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Forum BEHAVIOR Digging in Litter Box

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    • rissakai007
      54 posts Send Private Message

        My rabbit, Lola, digs in the litter box. I used to have a small corner and a kitten litter box in their cage but she digs in both and then flips them, even the corner one that hooks onto the side of the cage. Their current litter box is normal size with the sheild piece around the edges which does nothing because of the spot where it levels out to the box for an entrance where the litter is flung from. I use recycled newspaper pellet litter which breaks down and looks like dirt. So, their entire cage is covered in urine smelling dirt and poops. We have a specially made fleece liner for their cage so in order to clean the mess I must pull it up, shake it out onto the coroplast base, sweep it, and take the liner to the laundry mat. I can only do this once a week on weekends so if it’s a mess Monday then it’ll be a mess til at least Friday. There’s no point in scooping the litter back in because it’s flung out in 10mins. I have considered buying a litter box online with an elevated grate piece. I’m not interested in the screen option at the Binky Bunny store because I’m worried Lola will pull it up and I have a Lionhead who has enough problems with poop sticking in his fur as it is. How does anyone else deal with litter digging/tossing? 

      • RabbitPam
        11002 posts Send Private Message

          I have found that the digging and tossing stops the next day when I clean the litter pan again. Also, your bunny might not like that litter, and is trying to get you to change it. It’s possible that they don’t like the pellets type. Try buying the smallest bag of a different kind, like Carefresh (the natural is like small popcorn. Don’t pay more for the colors) and see if it still happens. You can also try Aspen shavings instead (Never use Pine or Cedar shavings, however) because they can dig but still might find the shavings softer and comfortable.

          Bunnies can’t talk, so they communicate to us with actions. If Lola wants more play time outside her habitat, she might dig in protest. take her out and let her run for a short time and see if it continues. But it sounds like both of you need a different, better litter. I love anything made of Aspen, pellets or shavings, because it is best for absorbing odor and is a safe wood for bunnies. (If you must use pellets and want cheaper, just switch to Feline Pine next to see if that works. Just never use Pine shavings instead.)

        • rissakai007
          54 posts Send Private Message

            That sounds like a good idea. I think I will try the CareFresh stuff! She actually digs the most in her litter box when I would put the new litter in. Then it would die off throughout the week as more of it was pushed out and she pees on the stuff spread around the cage at that point. I’m actually getting ready to go out and wash the fleece liner right now so I’ll pick up a new litter too.

          • tanlover14
            3617 posts Send Private Message

              My newest one is literally BURROWING her way through the litter box. I actually lost sight of her once (but she’s a tiny little thing anyways). She’s also extremely fluffy so believe me… I feel your pain. I use CareFresh though and all my buns do dig through their litter but like yours.. my new girl is MUCH different. Literally it’s everywhere. If it’s your fluffy bun in your pic, then I’m not sure I would try the CareFresh. Cleaning it out of her fur has been a chore and a half, lol!

            • tanlover14
              3617 posts Send Private Message

                I’ll add though that the CareFresh I just vacuum up and it doesn’t get stuck in the carpet or anything so it MAY be easier for you personally. I won’t be switching litter because I’m too worried my others will lose their litter habits, I just suffer through the daily groomings of her piles of fur!

              • rissakai007
                54 posts Send Private Message

                  Lola is actually my Holland Lop, lol. I have added a kitten litter box to the cage along with the regular sized one, both with CareFresh. I did this Saturday and it seems like she is much happier with it so far. I’ve also been adding some mint to the hay in the boxes.

                • Elrohwen
                  7318 posts Send Private Message

                    I have grates down over the litter in both of my boxes since my girl will dig. I got one from the BinkyBunny store, and made the other myself with stuff I found in the garden center of the hardware store. Both of my litter boxes are large and fairly heavy, so while they can push them out of the way, they can’t actually toss them and flip them over. The grids are really effective and my girl has never figured out how to pull it up. I put hay over the top, so they can’t even really see it.

                  • TK2628
                    7 posts Send Private Message

                      Care Fresh litter is best litter out there for bunnies right now. Your goal is to get a “dust free” litter, never ever use cat litter & don’t use those scented shaving litters either because bunnies have very sensitive noses & the high perfume levels even hurts their eyes.

