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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › December photos !
boston loves dec 1st!
My buns are coming in on Sunday so I’ll have new pics soon=D
OMG HE’S SO CUTE I CAN’T CONTAIN IT! Bombur and Asriel absolutely hate wearing anything, so I’ll never get these cute photos. Buttt here’s the two of them being precious. Bombur loves to just lay with us on the bed, whether or not he’s getting pampered. The pic of Asriel in front of the TV is him excited for Walking Dead… he honestly knows every Sunday night to stand in front of the TV with the hay and he’ll watch with us.
Thanks guys aw look at that orange teddy bear laying on the duvet !!! Cute!
And bunnybuzz I remember that wait – it drags! I bet you are so super excited!!!
THAT IS SO CUTE!!! Where did you get a small enough hat?
lots of places have them , they are usually listed places as cat ones
Try local pet shops , eBay , AliExpress etc this one came with the hat and a scarf , I think Christmas Day I’ll take more of him and have his teddy bear wearing the scarf
Or maybe the scarf would make a good prop to dress Boston as Jack Frost the snowman !
had a play with the scarf dressing him as a snowman
Super cute pics to get us all in the Christmas spirit
Funny how Asriel knows about your TV moment, rabbits are so smart, they amaze me every day! Bas’ previous rabbit Waffie always had a girls’ night with his mum watching Gilmore Girls together on a tuesday.
Posted By Asriel and Bombur on 12/01/2017 9:30 AM
OMG HE’S SO CUTE I CAN’T CONTAIN IT! Bombur and Asriel absolutely hate wearing anything, so I’ll never get these cute photos. Buttt here’s the two of them being precious. Bombur loves to just lay with us on the bed, whether or not he’s getting pampered. The pic of Asriel in front of the TV is him excited for Walking Dead… he honestly knows every Sunday night to stand in front of the TV with the hay and he’ll watch with us.
@Asriel and Bombur
Orange buns seem to be prone to good temperament.
Asriel obviously knows what’s up. He is so smart, with such personality, it comes through in his photo.
Ash, our Holland Lop, likes to snuggle while we watch tv, too.
He will actually watch the screen which makes me feel a little guilty that I’m a bad influence.
This is pretty common in other pets since a lot of animals like to watch movement but bunnies’ human interactions are reminding more and more of all the cats I grew up with.
Also, they tear around the house and knock things down for fun, like cats.
When they play with me one on one, they remind me of puppies.
When they’re interacting with each other, they definitely remind me of wolves and even lions sometimes (especially with their whole Alpha-Sentinel dynamic).
Right?! It’s so weird. I’ve always described Bombur as a golden retriever but Asriel is a cat through and through. Buns are odd and wonderful little creatures
What’s your buns favorite show?
I’ve always described Boston as a golden retriever in a otter like body funny!
Boston also likes certain tv shows that are my children’s favourites – Dora and paw patrol start and Boston is already watching before the kids even realise it’s on
That’s too funny! I wonder if the puppy trait is a lop thing
It could be … my Flemish giants weren’t puppy like , they were more what I expected with bunnies – more cat like
I don’t know, Thor is definitely channeling her inner cat… little monster
Happy December everyone!
Those eyes are totally judging you. ?
OMG, the cuteness. I can’t even…..
Boston is def one of the most photogenic BB buns, for sure. Some buns just really seem to know how cute they are, ya know?
A Bindi Bear and a Bumble
Thor is waiting for the present drop off by the looks haha
Bindi how cute!!! How old is he now? He’s the Only older lop I’ve seen ( my oldies were Flemish giants ) and it is hard to find pictures of older lops ( like 8 + ) On the net. He’s so sweet looking – like his photos appear as if his personality would be so sweet I’m meaning
He’s about 10 1/2. My little grampa bear.
Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 12/03/2017 8:48 AM
OMG, the cuteness. I can’t even…..
Boston is def one of the most photogenic BB buns, for sure. Some buns just really seem to know how cute they are, ya know?
A Bindi Bear and a Bumble
Bindi, my darling! You have a twin!
Bindi has an even closer twin! Check out this pic!!! He won a photo contest for this pic. He was a wee bit younger and whiter then.
F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C. !!!!!!
Bindi is adorable! And I’m not one for Christmas-y things, but I’d display that Bumble all year long. (And it’s a great name for a bunny.)
The Bumble is awesome, for sure. And makes a great name for a white bunny! Especially a territorial one.
Bindi!!! That’s hilarious! And him with the plushy, so cute!
The boys have been geeking out about Trollhunters, so the hubby ordered them a box of Mystery Minis.
