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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Flakes–mites?

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    • poopy
      684 posts Send Private Message

        Medusa has always had (I have had her for 3 mos.) about a dime shaped area that has some small dandruff/flakes on the back of her neck, but not anywhere else. Could this be a small mite population? I noticed what seemed to be a quater size spot nearby that looked like it was thinning, but no flakes. I am trying not to be paranoid, but what if it is mites? She doesn’t seem to be scratching more than usual. Wouldn’t it be all over and alot worse if she had mites? Does anyone know if Advantage takes care of mild mite problems if I want to save myself a vet visit & ivermectin prescriptions?

      • Gravehearted
        2428 posts Send Private Message

          Symptoms like flaky skin often indicate the presence of mites, but it can also be fungal or bacterial dermatitis. Fur mites are usually found on the back and behind the neck. The bald spot is also something that’s common with mites. You need a microscope to see mites / confirm them though.

          And if she has them, you’ll need to treat Hecuba too.

          Advantage will not kill mites. Revolution also works well on both fleas & mites and is rabbit safe. You can get it from your vet. If it is mites – you’ll also need to clean their houses, linens and such

        • poopy
          684 posts Send Private Message

            why is the dandruff only in that same little spot?

          • LillyBear
            223 posts Send Private Message

              Not so scare you but your bun MIGHT have ringworm.. I actually think my bun has it right now. I am going to go to Walgreens and get some Tinactin cream to use on her (vet says its ok… but if it doesn’t go away then i will go to him and have him do somthing about it).. the cream is 8-12$ and takes 4-6weeks to work.. put it on the spots every day, rub it in, then wash your hands so you don’t get it also.. OK. yeah well i am going tonight to get some Tinactin, so just letting you know that MIGHT be what it is!

            • poopy
              684 posts Send Private Message

                what is your bunny’s symptoms? is it in a small area as well?? gosh i hope i didn’t get ringworm from touching it

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  Poopy, I  would really take her to the vet. I know it’s not always the most convenient (both timewise and financially), but unless you know for sure, then you could be trying out treatments that won’t even be useful, or you could end up trying a dosage that may not be healthy for your bunny.  

                • Gravehearted
                  2428 posts Send Private Message

                    I would recommend taking her to the vet too. The one thing to keep in mind is that although we all try to share good advice, it in no way is the same as taking your rabbit to the vet. If you’re seriously concerned at any point about your bunny’s health, seeing a vet is *well* worth the expense.

                  • poopy
                    684 posts Send Private Message

                      OK I just took them to see the head rabbit rescuer today and she thought it wasn’t anything to worry about so I don’t think I’ll get her skin scraped even though we are going to the vet tomorrow for Pookers’ physical. She thought it was probably allergic flea dermatitis since Medusa had fleas when I got her and the flakes when I got her. Since its a dime sized area she just said to watch it and if it gets worse we can give her Revolution. Regarding the overgrooming she thought it was Pookers’ psychological thing.

                    • Spacehopper
                      540 posts Send Private Message

                        I am an over-reactive parent when it comes to my Bum .  And if YOU think something is wrong with your bunny then it’s worth going to the vet (just for peace of mind)…my other half said I was seeing things when I saw threadworms a-wriggling on the Brian’s poop.  Even taking one to show him wasn’t enough to convince him I was sane!  And the REALLY annoying thing was that the vet called me there immediately as an emergency with them thinking it might be flystrike (Jesus how I panicked!), and then had the cheek to doubt me too, "Well I’m sorry it slipped my mind to grab a handful of poops on my way out the door!" BUT as they say "Mother’s know best!", a worming treatment and £30 less in my bank, but Brian perked up, started eating again and no wriggly has been seen since.

                        I also took him to the vet’s a little while back as he had dry skin on the back of his neck, and his fur was thinning.  And I was sure he was scratching more than usual.  AGAIN I was seen to be going mad!  Although with my sudden obsessive cleaning and hoovering everything in sight and out I think I was actually going a bit loopy, and at one point I was caught hoovering my furry boot slippers.   The vet gave a course of injections (3 weeks worth and about £70), she again couldn’t find anything!, even did a patch test with some sticky tape under the microscope, couldn’t see anything.  Strange thing again tho was the bun perked up once more.  The boyfriend still thinks I imagined it all, right down to the small bites I had all over me, all I can say is yes it cost me a small fortune, but 1)  It put my mind at rest, and 2) Brian’s wellbeing is most important. 

                        So I say if you know that there’s something not quite right with Pooker, have the vet check it out.  Stops you worrying over nothing if nothing else. 

                      • poopy
                        684 posts Send Private Message

                          Ya I think I am being overreactive from reading too many rabbit health horror stories. And since this is my 1st experience w/ rabbits its hard to recognize what is really a health concern.

                        • LillyBear
                          223 posts Send Private Message

                            spacehopper.. i just took my bun to the vet today because of a bald dandruffy spot she just got on her neck.. they did a mite test and it was negative.. i told him I thought it might be fungal.. The Dr. didn’t run a test in order to save me $$ and gave me some anti fungal, anti septic, and anti inflamatory meds.. its looking better now that she isn’t scratching at it all the time.. because she made it bleed!! So yeah, you may want to take your bun to the vet and he can give her somthing.. honestly.. for all this my bill was $64 and it was worth it : )

                          • LillyBear
                            223 posts Send Private Message

                              oh and poopy the skin scrape test over here was only 8$ so honestly it isn’t much…

                            • BinkyBunny
                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                SpaceHopper – I’m with you.  I am the same way.  And most times my husband is like….eh…seems fine to me!     But I just know something is wrong and with bunnies, they really can be fragile when it comes to health, and so acting quickly on things is important.   I also think that women can be better at noticing the smaller nuances of change than some men.  (notice I was very careful not to say all!)

                                My husband is an expert on focusing on one thing and completing it.  I get distracted much easier, so he wins that one, but when it comes to noticing changes that are not in his current field of focus, then it’s just a blur.      So basically he keeps us on track moving forward, and I make sure nothing is left on the sidelines.    

                                It’s that kind of awareness of what’s happening with your bunny that will save them when something really serious happens. (because rabbits are so skilled at hiding illness)

                              • poopy
                                684 posts Send Private Message

                                  Ha the skin scrape test in Cali is at least 20 and usually 30….sure you want to move to LA!??

                                • Spacehopper
                                  540 posts Send Private Message

                                    BinkyBunny – these men – cuh! I scream when i get told there’s nothing wrong with him, how the bl**dy hell he would know I don’t know. It’s me who cleans him out, changes his litter bin, picks dandelions and grass from the garden daily! i’m sure you can see the diorection I’m heading in here. lol “He’s NOT fine!!”… how I can chuckle tho when he moans how Brian doesn’t like him. 🙂

                                  • poopy
                                    684 posts Send Private Message

                                      Spacehopper your avatar is so cute! We demand more pix!

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                                  Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Flakes–mites?