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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • lillian
      131 posts Send Private Message

        Well since ive been here a few days so far, thought I should actually introduce myself lol.

        My name is Lillian, go by lilly. I currently have 2 bunnies (will give more info below!) and had a bun when I was younger. I actually stumbled across these forums when I got my current oldest bunny while looking for some answers, but someone had a really similar answer at that time so ended up not making an account to ask it. I again stumbled upon this site a few days ago, don’t really remember what I was doing (think I was looking up bunny pictures to show my friend) and saw the forums, decided to join, and bam, fell in love with it lol.

        I definitely dont think I’m any type of expert, but I do enjoy sharing my stories and my experiences to help others! I know when I first got my bun, I was scared at every little noise and movement as I had no ones help!

        For the bun I had when I was younger, I sadly do not have any pictures. I was like 10 at the time, and, it really was one of those “should’ve just gotten fish” times as I was more caught up with my friends and left my father to be the bunnys slave! I do remember she was a rather large and fluffy rabbit, way larger than they said she would be, and practically ruled our guest bedroom

        When I turned 15 (I think… lol) I was going through a rough time in my life and really needed a companion. I wanted a dog, but, living in an apartment, I knew it would not be a happy pup. I then thought of a kitty, but, apartment manager wanted a $500 non-refundable deposit (REALLY!?!). I did find a little cheat though. no rules on small furry animals as long as they weren’t illegal (cali = no ferrets). So I jumped on craigslist and just kinda searched around for a small furry friend, hoping to find one being given away as my finances were awful at that time. I actually found my oldest rabbit being given away by a breeder. (I know, breeders should be a no-no, buuut, the pound wanted $50! At that time, that was half my food money!) I ended up driving about 30 miles to pick up my new little one. I ended up going with the breeder out of pity, as he was a “show bunny” breeder, and she was free due to an issue with her feet! I didn’t want the poor bunny being taken for meat or something! (of course, my little girl is fine now, as are her little feets!)

        My second bun came a year later. A little pet shop was going out of business so they were practically giving away their pets in an attempt to not send them to the pound. I honestly did not have any plan to get any of the buns, just wanted to get some of the cheap food, but, this one little bunny, evilly sweet eyes, changed my mind. (I can never go into a pet shop without looking at the pets…) Most the bunnies were larger, standing at the front of their large cage eating. Not him. The one that caught my eye was a tiny little bun with giant sad eyes, short little pointy ears, and a single white paw that stood out from his grey fur. He looked so sad and lonely. My heart melted, and yea, I couldn’t walk away!

        Onto my current buns!

        Name: Midnight. She was named this as, at the time of getting her, she was pitch black, except she had what looked like a white cresent moon and a few white specks (like stars) on her forehead. Sadly the bunny baby pictures were lost when my phone was stolen.

        Age: She will be 3 in December

        How long she has been with me: breeder claimed she was 8 weeks old when we got her, but I think she may have been younger.

        Personality: Spoiled, “Queen of the house (lol)”, lazy.

        Cute things she does: Looooves treats. Will literally rip them out of your fingers and will go WILD if she hears the treat bag. Does the same when the bedroom door closes (she knows that means its play time and time to come out!) She is shy, but, the second you feed her, you will be her new best friend. Will only do flops and binkies if watching her. (she will look at you [you can see out of the corner of your eye], look down, look at you, look down. The second you look at her and she makes eye contact. BAM. Binkies for days!) One thing she does to my father, but not me. When my father is sitting in my rocking chair, she will jump up beside him and force her head under his hand and make him pet her til they both fall asleep. Ive come in a few times to her sprawled out on his lap completely out now!

        playtime and toys: Shes out around 4-6 hours a day (unlike my little one, I cant leave her out when I’m not watching or she will tear up the house!) Her favorite toy is a little circular tube that came in one of our glassware sets. Its like a toilet paper roll, but, thicker harder cardboard and  larger/wider. Will throw it around when in her cage. She also enjoys throwing anything that makes noise (she loves keys but we try to keep those away!) She has stolen a few pens from me and will run over to the kitchen and smack them on the ground where theres tiles! She has access to play in our livingroom (all cords are well bound in areas with a plastic wire-like item with holes way too small for her to put her head through!), hallway, and kitchen (but she hates tiles)

        Known Medical problems: SUPER sensitive to foods. Had to spend almost a full year playing investigator to figure out what does and doesn’t make her sick. When shes not sensitive, shes really picky! Also has some back issues. Compared to my younger one, she doesn’t sprawl out as much (prefers to kind of lay on her side rather than spread flat on her belly) Vets say its not currently a concern but it will be as she gets older. She can get moody (we think shes bi-polar like her human slave!) Has a bad foot (as stated above) but we do think it has gotten better. When we first got her, she barely walked on it. Took her to a vet (my best friends mother who thankfully looked at her for free), who said it didn’t seem to be causing any pain and put our bun through a bit of home remedy style physical therapy. Luckily her foot is a LOT better now!

        My younger bun

        name: Quick Silver. He was a greyish silver color when we got him (his fur actually got a bit darker over a time) and he had loads of energy. We often call him the energizer bunny as he will run and run.

        age: Will be 2 in December

        how long he has been with me: Again, pet store said he was 8-9 weeks at the time

        personality: When NOT running like crazy, hes a little outgoing (doesn’t hide when he falls asleep). Hes much gentler than Midnight.

        cute things he does: When it comes to treats, he is sooo gentle! Ill hold the treat, he will come over, lightly put his teeth on it, then just stand there. he will not move an inch until you let go, then he will slowly back away with it. If I do pull the treat away, he will just let go of it and kinda stand there like “awww okay…”. He also does lots of binkys and plops, doesn’t care who is looking! Often times, he will lay on the middle of the floor and just, pass out! Something midnight doesn’t do. You can come by and pet him, and he may lift his head up a bit to see whats going on, then go right back to sleeping.

        Playtime and toys: He gets anywhere from 4-8 hours of play, depending on if I put him to bed or not. I generally let him out, then do dinner, shower, etc. I can trust him to stay out (those nights I sleep on the couch anyway lol) but will put him away if hes obviously really sleepy. He will push things over and around with his nose. He have a ball (its a thick rubber ball way too big for him to pop or chew) and he will just run around with it. He also enjoys pushing water bottles with water still inside around, and, weve cleaned out medicine bottles and but little items that rattle inside and he will be the happiest bunny ever!

        Known medical problems: He doesn’t have any major problems. He does have a bit of an issue with his eyes (gets the buggery-like eyes sometimes) as they do stick out a bit and he forgets to close his eyes sometimes lol. Theres been a few times now where we had to take him to the vets because he fell or hit something and then held his eye closed. Luckily most the time a few eyedrops solved the issue on the spot. Is also a picky eater

      • Bam
        16951 posts Send Private Message

          Hi Lillian and very wellcome to BinkyBunny!

          Your bunnies look lovely. I have a bun who will jump up in my mother’s lap and demand pets, he doesn’t do that with anybody else, sounds kind of like Midnight and your father =)
          Quick Silver really looks like a gentle bunny on his pic. It’s so funny how rabbits have such different personalities, I think most people don’t realize that about rabbits.

        • lillian
          131 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you

            I have to agree. When I first got Midnight, I was a little nervous. The one I had when I was little was feisty, would bite, didn’t like being touched, or any of that, which, was my own fault, and I was so scared midnight would be the same. Rabbits are just a big ball of personality when you are able to be around them!

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