Of course they didn’t wanna share…
Mosby: “MINE!!!”
Oscar: “JERK!!!”
Sooo, we had to take them away and keep them for ourselves. Peace was restored.
Oscar: “Nice going, idiot.”
Mosby: “Shut up…”
And one of the puppy. He broke one of his ceramic bowls, so now he has to eat off the floor until his slopper stoppers arrive. Mosby is happy to help clean up the mess.
Can you believe they were the same size a few months ago??
HAhahahahahahha! I’m laughing ans smiling and ohhhhing and ahhhing. LOVE THE BUNNY CUTENESS!
My xmas buns.
Posted By Hazel on 12/05/2017 2:35 PM
Of course they didn’t wanna share…
Mosby: “MINE!!!”
Oscar: “JERK!!!”
Sooo, we had to take them away and keep them for ourselves. Peace was restored.
Oscar: “Nice going, idiot.”
Mosby: “Shut up…”
Thanks for showing real time interactions between buns and other pets.
So many of us wonder how they will fare.
All your fur behbehs look like they feel comfortable and secure. They are a lucky fur family.
Loving the cute photos
boston is loving that his stimach is less sensitive now ( touch wood!)
and he says “you call ny colour blue point , i say food point ! “
Domino&Ash: Thank you! We try to keep them happy, but they don’t always appreciate it.
Boston is such a cutie, even with veggie mouth!
We have finally found a secret weapon against the pup from hell: Pork Chomps! Or as the hubby has aptly named it, “The Good Boy Bone”. If he has one of those in his mouth, he cares about nothing else. He doesn’t jump, or nip, or cry or destroy stuff. The cats can walk right by him and he wont even notice.
And yes, it took an insane amount of self control for him not to tear into it while I took the picture.
Zoning out and enjoying all the flavors.
It’s finally cold enough to turn on the space heater. Lily has been waiting for this moment for 9 months. We keep telling her she’ll end up blinding herself, but she doesn’t care…
Wonderful pictures!
Otis is beautiful. That pork chomp reminds me of a Christmas gift Effi got when se was a pup. It was a bone much like that, but filled with dried tripe. It had a terrible, terrible smell but it had the same effect on Effi as the pork chomp seems to have on Otis. Nothing else mattered!
This is a poor quality picture, but it’s so blissful. Bam having a Sunday morning rest in the chair next to me, with an almost-finished apple twig beside him:
My mam went to the shops to pick up bread, forgot the bread and came home with a childrens cardboard play house for the rabbits instead!
Yumi and Peep, peeking out the door ( that is his face):
Added additional boxes to create an upstairs for them, seeing as they both like to perch on things
They are both compulsive chewers, so a box full of boxes is a wonderland, especially for Peep who loves hidey holes and tunnel like areas. The marvels of cardboard!
Dface thats greeeat !!! Dod mam have to go back out and get the bread !!!??? Haha
Hazel – so funny. Idiot. Shut up!!! Rofl.
How long does the bone last? I’m trying to find the cheapest bone which lasts the longest. A turkey neck lasts 5 secs flat!!!!
A rolled rawhide cigar is my preferred choice at the mo. That and of course the KONG!!
Baloo has asked Santa grandparents for an ANTLER. Apparently they last forever. Should do at £12… !!!
Baloo is like that with bone and stuuffed Kong. The buns can do WHATEVER they like when he’s busy chomping. And he gets one too when i clean the buns out as he frets and whines and barks when i go in the enclosure….
I call it the “peaceful life” bone time !!!! A bit like putting kids in front of a Disney film !!!!! Ahhhhhhh sileeeenceeeeee.
I do still though go and REMOVE it briefly from him each time to check he doesn’t get possessive about it. I thank him and ask him to be calm before I give it back.
He is absolutely fine with me taking it. Not withthe cats….but they’ve worked that out now!!
Aww, Bam is such a sweet boy! These bones don’t really smell too bad, they just make the house smell like old bacon.
Dface: That’s awesome! Your mom has her priorities straight!
Vienna: It doesn’t last very long unfortunately. When we bought the first one we were hoping it would replace his old nylabone. After seeing how much of that he was ingesting, we wanted to go a more natural route. If we just let him have it he would probably finish one off in a day or two. So we only give it to him in puppy-is-bouncing-off-the-walls/we-need-five-minutes-of-quiet emergency situations. That way one will last about a week or two. These pork bones are supposed to be easier on the stomach than rawhide, but I don’t know if that’s really the case or if it’s just a marketing thing. I was actually looking into getting him an antler as well, hopefully they will last longer like you said! Otis doesn’t get mad when I take it away, but he does try to escape with it or hold onto it.
