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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Four new kittens, but not the best start.

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    • Bin
      8 posts Send Private Message

        Hi All,

        I got four 2-month-ish old girls last weekend, but been switching internet provider since then so unable to post on here. I’d love to know what breeds I have and I will ask at some point, two sets of sisters, pretty sure one pair has some Belgian hare in them. They’ve all got completely different personalities.

        The bad news is one (called Ebony, because she’s white) was sneezing constantly all through the night, I wanted to ask what it meant, but no internet, so I used my mobile data to google it and then decided to go to the vet ASAP (which took 2 days) quite stressful, it’s been years since I’ve had a rabbit and then this to start?

        Well she’s doing better, still sneezing a bit, but another one (called Bun, because she’s the naughty one and I want something easy to shout) just got Diarrhoea, called the vets (well actually the store attached to the vet) and they said it was just “moving in issues” – knowing a bit more about rabbits than their staff apparently does; we insisted on a vet visit immediately where they gave her some injections and medicine…

        That was clearly not the appropriate treatment, she’s gotten so ill, it’s really upsetting, I’m sure she’s only got inches of life left. I obviously took her to a more reputable vet who referred us to a specialist, she’s now in hospital on fluids etc. but she’s only 2 months old, I don’t know how much she can take. It’s really emotional and because we’ve only had them a week they’re not vaccinated/insured etc

        The hospital called us up today to say she’s not gotten any better or worse, if she makes it through the night we can visit tomorrow. How unlucky is this? I guess I’m not really asking for answers kinda just want to get it off my chest, so if you want to help, posting pictures of your buns would be great.

        Here’s a picture of them under my computer desk (before I covered the tarp) Bun is the lionhead, sitting next to Ebony. Blossom is the shy one delicately named, and Simba on the back is the escape artist (to the elephant graveyard reference) suggestions to breeds is great, Ebony and Blossom have the posture of hares which you can’t see in this.

      • Bam
        16992 posts Send Private Message

          I’m very sorry this happened to Ebony. Diarrhea is (sadly) not very rare in young buns, and she is of course very young. It is as you know a true vet emergency, and fatality is high even with the best vet care. The diarrhea can be due to a parasite called coccidia or to a severe disruption of the GI microbiota. The gut “flora” is very sensitive and delicate in young buns.

          I hope she’ll recover. If she doesn’t, you’ve done all that can be done. They are lovely all four of them! If you want to distract yourself by looking at cute bunny pictures, go take a look at our August picture thread:

          Keeping little Ebony in my thoughts.

        • Bin
          8 posts Send Private Message

            Hi Bam

            Ebony is the one which had the sneezes, it’s Bun which is in hospital now. I think the last vet I went to knows the best treatment but I’m expecting the choice tomorrow of whether we administer an antibiotic to her, which apparently affects growth (I think cartilage) in young rabbits. They’re taking stool samples currently to try and find out what’s the issue, apparently blood tests are hard when they’re so young.

            Thanks for the link to the picture thread, that’s exactly what I was looking for Rabbits are easily my favourite animals (don’t tell my other pets, but I think the cat’s figured it out) and they’re so much more intelligent than people give them credit for.

          • Bam
            16992 posts Send Private Message

              My apologies for getting Ebony and Bun mixed up =/ Many healing vibes for (((((Bun))))) It does sound like she’s in very capable hands.

              Rabbits are wonderful creatures =) =) =)

            • Bin
              8 posts Send Private Message

                Not at all And I appreciate your concern, I’m just glad somebody knows what’s going on, it’s worrying how must people don’t know about rabbits.

                Ebony has started sneezing again but we only just gave her medicine and she’s very active but vets asap as soon as I think she’s getting worse.

                “How long do rabbits live for?”
                “1 – 2 years
                In the wild” – Google, right now

              • Bam
                16992 posts Send Private Message

                  It’s not uncommon for bunny airway infections to need
                  several weeks of antibiotics to clear up.

                  In the wild, rabbits live short lives.

                • Bin
                  8 posts Send Private Message

                    Ok thanks, that’s a piece of mind, I’ll probably mention it at least to the vet tomorrow, we’re expecting a phone call.

                    Yeah I agree they do, I just feel they should also state domesticated, as loads of people think they’re short term pets. Not on this forum of course.