                      In regards to the bunny digging in it’s litter box, this behavior is totally normal. Bunnies like to dig holes to live in while out in nature & they love to nest whether male or female, in anything that reminds them of that. Litter boxes also seem to make the bunny feel secure if it has high sides to it. The bunny litter box should be at least (2) times bigger than the bunny. Let them dig & rearrange the litter. They think it’s pretty fun to do this. And, it’s very normal. The digging helps keep their claws & front teeth trimmed.

                      A bunny who is “scraping or biting” the inside or edge of it’s little box or bowls has one of three things going on. He/She is just filing down their teeth as a bunnies teeth grow continuously. Or, the bunny has something like a piece of hay or other substance stuck in their front teeth. It’s important to check their long teeth for any food that may be stuck in between them. Bunnies have (4) molars for grinding food in the back of their mouths & the only way to check those is through their Vet. But, their front teeth can be checked by you on a regular basis. If you see food stuck in them, gently use a moist Q-tip to remove the food, being “extremely careful” not to harm their fragile gums. And finally, the bunny may be trying to get minerals from it’s urine that has soaked into the plastic of the litter box. A diet rich in fresh veggies, Timothy Hay & Timothy pellets with help this behavior stop. (DO NOT) feed your (adult) rabbit alfalfa hay or pellet as it has too much calcium in it & can cause bladder stones & kidney failure in adults rabbits. If you feel your bunny is lacking in vitamins, always take them to a Vet who is an expert in rabbits for further testing. (never assume the family Vet is a rabbit expert unless they say so. most regular vets have very little experience with buns so always double check before allowing them to treat your rabbit) 

                      Bunnies dig at furniture with their front paws because they are unhappy with the human. Bunnies do not have many ways to speak to us. But, one of those ways is to dig just like Lola above was doing to her couch. She was upset at whatever her owner was doing, such as picking her up to film her or playing with her when she wasn’t in the mood. When your bunny digs like that, they are “frustrated” with us. Best to put bunny back into their save place & let them do their own thing until they come back to you to seek affection. Bunnies will also do a strong “kick flick” I call it, while running away from us when frustrated, kind of like them saying, “I didn’t like you picking me up & now I’m running away & I’m going to kick my hind feet out a little harder at you as I exit.”

                      Digging with front paws on furniture or doing hard “kick flicks” are a bunnies way of saying, “I’m frustrated, I have rights as a bunny & I want to do my own thing.”

                    • rissakai007
                      54 posts Send Private Message

                        The second time I changed the litter with carefresh again she went back to the digging. I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t being flung outside the litter box. I wish there was a better way for her to fill her digging needs. A way that isn’t so messy. At least it’s carefresh instead of yesterday’s news being flung out so it doesn’t turn into dirt.

                      • MoveDiagonally
                        2361 posts Send Private Message

                          Have you considered a litter box screen to prevent digging?


                        • Kbana
                          529 posts Send Private Message

                            Maybe you want to try a digging box for her. You can fill a shallow box with some shredded papers and maybe some hay to encourage her to dig there instead? Besides a screen that is the only other thing I can think of. Also, couldn’t see if you already said but do you put hay in the litter box? If not, I wonder if that would help. She would be too busy eating maybe. LOL. It seems like that is all mine does…sits in his box all day munching on hay.

                          • Peony
                            216 posts Send Private Message

                              I do not know if this is true or not for yours but every time I see stories about flinging dishes or litterboxes I think it is from them being small. My litterbox is meant for more for a cat I believe, 15 by 17 inches, 4 inches deep. She digs in there but does not get anything flung out other then maybe a few stands of hay (Though i think that is more caused room her eating the hay from outside the box) I change it every 2 days.

                            • rissakai007
                              54 posts Send Private Message

                                I currently have 2 litter boxes for them. One at each end opposite corners. One is a kitten litter box. The other is the normal cat litter box with the sheild piece around the outer edges except the entry spot which is normal litter box hight. They both have carefresh and hay in them. Plus a separate supply of hay. She digs the most when the litter is fresh. She hasn’t digged in the kitten box really since i switched litters. Just the big one. I don’t really want to get a screen (I was considering the grated litter box) because my other rabbit has problems with poo sticking to him already. Maybe it wouldn’t be a problem with the screen? Idk . I’d just be annoyed to buy it and pay for shipping and then hate it.

                              • Peony
                                216 posts Send Private Message

                                  She is able to flip a cat box? O_o or are you saying that is what you changed to?

                                  Does her digging cause a mess from the big one?

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                              Forum BEHAVIOR Digging in Litter Box