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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Dealing with storms, fireworks, etc…

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    • Aneipose
      6 posts Send Private Message

        It storms frequently around here, and every new year and 4th of July I have to prepare myself and my bunny for oncoming loud noises that make Jojo go crazy and thump all around. All the rooms in the house have windows that are very large, and in terms of blocking noise out they don’t do much when shut tight. 

        I constructed a little cardboard maze-like house under a table that’s also draped with cloth (as to create layers), so he can hide under it, but I know that no amount of cardboard could keep him from being frightened and hearing all the ruckus, and in a worse case scenario, even frightened to death. Each year it seems to get worse.

        The most I can do is murmur in a soft voice to try and calm him down while he hides under the table.

        How do you all deal with loud noises and festivals? Any tips or advice?

      • HopALot
        7 posts Send Private Message

          Where i live, every bonfire night, lots of people in my neighbourhood set off fireworks and, as Hop lives outside, we put her in the garage, her cage covered be a blanket. She never seems to be bothered by the noises (but she seems to be attracted by loud noises and always runs over to someone making a racket!), but i know that lots of bunnies are scared easily. What i would suggest (i’ve never tried it but here goes) is to create a small sound-proof bunny room. In your house, do you have a small store room? If so, and if you don’t mind giving it to Jojo, i would clear it out and dedicate the room to your bunny, filling it with all of his favourite things, such as that little maze house, his bed (if he has one) all of his favourite toys and treats, a water bottle and probably a toilet, and yourself. A good idea would be to cover the walls in sound-proof boards: you can buy them online, and to cover the floors and his cage or hut or whatever he sleeps in in with blankets to absorb the sound. (make sure he doesn’t get too hot though!) Train him to go in his little bedroom whenever he feels frightened by involving treats (i know he’s not a dog but it’s worth a try), but try not to go in there with Jojo too much, otherwise he may pine for you when you’re not there. I would leave the door open so he can run in there whenever he wants to, but close it at night. This could be his permanent bedroom! I hope this helps because i have no idea whether it will work or not, but if it doesn’t you can totally blame me and i’m sorry for wasting your time! Good luck to you and Jojo!!!! xxxxx

        • HopALot
          7 posts Send Private Message

            I have tried to reply to this, did it come through? xxx

          • HopALot
            7 posts Send Private Message

              Has my reply come through yet? x

            • Bam
              16936 posts Send Private Message

                Several members here have tried desensitization with their buns. I think Gina.Jenny kept all of Starwars going on DVDs, on increasingly louder volume. I have a CD record that I used with my dog when she was a pup, it has fireworks and police sirens and road construction work nois and heavy traffic etc. It’s to be played at a low volume, then gradually louder. It’d be best if you start desentsitization therapy right away so your bun has a chance of getting used to noises before 4th of July hits. 4th of July isn’t so far off as I’d like it to be (time moves so fast!!!)

                A good hidingplace with something over it to block out noise. like a duvet or layers of cloth is great. Maybe you can make him really love the maze-house by leaving a few yummy treats for him to find in there during these next few weeks leading up to July 4?

              • Boston's Mama
                1452 posts Send Private Message

                  Totally agree with Bam – desensitisation is the key.
                  My boys live in the lounge – so they aren’t use to quiet with 4 kids around
                  They also have a tv on in the room from 5am till 2am
                  My bunny with vision problems actually hates the quiet now when we go out we have to leave the tv on or he thumps and stresses.

                  If yours is used to the tv or a radio – get him used to it being turned up for a bit. Slowly increase that time it’s up till it’s a decent amount of time he is coping with. Then if possible the first few storms have it going – blend the two together. He will already see the tv as not a threat then and mixed with the storm that will become not a threat too – eventually both will be seem as “normal sounds ”
                  It’s the same as we accustom them to the vaccum – short invervals , slowly increased , no negative associations

                • Gina.Jenny
                  2244 posts Send Private Message

                    bam is right, I use Star Wars movies well ahead of the run up to bonfire night, which tends to last for weeks around here. Once the fireworks start, I turn up the volume gradually as daylight fades, the buns were all fine last year, including a very skittish girl we had only adopted 3 months before. It does take time, you need to be starting now for 4th July. any Si-fi movies or something similar are ideal, as they tend to have lots of things going flash-bang!

                  • Bam
                    16936 posts Send Private Message

                      Hopalot, I’m sorry about the delay.

                    • Aneipose
                      6 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks so much everyone! I’ll try watching youtube videos and making music without my headphones from now on, the only noise we really have going on in our home is ventilation. Our storage closet is a bit too small for Jojo to have a soundproof room for, so I’ll go with the desensitizing method. Again thank you everyone!

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                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Dealing with storms, fireworks, etc…