Dface- Fun!!! My Mom is giving Evi one of those for Christmas. I’m sure it will be used by our cat and bunnies too!
Hazel- His eyes in the first pic….made laugh…
Aww……little Bammy…..Sunday is a good day for rest and snuggling.
O Christmas Tree. O Christmas Tree. How Disapproving is thy Booplesnoot.
Snuggling with my little Bindi Bear
LPT love your beautiful white boys! Sterling is so tolerant of costumes
Dface – what a lovely playhouse! They are such cute puffs of fluff
First snow of the year here, I brought some in for Thor to play with
After these were taken, she jumped right in the bucket and we had a very wet, cold bunny making a huge mess in the kitchen. A good time was had by all!
Haha, awesome! She looks like she’s having a blast
@ Hazel: Mosby is a great name! Is that after the HIMYM character?
look at the way this random boy decided to sleep today
Thor- Naww thats so cute! I really want to see what mine would make of the snow, but unfortunately we haven’t gotten any.
VB-No we just had to go without bread !
Cute snow pics!!! We just had our first snow this weekend toy. Love a White Christmas!!!
Look at mys bum!!! Isn’t it nice????
Awwww what cuties! We also had our first snow this weekend which Dusty LOVED and Ivory wouldn’t go near it lol
Drat – I forgot to go get some snow for Panda and Fernando to play with. No wonder they were in a mood this morning.
Wish it snowed here! They look like they having so much fun
Super Clover to the rescue! (She forgot her cape again)
Bunny yoga!
Posted By Bladesmith on 12/10/2017 9:13 PM
@ Hazel: Mosby is a great name! Is that after the HIMYM character?
Thanks! Back when we got him, someone (I think bam?) asked me the same thing! He’s actually named after Clay Mosby (played by Eric McCormack) from Lonesome Dove. He’s our favorite character!
Super Clover makes me feel safe!
Thor looks like she had a great time!
Even a bucket of snow couldn’t make Boston look any more chill.
Bubbles is still on cage rests, his leg isn’t healed yet. To cheer him up, we got him a new sleeping bag. It’s a Christmas stocking I found at Target. It’s white and fluffy, just like him. I had to have it.
I think he likes it.
Come Rescue Me, Clover!!!!! I need a big bunneh for huggin!!!!
Bubbles is so cute!
@ Bladesmith – That looks so unbelievable unless you have a rabbit and know that position is quite possible. What a chill rabbit
@ Hazel – Oh my goodness! It matches him
Cords, Timothy Mat, boxes… nope. No chewing. Just give him his grey napkin to sit on and he’s happy.
The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
That is a fantastic picture of Clover!
Wick. No. That’s not fair. Mine are like bloodhounds when it comes to wires. My bedroom is actually a wire free zone because the are so bad.
Sampras didn’t even have teeth and he’d sit there guming them.
Yumi can’t even be carried past them too closely or she’ll stretch and grab at them!
Where is the justice!
I suppose the justice is Wick needs a molar grinding every 1 to 2 months, haha. I’m both grateful and pay the price for Wick’s ease of chewing. He’s an exclusive hay man.
The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
boston turned around with a stick in his mouth and i had to take a pic!
tony soprano impersonation
Wick- I’d say justice, but bunnies being poorly is never justice!…also both of my boys have been dental bunnies ( Samp was every 4-6 weeks) Peep is decidedly less than that but that might be because he also chews the walls.
WOW! Wish my buns were like that…
That’s amazing! I’m dreading doing Boston’s next time as he has become grumpy this molt whenever the nail clippers or brush comes out :/
BM – Very cute mobster impression
So cute! Olaf’s snow video last year was the first one I ever saw of a bun playing in snow. I didn’t get the chance to have Luna try it last year, but we just got 4-5 inches yesterday so I’ll have plenty of opportunities over the next couple weeks.
Yay! I hope you get the chance. I’m sure she’ll love it – or at least be pretty darn cute trying to figure out what to do with it.
Hahaha, Olaf is such a charmer ^_^
I’ve just watched the three vids. B.R.I.L.L.I.A.N.T. So funny.
Olaf. I heart you !!! ❤️
Panda and Fernando enjoying their evening snack (a couple of tablespoonfuls of plain rolled oats). Panda has an unfortunate tendency to get greedy and grab at the bowl with her teeth and paws to get them all for herself, which Fernando, naturally, takes exception to. They’re starting to get better about sharing, though.
