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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hello everyone!

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    • GarfyTheLop
      171 posts Send Private Message

        Hi guys!

        A few of you will probably noticed I’ve posted on here quite a bit but I have never made a welcome post!

        My bunny is Garkunkel, a 3 month old black and white mini lop

        He’s superrrrr adventurous and we haven’t found anything he’s scared of yet! He’s going to be neutered in a few months or so but currently not showing any signs of aggression/spraying etc 

        Litter box training has gone so well and he figured it out within two weeks or so, but not before he had a few wee’s on my new rug! 

        Anyway, it’s lovely to be here and my experience so far has been nothing but welcoming. 

        Do any of you have instagram? I’d love to follow you all.

      • Heaven
        256 posts Send Private Message

          He’s gorgeous and I love the name Garfunkel for him!

          Ahhh I love when they lay down with their back legs sticking out <3

          He sounds so similar to Sam with being adventurous! Our door buzzer is so loud and always makes me jump but Sam is just indifferent ;p what’s the most mischievous thing he’s done so far?

        • GarfyTheLop
          171 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you! So is Sam 

            Haha you can thank my boyfriend for his name! 

            So do I! It’s like they’re doing a superman impression, need to photoshop a little cape onto him haha 

            My boyfriend is in a band and him and the other vocalist often practice in our living room so he’s gotten used to all the weird noises of guitars and pianos  although I sneezed the other day and he looked at me like “WUUTTTT” 

            Most mischievous thing was definitely last week when he somehow managed to escape his pen  he’s in there if we’re ever out of the flat still as he’s not 100% free range yet. Anyway he’s got a cage and an ex pen attached – little bugger managed to push one side of the pen out and crawl out  when I came home he greeted me at the door like “hiiiiiiii, you got any food” 

            What about Sam, what’s he got up too?

          • Heaven
            256 posts Send Private Message

              Funny you should ask ;P 

              I’ve been gradually expanding his free-roam area & only this morning I came in to find this… feat. helicopter ears


              I still have no idea how he got in!

            • Deleted User
              22064 posts Send Private Message

                Where there is a bunny there is a way. Asriel is a huge jumper. We call him the incredible flying bunny. If the top of his cage is ever open, you can bet for sure he will take one great bound up and out. One day I was home sick and I had let him out while I took a nap (he can 9/10 times be trusted). Next thing I hear is a crash. I woke up and noticed Asriel was behind the bars of Bombur’s cage, so I thought he was behind Bombur’s cage. Nope, he had managed to do one great leap from the floor and into Bombur s cage. Poor Bombur was sitting in his litter box and I don’t think he really knew what to do. They aren’t bonded yet, so it was pretty terrifying for me.

              • GarfyTheLop
                171 posts Send Private Message

                  Hahahaha! Look at his little face like “mwahaha”. That’s impressive!

                  What is it with our bunnies just wanting to be into everything?

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh wow, look how comfortable Garfy is just stretched out on the rug with his peeps. ^.^ Ophelia runs and hides from any strangers.

                    Sam and Asriel must have the same Olympic jumper gene that Ophelia has! Seriously, it’s impressive. My bed is raised so high off the ground that I even I have to do a little tip toe maneuver to get on (and I’m 5′ 10″) but Ophelia just hops right up like she totally belongs there. Luckily she never pees or even leaves a poop behind, so I’ve stopped worrying about trying to keep her off of it. But it’s not like I could even if I tried

                  • Heaven
                    256 posts Send Private Message

                      I wish Sam wouldn’t wee on my bed he’s been allowed on twice and both times I’ve had to put the sheets straight in the wash :l

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        I consider myself absolutely lucky when it comes to Ophelia. She is SO well behaved. She caught on to the litter box after just a few days, and has been perfect with her litter habits since then! She even had free roam of her own room since day 1 and she just did not have accidents outside of her box, even poops. She actually ONLY pees in one corner of her litter box. It’s so impressive how she decided to do that and I never made any effort to teach that. So her litter trays stay pretty clean! She doesn’t chew, she doesn’t go where she’s not supposed to, she’s just so amazing. And she comes up on my bed every morning for snuggles I honestly am going to be in for a rude awakening when I have another rabbit who actually acts like a mischevious fuzz! Lol

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          Sorry Garfy, I didn’t mean to totally steal your post and change the subject to Ophelia … she’s just a great gal and I can’t shut up about her! XD

                        • GarfyTheLop
                          171 posts Send Private Message

                            Don’t worry @BunNoob, it’s nice to hear about her how long have you had Ophelia? (love her name btw)

                            We’ve been quite lucky with Garf and litter training too! The first two weeks were a pain in the bum and he was peeing everywhere but looking back I actually think it was more the fact I was cleaning his litter tray too well and his smell was going from it so each time he was getting super confused.
                            I leave a tiny bit of dirty litter in each clean litter box now and since then he’s been good as gold

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              I got her as a wee baby back in March 2017. I just love her to bits

                            • Azerane
                              4688 posts Send Private Message

                                Welcome to the forum. Garfunkle looks like he’s settled in really well to your place, one very relaxed bun

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                            Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hello everyone!