it. He joined the other bun that was already there after the owner’s house keeper let two of the rabbits out on accident. Those rabbits used to live with like 8 turtles. I don’t know if they still do.
Then I got Smudge from a rescue. He is now named Benny. He was the only one that didn’t tower over little Beans. They are both netherland dwarves (mixes?). He has recently started to become territorial, but I will get some help on that later. Oh, I forgot to say, Beans is a pretty grey with a hint of bluish tint in the sunlight. Benny is white, with light grey points in the winter. They are both neutered.
Sadly, Beans and Benny aren’t bonded. I researched everywhere (even here, but I somehow managed to miss the whole forum!) and did all bonding according to my research. But, they have gone downhill since the beginning, and seem to be happy. So I have no plans on continuing the bonding process. Benny is 95% litter box trained, while Beans like to poop half of the time right next to his box.
They live in a 2×6, 4 level (2 levels each) C&C cage. It is enclosed though. Here is a picture (hopefully I can figure this out )
It fills up my whole room. I so wish I could expand, though!
Here is a picture of the Rabs, Benny and Beans. We were trying to get some cute Easter pictures, but Benny closes his eyes, puts back his ears, and looks evil when he is outside on a pretty day, and Beans was just wanting to run around in the pen! This is the best I could get:
You can see Beans’ nose injury in this picture (right).
Here is a slightly better picture from Christmas time. Beans tried to groom and got a mouthful of his beard! :
One last thing. I’ve only had them for about 6 months, but they are 2 years old(ish) and 2.5(ish) pounds.