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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • mackie1023
      10 posts Send Private Message

        Hello everyone.

        I recently took in a rabbit, Lapinou, from a coworker who was moving away. We had previously had him with us for about 3 weeks while she was on vacation out of the country so we were quite familiar already and I had a hard time giving him back in the first place, to be honest. 

        I don’t have much information about him, she said she thinks he is around 3 years old and has not been neutered. I don’t know his breed (guesses are welcome!), but hopefully these are all things I can find out from his current vet. I want to get him in for a check up as soon as I can, he definitely needs nails clipped and I remember him being sick last winter. She brought him to work with her a few days in a row and my boss helped administer his meds. 

        He has been with us since December and has transitioned to being out of his cage full time so I’m currently looking for ways to set up his bunny area to make it more comfortable for him. He doesn’t like the hard floors much so I am working on getting better quality pads to put down for him, our entire place is either tile or hardwood. I have several feet of fleecy blanket and towels out for him for the time being, which he seems to enjoy.
        He is pretty easy going, he likes being in a place where he can hear people talking, even if it’s not necessarily to him. He doesn’t really “play” with anything, but I don’t know that he’s ever really had any toys. He’s not a chewer, or at least hasn’t taken interest in chewing anything around him. I tried giving him some chewy toys and a toilet paper roll but he had no interest. My broom on the other hand, he really wanted a go at that! He hops around and explores to the corners of the blankets and eats and lays down in his little fleecy bed. At night we will find him sprawled out in the center of the room enjoying some quiet time. 

        Often times when I come into the room after being at work all day he will run out when he hears my voice and circle my feet till I give him some pets. Sometimes if I don’t give him enough, he will do a little nip. Our 5 year old adores him and in turn, he tolerates our 5 year old very well. He is a very sweet bunny and I’m happy to have been able to give him a home.

        Here is Lapinou, aka “Bunny Bun Buns”. 

         photo IMG_7790.jpg

         photo FullSizeRender.jpg

      • Bam
        16951 posts Send Private Message

          Hello and very welcome to the forums! Lapinou is just precious! So adorable! It sounds like he has found a great home with you.
          I too have a bun that will nip if I stop giving pets too soon
          As for breed, I’m not good with breeds. He resembles a hotot a little with the black circles around the eyes, but they never have black ears, they’re all white except around the eyes.

        • Vienna Blue in France
          5317 posts Send Private Message

            Welcome !!! Lucky Lapinou chanceux!

            No wonder you didn’t want to give him back ! He’s lovely, and sounds perfect… doesn’t chew anything? Haha ! One day.. one day !! :o))

            Yes bunnies and brooms are like marmite – they either love them or hate them. Mine jumps on and plays around the hoover head when its on and being pushed around!!

          • Eepster
            1236 posts Send Private Message

              I think he’s a dwarf hotot. He is “pet quality” so if you google the breed you will see examples with ’80s rocker perfect eyeliner and clean white ears, but the bit of color and imperfection of his eyeliner is a common “imperfection.”

            • BB & Tiny
              637 posts Send Private Message

                Beautiful bun !

              • MoxieMeadows
                5375 posts Send Private Message

                  Welcome to BB! He’s precious!

                  I’m thinking dwarf hotot mix.

                • cinnybun2015
                  570 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh my goodness! That is one adorable bunny! I agree with Moxie, he looks like a dwarf hotot mix- because of the dark rings around his eyes.

                  • mackie1023
                    10 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you everyone! He certainly is a looker. I’m still learning a good bit about him, last night I learned that he likes to munch on cilantro.

                    • tobyluv
                      3310 posts Send Private Message

                        Hello and welcome to Binky Bunny! Lapinou is a very good looking bunny. Cilantro is a favorite with many rabbits. If you don’t already know what veggies are best for rabbits, here are a couple of helpful links:,

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