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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A gay bunny

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    • lilmizzsnickerz
      318 posts Send Private Message

        today my rabbit domino and my nairbours 2 rabbits all unfixed where running around the garden the thing is domino and the other male rabbit totally ignored the female rabbits and took it in turns to hump each other is this normal?

      • BinkyBunny
        8776 posts Send Private Message

          Yes, this is normal.  It is most likely due to dominance humping.  Rabbits will do this to establish who is the alpha male or female.  It makes no difference what sex they are. But there is a hierarchy within males, within females and within males and females together.  Even spayed and neutered bunnies will do this to each other to establish a hierarchy.

        • ubergoober
          71 posts Send Private Message

            I think its more of an assertion or dominant thing lol Very much play but I think its also how they test the waters to see who gets to be the alpha bunn. I could be wrong….but most animals will mount and hump either sex.

          • MooBunnay
            3087 posts Send Private Message

              Hmmm now isn’t that just like a boy to be so busy trying to posture for the other males that he forgets all about the females….
              are the females spayed? you probably don’t want the boys running around humping unspayed females…there could be lots of babies realllllly quick that way!!

            • lilmizzsnickerz
              318 posts Send Private Message

                yea the females not spayed shes about 2 months old their was another female to a big rabbit whos about 4 years old but the males just didnt bother with the females so im srry to announce domino has lost his innocence =( wat age can i get domino fixed? hes 4 months

              • MooBunnay
                3087 posts Send Private Message

                  Hi! I know the female is still young, but I would advise the owner to start bein careful allowing her bunny around non fixed boys – I think when I was doing the research I saw that the unspayed females can get pregnant as young as 3 months, and of course getting pregnant at such a young age is very dangerous for them, so make sure she stops letting her girl run around with non fixed boys!

                • lilmizzsnickerz
                  318 posts Send Private Message

                    yea she thought they were two boys lol

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                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A gay bunny