Awe, thank you Ellie and Vienna! I hope to have a Christmas video ready this year.
Too cute, joea64! I don’t blame you, Panda – that’s how I feel about hors d’oeuvres at holiday parties.
So jealous of all the snow!!!!
Loving all the photos though !
Yeah I hope it snows here, I’m definitely going to bring some in fir the buns if it does!
We finally got a bit of snow that didn’t melt in 10 minutes, so we took Chester to play on the balcony. He was not impressed
“It’s too cold out here, let me back in!”
He ran around a little bit, but ran back inside quickly Video:
Loved catching up on this thread
Love the detail on the pic of Chester, all these snowflakes in his beautiful fur I hope he’ll enjoy his outdoor space more when it warms up again.
Breintje is also feeling the cold, the floor gets really cold because we’re on the ground floor of the building. We’ve tried everything from blankets to bunny beds to make him more comfy, but the oaf just throws them aside.
“What?! There’s a warm comfy blanket in my napping spot under the coffee table?! How dare they change my space!”
*Drags it away and starts loafing on the bare carpet*
“Mom, my butt is cold!”
Normally he’d only sit on the couch to join me. It took him a while to find out, but he finally noticed that it’s warmer than the floor. So we have a new couch resident, fingers crossed that my crafts will remain un-chewed. (Oh, who am I kidding…)
Sometimes, I forget Wick is a runt and he’ll forever remain tiny. He’s like a slightly larger version of himself from 8wo… He likes this camera angle because you can’t see his facial fur loss.
The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
BM – When did you get those cute reindeer?
Bubbles – Those little paw prints!
Ellie – Breintje looks cozy, and possibly like he is plotting how to execute a territorial takeover of the entire couch – “Goodbye cold butt!”
Wick – I think he has a kind of “mature-look” when you compare him to his baby pics. Still tiny and cute though .
don’t know? Santa must have forgotten them on Christmas last year
Awww, Wick definitely looks grown up, but in that special ND baby style. They’ll always look slightly baby-ish, and that’s what I adore about the breed.
Is he moulting?
Yesterday I was having a little evening fruit snack. As I was trying to send a picture of it to Bas, I ended up with this weird shot. You guessed it: the brown blur zooming past is Breintje artfully stealing a raspberry and zooming off with his prize The little sneak thief…
When is Wick not molting. He’s been molting constantly since August. Sometimes it’s a full-body line, sometimes it’s just a patch… mayhem. His fur is also quite shiny too, so it highlights his molt-ness.
The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
LOL Ellie, if Breintje were a superhero, his alter ego would be called The Blur – and his superpowers would be…??
Posted By Q8bunny on 12/20/2017 12:04 AM
LOL Ellie, if Breintje were a superhero, his alter ego would be called The Blur – and his superpowers would be…??
Hehehe, definitely stealth, super speed and mind wipe by his C.U.T.E. attack.
Here’s unique footage of The Blur subduing his arch nemesis The Broom, head of the legions of C.L.E.A.N.!
Every day they conspire to undo all his works: they remove all the artfully strewn hay from his den, strip his carpet of the layers of fur, and even go so far as to steal his droppings! They also found his secret: he cannot resist the call of the treat! With the help of a secret agent, he’s tricked and trapped behind bars right before the legions of C.L.E.A.N. invade.
But our brave little warrior continues to build his strength by stealing morsels of food from his owners, so that one day he may overcome this great evil. And the world shall be a perfect blissful bunny mess, with piles of random hay everywhere and litterboxes filled up to the sky!
So great!
“Pff. Molar grindings? No biggie. I just got my fifth one done today. Let’s talk about this gross topical cream mom puts on me for my fungal infection.”
The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
Clover gets a big new chew toy, and for once it’s not me!
Aww, little Wick is such a big hero! And handsome too Glad that he’s so brave, many a bun will fight the vet like a hound of hell.
One of Bas’ former roommates was a vet assistant, and they had special gloves to handle especially fierce buns. He still shudders at the thought of some of his patients…
@Bladesmith: Hahaha, love nibbles. That looks like a fantastic toy BTW, does it have to be a special type of tree or can it be just any pine tree?
I bought a new planner for the new year yesterday, it had a cardboard cover with faux-leather look. You guessed it: it was chewed within hours… Guess Breintje already had plans for the new year and started working on them early.
Back to the shops and went for the one with the ugly plastic cover this time. This is why bunny owners can’t have nice things…
@Ellie; Fur as I know, Pine cones is pine cones. I have a huge one outside my house, and if the squirrels leave enough (They eat them green, uck.), we end up with these monsters.
