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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hello Any Suggestions welcome

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    • Kim
      12 posts Send Private Message

        Hello everyone,  I am so glad to have found this site!!!! I’ve learned so much from all of you.  I have adopted a mixed angora 1 1/2 year old male neutered rabbit named Poof. He came from a abused home and I have Had him about a month and he is still getting used to us and I do understand that it takes time to build trust. I have taken many of everyone tips fromthe forums and they have helped alot. So thank you  all.  He is 9lbs so he is a big boy lol and I had to get him an open X pen. He is free roam in the house and he is very well litter trained,. but his new thing is lately he is now picking up his litter box and throwing it around. It is a big one too. I found it backwards sideways upsidedown.  I have tried to ziptie it to the pen it self and he somehow gets it off there.  I ordered the one off the Binki store and wating for it to come as he likes to lay in as well. Does any one have any suggestions on why he is doing this? This is something new he just started. I bought a new litter box and he started doing it and I have no Idea why. it make a huge mess. i clap my hands and tell him no when I catch him doing it and he will stop and as soon as I turn my back he is right back at it again lol. I need some suggestions as when the new one comes I do not want him to throw it in the air and make a huge mess again and have it everywhere, I put it in the corner he goes in. So i have not changed the spot. I thought maybe he did not like the squage design becuase before I had the corner one.  At first I thought he was playing and than I ended up puting the the corner one back in and he stopped doing it. ut the corner one is too small and he lays in it making him so hard to brush out as he is still skiddish. I want him to be able to use the new one when it comes . So any helpful suggestions you all have would greatly be appreciated by this new bunny owner.  I look forwared to hearing from you, and enjoying talking with you all. I love this site an the store is awesome.  I know moist of you do not have the the long hair bunnies but thats ok, rabbits are rabbits lol and we are all rabbit lovers.  Nice to meet you all.

      • Gordo and Janice
        703 posts Send Private Message

          Welcome Kim and Poof! I’m not very knowledgeable about litter box flipping. We had an angora rabbit. She would flip her water bowl from time to time. But not the litter box. We never understood if she was just trying to move it and it tumbled over or if she was actually wanting to flip it. It seems rabbits are all similar and all different at the same time. We had to learn things about Icey (our rabbit) and adjust accordingly over time via trial and error. It think sometimes they find or discover things to do for entertainment, stimulation, and/or exercise. You may have to find some creative way to make the litter box sturdy and flip proof so that he will lose interest in that activity. Or you may need to provide other things for entertainment and exercise that he would rather put his energy into. He is still relatively new to his home there so maybe in time he will calm down and along with being less skittish he will be less “wrestle mania” with the litter box. Hopefully someone else here can give you more specific advice with exact first hand experience. And again welcome to you both.

        • Kim
          12 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you for the response  I think you maybe right he is getting use to his enviroment and wanting his things his way when I want them my way lol.  He does have alot of energy. he runs thru the house like a manaic and jumps and and plays hes a fan hog lol he push the dog out of the way to ge to the fan.  He def. has a personaluty that teaches me something new everyday. The litter box is going to be a challenge but I hopefully we can figure it out and maybe your are right he may lose intrest in that throwing it. He I just got a new package of stuff from Binki store hope fullyhe will take intrest in that an igmnore throwing the box fo a bit,   Thank you again and have a wonderful Bunny day,

          • Gordo and Janice
            703 posts Send Private Message

              I just realized I was pretty vague with “try other things for entertainment and exercise”. Our rabbit didn’t like toys. So we gave her an area of cardboard boxes that she customized into her own maze. But unfortunately I didn’t know about this website until the very end of her life. And there are things that aren’t necessarily toys like tunnels made out of edible or “chew safe” wood and a bunch of other things that we could have probably incorporated into her life to engage her. Even the toilet paper roll cut into sections and made into a ball with pellets inside for significant amounts of entertainment and the engaging their brain with food as a reward. So many things along those lines that could give him something to put his energy and attention into and maybe eliminate seemingly destructive or bad behavior that might be just him trying to be busy and/or expend pent-up energy.

            • kurottabun
              908 posts Send Private Message


                What litter do you use in your box? Wood pellets may be able to hold a larger box down (I think it’s probably the heaviest of all litter already). Bunnies often like having things their way and have their own idea of what should stay in their territory and what shouldn’t – bunny owners call that “bunstruction”. It seems like Poof is merely bunstructing his home lol!

              • Kim
                12 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you for the the suggestions I did put some tubes of toliet paper in there filled with paper and he throwing them around lol. Hes is new to me and the house so i do understand he wants things his way lol I guess I just have to let him be and give as much love and attention as I can and his space. I am sure he will come around at some point. 

                • Kim
                  12 posts Send Private Message

                    The litter I use is the eco pellets which I love they are heavy dust free and they soak up good. I tried the carefresh but its too fluffy and stick to his long hair like crazy and matts up so the pellets work much better.  he has seemed to calm down on the throwing of the litter box lol maybe he was having a bad Hare day lol.  We will find the pellets in his hair, I do not know how they get in there but they come out easy maybe becuase he lays in there once in awhile but foe the most part he lays in front of the fan. Hes too much. Since I decided to adopt a older bunny insteadof getting a baby I knew I would have some challeges with bonding and issues. He is not aggressive nor does he bite or thump or charge. hes just skiddish, but everyday I slowly get on the ground and nose to nose and pet his head and talk softly to him and this site has helped me alot and many of you have helped me with with your suggestions, which I appreciate so much, i hoe I can return the favor to any of you .  I will def keep you updated on the litter pan throwing.  Thank you all again. your all so nice.

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                Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Hello Any Suggestions welcome