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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Grapevine wreaths

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    • angoralvr
      500 posts Send Private Message

        I know that I just recently ordered some of the ornaments made from grapevines for the bunnies. I was at the local dollar store this weekend and I noticed that they have small wreaths made out of grapevines. They are not treated with anything. Since the ornaments are safe for them, do you think these wreaths would be bunny safe?

      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          do they look just like the ornament ones?  hmmm.  i don’t suppose there’s a website or number on the packaging of the dollar store wreaths that you can call or lookup?  i’d probably just make sure there are no pieces that might be chewed off and choked on… and watch him.

        • angoralvr
          500 posts Send Private Message



            They look like this one.

            [script removed]Darice Grapevine Wreaths

          • Beka27
            16016 posts Send Private Message

              oh.  doesn’t look like there’s anything harmful about that.  i’ve never given Meadow grapevine things so i’m not real familiar with them… do they actually eat the pieces or just tear them apart?

            • angoralvr
              500 posts Send Private Message

                So far he actually just pushes it around. I wasn’t positive that it was ok yet so I didn’t leave it in there with him when I wasn’t around.

              • Sarita
                18851 posts Send Private Message

                  One of the problems with these wreaths – depending on the size of the wreath – is that buns sometimes get this caught around their neck (like a necklace) and that’s not a good thing. You really have to watch that with the smaller buns with the smaller heads.

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    oh i hadn’t thought about that…  doesn’t Henri have a pretty huge head tho?  or are you giving it to the new bun?

                  • angoralvr
                    500 posts Send Private Message

                      I hadn’t thought about that either. Henri does have a pretty big head. I would actually worry more about it sticking to him because of his fur type though. Do you think if I cut it in half it would be ok? Then they couldn’t get their head stuck in it for sure.

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        i wonder if it would just kinda fall apart tho if you cut it.  it might not really hold the shape.

                        i guess you could give it a try… i mean… it is a dollar.  lol…

                      • Gravehearted
                        2428 posts Send Private Message

                          yes – the wreaths would be just fine, since you checked it over for glue or staples / nails.

                        • Sarita
                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                            Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about Henri wearing this as a necklace LOL. Not sure about Acorn though.

                          • Gravehearted
                            2428 posts Send Private Message

                              ooo reminding me of getting heads stuck in stuff…. 

                              here’s Viktor and his willow ball. he wasn’t remotely distressed, so i had to snap a pic!

                            • MooBunnay
                              3087 posts Send Private Message

                                OMG hahaha what a fantastic pic!

                              • babybunsmum
                                3896 posts Send Private Message

                                  hahahaha.. you can post this pic on your front door with a caption "killer bunny on the premesis… if muzzle is off RUN FOR YOUR LIFE"

                                • Scarlet_Rose
                                  4293 posts Send Private Message

                                    Oh gravehearted that is just too funny!

                                    babybunsmum you made me laugh even harder, that is a great idea!

                                  • Beka27
                                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                                      or a furry version of Hannibal Lector… lol…

                                    • Gravehearted
                                      2428 posts Send Private Message

                                        Babybunsmum – that’s a great idea to ward off solicitors!!

                                        Hareiette has one of those beware of attack rabbit signs on her house, since she thinks she’s quite ferocious.

                                        Viktoron the other hand isn’t so intimidating. He might lick you to death.

                                      • DustBunneh'sMama
                                        77 posts Send Private Message

                                          Ha ha – I was just thinking "Silence of the Lambs" on that one…quid pro quo, Clarice…ha ha ha.  Speaking of willow balls…I just got my order of bunny toys today, and my little bundle of fur cannot get enough of that thing!  I didn’t think he would even notice it or care, but he loves it. I also got him one of those grass balls with the grass inside it…whew…he is very thrilled with his new toys!  Hopefully, he won’t get his head stuck like Viktor!

                                        • Gravehearted
                                          2428 posts Send Private Message

                                            I’m really happy to hear that the Earl is really enjoying the willow balls. My bunnies all go berserk for them, they don’t usually last more than a few days with my three.

                                            I like the grass balls too, once he eats all the hay you keep adding more. My buns are funny since it’s exciting again every time it gets more hay.

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                                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Grapevine wreaths