Both my girls love some cones.
Rabbits are the most photogenic creatures on Earth. I’m now convinced of this.
Merry Christmas eve everybunny! Here are some Christmas themed pics.
I put on Eevie’s cute coat and attached a jingle bell on her collar. Smile Eevie!
Ok… maybe try smiling without the teeth?
Umm… How about you just do a normal face?
Queen Reese is wearing her Christmas crown
Here is the Christmassy look that Vinny calls “Dapper Bun”
Leo decided to become a French artist and now wears a Christmas beret.
Leo and Vinny look so upset in those pics, I don’t think they are as ok with wearing hats as Reese is. Oh well, they will get used to it! lol
Reese-I cant get over how similar Reese and Vinny are!! I had to take a second look!
Wick- I can never get over how cute that little paw is!
Ellie- Hahah they are such little ninjas when they want to be!!
Peeps fur really goes with santa hats it turns out! Yumi let me put some tinsel on her, but only as long as she was distracted by her christmas cracker (their one present they got to open early as it was from my boyfriend and he wanted to see them get it before he had to go home for Christmas )
Wow, Peep looks just like a little Santa Claus! They both are adorable
Peep looks just like a little Santa Claus
I thought so too! Finally that fur is useful for something!
These are so CUTE! You guys did so well to get photos of the buns with hats on.
I had so much trouble but will share these anyhow. Rumball wearing a hat for a split second.
Maybe I should have put it on Ailís instead. Oh well.
All adorable bunnies!! I couldn’t get Ophelia to wear anything for even a second, so we have to just try to use props around her!
She got some little gifts from the family, but her favorite thing this holiday seems to be chewing up leftover giftwrap rolls… go figure!
On the other hand, I got some cute bunny-themed gifts for myself. But, the highlight of my Christmas is absolutely the Cricut machine my husband got for me… if you don’t know what a Cricut is, don’t look into it…YOU WILL WANT ONE…
super cute pics
Awww, these are all really cute ^_^ Hoping everybunny is having a merry Christmas
Breintje is feasting on a special Christmas salad now, with corn salad, carrot tops, basil, and fennel chunks topped with grated carrot.
Yup, he’s circling it, not knowing what to pick first.
I had a lazy day today and opted for some classic Dutch comfort food: hachee (“hachay”). It’s beef stewed with a lot of onions and spices, gently simmered for hours until the beef falls apart and the onions turn into a thick gravy. You eat it with boiled floury potatoes which will soak up the gravy. Traditionally it’s accompanied by boiled red cabbage, but I had some red cabbage coleslaw left over from yesterday’s dinner. It’s made with oranges, raisins, thyme and shallots marinated in red wine vinegar. Perfect for a lazy overcast day
That looks so yummy, Ellie
How Panda and Fernando spent Christmas morning.
Beautiful thread
Ha! Panda and Fernando did well! Spoilt rotten.
Here’s a little something I saw online. Check it out:
Rofl “well this is nice y’awwllll. Merry christmas”
I wonder which order he put the animals on the table !!!! Hahahaa
Such cute pics of Panda and Fernando, no wonder they got so much gifts from Santa ^_^ They’re so adorable together
That Christmas dinner pic is awesome! How on earth do you manage to get those all eating quietly at the table?
This is the picture I took with my SpudPhone yesterday, Breintjes first ever flop next to me! He hardly ever flops, not even on the ground. We count it in times/year, so I was really honoured that he did it next to me.
Man, that pic is poor quality, but I did manage to capture the moment. It was over in seconds, and in very poor lighting. My phone tends to capture anything in a red hue because I have red curtains, and I’ve got no clue how to edit that out with filters.
Anyway, just enjoy the cute!
As promised… first ever photographic evidence that K can flop too! (+ bonus pic of his fatty belly)
squeeeeee! His little white toes!
Posted By jerseygirl on 12/28/2017 9:48 PM
Ha! Panda and Fernando did well! Spoilt rotten.
Here’s a little something I saw online. Check it out:
Suber adorable, but how did he get the hat to stay on the bunny and the bunny to stay in the hat? lol
Fatty bellies can’t be seen when you’re wearing a little black onesie
Christmas shoot at one of our local rescues
BunLuv – Beautifully cute! They look like they’re having so much fun checking out all the props .
Awww, Wick and his white snow shoes! Super cute pics
@BL: Gorgeous buns, great setup, looks really professional! Did you take those pics?
Heyyy BunLuv !!!! (Wave!!!)
Where ya been ?
How ya been ?
Over on to jan 2018 chat now xxxxxxx
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › December photos !