                  • Bin
                    8 posts Send Private Message

                      Hi all,

                      Here’s an update. We’ve just got home from the hospital to visit Bun, her poop samples confirmed what you said Bam, coccidia. Fortunately there’s not a huge amount detected, and Bun has made amazing progress, she managed to eat two bits of dandelion apparently, and did one normal sphere poop; so hopefully that means her digestive tract is starting to get the right balance of bacteria etc.

                      Here’s a picture of her, it looks cute because you think she’s gone to the hospital to fix a broken ear (it’s where the IV goes in)

                      So yeah, not out of the water yet, but she was looking around this morning, and I’m feeling much more optimistic; hope everyone else is having a good weekend! If progress continues at this pace they reckon we can have her back Monday (approx 48 hours from now, on my timezone)

                    • Bunny House
                      1241 posts Send Private Message

                        She looks so precious! Often times, if buns are taken away too early from their moms, their gi tract doesn’t get the adequate good bacteria in it from the moms milk so they can be more prone to infections. Did the vet tell you to put her on probiotics so she can start to get those good bacteria building up in her system?

                        Bam gave you very good info. Make sure to give her extra lovin.

                        I would say the others bun might have pasturella since they are sneezing but you just don’t know until you swab it or put them on meds to see if it goes away.


                      • Bin
                        8 posts Send Private Message

                          I got them from a chain store, which personally I don’t condone, but they were all having so much fun, I heard people come in and say “might get one of those” and the thought of separating them when they were so happy upset me so we got all of them. I know the reality is more will just be bred and it’s a losing battle.

                          The point of the story is I work with the brother of the guy that breeds all the rabbits for that particular store and although I’m against the trade, it was good to know he gives them breaks between breeding (they’re on cycles) and all kittens are taken from the mother after the same time period, I think it was in the region of 8 weeks, does that sound reasonable or too soon?

                        • Gordo and Janice
                          703 posts Send Private Message

                            Welcome to you and the whole crew. Positive healing vibes to ((((((((((Bun))))))))))

                          • Asriel and Bombur
                            1104 posts Send Private Message

                              They are quite cute, and I hope they all feel better soon, poor babies. 

                              As a side note, I know you didn’t want them separated, but unfortunately they should all have their own enclosures and shouldn’t be allowed to interact until they have all been spayed and neutered, then you will have to go through the proper bonding process. If they’re 8 weeks old and older, they will start hitting puberty soon, which means all they will want to do is fight and mate. Bunnies can fight to the death, so although they may be having fun right now, it can change in an absolute instant. So it’s best to have them all separate from the get go to avoid any unnecessary injuries. Females in particular are known to be pretty territorial and aggressive, especially with other females. 

                            • Bin
                              8 posts Send Private Message

                                Bun is now home with the rest of them, amazing recovery, I honestly thought I lost her. She now has droopy ears, they used to be upright, don’t know if it’s a temporary thing or not, I don’t really mind.

                                As for spaying them, how long should we wait? I’m planning on doing it as soon as it’s safe, as I know it has longer term health benefits too.

                              • Harley&Thumper
                                444 posts Send Private Message

                                  It’s normally safe to spay does at around six months of age. However, I believe they can get pregnant at 4 months so I would separate all of them ASAP just in case one of them turns out to be a buck.

                                • Asriel and Bombur
                                  1104 posts Send Private Message

                                    Agreed with H&T.

                                    If they were “mixed breed” odds are one of even a few of them might be lopped ears. So it’s nothing to be concerned about

                                  • Bam
                                    16992 posts Send Private Message

                                      So glad to hear Bun is home! As for separation and spay/neutering most bun breeders separate at 12 eeks at the latest. Boy buns can be neutered as soon as the testicles drop, but vet’s have different policies regarding at what age they spay/neuter buns. My rabbit vet neuters boys at 5 months and does at 7.

                                    • Bin
                                      8 posts Send Private Message

                                        Maybe they were separated too early and that’s why two got ill Bun definitely had upright ears before they’re just lopped now, I’m not worried I guess it’ll be a reminder if they never go up again.

                                        Thanks for the additional info, I am a bit worried one might be a buck just because people make mistakes I really don’t want to separate them though as they’re still all playing loads. I guess I’ll call my vet to see when they’d personally spay them. We do have options to separate them for a little while if needed; I had to do that with my guinea pigs already which was a shame.

                                      • Bunny House
                                        1241 posts Send Private Message

                                          I agree with everyone else, they really need to be separated as hormones can surf at any moment and one fight is all it takes for one to get seriously hurt.

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                                      Forum THE LOUNGE WELCOME ! Four new kittens, but not the best start.