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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Hay storage plans

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    • Lisa_43
      1499 posts Send Private Message
        I have brought my first bail of hay, the problem I have is storing it.
        I am looking for a plan on building my own hay storage box. ( one bail of hay)
        Does anyone know of any plans on the internet, or do they have their own plans?

      • babybunsmum
        3896 posts Send Private Message

          what are the dimensions of a bail of hay?  sorry… city girl here.. lol.  i’m wondering if you could pick up a wood chest like this one?

          (hopefully the link works)


          edit:  i’ve seen crate-like ones needing assembly for a lot less $$ too

        • Scarlet_Rose
          4293 posts Send Private Message

            Hmm, I don’t have one, my brother actually just thinks these things up and does it (he’s a genius that way).  I would make a box frame then use plywood sides and a hinged top. Stay away from treated wood, or strand board/particle board (I call it regurgitated beaver barf board LOL) – formaldehyde and chemicals can migrate to the hay and can harm your rabbits. Be careful with the glues too.

            What I also have is a huge plastic container that holds a whole bale. Do you plan on storing it outside or in a shed?

          • Lisa_43
            1499 posts Send Private Message

              The size is 1000 length x 500 width x 400 height all mm

              We are getting a double garage shed just for storage, but at the moment we are waiting on it to be installed.
              I thought hay needs to have air circulating around it.
              I was thinking of something in wood but may be flywire attached to the wood, on top and the sides.

            • babybunsmum
              3896 posts Send Private Message

                hmmm i guess it may be hard to find a chest that’s not of treated or ‘regurgitated beaver barf board’  LOL  my dad – who was a cabinet maker – wouldve liked that one!  although ikea does sell some stuff untreated & unfinished…

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  Definitely best to have in a breathable container and up and out of any place it could get wet.  Cool dry place out of the sun.  

                  I’ve seen a many sites that are geared for  horse products which includes bale bags in nylon (with holes for air)and canvas.  Here is an example of  one.

                  I think you will also need to rotate the hay every so often to make sure the bottom doesn’t get moldy since you will be storing that bale of hay for longer periods of time than a horse owner would.

                  Let us know when you find something that works for you.



                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    I keep my bale in a huge cardboard box (outside near my back door undercover) … I get the guys at City Farmers to put it in one of those large wheely bins bags which I bring along, then when I get home I plonk it in my box which fits perfectly.

                    I cover the top of the box with an old sheet.  When I need the hay I take a chunk out and put in a storage bin on wheels and keep inside .. that way I have on hand for use each day and replenish it when required.


                  • Lisa_43
                    1499 posts Send Private Message
                      I put it in a big bin liner for now; I am going to get one of those bail bags on eBay. It would most probably be cheaper to buy one than to make it.

                    • Scarlet_Rose
                      4293 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh, I neglected to say that the container I have has air holes. : ) Glad your dad would have liked that Lisa!

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                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Hay storage plans